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can showcase portfolio be assessment portfolio

Curso ‘Artroscopia da ATM’ no Ircad – março/2018
18 de abril de 2018

can showcase portfolio be assessment portfolio

Hopefully, by helping students compile and reflect on the work they do for class, we are teaching them skills that will serve them down the road. Skylight Training & Publishing . Keep a wide array of materials in the showcase in order to customize your showcase for different purposes. In this picture to the right, Penn graduatue and former PNN producer, Lauren Nowakowski has moved on to Western Michigan University, and there, she keeps her portfolio through Portfolio Assessment is one of a several authentic and non-traditional assessment techniques in Education. In a showcase portfolio, students include work completed near the end of their program. The idea of audience appeal and audience pleasing comes more into play with showcase portfolios. After identifying the reasons for using portfolio assessment, you need to determine what type of portfolio best suits your needs. But, if we consider assessing as gathering of information about someone or something for a purpose, then a portfolio is a type of assessment. Session Objectives. This type of portfolio is a professional way of showcasing your best work, whether it be for your teachers, school, or employer. Yes, since showcase portfolio is made by the learner to showcase their best qualities, it can be tool for the teacher to easily assess their students, to know where their students good at. The compiler thinks about the audience and purpose to determine appropriate items and best works. View all posts by Kevin McNulty. Display, showcase, or best work portfolios contain samples of the student‘s best work. Ultimately, my goal was to use data to show how this method can be used across the curriculum as a counseling, assessment, and retention tool. Probably the most rewarding use of student portfolios is the display of the students' best work, the work that makes them proud. The PNN website merely compiles, and I get students to write about it in the comments of the submission in our LMS, Canvas…pretty basic. Items from the Collection Portfolio can be included in the Student Showcase Portfolio and the Assessment Portfolio. Materials and reflections are to be kept in good order, and keeping it up to date allows students the ability to prepare a specific portfolio on short notice. Creating portfolios is easy. However, they can be included in conjunction with another method of assessment, for example an interview about the portfolio. Successful process portfolios actively engage students in their creation, especially in determining their goals, selecting work to be included, and reflecting on how each piece demonstrates progress toward their goals. Best work portfolios can be collected over . That is, it has lacked the ‘writing about my writing’ element that every engineered portfolio should have. This type of portfolio lets a learner tell their own story, and is one of the primary motivators for many portfolio developers. Type 1 - Best Works Portfolio (Showcase) This portfolio is a collection of the student's best final work samples. Help students recognize what different showcase portfolios can look like, and how they should change it based on their audience, Encourage students to continue working on their portfolio even after the course ends, and discuss the benefits of this, Explore what pieces of work are considered excellent quality, and what kind of skills are worth highlighting, Think about how online presence and visibility is a good thing when it comes to employment, but caution against risks as well. Students might also create a written reflection on the relevance of the included items. The diagram below shows that an effective showcase ePortfolio is more than just a display accompanied by reflections. Seely (1996) identifies four types of portfolios: showcase, documentation, evaluation, and process. Ethan is a former student of mine who is now a student at Columbia College in Chicago, and he uses his blog to showcase his work as a cinematographer. Consider your record-keeping needs and the purpose of each portfolio carefully before you begin collecting documents. Some suggest that portfolios are not really assessments at all because they are just collections of previously completed assessments. Ashley, Brandon, and Tyler are current executive producers at PNN and some of our more prolific producers of content. However, we did not want to create a cookie-cutter document that students merely cloned. A process portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that documents student growth from novice to master. Developing and assessing a portfolio is time-consuming. Can development or growth portfolios be assessment portfolios? Valid evidence The evidence presented should be an appropriate . The literature on the types, or categories, of portfolio assessment shows many different ways that portfolios have been conceptualized. If one element or two elements of a portfolio are missing will this have any impact on te assessment process? If one element or two elements of a portfolio are missing, will this have impact on the assessment process? Burk… Huba and Freed (2000) identify two different portfolio types. You can do this by clicking NEXT STOP: Portfolio assessment is the evaluation of the portfolio of work over time using a specific criteria or rubric. This level of portfolio development requires the student to organize one or more presentation portfolios around a set of learning outcomes, goals or standards (depending on purpose and audience). and directions paper’) e-portfolios can be used in a variety of ways. blog) and a good look at Ashley’s. Some never do, and that is okay. Teachers can also use this portfolio tool to evaluate oral fluency and offer targeted help to students before their oral reading fluency assessments. Students should be prepared to talk about why they chose to highlight certain selections of work. Selected by the student, the pieces that have made the students proud and that demonstrate their highest level of achievement can be presented to the students‘ parents, siblings, or the teacher. Learn more about ePortfolios by reviewing some resources. They can use their portfolios as a dynamic archive of experience, to support and enable reflective learning, to demonstrate learning achievement for assessment purposes, to support an application for a job or study program, and more. The key message is not about quantity of evidence but about quality and ensuring the evidence meets set criteria. He manages his school’s television studio and helps students and fellow teachers craft mass media messages. He also makes films and presentations. In this new semester, however, students will write about their writing all semester long. contents can showcase creativity and diversity The Portfolio as: 12 Dr. Mary Diez’ Metaphors (Alverno College) The portfolio as Mirror Captures the reflective nature of the portfolio Allows students to “ see” themselves over time Diez, Mary (1994) “The Portfolio: Sonnet, Mirror and Map” in Burke, Kay, ed. Kevin McNulty is a language and media teacher at the secondary level. Portfolio evidence can in many cases, include work-based reports, project plans, reflective journals, presentations, assignments, photographs and videos. The presentation portfolio can be developed with a variety of tools. Excellent showcase portfolios should be organized with a clear theme in place. Www askme com can showcase portfolios be assessment portfolio as well. Kevin holds a BA in English from Indiana University and an MA in English from Middlebury College. German exchange student WordPress blog to keep family updated, Seminar in Science and Mass Communication,, CTE, the Association for Career and Technical Education. This type of portfolio is best used for summative assessment. Everything included should be well thought out with a purpose. but usually consists of a set of hyperlinked web pages. It takes a lot of effort from both the teacher and the student and is a demanding endeavor in which you can quickly fall behind. Progress portfolios contain multiple examples of the same type of work done over time and are used to assess progress. Student portfolios are created and controlled by the student, facilitated by the instructor, and evaluated by outside entities.” -CTE Portfolio Technical Assessment – Guidance Document But in this upcoming semester, we will be striving to build our own portfolios where we do more than collect the stories we’ve told. “Student portfolios are a collection of personal documents, which showcase an individual’s learning experiences, goals and achievements. They may need this in the case of a future job interview, for instance. The compiler thinks about the audience and purpose to determine appropriate items and best works. Furthermore, I wanted to track the use of the portfolios as a department and formulate our findings in a report that could be presented at SCC and other institutions. The template should guide students in the creation of their own statement about their work. A more detailed description of the different types of e-portfolios can be found in annex A7. Some schools may choose to have the students use a web page authoring … The Showcase Portfolio is a culminating project in the Lead.Serve.Inspire Curriculum and is designed to display students’ development of competence in each of the Core Educational Objectives (CEOs). With Lucien’s blog, I offered the first glimpse at student publishing model (after a glance at Ethan’s. For example, showcase portfolios exhibit the best of student performance, while working portfolios may contain drafts that students and teachers use to reflect on process. “Student portfolios are a collection of personal documents, which showcase an individual’s learning experiences, goals and achievements. A showcase portfolio is a type of resume that has pictures instead of journalism. Portfolio evidence should aim to ‘showcase… Portfolios can be used as a comprehensive form of student assessment in a course in which specific course work or products are collected and compiled for review by the professor or outside reviewers. In its guiding document, CTE lists the nature of the portfolio and the rules it should follow for creation, maintenance, and assessment. Find out more at or follow him @ktmcnulty. way of demonstrating the abilities you want to show. There are many advantages to using portfolio assessment techniques. The showcase portfolio is difficult to prepare because of the big decision factor in selecting the best pieces of work. “Authentic assessment, to me, is not meant to be the charged phrase, or jargony phrase that it has come to be for a lot of people. The portfolio is a tool to showcase student talents and as such portfolios are collections of student work. What are Showcase Portfolios? Showcasing a portfolio of evidence through end-point assessment (EPA) Update - guidance and advice regarding coronavirus ILM announces new collaboration with EMCC The importance of young leaders in adapting to ‘the new normal’ Showcase Portfolios form an integral part of UCL’s Connected Curriculum strategy. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. For a few years now, my end-of-course assessment has come in the form of a portfolio review (based on writing by Donald Graves), but it has lacked the meta-writing component. Portfolios can contain a range of items–plans, reports, essays, resume, checklists, self-assessments, references from employers or supervisors, audio and video clips. Students are able to be creative in the way they highlight their work and skills, Since students are selecting their best work, they are making the best impressions of themselves for others to see, Their personality is highlighted based on the way they choose the design, layout and what to display, Showcasing and presenting work allows students to reflect and speak about their work and why those chose it; they have the opportunity to interact with others about their learning as questions are asked, Having a display gives student accountability to always do their best work so that they have a lot of choice when thinking about what to showcase, Students can increase their online presence and be visible so that others can get the best glimpses of their work, Having an electronic showcase portfolio means that students can keep adding to their work. Lucien is a foreign exchange student writing in his blog to keep his family updated on his year in America. 1. A showcase portfolio for an artist, for example, might have drawings and paintings the artist has done. The showcase portfolio is difficult to prepare because of the big decision factor in selecting the best pieces of work. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! These collections can be from one class or many. 3. This guide will concentrate on the final assessment element of e-portfolios for qualification and evidence purposes, and will not include analysis of other aspects of e-portfolios. All-Inclusive Portfolios that contain a complete record of all work done by a student in a course or program. A best works portfolio is suggested when wanting evidence of subject- matter mastery. The greatest value of portfolios is that in building them, students become actives participants in the learning process and its assessment . In some programs, a formal “portfolio review” is necessary for student advancement in that program of study. Each item that is included in the showcase should have a statement substantiating its inclusion. In order to be useful as assessment tools the portfolio should include entries that demonstrate a progression of student understandings and ultimately mastery of the concepts. Therefore, neither a portfolio of work nor a showcase completed during the apprenticeship can be used as assessment methods by themselves, and so cannot be individually weighted or contribute to the overall grade. For example, showcase portfolios exhibit the best of student performance, while working portfolios may contain drafts that students and teachers use to reflect on process. Some of his topics include: writing instruction, teaching multilingual learners, project-based learning, showcase portfolios, and educational technology. Display, Showcase, or Best Works Portfolios. Earlier in the semester, I began working with Engineering students at Penn to craft work-based Portfolios as they are called by CTE, the Association for Career and Technical Education. Students write every day for the Penn News Network, and they know that their work is collected in an automatic portfolio at While portfolios have broad potential and can be useful for the assessments of students' performance for a variety of purposes in core curriculum areas, the contents and criteria used to assess portfolios must be designed to serve those purposes. Before constructing the assessment portfolio you have to determine what type of portfolio your students will be constructing. As you will see by a couple of dead-end links, students can keep their portfolios private until they are ready to go public with their work. The work that students do becomes the story of their career, and when they reach the next stage of their career, we are hoping to provide them with a portable look at what they can do. - It offers an alternative or an addition to traditional methods of grading - Portfolio assessment gives both teachers and students a controlled space to document review, and analyze content leaning. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Portfolio assessments are very subjective in nature. The use of portfolio assessment became popular in Early to late 1980’s in response to the growing clamor for more “reasonable” and … They could be in the form of a project or a document that highlights a student’s best work. We began by creating a template of what a showcase portfolio should include. Can showcase portfolios be assessment portfolios as well? Purposeful collection of student work that has been selected and organized to show student learning progress (developmental portfolio) or to show samples of students best work (showcase portfolio) Portfolio assessment can be used in addition to other assessments or the sole source of assessment. We based it on the guidance document, and then we looked at how to organize that information. Showcase Portfolio Assessment Sign-ups. The three types of portfolios are working portfolios, showcase portfolios, and assessment portfolios. assessment when you build your Portfolio of Evidence, in order to make sure it adequately demonstrates the knowledge, skills and behaviours. By using the Student Portfolio, educators have a simple way to evaluate how students are progressing and provide evidence of that progress for interventionists, school administrators, and parents. - Portfolio assessment is a teaching and evaluation tool used to document a student's learning progress. For example, Danielson and Abrutyn (1997) identify three major types of portfolios: working portfolios, display portfolios, and assessment portfolios. (1996) Professional Portfolios. Students who are exploring this new road include Amara, Corbin, & Abbie. Though PNN does not reside in the STEM Academy, the students who take that class produce more work for public consumption than any other class in the school, maybe in northern Indiana. Student portfolios are created and controlled by the student, facilitated by the instructor, and evaluated by outside entities.”  -CTE Portfolio Technical Assessment – Guidance Document. Students, as well as their teachers, become most committed to the process when they experience the joy of exhibiting their best work and interpreting its meaning. The Cons of Using a Portfolio Assessment . 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Dekalb County Roster, Bullet Velocity Calculator, Brewster Hall Syracuse University 4 Person Suite, Musician In Asl, Pirate Ship Playgrounds, I Don't Wanna Talk About It Strumming Pattern, Bullet Velocity Calculator,