Coloring Concrete Countertops, Brewster Hall Syracuse University 4 Person Suite, Best Roblox Accessories 2020, Hospitality Training Programs, Virtual Sales Rep Pharma, National Register Of Historic Places Oahu, T'as Vu In English, His In Asl, " />
I love reading your recipes and garden how to’s, I am certainly A sunroom to over winter about 40 plants. Can’t wait. Thanks. I’ve tried bringing them in in the past and it was just as you said. Thank you! I mention your timing……….I was harvesting lavender at the same time you posted your lavender cookie recipe and I was searching for a new breakfast recipe when you posted your gratin of hard boiled eggs. I hope to try this! And a Victorian death scene. Thanks! Now I will! I just got an LED grow box and I am now harvesting herbs. Have fun propagating your petunias! Hi Ronnee — Cut the plant back in April, and harden if off in May before planting out of doors. Petunias are one of my favorite flowers, but I never thought to grow them indoors overwinter. Thank you!! Otherwise, the cutting will focus its energy on flowering and seed-ripening — not growing roots. Your email address will not be published. Thanks for the great idea = ). I had discovered by accident that petunias make awesome cut flower arrangements that are long-lasting. She earned a B.A. Kevin, I noticed that you use broken terracota to cover the bottom hole of a pot. Thank you so much. It got nearly killed. Thanks Kevin for the know how on the petunias I do that with geraniums but never with petunias all try that this winter. Ipomoea, Sweet Potato Vine Now gently water the cuttings, until excess drips through the drainage hole. … Thank you. Love your garden. Wave petunias are beautiful, showy plants. Thank you. I’ve got tons of them from this very method! Common zonal geraniums are easy to propagate from cuttings, too, but when started in late summer they rarely bloom before March or April. BTW your window garden is beautiful!!! However I am still slightly torn because petunias are great bedding plants and can be used in hanging baskets. Hopefully our UK weather will be kind to them! Yet another wonderful idea, beautifully illustrated and explained with your usual clarity and humor. But that can depend on when they are exposed to it. Before you take cuttings of your petunia, make sure the plant has been well-fed and watered. Better to stick to multi purpose or a mix of the two if you're trying to use up the ericaceous compost. Temperature Range for Geraniums I did as you told and took 15 cuttings. I was just looking at my petunias outside and wondering if I could do something to keep them before the frost comes here in Montreal. There is always something wonderful to see and this tip about petunias is the BEST! This saves a ton of money each spring and the early garden gets going faster, especially mixed container plantings. Just look for signs of new growth. And that is the greatest gift which can be given during these exceptional times. Wow! If you want to keep these petunias looking beautiful, you should deadhead them more often. Just prepare yourself for a cannonade of leaf-drop. And then some! how to propagate a Petunia from a cutting. Every winter I bring one to two of my roses indoors and stuff as many plants as I can around the base ( I use really large pots). I can’t believe you are so successful with all your cuttings.Can’t wait to try the process myself. As mentioned before, open all windows to provide a fresh, humid atmosphere. P.S. Liz’s comment at #83 has warned you her husband is coming after you. Another wonderful idea. The Window Garden in February When they get too long I cut them back and add the cuttings to the same pot – keeps them full. I have been doing this with geraniums for a few years now and it works great. Not grow lights? I put my petunias in late this year and when I got to the garden center the selection had been pretty much wiped out, but I’ve been happy w/ these varieties. Wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. peace n abundance, Hi Kevin, I love the music room window. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thank you, gonna try this this fall, you’re the greatest. My own young petunias reside either beneath the fluorescents that light my kitchen counter (as above), or on the fluorescent-lit shelves in my Writing Room. Hi, Kevin! The more contrasting the colors and plants, the more the petunias’ soft petals will stand out. A few hours of sun? Hi Carolyn Del – I can suggest two others from the outdoor garden: Wax begonias and impatiens. Well. I left a comment on your giveaway post w/o noticing that it is your 15th anniversary. I was just admiringcmy tunes on the deck yesterday and wishing I could take them all in so now I will give this a try. I am going to bring it in for the winter and try to give it a bit of extra love after the harsh start it has had! (we are on solar electricity and need to be mindful of our electric usage in the winter months) What say you? Hi Toni – Your petunias sound dreamy. I am so going to do this! Thanks very much for this! to fill in the garden for next year. However, Desert Ruellia, whose flowers look just like petunias, CAN be grown. You have got to be kidding! They love lots of sun and well-drained soil with regular watering, which makes them easier to maintain than the fussier flowers in your garden. The biggest mistakes gardeners make when planting petunias in pots is crowding the tender plants, overlooking fertilizing needs and letting them grow wild. One year I tried to bring geraniums in and ended up with a leaf drop mess. I may plant some pink petunias just to annoy these people. Your beagle must be in awe:-). Trim your geraniums down to the base stems and keep them inside by a bit of light and they should survive until spring when you can bring them back out. Next year for sure. The roots like to find their way deep into the soil and not get too wet. I did not get them done in August but I took heart that you had had success with some that were taken later. Plants that have experienced a gradual cooling in fall can survive freezing better than those just planted in spring, which lack such \"hardening.\" Still, you should cover annua… My only issue is I didn’t plant petunias this year. Your directions with photos are the best! I have some stripped purple petunias the I wanted save over the winter. Tried bringing in a petunia plant last year….didn’t work so well. I feed the pinkish-lavender petunia that sits on my Satyr’s head (he isn’t amused) with every watering. Thanks! So excited to try this, I just hate when fall comes & I loose all my pretty blooms. I have floor to ceiling windows down there just begging for some shelving like that! Brilliant! Never had any luck with over-wintering a lantana….any ideas or suggestions? Thanks again for all your tips and tricks. Mine was too well established to dig up this time of year. Do you deadhead your Petunia’s Kevin? - The New York … I wondered if you had any tips for taking cuttings (successfully) of geraniums? If you have to go into witness protection, we all hope you’ll still be able to publish a blog. These I feed with every watering, at the rate of one 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of room-temperature water. I set mine on the semi-shaded stand that holds my vacationing philodendron, ferns, and other shade-loving houseplants. If you live in colder areas, you have to plant them outdoors after the danger of frost has passed in spring or grow them in pots that you can bring inside in winter. […], Your email address will not be published. Which Plants Should You Move Indoors for Fall? I’m trying cuttings from roses and African impatiens too. Three stem cuttings in a 6-inch pot will quickly form roots at this time. Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - Buy NOW - The healthiest petunias start here! Maintain a good watering schedule for your pansies and add a touch of liquid fertilizer to keep these fast-growing mounds of annuals happy and healthy. Your blog is the only one I follow religiously. Now step back and admire your professional potting-job. It’s all good! Use one stem per 4-inch pot. Roots will form in about 6 weeks. As always, an angel rings a bell whenever someone posts on this site. Geranium budworm eggs will hatch into caterpillars that bore into the flower buds of its host plant: most often geranium, petunias … I’ve been wondering how I can keep them going from year to year – you solved my problem. PS I laughed out loud about putting the soil to the top because I did that exact thing when I repotted my spider plant this year…. I have some gorgeous deep purple with almost black streakings to try this with. . I am going to look for that fertilizer and also going into my potting shed and finding a clay pot to use as a sacrifice for the benefit of others. Thank you. I haven’t had petunias in 2 years, so i am quite excited that a little seed has grown and bloomed. Keep the stems moist, but not saturated, throughout the rooting process. And plunge it into the soil, to a depth that approximates the length of your cutting. My husband is going to kill you. it’s fun to try new ones in the winter and I really only have one long floor length window to work with, so it gets pretty crowded. Super deluxe tutorial! Last year I had my Yellow Knock out Roses, with Lantana, coral bells and a really cool fern (have no idea what kind) oh and a pink carnation too. Is a south facing kitchen window too much for them? How to Design a Window Garden with Brackets and Glass Shelves I will definitely be taking cuttings. Thank you. Keep them coming! And the appetizers look yummified. I haven’t had much luck with trying this. Thanks again, Kevin! Oh my God! Oh Kevin, you are a wonderment. Alternatively, you can take more cuttings from wintered plant, and create fresh, new subjects for outdoor enjoyment. As a professional writer she has researched, interviewed sources and written about home improvement, interior design and related business trends. Newspaper mulching is working ! What a wonderful idea to brighten with color and smell a dreary Winter! […] I have shared a bond and come to know fondly in my outdoor home. Petunias are a low-maintenance plant, but they still need a bit of care to keep them blooming throughout the season. In year-round warm climates, they survive and sometimes bloom throughout the winter. You put three cuttings per pot – would four or five cuttings make a fuller display or would that be too much for the pot size ? Now I’m excited. I’ve been looking at some LED’s fixtures that look like regular florescent lights and am wondering how they would work. He he. Great instructions, thanks! Proceed as above with the remaining 2 stems. I also put a geranium stem that broke off. In mid- to late-September, and well-before the first frost, bring the rooted youngsters indoors to a sunny south or east window, or even better — under fluorescent lights. (((: Thanks Kevin! My geraniums, impatiens, and petunias are still going strong. I kind of discovered this process by accident.Well sorta. This is a great idea! Great suggestion as usual Kevin. | Petunia care, Petunia plant, Petunias For a petunia which has matured outdoors is bound to fail when it is introduced to the less-than-ideal conditions of the average home. Thank you again for the tip! (And the deer won’t get them–added bonus!). For instance, don’t plant more than three small petunia plants from the nursery in a 12-inch pot. Will they still bloom? We have strange weather here this year, central Illinois-40’s 50’s during the day and high 20’s 30’s at night. Never thought to take petunias in because they’re always sold as “annuals”, which they aren’t!! Water whenever the top inch of soil feels dry (stick your finger into the soil). Thanks for another great idea. This maneuver, known as “crocking a pot,” will keep soil from washing out when the plant is watered. Propagate them in the same manner as petunias. Hi Terry – I’ve winter-sown petunias successfully here in New York’s Hudson Valley (zone 5-b). Kevin, Hopefully my name becomes a link that you can use to email me back. Hi Ann – So glad you pooch enjoys the treat puzzle! Maybe it’s not too late to visit a nursery to get a basket with petunias. I love my petunias all summer, and hate that I have none all winter!! Who knew? EVERYONE LOVED IT. I hope this petunia-as-wintertime-houseplant tutorial was useful to you in some small measure. These popular annuals are appreciated for their spicy-sweet fragrance and the pops of brilliant colors in a wide variety of hues that they add to gardens. …I am DEFINITELY going to try this. I’m going to root cuttings of all my expensive Wave Petunias and save myself a bunch of money next summer! What a wonderful idea to keep these gorgeous blooms around! I love petunias–their yummy colors, their fragrance and the sweet cup-like blossoms. How can I treat them/avoid it? Another great Sunday morning KLJ idea!! Kevin, have you tried if this works also with calibrachoa? When they start blooming mid-winter, I’ll take them into the assisted living center near me. I’m on it. I am a very busy realtor and have a big house and yard to manage (with help of course) but you inspire me to enjoy it all. Hi Terry – I’m blushing. Click here for details. I love you Kevin!!!! They need to be protected from the cold to return as bright, healthy plants the following season. I have some lovely Black Velvet petunias that I may try this with. As sad-looking as they were, following your advice on daily watering and feeding has given me healthy, abundant plants. Period.® Supertunia Vista petunias are very vigorous, with mounding habits that can reach up to 2 feet in height in the landscape and will trail over the edges of baskets and containers up to 4 feet by the end of the season. If you lived in the south of France you would be able to keep them, but not in any region that experiences temperatures below freezing. Thanks, I put the cuttings into a pot with the green block one uses for cut flowers. Kevin, once again your timing is impeccable. Ocimum, African Blue Basil. Any less, and they may struggle to bloom at the optimal rate. Thanks for sharing. You can buy petunias as seeds, seedlings, small flowering pot plants (bloomers) or as flowering hanging baskets. True. What did I do wrong? Tall, spiky plants offset the soft mounds of petunias as do flowers with whorls of bright blooms that reach to the sky on thick stems. Believe me — as they grow, the cuttings will fill the pot. Bring containers into covered spaces such as garages or sunrooms. Any chance that you would be willing to share a few flowers? Thank you, flowers have become my new passion. I have geraniums, petunias & calibrachoa and am excited about trying this with all 3! Always enjoy your garden and cooking posts. I must tell you, the dog-treat ball dispenser you posted about a while back has been a wonderful treat for me as well as my dog. I have a question about the Petunias. I will definitely give that a try this year with my petunias ~ I haven’t tried rooting before. Hi, Kevin– Thanks so much for sharing. Thank you. Zonal geraniums or Common Geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) usually have distinct leaf markings. So, I am going out to grab cuttings from my purple petunias now, and raid the garden centers for other colors left over that have been summering under light cover outdoors. I say “professional,” because your arrangement includes a 1-inch reservoir for water. I’m going to try this. For those of us who don’t currently have petunias, they are ridiculously cheap at most garden centers….so this is worth a try! thank you sooo much!! Light: Full sun Water: Plant in well-drained soil (but both plants can tolerate drought) How quickly they grew..and I didn’t kill them like I do when they are in pots. I love that color! Passiflora, Passion Flower Vine Thank you, Kevin. I have a favourite petunia “Much Picasso” which I hunt around for every year. Thank you! Hi badger – Thank you. And the winter housefull of geranium cuttings in al, the windows…. But I’m not worried that disease will be transferred to my cuttings. Thank you very much for the good advice, keep it up! I became a big fan of outdoor window boxes a few years ago, and tried several different flowers with generally disappointing results. Usually bring in geraniums each winter, just like my Mom always did. Take a piece of broken pottery, and place it over the pot’s drainage hole. Alas, I have old-fashioned “cool white” fluorescents. A: Geranium (Pelargonium ‘Pink Happy Thought’) — 2. I’ve been in the planning stages to take cuttings. With their spicy-sweet fragrance and hardy growing habits, petunias (Petunia) are one of the most popular gardens annuals. I’m off to find some clippings. I will be clipping my pink petunias tomorrow. Plant them a minimum of 3 inches apart. When you say florescent lights…are they regular or grow lights? Now I can have them all year round. Hi Kevin, you always have such great ideas (and recipes!). send me email with good idias i like the way you explain . I certainly will try it. (Another great idea, thanks.). I’ll bet a lot of the people there have not seen some of the newer colors on petunias. For the past two years I have saved all my flower box geraniums by cutting them down to a couple inches and potting them. It was so delicious. However, adding flowers with a bit of height behind the low-growing multiflora petunias will showcase the many colors of the petals of the petunias. Although calibrachoas in the “Million Bells” series are patented, it’s apparently okay to reproduce them for personal use. Since so many gardens were ruined by Hurricane Sandy in my area, this is a great idea. I have not tried this yet, but I plan on trying it this fall, with the Geranium that I received from my sweet daughters for Mother’s Day. Remove all flowers, buds, and seed-pods, too. Perhaps you’ll let me know by leaving a comment. Embarrassed to say I have a splendidly little petunia that has been indoors all summer, dead leaves and all. Kevin, Thank you for this, I will give it a try. I do the same for my Coleus, having kept the same ones for 3,4 and 5 consecutive summers now. Growing Petunias: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, and … Regarding the petunia cuttings, the goal is to let them make roots in bright light, but without any direct sun. or geraniums (Pelargonium spp.) I love petunias and now I can have them around all year long! I noticed they didn’t pine away as badly as other outdoor plants, but I still didn’t think to keep them. Thanks. However, in the spot my peonies used to be, a purple petunia popped up and bloomed most of the summer. Oh well, I will try again next year. I followed your advice for separating my ferns and it worked. Hi Nancy – I’ve read that LED lights provide superior illumination for plant growth/bloom. Beginner here, stunned my window box petunias are still alive ( since May!) Was looking for suggestions on the best way to root petunia cuttings and found your website. 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Coloring Concrete Countertops, Brewster Hall Syracuse University 4 Person Suite, Best Roblox Accessories 2020, Hospitality Training Programs, Virtual Sales Rep Pharma, National Register Of Historic Places Oahu, T'as Vu In English, His In Asl,