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In the course of this article a certain proof will come out later to support the theory of giving a pagan Lithuanian The following names listed below are selected from point 1 and point 2 above, categories of the anthroponyms which are confirmed by historical documents and which have entered into wide general Lithuanian usage. The written records actually started with the delayed oncoming of Christianity, and consequently the earliest recorders of Lithuanian data were the Christian missionaries from foreign countries. A person being called by a patronym, even in present everyday life, is very analogical to a person being called by a nickname. Some names having acquired an adverse reputation (Jogaila) and the names of derisory or jocular meaning (Traidenis, Sirputa, Svilenis) were never popular and are never included in the generally applicable and used nomenclature. This ancient surname is recorded in some forty spelling forms. 17. After this brief sketch of the types and structures of Lithuanian pagan names the conclusions could be made of how much that helped in finding out the ways and traditions of the Lithuanian pagan giving of a name. (Dictionary of Old Polish Personal Names), Gunnar Knudsen, Marius Kristiansen, & Rikard Hornby, Danmarks Gamle Thus the Lithuanian anthroponymical material of that time attests to the wide variety of such material, both structurally and semantically. The linguistic trends of ancient times are thus generatively revived and brought up to date by the free and linguistically sound application of the nomenclatural material. The Teutonic Order, the bearers of the Cross being a military organization and waging a crusading war against pagan Prussia, were gradually defeating the country by annihilating the inhabitants and occupying their lands. Most modern While popular notions tend to pinpoint the origins of hussars in Hungary, according to historian Richard Brzezinski, the history of hussars possibly harks back to the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) times, circa 10th century, when the Empire recruited light cavalry from the Balkans (especially the Serbs), known as the chonsarioi (possibly derived from cursores, the Roman light cavalry). It is a more or less general understanding and it coincides with that of Prof. P. Jonikas Cornish Surnames. surnames. In addition, a quotation from P. Jonikas: "...a portion of the dithematic Some of these sources are modern dictionaries of surnames. Many of the cavalrymen, known as gusars in Serbian… In case of a delay in name-giving, a possibility of a "temporary" name is very real, and the names of endearment such as "Tiny", "Dearie", "Sweetie" etc. surnames derive from medieval bynames, though they have often changed form (20) Z. Urbanavièiûtë and L. Þiðkutë, "Lietuviø pravardës", Kalbotyra XXV] [l] (1975), p. 55. Considering the ritual of the giving of a name in general and taking the matter explicitly, no nickname or lallname could be assumed to have been taken and given to a newly born, thus causing a person to be named that way. The possibility of the giving of a name to an adult is entirely excluded by A. Salys. For instance, the son of a father by the name of Algirdas would be called Algirdaitis and the daughter Algirdaitë, i.e. 1926), British physician *Edward Goodrich Acheson (1856 1931), American chemist and… In Europe, many of today’s surnames stem from a medieval profession. A morpholexical form of a feminine anthroponym and an opposition of the masculine one has been discovered and is used at the present time, vis. this criterion. Vigund. Tavo šventas angelas testo su manimi Vln36. Bûga, K., "Apie lietuviø asmens vardus", Rinktiniai raðtai, vol. Darybos atþvilgiu pravardë... sutinka su daiktavardþiu vardas, veiksmaþodþiu vardyti, vardà She died in 1418, and King Vytautas married her cousin, Julijana, the same year. Tarnovecki, I.I., "Pomianik Horodisce", Names, vol. 15. 1, The logic of A. Salys's statement definitely points out that the giving of a name means the giving of it to an infant to "determine his fate". Subsequently, as many people had identical names, a single name was insufficient identification, therefore determinatives were used: the patronyms, the birthplace names, the Lithuanian Surnames. The given names (point c) are mostly abbreviated deductions from the full dithematic or monothematic Lithuanian anthroponyms of present-day usage, and are based upon the Lithuanian cultural tradition, and keeping in accord with modern-day rush and speed, i.e., e.g., Algimantas normally is reduced to and/or replaced by Algis, or Alis, or Al (voc. Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews, usually indicating descent from the priestly lineage (the kohanim), similar to the etymological origin of the common Hebrew surname Cohen. Bet kas didesniu yra tarp jūsų, testo kaip… Lithuanian Last Names. We have included in this list surname dictionaries that meet this criterion. duoti..." (Lietuviø enciklopedija, op. The girl would remain Algirdaitë until her marriage and then would take the name of her husband. 10. It was also a very common first name in early medieval Spain. Lithuanian form of MARIUS. This was the surname of the … The most common Polish names Nowak, Nowakowski, Nowacki, and Nowicki are variants meaning new, Przybyszewski and Przybylski mean he who has arrived. Kysgeylo, etc. A last name mainly refers to social status, but can also refer to adjectives and nouns or a mix of them. Lebedys, J., "Seniausias lietuviø rankraðtinis tekstas". destruction in the Lithuanian nation which resulted in its ultimate occupation (1795) by the Russians. Poland was ruled at various times either by dukes and princes (10th to 14th centuries) or by kings (11th to 18th centuries). In fact, Queen Julijana, the second wife of Algirdas, had her own Orthodox church and priests in Vilnius and circumstantially all her children were christianized when small. Many of us have surnames passed down to us from ancestors in England. b) The names of the persons of the Lithuanian upper class families and of the most prominent individuals: Goðtautas, Karijotas, Manvydas, Liubartas, Tautvilas, Vykintas, Þymantas, etc. Kuzavinis, K. and Savukynas Br., Vardai ir þodþiai. Having concluded that pagan Lithuanian personal names were composed freely and applied at random, it is appropriate to make some additional comments on the course of the Recorded as Dart, Darte, Darthe, Death, Dearth and possibly others, this is an English surname of two possible origins.The most likely is French as shown below, but recent research has also strongly indicated an English source which may have been "overlooked" in the past possibly because of its rather mordid conclusions. Other can also be used to choose medieval bynames, but it 18 This event indicated a possibility that a name which is found in the documents could be a name assumed by the person or given by the attendants and thus entered the document. Ide. Kožnas žmogus testo paduotas vyriausybei Vln40. The following anthroponymic material is selected mostly from the Etymological Dictionary compiled by K. Kuzavinis Lithuanian linguists, A. Salys, P. Jonikas and others, have analysed the origin and the use of patronyms and nicknames, but they did not enter into research in the field of the pagan Lithuanian giving of these Several Romanian names are derived by adding suffixes like –escu, -eanu, -anu, etc. Senieji lietuviø asmenvardþiai rodo, kad mûsø protëviai sau vardus darësi visø daþniau ið liemenø: (Algirdas is mentioned later in the article). Arval Benicoeur. Notes on Selected Polish Surnames. To make the rule applicable and proven by the Lithuanian instance, a proper synchronic insight has to be made into the Lithuanian system of the making of the name, of the choosing of the name and of the giving of the name (christening) to a person, and the matter has to be appropriately discussed, if sufficient material can be collected. (LE XI, 400). (Norwegian-Icelandic Personal Bynames from the Same Comments on the Distribution of the Anthroponyms. Some German-speaking Jews took last names as early as the 17 th century, but the overwhelming majority of Jews lived in Eastern Europe and did … Slavic names Edit Due to the historical settlement of Slavs , Slavic names are most common in Saxony , Brandenburg , and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (especially in Lusatia , where Sorbs continue to reside today). subject. For example, in every nation some names have been selected to which higher value is given. buvusá Lietuvos pranciðkonø vikaru, Vilniaus kapitula, Vytauto pageidavimu, já iðrinkusi When King Vytautas was in Germany with Queen Ona in 1382, he was baptized and given the German name Wiegund (Vygandas). elements: 1. Indeed, the act happened as a free habit of the giving of a name, depending on the families, groups or generations of people and also depending on the locations and parts of the country where the people lived. There are many names coming from a profession, e.g Kowalski and Kowalczyk come from kowal (=smith), … This situation leads to the conclusion that the Lithuanian Kings, considering Algirdas and his successors Jogaila and Vytautas, ultimately accepted Christianity themselves officially and introduced it to the whole country. (3) ...tai dalis dvikamieniø asmenvardþiø paveldëtø ið þilos senovës, paprastai turëjusiø taurià reikðmæ; jais buvo iðsakomi tëvø linkëjimai naujam ðeimos However, such an anthropo-nym and its position just after the first name would be identical with the term of patronym because of its concept and the position, and it would appear as analogy to and under the influence of the Russian tria nomina system. It should be very easy now to recognize the specific individual if we refer towards their surname or last name. Prancisvilcians). (10) Martinas Maþvydas, CATECHISMUS... 1547. vol. Surnames only arose when families decided they were going to stick to a 'pseudo-surname''. The best studies of surnames could be substituting for the formal ones. (15) LE IX, 421. The terminology of Lithuanian anthroponymics is used rather loosely; the concept of the terms ' name' vardas, 'surname' pavardë, 'nickname' pravardë (cmp, pravardþiuoti 'to nickname') are not restricted distributively, and pavardë as an opposition to pravardë is often interchanged when used colloquially. Maþvydas, M., Catechismus...; the Chicago edition, 1963. Considering broadly the concept of the structure of the Lithuanian ethnic personal names it becomes evident that the Lithuanian anthroponymic structure in general coincides with the structure of the anthroponymy of any other Indo-European ethnic groups, with the only exception being Roman anthroponymy which has a system functioning outside religion. c) The most popular and most frequently used Lithuanian names are the following: Aida, Audrius, Bûtis, Girtas, Dalis, Daudþius, Dobis, Eglë, Eitis, Eitys, Gaidas, Gëdis, Gràþë, Indras, Kæstas, Kintas, Lapas, Linas, Liaudas, Mantas, Milda, Minius, Maþis, Neris, Norius, Putris, Putvis, Rimas, Romas, Rudis, Saulius, Sirtas, Ðarys, Ðviesius, Ðvitrius, Tauèius, Tauras, Tovë, Vitas, Vytas, Þiba, Þilvis, etc., etc. 11/21/97. The history of Lithuanian anthroponymy attests to several periods of the changing of a name: pagan to Christian: Vytautas to Alexander; native to foreign: Þemkalnis to Landsbergis (German), and then in the trend of modern times, hybrids to native ones: Jakðevièius to Alantas, Babickas to Alanta, Ferentas to Tautvilas, Nagrodskis to Nauragis, Tupèiauskas to It's a young country in the sense that it has only been independent since 1990, and while it did have periods of independence before that, Lithuania definitely has a turbulent history. He and Queen Ona were remarried in a Western marriage ceremony. kitus. The distinction between the noble and pejorative type of names in the Lithuanian pagan anthroponymic system permits the conclusion that the giving of the name in that system was not an established procedure obligatorily applied to every person at an accepted time. Akademia Nauk, 1965-1987). person reciting or telling a fairy-tale, i.e., a folk-tale, would tend to include and use the names of living persons in some way connected with the elements of the tale, namely, spirits, ghosts, animals, etc. He also attended ceremonies connected with becoming Christian and was baptized in the Roman Catholic manner and given the name of Alexander. XXXIV, 373-390. Mindaugas, Putaviras, Skirgaila, Vaiðvilkas, Vytautas, Vytenis, etc. This name generator will give you 10 random names with a title fit for almost any person during the Medieval times. SLOVENIJA - Slovenian Surnames. Another popular source of modern Lithuanian names is the supply of mythological figures from the ancient Lithuanian past: Austėja from the name of the ancient Lithuanian goddess of the bees, possibly derived from austi 'to weave,' cf. at what age a person or child would be given a name, or whether the name was changed when a person grew up. (Vincø is the genetive plural of Vincas). The giving of a name by the Christian Roman Catholic Church, being a religious sacrament, and therefore the strictness of it as such bears on the minds of persons of that faith. a person had his vardas when he was christened; the pagan, the pre-Christian Lithuanian national cit., p. 555. The same names are found everywhere in the Pale of Settlement, but they are most highly concentrated in Lithuania. The old Lithuanian names indicate that our forefathers were making their names mostly of the stems: gail-... taut-... kant-... mant-... etc. Some of the monothematic names are also the structural elements of the dithematic compounds (Tautmilas), however they also function as the independent monothematic anthroponyms (Tauta, Milius). Personal Names, vol. The Changing of Names of Sons of King Algirdas. 24. examples are early enough, then they are bynames rather than inherited The following tables include last names starting with Y in the US population during the 1990 census. (19) P. Jonikas, "Asmenvardþiai ir vietovardþiai", op. 1. In the Lithuanian chronicles, however, in accordance with the pagan Lithuanian names of his seven cousins he is known by the name of Vytautas. (8) The erroneous recordings in documents of pagan Lithuanian names when the scribes were of limited education, knew no Lithuanian, did not understand the structure of the Lithuanian names nor could tell the meaning of compounds, is clearly evident in the recording of the name Kæsgaila Lithuania is a country in northeastern Europe with a population of roughly 3 million people. The language could have been Latin or German, and the orthography Latin or Gothic. Most modern surnames derive from medieval bynames, though they have often changed form or spelling in the intervening centuries. Algirdas-Algirdë, the contemporary Lithuanian onomasticists have offered some innovations, featured in the work of B. Savukynas and K. Roman family name that was derived either from MARS, the name of the Roman god of War, or else from the Latin root mas, maris meaning "male". From a medieval spelling variant of Peter. The best studies of surnames trace them back to their origins and give early, dated examples. The most common Polish names Nowak, Nowakowski, Nowacki, and Nowicki are variants meaning new, Przybyszewski and Przybylski mean he who has arrived. 20 concerning the Lithuanian onomastics (and anthropo-nymics) as being a field still unresearched and its collected material as yet unclassified. P.Jonikas, LE XV, 559. tautos senovëje vadinosi vienais asmenvardþiais, pavardës vëliau iðriedëjo ið asmenvardþiø... the expression austi korius 'to weave honeycombs;' Jūratė from the name of an old Lithuanian mythological sea creature, cf. The rule of Lithuanian grammar would be working Medieval name generator . ALAN: English surname derived from the Old Celtic name Alan, which may have the same origin as Irish Gaelic Ailín, from ailín, a diminutive of ail "rock," hence "little rock." The Lithuanian vardininkas, kilmininkas, naudininkas etc. For example, when a son of Juozas 'Joseph' Baltis whose name is Vincas 'Vincent', is called Vincas Juozytis (Juozytis is a patronym, son of Juozas) the surname Baltis then, in everyday practice, is omitted. Karijotas of Lithuania was born circa 1314 to Gediminas (c1275-1341) and Jewna of Polotsk (c1280-c1344) and died circa 1361 of unspecified causes. Because of such conditions the inventories of the people, compiled as late as the XVI-XVIII centuries, were entering the personal names into the nomenclature by a single name 1 testa: Ponas… testo jumus mylastyvas Mž117. If you are a male in the family your name would change to Mikalauskas. In Lithuania, these surnames are mainly occupational: Soifer (scribe), Dayen (judge), Melamed (teacher) and Khait (tailor). (26) The variety of such patronymic derivations obviously depends on the 91-7402-136-2, h. 8: isbn: 91-7402-115-x; bd. (6] Dar galima paminëti ir antràjá Vilniaus vyskupà Jokuba Plichtá, prieð tai It seems logical that when the time came for the Princes to take part in the The Prussian anthropo-nyms survived in the personal names of a few escapees and in the anthroponyms transferred to toponyms which have been collected by recent German scholars. The international terminology, e.g the best studies of surnames trace them back to their origins and early..., logos mokslas ; the Chicago edition, 1963 creates its own field... Medieval Polish ancestors the triple compounds normally are not practiced in Lithuanian vardamokslis: onoma vardas, mokslas. ) such a patronymic practice is used in the documents his name that! 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