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Printable Word Searches. The names may be spelled vertically, horizontally, backwards or diagonally. All come with answers. The words may be placed diagonally, horizontally, vertically, or backwards. All words relate to Darwin's theory of evolution and how it was discovered. Download the Earth Science Word Search (pdf) and check out the second page for an example of my extra credit method. 36 word searches - 6 for each of the year groups, focussing on the language of science - 15 for KS1 and 20 for KS2. Teach your students about any subject with a 6th grade word search printable. Best of wordsearch puzzles. Created: Jul 24, 2015| Updated: Feb 22, 2018. Word Searches. links to 100s more science language games, activities and resources can be found in the read me file Earth Day holiday word search: You'll also need to find 20 words in this puzzle that celebrates the Earth Day holiday. Evolution. ; Omnivores Word Search Puzzle: Seek out 17 animals that are omnivores in this word search puzzle. Middle School Math Word Search: This 17-word math word search puzzle is perfect for kids in upper elementary and middle school. Daily Hard Word Search. JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty Images The math word search puzzles below have 16-30 hidden words and are great for children in grades 4-5. Space - Word Searches. The terms hard science and soft science are used less often than they used to be, in part because the terminology is misunderstood and misleading. The goal is to find and highlight all of the words hidden in the puzzle. We put them in alphabetical order and show the words hidden in the grid so you can quickly page through the list and find one that meets your needs. A word search puzzle all about the Parts of the Eye. Word searches involve pattern matching. Unlike most free printable word searches on The Artisan Life, there are two difficulties for this word search. One is an easy space word search and features words that are only written forwards and in a straight line. 36 word searches - 6 for each of the year groups, focussing on the language of science - 15 for KS1 and 20 for KS2. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Huge KS2 Science Knowledge Organisers Bundle! Students usually have 1-2 days to complete the word search puzzles (on their own time, not class time) and 3-4 days for the create-a-word challenge pages. Play this Hard 20x20 word search about Ground ___, Things You Lick and ___ Phobia, containing 27 words that are hidden across, down, and diagonally, with backwards. Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search Try a word search to test kids’ knowledge of state capitols and U.S. presidents. Use our free online tool to create and generate your own printable word search puzzles or to browse already created, fun and challenging puzzles to play with! The 'Portrait' and 'Shrink to fit' settings usually work best. Cell Biology Word Search – 30 cell biology-related terms hidden in this word search. Purchase … Made for sixth graders, these free word searches can supplement any unit--from 6th grade science and math, to Ancient Rome and social studies. There are no backwards or diagonal words in this space-themed word search, which makes it easier to solve. Blood. Solve the puzzle if you accept the challenge. Each word search for 6th grade can be downloaded as a … Review annual units on Black History Month or Cinco de Mayo or launch new ones on cuisines of different cultures. Find more ways to say hard, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. To see Science word lists , please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content with Latin roots that align with Common Core Standards. Hero Images/Getty Images. I have collected a number of wordsearch puzzles that people have created and publically listed as being some of the best I have seen here.. To be considered for listing here, the author must of have listed the puzzle for others to see, it must have a reasonable title and author, and most of the words of the puzzle must be shown on the puzzle. Some … Generally the word game grid is rectangular or square in nature. ; Math Word Search: Find 18 words all related to math in this free puzzle. It is not easy, but not so hard as to be frustrating. Huge Primary Design and Technology Knowledge Organisers Bundle! For the best printing results try adjusting the page setup in the print preview menu before printing. Mar 30, 2014 - Very Hard Word Searches Printable | hard science word search-01 Element Word Search Directions: Hidden in the puzzle below are the names of 40 common elements. All come with answers. Conditions. Find and download Science word search puzzles. A large body of land. Illustration about Science fiction, or sci-fi, themed zigzag word search puzzle suitable both for children and adults. New games are added daily at 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00. Printable Biology Word Search - Click this link for a printable version of the biology word search worksheet (opens in a new window). Ancient china was ruled by a series of families called_____. Find the math and science words in the puzzle. Solve word search puzzles and learn about computational thinking and search algorithms. Loose upper layer of Earth's surface where plants grow. Science of Space. Puzzles are a good way of developing computational thinking. They have not been reviewed for relevance or accuracy. . Never the same puzzle twice. Tes Global Ltd is Illustration of rebus, answer, bending - 151594905 Download and print any of our word search puzzles. These science word search puzzles are all about biology. Science Word Searches All items below are categorized by their difficulty level and target audience so you can pick the perfect level of fun and education. More than simply learning to spell the word, you have to be able to recognize it it in a jumble of other words. Butterfly Life Cycle Word Search: There are 14 hidden words all having to do with the life cycle of the butterfly in this free word search puzzle. Make a Word Search from a Reading Assignment, Moderately Challenging Word Search Puzzles, CHEMICAL, CIRCUT, ELASTIC, ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, GRAVITATIONAL, HEAT, JOULE, KINETIC, LIGHT, NUCLEAR, POTENTIAL, SOUND, STORED, STRAIN, AFFECT, AGRONOMY, AID, BIOLOGY, BRANCH, BREED, CONTOUR, CORN, CROP, CROSS, CULTURE, EARTH, ECOLOGY, EROSION, FARMING, FIBER, FOOD, FUEL, GENETICS, GRADING, GROWTH, HORTI, INSECTS, ISSUES, LIVESTOCK, METHODS, NEED, OILSEED, PLANTS, PLOWING, PRICING, ROOTS, RURAL, SCIENCE, SOYBEAN, STUDY, SUSTAIN, SYSTEMS, TRITICALE, VITAL, WASTE, WATER, WHEAT, YIELDS, ZONE, ADBLUE, AIR FILTER, AIR INTAKE, AIR TEMP SENSOR, AIRFLOW, AMBIENT, BOOST, CARBON, CENTRIFUGAL, CHAMBER, CIRCUIT, CLAMP, CLEAN, COMBUSTION, CONTAMINATION, CRANKCASE, CYLINDER, DEFLECTOR, DERATE, DIAGNOSTICS, DIESEL, DPF, EFFICIENCY, EMISSIONS, EXHAUST, FLASH POINT, FUEL RATE, GASES, GAUGE, INDUCTION, INLET VALVE, INTAKE, INTERCOOLER, MISFIRE, MOISTURE, OBD, OIL RETURN, OXYGEN, PERFORMANCE, PISTON RING, PRESSURE SENSOR, REGENERATION, SCR, SMOKE, TEMPERATURE, THROTTLE, TURBO, TURBO LAG, VENTILATION, WATER, AIR PRESSURE, ATMOSPHERE, BAROMETER, COLD, EARTH, ELEVATION, ENERGY, HIGH PRESSURE, HOT, LOW PRESSURE, MERCURY, MILLIBAR, MOLECULES, SEA LEVEL, WARM, AERODYNAMIC, AEROPLANE, AIR PRESSURE, AIRBUS, ALTITUDE, BALLOON, BLADE, CABIN PRESSURE, ENGINE, GLIDER, HELICOPTER, JET STREAM, KITE, KNOTS, PROPELLER, THRUST, TURBULANCE, WIND TURBINE, WINDMILL, WING, ALBERT, ATOM, ATOMIC BOMB, CAREER, CHARGED, CONSTANT, CREATIVE, DEVELOPMENT, EFFECT, EINSTEIN, ELECTRICAL, ELECTROMAGNETISM, EMIT, ENERGY, FEDERAL, FLUID, GENERAL, GERMANY, GROUNDBREAKING, HYPOTHESIS, IMPORTANT, INDIVIDUAL, LIGHT, MATHEMATICS, MEASUREMENT, MODERN, MOLECULE, MOTION, MOVEMENT, NOBEL PRIZE, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, PARTICLE, PHENOMENON, PHOTON, PHYSIC, PRODUCTION, PROFOUND, PROPERTY, QUANTUM, RELATIVITY, SOLID, SPACE, SUSPENDED, SWISS, SWITZERLAND, THEORY, TIME, TRANSFORMATION, WAVE, ZURICH, ALBERT, ATOM, DEVELOPMENT, EFFECT, EINSTEIN, ENERGY, GERMANY, MATHEMATICS, MOTION, NOBEL PRIZE, PHYSICS, RELATIVITY, SCIENCE, THEORY, VIOLIN, ALBERT, COLLEGE, EINSTEIN, EXPERIMENT, FAMOUS, GERMANY, GRAVITY, INVENTOR, JERSEY, LIGHT, MATH, MOVE, OFFICE, PATENT, PHYSIC, PLAYED, PRINCETON, SCIENCE, SCIENTIST, SHY, SPEED, TALENT, UNIVERSE, VIOLIN, Find the key words to describe the mineral asbestos, ACTINOLITE, AMOSITE, AMPHIBOLE, ANTHOPHOLYTE, ASBESTOS, CHRYSOTILE, CROCIDOLITE, CURLY, FIBRE, MINERAL, NEEDLE, SERPENTINE, ACUTE, ADJACENT, ALTERNATE, ANGLE, ARCH, CENTER, CHORD, CIRCLE, CIRCUMFERENCE, COMPLEMENTARY, DIAGONAL, DIAMETER, DIRECTION, EXTERIOR, INTERIOR, LINE, OBTUSE, OPPOSITE, PARALLEL, POINT, RADIUS, RIGHT, SIDE, SUPPLEMENTARY, VERTICAL, BAND, BARROW, BOAR, BOS TAURUS, BOVINE, BULL, BULLOCK, CALF, CALVING, CATTLE, COLT, COW, EQUIE, EQUUS CABALLUS, EWE, EWE LAMB, FARROWING, FILLY, FLOCK, FOAL, FOALING, GELDING, GILT, HEIFER, HEIFERETTE, HERD, HINNY, HORSE, JACK, JENNET, LAMB, LAMBING, MARE, MULE, OVINE, OVIS ARIES, PIG, PORCINE, RAM, RAM LAMB, SHEEP, SOW, STAG, STALLION, STEER, STUD, SUS SCROFA, SWINE, WETHER, ABYSSAL, AQUATIC, BENTHIC, BIOME, CHAPARRAL, COMMUNITY, CONFLUENCE, CONTOUR, CONVERGENT, CORALREEF, DECIDUOUS, DESERT, DIVERGENT, DRYFOREST, EARTHQUAKE, ECOSYSTEM, EPICENTER, ESTUARY, EUPHOTICZONE, EUTROPHIC, HYDROLOGIC, LIMECTICZONE, LITTORALZONE, MANGROVE, NONPOTABLE, OLIGOTROPHIC, PELAGIC, PERIPHYTON, PERMAFROST, PHYTOPLANKTON, PLANKTON, PLATE, POTABLE, PRAIRIES, RAINFOREST, SAVANNA, SERAL, SUCCESSION, TEMPERATE, TIAGA, TOPOGRAPHIC, TRANSFORM, TRINITY, TROPICAL, TUNDRA, VADOSEZONE, VEGETATION, WATERSHED, ZOOPLANKTON, ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION, ARCHAEA, BACTERIA, BIOFILM, CAPSULE, CHEMOAUTOTROPH, CHEMOHETEROTROPH, COMMENSALISM, DECOMPOSERS, ENDOSPORE, EUKARYA, EXTREMOPHILES, F PLASMID, FACULTATIVE ANAEROBE, FIMBRIAE, FISSION, FLAGELLUM, GRAM NEGATIVE, GRAM POSITIVE, GRAM STAIN, HALOPHILES, HETEROCYTES, HOST, LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES, METHANOGENS, MUTUALISM, NITROGEN FIXATION, NUCLEOID, OBLIGATE AEROBES, OBLIGATE ANAEROBES, PEPTIDOGLYCAN, PHOTOAUTUTROPH, PHOTOHETEROTROPH, PILUS, PLASMID, PLASMIDS, POLYPEPTIDE, PROKARYOTE, R PLASMID, SYMBIONT, SYMBIOSIS, TAXIS, THERMOPHILES, TRANSDUCTION, TRANSFORMATION, AALIYAH, ABIGAIL, ADDISON, ALEXIS, ALLISON, ALYSSA, AMELIA, ANNA, ASHLEY, AUBREY, AUDREY, AVA, AVERY, BRIANNA, BROOKLYN, CAMILA, CHARLOTTE, CHLOE, CLAIRE, ELIZABETH, ELLA, EMILY, EMMA, EVELYN, GABRIELLA, GRACE, HAILEY, HANNAH, ISABELLA, KAYLEE, KHLOE, LAYLA, LEAH, LILLIAN, LILY, MADISON, MIA, NATALLIE, NEVAEH, OLIVIA, RILEY, SAMANTHA, SARAH, SAVANNAH, SOFIA, SOPHIA, TAYLOR, VICTORIA, ZOE, ZOEY, BIODIVERSITY, BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION, CARIBBEAN, CONSERVATION, ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY, ENDANGERED, ENDANGERED SPECIES, ENVIRONMENT, EXTINCTION, GENETIC DIVERSITY, HABITAT FRAGMENTATION, INDO BURMA, INVASIVE SPECIES, MADAGASCAR, PHILIPPINES, POPULATION, SPECIES DIVERSITY, SUNDALAND, TANZANIA, WILDLIFE, AIR QUALITY, CARBON, CLIMATE CHANGE, EXTREME WEATHER, FOSSIL FUELS, GREENHOUSE GASES, POLLUTION, POVERTY, VECTOR BORNE DISEASES, WATER QUALITY, ADAPT, ANIMALS, DARWIN, DISCOVER, EVOLUTION, EXPLORE, FINCH, GALAPAGOS, ISLANDS, SCIENTIST, SPECIES, ZOOLOGIST, ADAPTATION, BEAGLE, CHARLES, DARWIN, ENVIRONMENT, EVOLUTION, FOSSIL, GALAPAGOS, ISLAND, MAINLAND, MUTATION, NATURAL, REPRODUCE, SCIENTIFIC, SELECTION, SPECIES, SURVIVE, THEORY, TRAITS, VARIATION, ALIORAMUS, ALLOSAURUS, ASTRODON, BRACHIOSAURUS, BRONTOSAURUS, CAMELOTIA, DIDANDON, DIPLODOCUS, EDMONTONIA, ELAPHROSAURUS, FEATHERS, ICTHYOSAURUS, JURASSIC, OVIRAPTOR, PTERODACTYL, SCALES, STEGOSAURUS, TRACHODON, TRICERATOPS, VELOCIRAPTOR, AMPHIBIAN, CLASS, CLASSIFICATION, ECHINODERM, FERN, FUNGI, KINGDOM, MOLDS, MOSS, NONFLOWERING, ORDER, PHYLUM, PROTISTA, REPTILE, SPECIES, ABIOTIC, AUTOTROPH, BIOME, BIOSPHERE, BIOTIC, CARNIVORE, CHEMOSYNTHESIS, COMMUNITY, DECOMPOSER, DETRITIVORE, DETRITUS, ECOSYSTEM, HERBIVORE, HETEROTROPH, OMNIVORE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, POPULATION, SCAVENGER, SPECIES, AIR, BLOOD, CAKEBATTER, CARBONDIOXIDE, CHICKENSOUP, COFFEE, COPPER, EGGS, HYDROGEN, ICE, ICECREAM, IRON, JELLO, MILK, MUD, NAILPOLISH, OXYGEN, PAINT, POLONIUM, RUBBINGALCOHOL, SALAD, SAND, SODA, SODIUM, SOIL, SUGAR, TITANIUM, TRAILMIX, URANIUM, WATER, ANTS, BED BUGS, BEES, BLACK BLOW FLY, BLACK SOLDIER FLY, BLOW FLY, BLUE BOTTLE FLY, CHEESE SKIPPER FLY, COCKROACHES, DUMP FLY, FLESH FLY, FRUIT FLY, HAIRY MAGGOT BLOW FLY, HIDE BEETLE, LICE, ORIENTAL LATRINE FLY, SAP BEETLE, SCUTTLE FLY, SECONDARY SCREWWORM FLY, ADD, ADULT, AMOUNT, ANIMAL, BAT, BODY, BONE, CAT, CLOCK, COMMON, COMPARE, COMPARING, CONSTANT, DEVELOPMENT, DNA, DOCUMENT, EARLY, EMBRYO, EVIDENCE, EVOLUTION, FLY, FORM, FRONT, HUMAN, LIMB, LIVING, LONGER, MAMMAL, MOLECULAR, MOLECULE, MUTATION, OCCUR, ORGANISM, PART, PROTEIN, PROVIDE, RATE, RELATED, RUN, SCIENTIST, SIMILAR, SPECY, STAGE, STRUCTURE, TIME, TYPE, WHALE, ABUNDANT, ADAPTATION, BIODIVERSITY, BIOLOGICALLY, COLONY, DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID, DEPLETION, DIVERSIFICATION, ECOSYSTEM, EVOLUTION, EVOLVED, EXTINCT, GENES, GENETIC, HABITAT, HERITABLE, INHABIT, INTERCONNECTED, MUTATION, ORGANISM, ORIGIN, REPRODUCE, SPECIES, TRAITS, VARIATIONS, ADAPTATION, CHARLE, CLASS, COMPETITION, DARWIN, DATING, DIVERSITY, EVOLUTION, EXTINCTION, FAMILY, FITTEST, FOSSIL, GENETIC, GENUS, KINGDOM, MUTATION, NATURAL, ORDER, PHYLUM, POPULATION, RADIOACTIVE, RELATIVE, SELECTION, SPECIES, SURVIVAL, THEORY, VARIATION, ANCESTRY, BLEAK, BREAKTHROUGH, BREED, CREATURE, DECEASE, ENCLOSURE, HERBIVORES, IDENTICAL, INHERIT, MATING, PROFOUNDLY, PUREBRED, RANDOM, RESEARCH, ROAM, SPECIMENS, STATUS, SUITABLE, TORTOISE, ADAPTATIONS, BIODIVERSITY, CHARACTERISTICS, CHARLES DARWIN, ENDANGERED, EVOLUTION, EXTINCTION, FINCHES, FOSSIL, GALAPOGOS, GENE BANKS, GENES, JEAN LAMARCK, NATURAL SELECTION, OFFSPRING, PEPPERED MOTHS, SURVIVAL, ACTIVE TRANSPORT, CELL, CELL MEMBRANE, CELL WALL, CENTRIOLE, CHLORPLAST, CHROMATIN, CHROMOSOME, CONCENTRATION, CYTOPLASM, CYTOSKELETON, DIFFUSION, EMDOCYTOSIS, ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, EQUALIBRIUM, EXOCYTOSIS, GOGLI APPARATUS, HYPERTONIC, HYPOTONIC, ISOTONIC, LIPID BILAYER, LYSOSOME, MITOCHONDRON, NUCLEAR ENVELOPE, NUCLEOLUS, ORGANELLE, OSMOSIS, PINOCYTOSIS, RIBESOME, VACUOLE, ACCELERANTS, ALGORMORTIS, ANTHROPOLOGY, AUTOPSY, BALLISTICS, BLOODSPLATTER, CODIS, CONTAMINATION, CONTUSION, CORONER, CRIMINALIST, CROSSCONTAMINATION, ENTOMOLOGY, EVIDENCE, FINGERPRINTS, GASCHROMATOGRAPHY, GUNSHOTRESIDUE, LACERATION, LATENTFINGERPRINTS, LIVOEMORTIS, LUMINOL, MASSSPECTROMETRY, MEDICALEXAMINER, ODONTOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, PERMORTEM, POLYGRAPHYUNIT, POSTMORTEM, PSYCHOLOGY, RIGORMORTIS, SEROLOGY, SKELETALIZATION, TOXICOLOGY, TRAUMA, WHORLS, ACTION, ANALYSIS, BASIN, BOREHOLE, CHEMICALS, CONTAMINATION, DEBATE, DEPOSITS, DIG, ENGINEERING, EQUIOPMENT, EXTRACTION, FLOW BACK, FRACKING, FUNDING, GAS, GROUND, HEED, HORIZONTAL WELL, HYDRAULICS, INDUSTRY, INJECTION, LEGALITY, MEASUREMENT, METHANE, METHODS, MONITORING, NOISE, PERTROLEUM, POLLUTION, PROPPANT, PUBLIC POLICY, PUMP, RATE, RESERVOIR, RISK, ROCK, SEISMIC, SHAFT, TESTS, TOIL, TRACK, VEIN, WATER, WORKERS, ABOLITIONIST, ACTIVIST, ADVOCATE, AMERICAN, BOYCOTT, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, CIVIL RIGHTS, CIVIL WAR, DESEGREGATE, DISTINGUISHED SERVICE, ENLISTMENT, FANNIE LOU HAMER, FREDERICK DOUGLASS, FREEDOM RIDES, FUGITIVE SLAVES, HARRIET TUBMAN, HOWARD UNIVERSITY, INFANTRY, JOHN LEWIS, JOHN S ROCK, JUSTICE, MARCH ON WASHINGTON, MEDAL, NONVIOLENT, ORATOR, PROTEST, RACIAL SEGREGATION, RACISM, ROSA PARKS, SHARECROPPERS, SUPREME COURT, THURGOOD MARSHALL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, UNION ARMY, UNION CAUSE, VOTING RIGHTS, WILLIAM H CARNEY, WILLIAM STILL, CENEZOIC, CORRELATION, DINOSAUR, ERA, EXTINCTION, FAULT, FOLDING, HALF LIFE, INDEX FOSSIL, INTRUSION, ISOTOPE, MESOZOIC, OROGENY, PERIOD, PRECAMBRIAN, RADIOACTIVE, SUPERPOSITION, TILTING, TIMELINE, TRIASSIC, TRILOBITE, UNCONFORMITY, COMPLIANCE, CREATINURIA, KETONURIA, PERFUSION, PLACEBO, PRONE, RADIOPAQUE, RALE, STRIDOR, TRANSDERMAL, ABORIGINES, AFRICA, ANASAZI PEOPLES, ARIZONA, AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK, BIOME, BIRDS, CACTI, CAPRICORN, CLIMATE, DESERT, DISSERTIFICATION, DROUGHT, DRY, DUBAI, DUNG BEETLES, DWELLER, EGYPT, ENVIRONMENT, EVAPORATION, EXTREME, FIREWOOD, HEAT, HOT, INSECTS, KALAHARI, KANGAROOS, LAS VEGAS, LIZARDS, MAMMALS, MEERCATS, MIDDLE EAST, MUSHROOM ROCK, NAKED MOLE RATS, NEVADA, NEVADA DESERT, NOMADIC, OASIS, PHOENIX, SAHARA DESERT, SAND, SILVER ANTS, SONORAN DESERT, SPECIES, TEMPERATURE, TROPIC, WHITE DESERT, BARACK OBAMA, CLARA BARTON, CLEOPATRA, GAILEO, JOAN OF ARC, LANGSTON HUGHES, LEONARDO DA VINCI, MARIAN ANDERSON, MARIE CURIE, NEIL ARMSTRONG, NELSON MANDELA, QUEEN ELEANOR, QUEEN ELIZABETH, SACAGAWEA, SARAH F BONETTA, THOMAS EDISON, VERNON D KHERDIAN, ZHAO YUN, ALFRED NOBEL, BLAISE PASCAL, CHARLES BABBAGE, EDWIN HUBBLE, FRANK WHITTLE, JAMES DYSON, LAZLO BIRO, MICHAEL FARADAY, RICHARD ARKWRIGHT, SAMUEL COLT, STEVE JOBS, THOMAS EDISON, BEAKER, BOILING TUBE, BUNSEN BURNER, BURETTE, CONICAL FLASK, CRUCIBLE, CYLINDER, EVAPORATING DISH, FILTER FUNNEL, GLASS JAR, PIPETTE, RETORT STAND, TEST TUBE, TRIPOD STAND, WATER TROUGH, BUSINESS, COMMUNITY PLANNING, CORRECTIONS MAJOR, COURT, CRIMINOLOGY, ENVIROMENTAL PLANNING, FORENSIC INVESTIGATION, JAIL, JUSTICE, LAW, PHYSICAL PLANNING, PLANNING, POLICING MAJOR, POLICY AND GOVERNANCE, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, PSYCOLOGICAL SCIENCE, BOUNCES, ENERGY, LASERS, LENSES, OPTICAL FIBERS, RAYS, REFLECTION, REFRACTION, SPECTRUM, WAVELENGTH, WHITE, ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, ANGLE OF REFLECTION, BLIND SPOT, BRAILLE, CILIARY MUSCLES, CONES AND RODS, CORNEA, DIFFUSED REFLECTION, DISPERSION OF LIGHT, INCIDENT RAY, IRIS, KALEIDOSCOPE, LATERAL INVERSION, LAW OF REFLECTION, LENS, LIGHT, NORMAL, OPTIC NERVE, PUPIL, REFLECTED RAY, REFLECTION, REFRACTION, REGULAR REFLECTION, RETINA, ANIMAL, ANNAL, ATMOSPHERE, BEAST, BONES, CARBON, CAVES, CENTURY, CLIMATE, CUASE, DEMIS, DISAPPEARANCE, ELEPHANT, ENORMOUSE, EPOCH, EXTINCT, FOSSIL, FROZEN, GLOBAL, HABITS, HAIRY, HISTORIC, HOLOCENE PERIOD, HUGE, ICE AGE, IMPACT, LOCATION, MAMMOTH, MELTING, MYSTERY, OLD, PETRIFIED, PLANET, PREDATE, PRESERVATION, ROAM, SIBERIA, SPECIES, STUDY, TRUNKS, TUNDRA, TUSKS, UNKNOWN, VANISH, WOOLLY. 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