Baruch Halpern in a footnote in his paper (f) on the Sea Peoples informed us that “Sherden-like horned helmets have also been found along the northern shore of the Black Sea and on statuettes in Sardinia, but that these lack the central disks, and may reflect coincidence, appropriation, trade or migration rather than indicate a place of origin. intent on conquest. Crete was their home sea port base for this sea-oriented people who were likely traders and raiders (pirates). In summary then, five of the nine named "Sea Peoples" - the Teresh, Lukka, Tjeker, Weshesh, and Peleset - can plausibly be linked to Anatolia (albeit somewhat inconclusively), with the Tjeker, Teresh, and Weshesh being possibly linked to the vicinity of Troy itself, though nothing can be proven and there's still much controversy about the exact locations of ancient states in that region, let alone the ethnic identity of the inhabitants. The Sea Peoples are supposed to be a seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt and other parts of the East Mediterranean. Meritaten married a Scythian elongated-skulled Skoti prince (Gaethelus?) Because of the abrupt break in ancient Middle Eastern records as a result of the invasions, the precise extent and origin of the … Alternative theory connects them to the city of Sardis in Anatolia. We won't speculate on how this fits in with the Aeneas legend. Besides, ”Minoan” civilization didn’t collapse because of ”sea people”. Herodotus (IV-57) claims that the place where river Don enters the Azov sea is the border between the Royal Scythians and Sarmatians. The Sea Peoples is the term used for a confederacy of seafaring raiders of the second millennium BC who sailed into the eastern Mediterranean, caused political unrest, and attempted to enter or control Egyptian territory during the late 19th dynasty and especially during Year 8 of Ramesses III of the 20th Dynasty. The Sarditoae lived in the foothills of the Shar mountain, whose ancient name was Scordus. Other ancient sources note that the Sea Peoples came from the north, which basically rules out most of Africa and opens up all of Europe as a potential Sea Peoples homeland. But this influence was more likely Scytho-Sarmatian, as the territory of Sarmatia began right across the Danube. Little is known about the Weshesh, though even here there is a tenuous link to Troy. An inscription from this same time speaks of what the Sea Peoples did to Egypt’s neighboring lands in the early 12th century B.C. A large relief shows the Egyptian navy fighting the Sea Peoples during the reign of Ramesses II. Peleset rank amongst the most important tribes of “sea peoples” as they decided to settle down. Indeed, the Scythians were unusually tall compared to the people of the Mediterranean. They also are involved in one of the chief objections to the idea of shifting Egypt’s timeline, allowing a link between archaeological evidence and the Bible’s Exodus account. As for Pelasgians, I do not agree, as there are many ancient authors who mention them. 4. There is a consensus nowadays that these were the original Philistines from the Old Testament, who gave a name to the country of Palestine. Most of the theories (almost all) that deal with the origins of the “sea peoples” focus on east and west. Also, check out Jordan Maxwell’s over fifty years of research, for example showing that Phoenecian meant merchant banker. However, the Teresh may also have been the people later known to the Greeks as the Tyrsenoi, i.e., the Etruscans, and already familiar to the Hittites as the Taruisa, which latter is suspiciously similar to the Greek Troia. But around the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, the people of the Mediterranean felt exactly the same. In fact, the word “Shar” is closely related to the words “Shah” and “tzar” – all meaning “king, emperor”. In this thread, I would like to shed some light on the origin and ethnic identity of the enigmatic Sea Peoples, who were intricated into the collapse of the bronze age civilizations in the eastern Mediterranean in the 12th century BC. The Origin of the Sea Peoples is founded on my publication 'The Early Minoan Colonization of Spain'. Two tribes, the Kasluhim and the Caphotrim, migrated from Egypt to Crete. Ancient Origins articles related to Sea Peoples in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. The identity of the Sea Peoples has remained enigmatic to modern scholars, who have only the scattered records of ancient civilizations and archaeological analysis to inform them. There were no Pelasgians. The “Sea Peoples” have long been suspected of playing a key role in ending the prosperous Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean, and plunging many societies into prolonged dark periods. The Sherden is a tribe mentioned in the Egyptian texts more than any other. Were they offsprings of the nomadic herdsmen and local women of Illyria? Good dot-connecting in your articles! The Denyen probably originally came from northern Syria (perhaps where the Shardana had once lived), and the Tjeker from the Troad (i.e., the area around Troy) (possibly via Cyprus). What a fantastic posting. […] (0767) […]. But a few are aware that the name of the Albanoi, who gave the name to modern Albania, comes from the Roman city of Albanopolis, literally “white city”. There are a lot of theories about who the Sea Peoples were — some historians think they were Etruscan or Italian, some think Philistine, and others think they may have been Minoan. The Pelasgians of mainland Greece later mixed with the Thracians to create the Etruscan race. In the records of that war, five Sea Peoples are named: the Shardana, Teresh, Lukka, Shekelesh and Ekwesh, and are collectively referred to as "northerners coming from all lands". Moreover, the term Shardan has clearly more roots in this part of the world than anywhere else. The Kasluhim begat the Pelasgians and the Caphtorim the Minoans. The origin of the philistines is the island of Crete and the Aegean sea area bounded by Athens, Corinth and Ephesus. This may have been the birth of the phenomenon called the 'Sea … I could only read the first paragraphs for the moment but will have to read it through later on due to some urgent readings in line but thank you in advance for this most interesting reflections on the so-called Sea Peoples! And while archaeologists are still breaking spears between Sardinia and Sardis, nobody talks about the Adriatic. If you look at the top 10 countries, you will see that only Sardinia separates other Balkan countries. Moreover, Palistin was the name of an early Syro-Hittite kingdom located in what is now northwestern Syria and the southeastern Turkish province of Hatay. Sea Peoples were active from EGYPT to GREECE and as far as Sardinia and Corsica, and they reached the apex of their activity around 1200 B.C.E. The major problem is that we only have sketchy written records of their attacks on the established cultures of Egypt and the Near East, and these give only a vague idea of where they came from. With time you will find that the genealogical origin of your findings lie at Mt. genetic influence from Balkans in Sardinia is due to the long dominion of Byzantine Empire from 534, soldiers came mainly from balkans and settle there .. Skoti=Scotia=Meritaten, elongated-skulled Mittani (formerly serpent priests of Mithan) nobility, daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti. 3. Here is the official chart from [1] It has been suggested that the Philistines formed part of the great naval confederacy, the "Sea Peoples", who had wandered, at the beginning of the 12th century BCE, from their homeland in southern Greece and the Aegean islands to the shores of the Mediterranean and repeatedly attacked Egypt during the later Nineteenth Dynasty. Troy (VII) was said to have been destroyed in 1184. And the same is Valid for the Shekelesh and the rest of the “sea peoples”. The Shekelesh may correspond to the Sikels of Sicily. In fact, many had been subordinate to the Egyptians or in a diplomatic relationship with them for at least a… The Sicels, therefore, may have been Illyrian horsemen. But even in the Illyrian lands, there was a city named Palaesti, modern Palasë, Albania. Here, they are mentioned 286 times. Egyptian depictions show them with typical horned helmets, spears and bronze age swords. © We are a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees and financially support this website. Origin of the Philistines. Liked it? (Page of tag Sea Peoples) Meshwesh warriors . But the coast of the Adriatic is not the only place that we can relate to the Sherden tribe. However, the name is officially attributed to the tribe of Scordisci, considered Celtic. A good example is a Serbian mountain Golija (Goliya) whose name means precisely this, although this is not the only such toponym in the Slavic world. The etymology of this name is unknown, but in Slavic languages, it would mean “big, large”. The Teresh and Lukka were probably from western Anatolia and may correspond to the ancestors of the later Lydians and Lycians, respectively. They'd disembark and fight land battles. If the people called Weshesh by the Egyptians were indeed the Wilusans, as has been speculated, then they may have included some genuine Trojans, though this is an extremely tenuous association. For example, the pharaoh Ramses II laments in the stele of Tanis: “The unruly Sherden came from the seas in their warships, and no one knows how to withstand them…”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Nowadays, we don’t use the term ”Pelasgian” in archaeology. Other shoe? Both are… The situation regarding the identification of the Sea Peoples is more complicated than you might realize. Could the name Sicel (Siculi, Siceloi) relate to the name “Scolot”? Archaeologists have put some pieces of the puzzle together, but there are still some big gaps in our knowledge of them which will never be filled. Zangger’s theories about the Sea Peoples’ invasions date back to a time before he was in contact with James Mellaart, and have not changed much since. Whatever their origins, the Sea Peoples returned to Egypt in the mid-12th century B.C. Herodotus claims that this information comes from the Scythians themselves. Palestine is not connected to stan but greek sufix ine, meaning pertaining to Peleset, but all evidence about Philistines are canaanite, even Philistine is a word created by during the redactions of the king james bibile, from the vulgate by saint jerome which said Philistim taken from septuagint where it says phylistieim, but saint jerome invented a name for the land where Philistim lived as Philistaea. Assyrians called as Palaestu all the land of the current Palestine and their inhabitans as Pa-la-as-ta-a-a(palaestaiai), even is possible from Paleste in the balkans had arrived to Palestine, but they don´t influenced at all, even they were absorbed fastly by the Canaanite culture. The name “Shekelesh” could relate to Sicily, or more precisely, to the iron age tribe of Sicels (Latin: Siculi; Ancient Greek: Σικελοί Sikeloi). It’s just a Greek myth. The Egyptians originally coined the name "Peoples of the Sea" for the foreign contingents that the Libyans brought in to support their attack on Egypt in c. 1220 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah. The Pelasgians would be known to the Levantines as Philistines. But the fact is that nobody knows where the Sherden came from. It is often used to illustrate the Egyptian campaign against the Sea Peoples in 'the Battle of the Delta'. Now it seems more likely that they originated on Sardinia and Corsica and migrated eastwards (and perhaps the Tyrsennoi with them). The Egyptians originally coined the name "Peoples of the Sea" for the foreign contingents that the Libyans brought in to support their attack on Egypt in c. 1220 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah. They are held responsible for the destruction of old powers such as the Hittite empire. See Ashkenaz. You may want to write ”Mycenaean”. The Late Bronze Age in the Aegean was characterized by the raiding of migratory peoples and their subsequent resettlement. As a result, they entered the written history through the books of the Old Testament. The point of this article was to show that there are some grounds to propose a different origin of the “sea peoples” from what is usually in the debate. Shekelesh warrior . 1200 BCE, writing was utilized in all of the Aegean to record inventories and transactions. For the sake of brevity, in this article, we will focus only on three tribes, and their possible origins. The image of Viking raiders and their terror survived in the minds of Western civilization for centuries. Some claim that there was also a certain Celtic influence. This volume presents the results of the 1995 international seminar on the history and archaeology of the Sea Peoples. It is an interesting point for further investigation. Namely, in the 2nd century AD, on Ptolemy’s map of Adriatic, there are tribes of Sardiotae and Siculotae, one next to another. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. While it is generally considered that the Philistines were a group of Sea Peoples who settled the area, not everyone agrees on their exact origins. Another interesting feature of the Sea Peoples' ships is that all the prows are carved in the shape of bird heads, which has caused many scholars to speculate an Aegean origin for these groups. Unlike the Vikings, these sea raiders actually wore horned helmets. Here is a brief overview of the sequence of events. The name of this city comes from the Thracian tribe of Serdi. But anyhow, the connections between the steppe migrations and those of the sea people will become more clear as we continue. Evidence shows that the identities and motives of these peoples were not unknown to the Egyptians. We now know only a few Philistine words, one of which is the name of Goliath, the giant. The city of Skodra still preserves the memory of this name and this was probably the very area in which Sarditoae dwelled. Alternatively, some have associated the Denyen with the Danaoi of the Iliad, and even the tribe of Dan in Israel. Knowledge is constantly being reevaluated and replaced by new truths, but the appearance of new knowledge doesn’t make the past disappear. all are speculations. Are these the same tribes, and if yes, did they arrive at some later period, or do we have some grounds to propose Balkans as their homeland? SEA PEOPLES ARE one of the populations of the ancient world who vigorously shaped the cultural landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean and adjacent lands. Check out professor Shlomo Sand’s work on those and their empire of Khazaria. Why Were the Ancient Greeks Called Hellenes? But it is precisely here that we may find the answer. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Mycenaean vase founded at Ras-Shamra As shown above, it is possible to identify four basins of origin of the Sea Peoples. and got her nickname from that. The disciples of Horus/Shemsu-Hor, progenitors of the Gaelic race, are these elongated skull “Sea People” skeletons in the hypogeums as well as Paracas skull, which is pretty elongated and redheaded and DNA=caucasus mountains. We see again some wonderful artistic representations of possible Philistine/ Sea Peoples battle attire created by the Military Illustrator Johnny Schumate. But yes they relate to Sierdzie too, which is name of 4th chakra which relates to Leo. after their invasion on the Balkans from Ethiopia. Thucydides claimed that Sicels lived in Central Italy, east, and north of Rome. Thank you ever so much for this once more. The evidence for their exact origins is extremely sparse, but archaeologists specializing in this period have proposed the following: The Shardana may have originated in northern Syria, but later moved to Cyprus and probably eventually ended up as the Sardinians. The point of this article was to show that there are some grounds to propose a different origin of the “sea peoples” from what is usually in the debate.The world-stage appearance of these sea raiders matches closely the waves of migrations that reached Europe and Balkans from the east. 1 – Tetractys. Pelasgian warriors . In figure.5. In the next article, we will shed even more light on this subject by analyzing the remaining tribes of “sea peoples”. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This famous scene is from the north wall of the Medinet Habu temple. Zangger and Mellaart, like dozens of other researchers, independently recognized that the origin of the Sea Peoples may have been in western Asia Minor. The original name was Skoloti, after their king. We can go even deeper into Balkans, all the way to the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, whose ancient name was Serdica. Ararat 6721 years ago. Back to Illyria. Pelasgians have no relation with Danians ( proto-greeks), besides they gave them culture, alphabet, God’s etc. As we all know, Mizraim and his descendants settles into Egypt. Already here we have a dead giveaway to their Scythian origin. His mother was “a woman from Istria”, or in other words – Illyria. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Understanding the Achaeans That Are Mentioned in Homer's Epics, Biography of Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt's Golden Age, Dynastic Egypt Timeline - 2,700 Years of Change in Egyptian Society, Summary of the Chapters of Barry Strauss' 'Trojan War: A New History', Biography of Queen Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian Queen, Biography of Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt, Women Rulers of the Ancient and Classical World, The Story of Menes, the First Pharaoh of Egypt, The Ptolemies: Dynastic Egypt From Alexander to Cleopatra. And figure.6. Some authors have already tried to connect this name with the Pelasgians, indigenous people of Greece, or the Pela, the capital of ancient Macedonia. 1 - Tetractys, The 12 labors of Hercules - a journey through constellations, On some connections between ancient Slavs and India, The great riddle of a seven-headed figure, The untold stories of the Merovingian dynasty, The marvelous odyssey of Votan, a bronze age seafarer, Origins of the "sea peoples" - The Sherden, the Shekelesh, the Peleset, Universe according to Pythagoras – pt. I think Anartophraktoi are Sieradzanie, and Anarta means in greek the same as Anahata in sanskrit. The genetic map of Sardinia shows a strong influence of haplogroup I2a2, which is dominant in the Balkans since the Mesolithic. The time was before and during the Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BC). Namely, Sardanapalus was the name of the last Assyrian king, and there is a whole plethora of names containing Shar and Shardan in ancient Persia and Assyria. Oh, I forgot to mention that even these few paragraphs I´ve read have already made me have to bookmark other pages on the peoples I had never heard about and especially the fantastic ancient city of Sardis, it´s amazing history and the Ionian Greek colonies with their incredible cultural and intellectual life! The name Palestine has a suffix “stan”, just like Afganistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and other stan-countries, formerly inhabited by Scythians. An inscription mentions that they "made a conspiracy in their islands", but these may have only been temporary bases, not their actual homelands. Is the real point of this account to give the genealogy of the Sicel / Scoloti? It’s a bad circle where we chase our own tails, the origins of the different ‘Sea Peoples’ stays hidden in time. For example, Amazon Services LLC Associates provides offers from and other affiliated sites. Sea People, any of the groups of aggressive seafarers who invaded eastern Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age, especially in the 13th century bce. But Herodotus (IV-78) also mentions Scylas, son of the Scythian king Ariapeithes. From here, they migrated to Sicily. Indeed, key here is metalurgy, sea peoples and Ashkenazi (Aryans). As you may know, the Greeks sometimes referred to the city of Troy as Ilios, but this may have evolved from the Hittite name for the region, Wilusa, via the intermediate form Wilios. But the identity and origin of the invaders which modern-day scholars call the Trojan Sea People, had puzzled archaeologists for centuries. And a bit lower, a tribe of Sirbi, related to modern Serbia in Balkans. The Sicels brought iron into the Bronze age Sicily, as well as the domesticated horse. The Shemsu Hor were always known as distinctly their own human race, had ruled for 13,500 years with no terms for altercation, they eventually bred in and there’s yer daddy! The Scythian nomads could have learned the techniques of the seafaring from Pelasgians, with whom they definitely had contact. A compiling body of evidence connects Sherden to a Nuragic civilization of Sardinia, dated to 18 century BC, in other words, before the Egyptian raids started. One of the more common theories is that the Philistines were originally from the Aegean Sea region, with many more people claiming that the Philistines were Mycenaean Greeks. Shar Kalli Shari was an Akkadian king from the 3rd millennium BC. Others, who connect them to Shekelesh of the sea peoples, date their arrival to the late 13th century BC. Interestingly, archaeologist James Henry Breasted suggested that these swords contain tin that came from Bohemia, modern Czech Republic. The identity of the Sea Peoples has remained enigmatic to modern scholars, who have only the scattered records of ancient civilizations and archaeological analysis to inform them. Alternatively, they could have already mastered these techniques on the shores of the Black Sea. The following texts are adapted from the translation . Moreover, the Greek name of the city Beit She’an in modern Israel was Scythopolis, while one of the five original cities of the Philistines was Ashkelon – a word that sounds like a Semitic designation of the Scythians. Some scholars believe that this migration took place around the early 1st millennium BC. Thus, both sides in the Trojan War may be represented among the Sea Peoples, but the impossibility of obtaining precise dates for the fall of Troy and the raids of the Sea Peoples makes it difficult to work out exactly how they are connected. Prior to the disappearance of the Mycenaean Greeks in the Late Bronze Age ca. The Sea Peoples were a confederacy of naval raiders who harried the coastal towns and cities of the Mediterranean region between c. 1276-1178 BCE, concentrating their efforts especially on … Sikels of Sicily the identification of the theories ( almost all ) that deal with Aeneas... Sherden origins make the past disappear here we have seen three places where the Sherden came from the tribe! Ashes behind them here or this is where they stopped on their journey whose name... Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota from beginning to end the territory of Sarmatia began across! / Scoloti Early Minoan Colonization of Spain ' but in Slavic languages, it would mean “ big, ”. This information comes from the Scythians themselves travelling from one place to another is. The Iliad, and even the tribe of Dan in Israel to earn and! The border between the Royal Scythians ” Balkans since the Mesolithic version of their original name appearance new... 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Wachsmann (2000) speculates that the sea battle relief shows the battle in progression, from beginning to end. But archaeologists are still debating whether the sea peoples originated here or this is where they stopped on their journey. Old Kingdom: Ancient Egypt's Old Kingdom Period, M.A., Linguistics, University of Minnesota. PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, Matthew J. Adams and others published The ‘Sea Peoples’ in Primary Sources | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate There is almost a consensus that the names of Sardinia and Sicily islands came from the Sea Peoples. Pelasgian prisoners at M.Habu . I leave it to the linguists. This is a very interesting piece of information, as we know that Illyrians of bronze age were a mixture of the indigenous Balkan population and the Scythian horsemen from the east. It looks at the evidence that points to a series of catastrophic events in the western Mediterranean during the Bronze Age which culminated in the final and utter collapse of the Myceneaen colonial power of the El Argar in Spain in about 1350 BC. Learn how your comment data is processed. And it is precisely in Sarmatia that may find clues to Sherden origins. The evidence for their exact origins … The Scythian nomads could have learned the techniques of the seafaring from Pelasgians, with whom they definitely had contact. Thanks, it was a lapsus! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Scordisci get the credit of founding Belgrade, or “white city”, the capital of Serbia. A coincidence? All came to Egypt from the Aegean region or Cyprus, though individual origins of the separate peoples have been ascribed to regions extending from Sardinia to Syria. Finally, of course, the Peleset eventually became the Philistines and gave their name to Palestine, but they too probably originated somewhere in Anatolia. I wrote that Serbs relate to Leo. Evidence shows that the identities and motives of these peoples were not unknown to the Egyptians. Of the other four Sea Peoples, the Ekwesh are probably the Achaean Greeks, and the Denyen may be the Danaoi (though probably aren't), while the Shekelesh are the Sicilians and the Shardana were probably living in Cyprus at the time, but later became the Sardinians. Origins of the “sea peoples” – The Sherden, the Shekelesh, the Peleset, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), On Balkan national symbols and their antiquity, Odysseus in Mesoamerica, Ogygia and Atlantis in Greek myth, Bibliografia 0601-1217 – The Plan Foretold,, On circular dance of Southeastern Europe - Khoros, Horo, Kolo, Universe according to Pythagoras - pt. But for some strange reason, nobody is looking into the region of Adriatic, whose naval history predates the written one. Image source .. Since they did not belong to a single tribe, we nowadays know them as the “sea peoples” – a designation that came from the hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt. Also, as the name suggests, they were a group of distinct peoples of diverse origins, not a single culture. Intellectual property, all rights reserved, Sorry, you cannot copy content of this page. However, both can be true, especially if we know that the “sea peoples” were one of the main reasons for the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization. : “All at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray.” by James Henry Breasted (2001). Some scholars consider the Sicels as Illyrians, who imposed themselves on the local, Pre-Indo-European population of Sicily. In Egyptian records of the second wave of Sea Peoples attacks in c. 1186 BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Rameses III, the Shardana, Teresh, and Shekelesh are still considered to be a menace, but new names also appear: the Denyen, Tjeker, Weshesh, and Peleset. On the same map, we see the tribe of Amazons, who fought in the Troyan war just centuries after the “sea peoples”. The Sea Peoples were said to travel by sea but only as a means of travelling from one place to another. The results potentially link them to the so-called 'Sea Peoples'—a group thought to have migrated across the Mediterranean and caused a major cultural shift in the region over 3,000 years ago. The world-stage appearance of these sea raiders matches closely the waves of migrations that reached Europe and Balkans from the east. So far we have seen three places where the Sherden and the Shekelesh may have been present. The Late Bronze Age in the Aegeanwas characterized by the raiding of migratory peoples and their subsequent resettlement. In fact, many had been subordinate to the Egyptians or in a diplomatic relationship with them for at least a… The Ekwesh have been identified with the Ahhiyawa of Hittite records, who were almost certainly Achaean Greeks colonizing the western coast of Anatolia, as well as the Aegean Islands, etc. In the records of that war, five Sea Peoples are named: the Shardana, Teresh, Lukka, Shekelesh and Ekwesh, and are collectively referred to as "northerners coming from all lands". Perhaps the term Shardan could be a designation of the tribe that Herodotus calls “Royal Scythians”. French Egyptologist Emmanuel de Rougé coined the very term “Sea Peoples” (or “peoples of the sea”) in 1855 to describe the military force depicted in a relief from the era of Ramesses III. Check out the Beyond Science Magazine: tickets to the best show on earth!!! Another important tribe is Peleset. Who were these mysterious sea people? They took the late Bronze age world by storm leaving a trail of ashes behind them. They were the earliest of the Sea Peoples to be mentioned, and until recently it was thought by their name and by archaeological finds that they migrated from Greece to Sardinia. It seems that their language was Indo-European, while their pottery style shows the Mediterranean influence. Moreover, Herodotus (IV-6) informs us that “Scyth” is just a Greek, corrupted version of their original name. An exceptionally tall Scythian could have easily been considered a giant. Take a second to support Cogniarchae on Patreon! > Baruch Halpern in a footnote in his paper (f) on the Sea Peoples informed us that “Sherden-like horned helmets have also been found along the northern shore of the Black Sea and on statuettes in Sardinia, but that these lack the central disks, and may reflect coincidence, appropriation, trade or migration rather than indicate a place of origin. intent on conquest. Crete was their home sea port base for this sea-oriented people who were likely traders and raiders (pirates). In summary then, five of the nine named "Sea Peoples" - the Teresh, Lukka, Tjeker, Weshesh, and Peleset - can plausibly be linked to Anatolia (albeit somewhat inconclusively), with the Tjeker, Teresh, and Weshesh being possibly linked to the vicinity of Troy itself, though nothing can be proven and there's still much controversy about the exact locations of ancient states in that region, let alone the ethnic identity of the inhabitants. The Sea Peoples are supposed to be a seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt and other parts of the East Mediterranean. Meritaten married a Scythian elongated-skulled Skoti prince (Gaethelus?) Because of the abrupt break in ancient Middle Eastern records as a result of the invasions, the precise extent and origin of the … Alternative theory connects them to the city of Sardis in Anatolia. We won't speculate on how this fits in with the Aeneas legend. Besides, ”Minoan” civilization didn’t collapse because of ”sea people”. Herodotus (IV-57) claims that the place where river Don enters the Azov sea is the border between the Royal Scythians and Sarmatians. The Sea Peoples is the term used for a confederacy of seafaring raiders of the second millennium BC who sailed into the eastern Mediterranean, caused political unrest, and attempted to enter or control Egyptian territory during the late 19th dynasty and especially during Year 8 of Ramesses III of the 20th Dynasty. The Sarditoae lived in the foothills of the Shar mountain, whose ancient name was Scordus. Other ancient sources note that the Sea Peoples came from the north, which basically rules out most of Africa and opens up all of Europe as a potential Sea Peoples homeland. But this influence was more likely Scytho-Sarmatian, as the territory of Sarmatia began right across the Danube. Little is known about the Weshesh, though even here there is a tenuous link to Troy. An inscription from this same time speaks of what the Sea Peoples did to Egypt’s neighboring lands in the early 12th century B.C. A large relief shows the Egyptian navy fighting the Sea Peoples during the reign of Ramesses II. Peleset rank amongst the most important tribes of “sea peoples” as they decided to settle down. Indeed, the Scythians were unusually tall compared to the people of the Mediterranean. They also are involved in one of the chief objections to the idea of shifting Egypt’s timeline, allowing a link between archaeological evidence and the Bible’s Exodus account. As for Pelasgians, I do not agree, as there are many ancient authors who mention them. 4. There is a consensus nowadays that these were the original Philistines from the Old Testament, who gave a name to the country of Palestine. Most of the theories (almost all) that deal with the origins of the “sea peoples” focus on east and west. Also, check out Jordan Maxwell’s over fifty years of research, for example showing that Phoenecian meant merchant banker. However, the Teresh may also have been the people later known to the Greeks as the Tyrsenoi, i.e., the Etruscans, and already familiar to the Hittites as the Taruisa, which latter is suspiciously similar to the Greek Troia. But around the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, the people of the Mediterranean felt exactly the same. In fact, the word “Shar” is closely related to the words “Shah” and “tzar” – all meaning “king, emperor”. In this thread, I would like to shed some light on the origin and ethnic identity of the enigmatic Sea Peoples, who were intricated into the collapse of the bronze age civilizations in the eastern Mediterranean in the 12th century BC. The Origin of the Sea Peoples is founded on my publication 'The Early Minoan Colonization of Spain'. Two tribes, the Kasluhim and the Caphotrim, migrated from Egypt to Crete. Ancient Origins articles related to Sea Peoples in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. The identity of the Sea Peoples has remained enigmatic to modern scholars, who have only the scattered records of ancient civilizations and archaeological analysis to inform them. There were no Pelasgians. The “Sea Peoples” have long been suspected of playing a key role in ending the prosperous Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean, and plunging many societies into prolonged dark periods. The Sherden is a tribe mentioned in the Egyptian texts more than any other. Were they offsprings of the nomadic herdsmen and local women of Illyria? Good dot-connecting in your articles! The Denyen probably originally came from northern Syria (perhaps where the Shardana had once lived), and the Tjeker from the Troad (i.e., the area around Troy) (possibly via Cyprus). What a fantastic posting. […] (0767) […]. But a few are aware that the name of the Albanoi, who gave the name to modern Albania, comes from the Roman city of Albanopolis, literally “white city”. There are a lot of theories about who the Sea Peoples were — some historians think they were Etruscan or Italian, some think Philistine, and others think they may have been Minoan. The Pelasgians of mainland Greece later mixed with the Thracians to create the Etruscan race. In the records of that war, five Sea Peoples are named: the Shardana, Teresh, Lukka, Shekelesh and Ekwesh, and are collectively referred to as "northerners coming from all lands". Moreover, the term Shardan has clearly more roots in this part of the world than anywhere else. The Kasluhim begat the Pelasgians and the Caphtorim the Minoans. The origin of the philistines is the island of Crete and the Aegean sea area bounded by Athens, Corinth and Ephesus. This may have been the birth of the phenomenon called the 'Sea … I could only read the first paragraphs for the moment but will have to read it through later on due to some urgent readings in line but thank you in advance for this most interesting reflections on the so-called Sea Peoples! And while archaeologists are still breaking spears between Sardinia and Sardis, nobody talks about the Adriatic. If you look at the top 10 countries, you will see that only Sardinia separates other Balkan countries. Moreover, Palistin was the name of an early Syro-Hittite kingdom located in what is now northwestern Syria and the southeastern Turkish province of Hatay. Sea Peoples were active from EGYPT to GREECE and as far as Sardinia and Corsica, and they reached the apex of their activity around 1200 B.C.E. The major problem is that we only have sketchy written records of their attacks on the established cultures of Egypt and the Near East, and these give only a vague idea of where they came from. With time you will find that the genealogical origin of your findings lie at Mt. genetic influence from Balkans in Sardinia is due to the long dominion of Byzantine Empire from 534, soldiers came mainly from balkans and settle there .. Skoti=Scotia=Meritaten, elongated-skulled Mittani (formerly serpent priests of Mithan) nobility, daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti. 3. Here is the official chart from [1] It has been suggested that the Philistines formed part of the great naval confederacy, the "Sea Peoples", who had wandered, at the beginning of the 12th century BCE, from their homeland in southern Greece and the Aegean islands to the shores of the Mediterranean and repeatedly attacked Egypt during the later Nineteenth Dynasty. Troy (VII) was said to have been destroyed in 1184. And the same is Valid for the Shekelesh and the rest of the “sea peoples”. The Shekelesh may correspond to the Sikels of Sicily. In fact, many had been subordinate to the Egyptians or in a diplomatic relationship with them for at least a… The Sicels, therefore, may have been Illyrian horsemen. But even in the Illyrian lands, there was a city named Palaesti, modern Palasë, Albania. Here, they are mentioned 286 times. Egyptian depictions show them with typical horned helmets, spears and bronze age swords. © We are a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees and financially support this website. Origin of the Philistines. Liked it? (Page of tag Sea Peoples) Meshwesh warriors . But the coast of the Adriatic is not the only place that we can relate to the Sherden tribe. However, the name is officially attributed to the tribe of Scordisci, considered Celtic. A good example is a Serbian mountain Golija (Goliya) whose name means precisely this, although this is not the only such toponym in the Slavic world. The etymology of this name is unknown, but in Slavic languages, it would mean “big, large”. The Teresh and Lukka were probably from western Anatolia and may correspond to the ancestors of the later Lydians and Lycians, respectively. They'd disembark and fight land battles. If the people called Weshesh by the Egyptians were indeed the Wilusans, as has been speculated, then they may have included some genuine Trojans, though this is an extremely tenuous association. For example, the pharaoh Ramses II laments in the stele of Tanis: “The unruly Sherden came from the seas in their warships, and no one knows how to withstand them…”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Nowadays, we don’t use the term ”Pelasgian” in archaeology. Other shoe? Both are… The situation regarding the identification of the Sea Peoples is more complicated than you might realize. Could the name Sicel (Siculi, Siceloi) relate to the name “Scolot”? Archaeologists have put some pieces of the puzzle together, but there are still some big gaps in our knowledge of them which will never be filled. Zangger’s theories about the Sea Peoples’ invasions date back to a time before he was in contact with James Mellaart, and have not changed much since. Whatever their origins, the Sea Peoples returned to Egypt in the mid-12th century B.C. Herodotus claims that this information comes from the Scythians themselves. Palestine is not connected to stan but greek sufix ine, meaning pertaining to Peleset, but all evidence about Philistines are canaanite, even Philistine is a word created by during the redactions of the king james bibile, from the vulgate by saint jerome which said Philistim taken from septuagint where it says phylistieim, but saint jerome invented a name for the land where Philistim lived as Philistaea. Assyrians called as Palaestu all the land of the current Palestine and their inhabitans as Pa-la-as-ta-a-a(palaestaiai), even is possible from Paleste in the balkans had arrived to Palestine, but they don´t influenced at all, even they were absorbed fastly by the Canaanite culture. The name “Shekelesh” could relate to Sicily, or more precisely, to the iron age tribe of Sicels (Latin: Siculi; Ancient Greek: Σικελοί Sikeloi). It’s just a Greek myth. The Egyptians originally coined the name "Peoples of the Sea" for the foreign contingents that the Libyans brought in to support their attack on Egypt in c. 1220 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah. The Pelasgians would be known to the Levantines as Philistines. But the fact is that nobody knows where the Sherden came from. It is often used to illustrate the Egyptian campaign against the Sea Peoples in 'the Battle of the Delta'. Now it seems more likely that they originated on Sardinia and Corsica and migrated eastwards (and perhaps the Tyrsennoi with them). The Egyptians originally coined the name "Peoples of the Sea" for the foreign contingents that the Libyans brought in to support their attack on Egypt in c. 1220 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah. They are held responsible for the destruction of old powers such as the Hittite empire. See Ashkenaz. You may want to write ”Mycenaean”. The Late Bronze Age in the Aegean was characterized by the raiding of migratory peoples and their subsequent resettlement. As a result, they entered the written history through the books of the Old Testament. The point of this article was to show that there are some grounds to propose a different origin of the “sea peoples” from what is usually in the debate. Shekelesh warrior . 1200 BCE, writing was utilized in all of the Aegean to record inventories and transactions. For the sake of brevity, in this article, we will focus only on three tribes, and their possible origins. The image of Viking raiders and their terror survived in the minds of Western civilization for centuries. Some claim that there was also a certain Celtic influence. This volume presents the results of the 1995 international seminar on the history and archaeology of the Sea Peoples. It is an interesting point for further investigation. Namely, in the 2nd century AD, on Ptolemy’s map of Adriatic, there are tribes of Sardiotae and Siculotae, one next to another. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. While it is generally considered that the Philistines were a group of Sea Peoples who settled the area, not everyone agrees on their exact origins. Another interesting feature of the Sea Peoples' ships is that all the prows are carved in the shape of bird heads, which has caused many scholars to speculate an Aegean origin for these groups. Unlike the Vikings, these sea raiders actually wore horned helmets. Here is a brief overview of the sequence of events. The name of this city comes from the Thracian tribe of Serdi. But anyhow, the connections between the steppe migrations and those of the sea people will become more clear as we continue. Evidence shows that the identities and motives of these peoples were not unknown to the Egyptians. We now know only a few Philistine words, one of which is the name of Goliath, the giant. The city of Skodra still preserves the memory of this name and this was probably the very area in which Sarditoae dwelled. Alternatively, some have associated the Denyen with the Danaoi of the Iliad, and even the tribe of Dan in Israel. Knowledge is constantly being reevaluated and replaced by new truths, but the appearance of new knowledge doesn’t make the past disappear. all are speculations. Are these the same tribes, and if yes, did they arrive at some later period, or do we have some grounds to propose Balkans as their homeland? SEA PEOPLES ARE one of the populations of the ancient world who vigorously shaped the cultural landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean and adjacent lands. Check out professor Shlomo Sand’s work on those and their empire of Khazaria. Why Were the Ancient Greeks Called Hellenes? But it is precisely here that we may find the answer. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Mycenaean vase founded at Ras-Shamra As shown above, it is possible to identify four basins of origin of the Sea Peoples. and got her nickname from that. The disciples of Horus/Shemsu-Hor, progenitors of the Gaelic race, are these elongated skull “Sea People” skeletons in the hypogeums as well as Paracas skull, which is pretty elongated and redheaded and DNA=caucasus mountains. We see again some wonderful artistic representations of possible Philistine/ Sea Peoples battle attire created by the Military Illustrator Johnny Schumate. But yes they relate to Sierdzie too, which is name of 4th chakra which relates to Leo. after their invasion on the Balkans from Ethiopia. Thucydides claimed that Sicels lived in Central Italy, east, and north of Rome. Thank you ever so much for this once more. The evidence for their exact origins is extremely sparse, but archaeologists specializing in this period have proposed the following: The Shardana may have originated in northern Syria, but later moved to Cyprus and probably eventually ended up as the Sardinians. The point of this article was to show that there are some grounds to propose a different origin of the “sea peoples” from what is usually in the debate.The world-stage appearance of these sea raiders matches closely the waves of migrations that reached Europe and Balkans from the east. 1 – Tetractys. Pelasgian warriors . In figure.5. In the next article, we will shed even more light on this subject by analyzing the remaining tribes of “sea peoples”. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This famous scene is from the north wall of the Medinet Habu temple. Zangger and Mellaart, like dozens of other researchers, independently recognized that the origin of the Sea Peoples may have been in western Asia Minor. The original name was Skoloti, after their king. We can go even deeper into Balkans, all the way to the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, whose ancient name was Serdica. Ararat 6721 years ago. Back to Illyria. Pelasgians have no relation with Danians ( proto-greeks), besides they gave them culture, alphabet, God’s etc. As we all know, Mizraim and his descendants settles into Egypt. Already here we have a dead giveaway to their Scythian origin. His mother was “a woman from Istria”, or in other words – Illyria. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Understanding the Achaeans That Are Mentioned in Homer's Epics, Biography of Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt's Golden Age, Dynastic Egypt Timeline - 2,700 Years of Change in Egyptian Society, Summary of the Chapters of Barry Strauss' 'Trojan War: A New History', Biography of Queen Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian Queen, Biography of Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt, Women Rulers of the Ancient and Classical World, The Story of Menes, the First Pharaoh of Egypt, The Ptolemies: Dynastic Egypt From Alexander to Cleopatra. And figure.6. Some authors have already tried to connect this name with the Pelasgians, indigenous people of Greece, or the Pela, the capital of ancient Macedonia. 1 - Tetractys, The 12 labors of Hercules - a journey through constellations, On some connections between ancient Slavs and India, The great riddle of a seven-headed figure, The untold stories of the Merovingian dynasty, The marvelous odyssey of Votan, a bronze age seafarer, Origins of the "sea peoples" - The Sherden, the Shekelesh, the Peleset, Universe according to Pythagoras – pt. I think Anartophraktoi are Sieradzanie, and Anarta means in greek the same as Anahata in sanskrit. The genetic map of Sardinia shows a strong influence of haplogroup I2a2, which is dominant in the Balkans since the Mesolithic. The time was before and during the Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BC). Namely, Sardanapalus was the name of the last Assyrian king, and there is a whole plethora of names containing Shar and Shardan in ancient Persia and Assyria. Oh, I forgot to mention that even these few paragraphs I´ve read have already made me have to bookmark other pages on the peoples I had never heard about and especially the fantastic ancient city of Sardis, it´s amazing history and the Ionian Greek colonies with their incredible cultural and intellectual life! The name Palestine has a suffix “stan”, just like Afganistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and other stan-countries, formerly inhabited by Scythians. An inscription mentions that they "made a conspiracy in their islands", but these may have only been temporary bases, not their actual homelands. Is the real point of this account to give the genealogy of the Sicel / Scoloti? It’s a bad circle where we chase our own tails, the origins of the different ‘Sea Peoples’ stays hidden in time. For example, Amazon Services LLC Associates provides offers from and other affiliated sites. Sea People, any of the groups of aggressive seafarers who invaded eastern Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age, especially in the 13th century bce. But Herodotus (IV-78) also mentions Scylas, son of the Scythian king Ariapeithes. From here, they migrated to Sicily. Indeed, key here is metalurgy, sea peoples and Ashkenazi (Aryans). As you may know, the Greeks sometimes referred to the city of Troy as Ilios, but this may have evolved from the Hittite name for the region, Wilusa, via the intermediate form Wilios. But the identity and origin of the invaders which modern-day scholars call the Trojan Sea People, had puzzled archaeologists for centuries. And a bit lower, a tribe of Sirbi, related to modern Serbia in Balkans. The Sicels brought iron into the Bronze age Sicily, as well as the domesticated horse. The Shemsu Hor were always known as distinctly their own human race, had ruled for 13,500 years with no terms for altercation, they eventually bred in and there’s yer daddy! The Scythian nomads could have learned the techniques of the seafaring from Pelasgians, with whom they definitely had contact. A compiling body of evidence connects Sherden to a Nuragic civilization of Sardinia, dated to 18 century BC, in other words, before the Egyptian raids started. One of the more common theories is that the Philistines were originally from the Aegean Sea region, with many more people claiming that the Philistines were Mycenaean Greeks. Shar Kalli Shari was an Akkadian king from the 3rd millennium BC. Others, who connect them to Shekelesh of the sea peoples, date their arrival to the late 13th century BC. Interestingly, archaeologist James Henry Breasted suggested that these swords contain tin that came from Bohemia, modern Czech Republic. The identity of the Sea Peoples has remained enigmatic to modern scholars, who have only the scattered records of ancient civilizations and archaeological analysis to inform them. Alternatively, they could have already mastered these techniques on the shores of the Black Sea. The following texts are adapted from the translation . Moreover, the Greek name of the city Beit She’an in modern Israel was Scythopolis, while one of the five original cities of the Philistines was Ashkelon – a word that sounds like a Semitic designation of the Scythians. Some scholars believe that this migration took place around the early 1st millennium BC. Thus, both sides in the Trojan War may be represented among the Sea Peoples, but the impossibility of obtaining precise dates for the fall of Troy and the raids of the Sea Peoples makes it difficult to work out exactly how they are connected. Prior to the disappearance of the Mycenaean Greeks in the Late Bronze Age ca. 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