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There is no point doing a weekly shop if you like to decide what you’re going to make for dinner at 6pm, like me. Save Trees and Save Planet Earth Speech 1 Dear All – I, Akshit Kapoor, from the Save Trees Organization welcome you all to the today’s speech ceremony. Refine our fishing methods to only take what the fish populations can tolerate now, so our oceans can be more abundant and healtheir in the future. Smaller stores with a curated selection may not offer quite the same bargains as a car boot sale, but they can be less intimidating. Global sites represent either regional branches of The Nature Conservancy or local affiliates of The Nature Conservancy that are separate entities. Problem: How we’re taking action right now: We know the impact, the consequences and the unsustainability of our development model. Get swishingClothes swaps – known as swishing – are one of the greenest ways to refresh your wardrobe. We must reduce carbon emissions to, or below, levels agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement to prevent catastrophic harm. The international community is preparing to make path-defining choices for the future, with once-in-a-lifetime agreements that have the power to stop catastrophic climate change and preserve biodiversity on Earth. “It’s easy to turn it into something else; aquafaba (chickpea water) can be made into a vegan mayonnaise; fry squash seeds in oil and sprinkle with salt for a snack; cut courgette stalks into penne shapes and cook like pasta. The little things can make a big difference. Here are three top ways we need to up-end ‘business as usual’ and act boldly to advance conservation. Save Our Mother Earth Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Tens of thousands of acres of degraded mine sites in Nevada’s Great Basin are now available for renewable energy development. Clothes shipped across the world have a significant carbon footprint, and often come packaged in plastic. There are now a large number of brands packaging in post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR), from the luxury (Aveda, REN, Biolage) to the mid-range (Soaper Duper, Lush), to the mass (all Simple and Dove bottles are now 100% PCR in Europe; L’Oréal Elvive, the world’s bestselling haircare brand, is rolling out 100% PCR bottles this summer – the caps are recyclable but not made from PCR – saving 7,000 tonnes of plastic globally a year). “With very little effort you can make a significant difference, moving from harming the planet with your money to sustaining it.” Some research suggests that making sure your investments are sustainable has 27 times more impact than all the other things you could do to reduce your carbon footprint added together. They will also give you access to the insides and extremities, such as kidneys, shanks, feet and glands, which offer so much more possibility and flavour than the fillet.” Whole-animal eating is not about blood and guts, but “respecting the animal enough to realise that, if it has died for you, the least you can do is make use of every part”. | Fisheries around the world are in trouble. I shop in small increments, and I find I waste less this way, too.”. Every time you turn off the water while … If you live in England and Wales, you can get a water meter fitted for free, but you may need to pay £300 if you live in Scotland. Support science-based solutions to nature's biggest challenges. Use and varied content skip to create a kind of detroit jesuit missionaries in the period. Gardener Sarah Raven suggests going for “annuals which are cut and come again: pick above a pair of leaves and the plant will spring back and produce more flowers – and keep on doing so as long as you keep picking”. You article writing on save our planet earth must remember a day-to-day basis to fly the …. The natural resources found on earth are deteriorating day by day because of various wrong practices of human beings. Love your leftoversLook at what basics you’re binning. Shop in person – and aloneThat said, shopping in person – especially if you walk there – is usually greener than online. Optimise your white goodsAccording to independent energy comparison service U Switch, the cost of running your fridge and freezer equates to about 7% of your total energy bill (they are one of the few household energy devices that are on all the time). Conserve Water. Globalization and Environmental Effects on our planet Pages: 8 (2122 words) Environmental Issues of Our Polluted Planet Pages: 4 (1090 words) How to Save Our Mother Earth Pages: 15 (4282 words) Globalization has enriched the planet beyond belief leading to everincreased demands of Pages: 6 … Privacy Statement Sterilise in hot water between periods.”. “Eating rye supports the farmers’ rotation; I use spelt and emmer flour as an alternative to wheat because they have similar baking properties, while being beneficial to the soil.”. Our Earth provides us with food, shelter and most of our requirements. For toners, exfoliants and nail polish remover, use washable bamboo pads. Find one near you at For the past few decades, harmful human activities have damaged our planet Earth in … Even if it’s working, the cost of a new model will be made up for in energy savings over the years. Darn your socks“Once a life skill, darning has skipped a generation (or two),” says Emma Mathews of Socko (, which makes socks from repurposed yarn. If you do go shopping, research a plant’s natural habitat to reduce failures. We can bring them back—but it will take all parties working together to fish smarter. Save Earth – Paragraph 1. Remove the initial bulk of makeup with a reusable disc, such as Face Halo (£7), soaked in plain water. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement: SAVE EARTH As we all know that earth is the only known planet having life in this universe. Today's version of large-scale agriculture is the biggest source of land conversion, drives deforestation that worsens climate change, uses 70 percent of the world’s freshwater supply and relies on fertilizer practices that pollute our waters. Ans. A number of investment funds have clean water and sanitation as their dominant theme, says Becky O’Connor of Royal London. So plant large clumps or ‘drifts’ of single species and optimise each of the bees’ trips.” Think swathes of catmint, field scabious and hyssop. Pick your own“Foraging solves many problems,” Hunter says. Make your clothes fitLayla Sargent, founder of The Seam, a website to connect you with local tailors, seamstresses and embroidery artists, says: “If it doesn’t fit well, you’re never going to wear it. What Can Be Done To Help Save The Earth's Environment Our planet is in great danger. Saving Planet Earth is a season of nature documentaries with a conservation theme, screened on BBC Television in 2007 to mark the 50th anniversary of its specialist factual department, the BBC Natural History Unit.. for building a more sustainable, more hopeful future for the Earth. That’s a huge win for wildlife, birds, plants, insects and the diversity of life that makes our natural world such a treasure. Search its website for a scheme near you, or set one up. The EST identified four suppliers who clearly listed the renewable sources of their energy on their websites last year: Green Energy UK, Good Energy, Ecotricity and Octopus Energy. “Working out what kind of cook you are is also useful,” says Jones, “then reverse engineer how you shop. We know you love the Earth and want to protect it. Avoid trends and hunt for quality pieces you’ll wear for years. Problem: How Can I Help Hedgehogs? Rhoads suggests spot-cleaning, and neutralising smells with a spritz of diluted vodka or lemon juice. Explore how we've evolved to tackle some of the world's greatest challenges. A future in which we can feed 10 billion people worldwide and provide cleaner, more abundant drinking water while also protecting life-giving lands, lakes and rivers. Buy local flowers – or grow your ownAbout 90% of the flowers sold through UK florists, supermarkets and wholesalers are imported, mainly from the Netherlands, but they are also flown in from countries as far away as Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya and Ethiopia. “This is called ‘flower fidelity’ and is what makes them such effective pollinators. Evaluate your pension“For many people, their workplace pension will be their largest investment,” says Rich Mayor of research and analysis company Fundscape. This is to ensure that we have a home to leave to our future generations. We must reduce carbon emissions to, or below, levels agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement to prevent catastrophic harm. Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts … “I’m always clear about what we will eat at home and when,” says Skye Gyngell, chef and founder of Spring in London, which runs a “scratch menu” using waste. Stand up for our natural world with The Nature Conservancy. His first rule is to “hug” your butcher: “Support them and ask questions – they are your way in to a positive supply chain. Change your shower head“Investing in an aerated shower head will make a significant difference to energy and water consumption,” says Brian Horne at the Energy Saving Trust (EST). Most of us already know that our world is in danger and that it needs to save our planet Earth. Buy vintage furniture“Reusing furniture is the best thing to do, and so much more fun than buying new,” says Nicola Harding, founder of interior design studio Harding and Read. And if you have so many minis left over from flights and hotel stays that you won’t use them all, take them to your nearest homeless shelter, where their clients need them. How we're taking action right now: If oats have already been made into porridge, follow Claire Thomson, chef and author of The Art Of The Larder (Quadrille, £25), and substitute for some of the flour and water in bread dough. I am just as guilty as everyone in the world so I am not in a position to tell others what to do. The undeniable truth is that we continue to do great damage to the planet, and that we haven’t learned how to grow our economy without harming nature. “That is … Encourage hedgehogsHedgehogs have a voracious appetite for pests such as caterpillars, slugs and snails. “But we can learn a lot from the way things were done in the past.” Sew small running stitches up and down the area around the hole and then turn the repair around and stitch perpendicular to them, weaving the thread together until you have covered the hole. “If we don’t have access to spare parts,” says Gunter, “these appliances will be thrown away, which has a huge carbon impact.”. In recent, published research from The Nature Conservancy and 12 peer organizations, science points us to a better path for building a more sustainable, more hopeful future for the Earth. Use tech for goodApps are taking the fight to food waste. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of earth. Alternatively, you could opt for products packaged in glass that haven’t travelled too far. For example, Parvest Aqua and RobecoSam Sustainable Water are recommended by ethical financial website (Octopus, £14.99). Some of these plans I will discuss in this essay, many of which can be executed by any one. Follow with a cleanser and a wet terry-cotton flannel; both flannel and disc should last for hundreds of washing machine cycles. Neal’s Yard mostly uses glass where safe, and distributes from Dorset. for some of the flour and water in bread dough, The Garden Jungle, Or Gardening To Save The Planet. “Originating from Spain, castile soap was traditionally made with pure olive oil, but is now more commonly produced by mixing vegetable oils such as hemp, avocado, jojoba and coconut.” For a simple, multipurpose kitchen spray, add 50ml of castile soap to 800ml tap water in a spray bottle. Through the Mining the Sun initiative The Nature Conservancy is focused on transforming the industrial sites of the past into the renewable energy hubs of the future. We’re analyzing satellite images and local yield potential to pinpoint where soy farming and cattle ranching can expand without destroying nature. Essay on Save Mother Earth – Long Essay on “Save Mother Earth” (Essay 7 – 1000 Words) Introduction: Our earth is our mother. You decide to write an article in the school magazine on how it is important to save the planet, Earth. Set a barIf a year without buying anything new seems too big a challenge, try a month, or buy only secondhand. Every acre we protect, every river mile restored, every species brought back from the brink, begins with you. “Log piles also lock up carbon for as long as it takes them to decay, which can be many years.”. “By simply cleaning and maintaining your white goods, laptop or mobile, you will prolong its life.” Restart runs a nationwide network of skill-sharing workshops as well as promoting a directory of commercial repair options in London. Plan aheadMake the most of seasonal gluts and preserve vegetables in oils, vinegars, chutneys, ketchup and marinades, or freeze them. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life. Spend less, propagate moreYour own plot is the best garden centre there is: collect seed, learn to take cuttings and divide plants to stock your own backup nursery. Alternatively, grow your own flowers to bring indoors. These are tested before being resold, which makes it a good place to purchase secondhand electrical goods, too. Last modified on Wed 23 Sep 2020 10.54 EDT. Use Reusable Bags. We've got ideas for how you can help keep the planet clean, cool games, and fun facts. Produce food where it's most likely to thrive, which will use less water and less land. Save energy to save our planet. If you can assure that is still of quality companies to instantly. | Even by making trousers just the right length, or altering a waistband slightly, we will be inclined to wear them more.” The service is currently only in the London area, but coming to Manchester and Birmingham this year. Not all charity shops accept electrical items, but the homelessness charity Emmaus accepts working items. Unsubscribe and unfollow“If someone wants to quit fast fashion, I recommend unsubscribing from all the emails,” says writer and fashion consultant Aja Barber. Ethical bank Triodos, which has the backing of Friends of the Earth, invests only in projects that create positive cultural, social and environmental outcomes. How to fix it: You need to find creative ways to use everything up; wasting food is down to a lack of imagination.”. Can a new agreement amongst private sector actors save this globally important landscape? Choose an environmentally friendly current accountNearly £150bn has been invested in fossil fuels by UK banks since the Paris climate agreement was adopted in 2016. These have the strictest criteria and avoid investing in any company that may have a poor record on environmental, human rights or other ethical grounds.”. Pick the right packageThere’s no justifiable excuse for packaging short-use, everyday beauty products in virgin plastic. You can save more water by washing hair over the bath before climbing in, allowing the water to fill the tub – the shampoo will create bubbles, too. Buy half your food locallyThe shorter the food chain, the less waste created before it reaches your kitchen. Use sulphate-free oils, salts or foams and relax (I’ve even been known to wash posh, delicate bras while I soak). “When you ask a friend if you should buy something, you already know the answer will be yes,” writes Lauren Bravo in How To Break Up With Fast Fashion (Headline, £12.99). Gaps can then be filled with home‑propagated stock plants. There are both terrestrial creatures that live on the land, and aquatic creatures that live in water. The oxygen on Earth makes it possible for the survival of species, human beings, or even plants. Before a long journey, check tyre pressures (tyres underinflated by a quarter can cause a 2% increase in fuel consumption), remove unused roof racks and boxes, and don’t overload the car (every additional 45kg reduces fuel economy by 2%). Without serious changes, 84 percent of the world’s fish stocks will be in peril in our lifetime. “If you are buying packaged food,” says Miles, “look at where the product comes from and try to choose the more local option – oat milk from Scotland will have a lower carbon footprint than almond milk from California, even if they have the same packaging.” The most recyclable plastics are PET, found in drinks bottles and fruit punnets, and HDPE, in milk bottles and cereal box liners; so if you can’t avoid it, go for these, then reuse or recycle what you can. check out our interactive graphic of the big impact these solutions can make. They need easy access in and out of gardens, say Helen Bostock and Sophie Collins, authors of How Can I Help Hedgehogs? “It’s an achievable figure,” he says, especially when producers, such as Hodmedod’s in Suffolk, are reviving homegrown pulses including British lentils, quinoa, carlin peas and fava beans (which Hunter ferments to turn into miso and soy sauce). Save Earth Paragraph 3 (200 Words) The Earth is home to the millions of life forms that inhabit it. This approach is especially vital in Brazil’s Cerrado region, where half of all natural habitat has already been converted to cropland and pasture. This is one of many hacks from The Great British Sewing Bee’s book on Sustainable Style (Quadrille, £27, published on 26 March). It has free national recycling programmes and also sells zero-waste boxes, which you can fill with most non-hazardous, non-recyclable and non-organic waste, and return for recycling. different essays for 9 th year students.It is about save our planet, Earth Day, air pollution, smoking,pocket money, and the Internet. Try cutting every three or four weeks and let dandelions, daisies and violets bloom in spring, followed by buttercups, clovers and selfheal in summer. There are lots of online tutorials; try one by the environmental activist Wilson Oryema for Fashion Revolution. In The Garden Jungle, Or Gardening To Save The Planet (out in paperback 2 April, Vintage, £9.99), Dave Goulson explains that although many gardeners … Don’t be tempted by minisThose pick’n’mix bars of travel-sized beauty products are so alluring, but cause a huge amount of waste for no reason and very little product. “Invest in funds that are described as ‘responsible’, ‘SRI’ (socially responsible investment), ‘ethical’ or ‘dark green’. Many simple ways we can do to take part to conserve our planet such as recycle, reuse and reduce all the things that we have. If your electrical appliance really is beyond repair, Rhoads suggests you “call the manufacturer or company of purchase to see if they will take back items or packaging for reuse or recycling”. Go for plastic-free personal careThere is a world of waste-free sanitary protection to explore, and Chillingsworth suggests buying a reusable tampon applicator. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Environment’ and your own ideas, write the article in about 200 words. Despite unavoidable free services provided by the earth to humans, we are not able to pay off her kindness to us. we recycle only 50% of our beauty packaging, 20,000 litres of water are needed to create, refillable travel bottles and pots from Muji, take them to your nearest homeless shelter, carbon equivalent of taking one car off the road. You are also less likely to return things you have tried on. 500+ Words Essay on Save Earth Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. At less than 40mph, it’s more fuel-efficient to open a window than use air conditioning. Sewing on a button is a simple skill that everyone should have. Sow cosmos, snapdragons, zinnias and rudbeckias on a sunny window ledge in March, pot on and plant out after the last frosts. We’re making it fast, easy and affordable for fishers to use data to manage their catches more sustainably. We will see to it that hereafter everyone takes care of our environment and be responsible citizens.” said Pinky. Cooperating with farmers on sustainable practices can help save what’s left of the Cerrado’s rich savanna. Expert tips on how to be kinder to the planet – from cooking and cleaning to fashion and finance, by Anna Berrill, Nell Card, Jim Cable, Leah Harper, Tamsin Blanchard, Sali Hughes, Donna Ferguson, Sat 29 Feb 2020 02.00 EST Minimise packagingLook for loose fruit and vegetables, and take your own containers to shops and markets. They offer credits based on the value of the items you bring, which can be swapped for items brought by others. The perceived colour of the Earth is blue, it is the only planet as of now that supports life, as it has the presence of oxygen. • If you would like your comment on this piece to be considered for Weekend magazine’s letters page, please email [email protected], including your name and address (not for publication). All the save earth essay are written very simply. “The reusable version fits every size of tampon, is antimicrobial and easy to insert. Instead, make a one-off investment in refillable travel bottles and pots from Muji (from 95p) or any high street chemist, and decant your favourite full sizes – or, even better, wash out and reuse any mini bottles you already have. A pack of 18, plus washbag, costs about £10. “It’s the milk poured down the sink and stale bread – the items we don’t put as much value on.” Jones tears up bread to freeze for instant croutons, or whizzes it into breadcrumbs for adding to croustades, pastas and salads. Ensure foraged ingredients are identifiable before eating – check or “Chefs talk about what to do with carrot tops or whey from cheese, but that’s not where we need to make changes,” says Feast food writer Anna Jones. After use, give it a wipe, rinse and return to the storage box that fits in your handbag. This could be the decade we save the planet. If we follow the path that science shows us, we have the power to save nearly all habitat types across the world’s lands. And our failure to save the earth.” “Please leave us and let us go. Let the grass growLetting your grass grow longer between cuts not only saves petrol or electricity, and therefore reduces carbon dioxide emissions, but also encourages more wildlife into your garden. Cofounder Janet Gunter says the first step in keeping household appliances for longer is regular cleaning. Livia Firth, founder of sustainability consultancy Eco-Age, follows the “30 wears rule”: ask, “Will I wear it at least 30 times?” before buying. | As the need to feed a billion more people increases, agricultural expansion could devastate habitats, release even more carbon into the atmosphere, and dry up rivers. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Done professionally, it costs about £200, or do it yourself with products such as Gap Seal. Encourage beesHoneybees visit only one type of flower in any one foraging trip, says Sarah Wyndham Lewis, author of Planting For Honeybees: The Grower’s Guide To Creating A Buzz. But we must follow through on the promises, policies, and collaborative effort needed to protect nature from collapse. “Blitz and freeze tomatoes in containers for passata all year round; make kimchi from cauliflower stalks and leaves; use beetroot in jams, vinegars and oil, then chop stalks and leaves to top pastas, pizzas, curries and dal,” says Hunter. Olivia Castillo Eng. Life on Earth is possible because of the availability of sunshine, air, water and vegetation on it. For the last one hundred or so years, the people of earth have wasted and misused the natural resources of earth. How to save the planet The Environment Agency has asked a panel of experts to compile the ultimate to-do list - in order of priority. We’re championing regulations that allow former mining lands to be repurposed for solar and wind energy. 8) Processions, rallies are conducted in the schools along with essay writing and speech competition on save earth. Make sure the seal is strong – if it can’t hold a piece of paper when shut, it could be letting in warm air, making it work harder. How to fix it: “A water-efficient shower head could save a four-person household £70 a year on gas for water heating, and a further £115 on water bills if they have a meter,” says Horne. 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and is the start of a critical decade in the fight to save our planet’s health. Within this short article on save the planet earth I will give you a few easy ways to help save planet earth. Choose materials wiselySome fabrics age better than others; the Guardian’s styling editor, Melanie Wilkinson, recommends looking for leather when shopping secondhand. Explore the latest thinking from our experts on some of the most significant challenges we face today, including climate change, food and water security, and city growth. Regular vehicle maintenance improves fuel efficiency by as much as 10%. In the next few decades, humans must do something unprecedented – achieve a sustainable existence on Earth. “If you put the maximum annual ISA contribution of £20,000 into a positive-impact fund, it would be the carbon equivalent of taking one car off the road,” MacDonald says. 9) In offices and public places, people take pledge for saving planet earth and not degrading it. But we need to rally individuals, governments, companies and communities around the world to take action with us. Our planet is in great danger. And it threatens billions of people who rely on seafood as an important source of livelihood and animal protein. As we continue to connect in new ways, we must also reconnect to Earth. Climate change is the single most serious threat facing our planet today. Find a secondhand that works for youOpting for vintage or secondhand is one of the easiest ways to shop sustainably, but while some fans will extol the virtues of rifling through giant warehouses, this approach is not for everyone. These do an astoundingly good job, even on waterproof mascara. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of earth. Earth 101 Earth is the only planet known to maintain life. It infuses life within and nourishes us to grow. Like image recognition software, FishFace technology we’re pioneering in Indonesia uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify fish species and track their numbers so fishers can avoid catching too many or the wrong kind. A future in which catastrophic climate change is kept at bay while we still power our developing world. They recommend that neighbours get together to arrange hedgehog holes between gardens. It is possible to enjoy a luxurious, but environmentally considerate, bath. Embrace bathsBaths have long been seen as more wasteful and less responsible than showering, but some research shows that modern, pumped power showers can use more, not less, water than bathing. “A reusable coffee cup makes a great impromptu container for your lunch scraps – take apple cores or bread crusts home to compost.”. You can reduce what ends up inside further by switching to bar soaps and shampoos (I love social enterprise Beco, from £2.50 at Co-op, Boots and supermarkets) and plastic-free handwash such as Soap Co (£19, 300ml, or £110 for a whopping 5l biodegradable container that should last a year). Global Warming is not a small or localized environmental problem. It is who we are and how we work that has brought more than 65 years of tangible lasting results. “But just because you’re on a green tariff, it doesn’t mean you should stop worrying about how much energy you use,” says Horne. Read on or check out our interactive graphic of the big impact these solutions can make. Write the article in about 180 words. Find out the origins of our home planet and some of the key ingredients that help make this blue speck in space a … Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Save water and lower your billsConsider switching to a water meter, so you pay for only the water you use. Turn off engines for waits of more than one minute (5-8% of fuel is consumed while idling), and avoid sharp acceleration and heavy braking: aggressive driving can significantly raise fuel consumption. Invest wisely“Look at funds with sustainability in mind,” says Alice Evans, co-head of the BMO Global Investment’s responsible investment team. Charitable Solicitation Disclosures SAVE THE PLANET EARTH Save Earth, Save Life...Stop Global Warming The group of young and and socially concerned citizens have got together to begin the mission of saving earth, saving Human life of generations ahead by contributing to reduce the global Warming. Compost on the goCompost isn’t just for the garden – think about reducing your food waste when you’re on the go, too, says Lindsay Miles, whose book Less Waste, No Fuss Kitchen: Simple Steps To Shop, Cook And Eat Sustainably (Hardie Grant, £12.99) is out in June. Switch your floursCrops can’t be grown every year in the same soil without replacing nutrients taken by the plants, and switching the flour you use can help. A future in which nature’s wild heart still beats strong through healthy wildlife and magnificent landscapes while our cities are strengthened by harmony with nature. The balance of all sea life nail polish remover, use washable bamboo pads freeze them within 30 miles where! 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