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The chinchillas will also need room for exercise, dust for bathing, and wooden chew sticks to keep their teeth under control. A chinchilla typically has 1-3 litters per year depending on the chinchilla breeder and the mother chinchillas health and reproduction capabilities. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. [Bonding+Tips], What Is the Ideal Temperature for A Chinchilla? Chinchilla moms generally can independently give birth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At 8 weeks, it’s time to start the weaning process. On average, a chinchilla can have a litter of “kits” 3-4 times per year. However, mother chinchillas do not purposely kill and eat their babies. Individual babies are called kits.Newborn kits are born with hair and with their eyes open. So what do these cute little chinchillas eat? This article deals with the somewhat “controversial” topic of diet and nutrition. When her youngsters are on the way out, the mother sometimes even helps along the process by tugging at them with her teeth. They live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations of up to 4,270 m (14,000 ft). A healthy mother chinchilla may capable of always having 3 litters per year and having 2 baby chinchillas each time while other mother chinchilla’s may not have litters of baby chinchillas as frequently. Usually they will stay warm under their mom, but if needed, a warm heating pad can be placed under part of the cage or as mentioned perhaps the kit can be fostered out to another female. Litter size is small with usually only two babies born, but there can be as many as six. 2) How many babies can a chinchilla have? It also depends on the overall health of the mother chinchilla. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. [Be Careful & No Fresh Fruits! A baby chinchilla can weigh up to 60gms to 80gms, and it continues growing until its maturity point. How Long Do Chinchillas Live? link to Are Chinchillas Good Beginners Pets? Asked by Wiki User. Next, the male will begin grooming the female chinchilla if the female doesn’t get aggressive towards the male. C-sections, miscarriages, still-borns Unfortunately things do not always go well with chinchilla pregnancy and delivery. These Chinchilla Cages Will Make Your Chin Very Happy! A chinchilla can get pregnant more often than you think. Answer. How big do baby chinchillas get? It only furthers your ability to take care of your chinchilla in the best manner possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])); Here’s what’s on my lesson plan for the day: Alright, let’s get back to the original question to kick things off. Don’t fall, victim, thinking that your chinchilla understands who it’s mother, father, brother, or sisters maybe. After 4 months pregnancy one of our female chinchillas gave birth to 3 adorable chinchilla babies! If this happens, the mother chinchilla may still discharge the baby chinchilla into small pieces that you may notice in the cage. However, if the litter is too large and the mother chinchilla cannot feed every kit, then you can hand feed the baby chinchilla using homemade milk to match the mother chinchilla… You have seen my reference this several times in this post. During this 6-8-week time with the mother, don’t be alarmed if it takes a few days for the mother chinchillas’ milk to arrive. How many., what is your ph balance [+How To Avoid and What To Do]. To give you an idea of what it looks like, here’s a video of a chinchilla giving birth to two kits: There’s one placenta per kit. If you do decide you do want to get a chinchilla in a pet store double check if it’s a male or female. How Many Babies Do Chinchillas Have? Baby chinchillas are referred to as “kits.”. Wiki User Answered . This includes making sure they always have plenty of food, water, and clean cage linings. Chinchillas have a long gestation period compared to other rodents.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'planetchinchilla_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',108,'0','0'])); After giving birth, a female chinchilla can become pregnant with a new litter of chinchillas within 72 hours. She is an excellent parent who … Planet Chinchilla is compensated for referring traffic and business to amazon. They are such curious from the start; they might just get themselves into trouble. Have You Ever Dealt With A Pregnant Chinchilla? My Name is Josh and this is my 4 year-old female chinchilla "Chili". 3. So, pet parents, I’m curious, how often do you clean your chinchilla’s cage? Chinchillas have 2 baby chinchillas for each pregnancy most of the time. Chinchillas are pretty bizarre and obscure creatures that not too many people are knowledgeable about. For now, I want to take the time to cover 6 commonly asked questions about chinchilla reproduction and breeding. While some of you may not have need all the information presented in this post, it was still my hope to answer some common frequently asked questions for you.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',111,'0','0'])); Owning a chinchilla is a fantastic experience. A lot of people also probably wonder how chinchillas reproduce. While a chinchilla may have 4 chinchillas or “kits” in a litter, 2 baby chinchillas is the most common. Baby chinchillas can be nervous and get scared when another animal is around. 2) How many babies can a chinchilla have? It’s essential that if you don’t plan on breeding and this isn’t your intention that you remove the other chinchilla after the pregnancy. Be sure to share your thoughts, concerns, and stories by dropping a comment below. Foster chinchillas refer to other female chinchillas who have recently given birth. You may want to start with one pair of chinchillas for breeding first, as chinchillas can have litters of one to seven babies or kits at a time. Follow us: Recent; I'm the Author of the eBook "The Ultimate Chinchilla Care Guide, From Adoption and On", Are Chinchillas Good Beginners Pets? PetAnimalGuide.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. These groups of babies are called litters. If the pregnancy takes, you are in for a long pregnancy and gestation period, which we will cover a little deeper into this post. However, in case you missed it, we can recap it briefly. Newborn kits need to depend on their mothers to breastfeed them. 2010-09-18 22:20:09 2010-09-18 22:20:09. Planetchinchilla.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. HOW MANY BABIES DO THEY HAVE? Baby chinchillas have tiny feet that can easily get caught on the bottom or sides of a cage with large gaps. Then one can expect a litter of 1 to 4 chinchilla babies. Here’s how you can improve the chances for your kits to survive: Before you decide to start breeding chinchillas, be aware that it’s not an easy task, and that it’s actually discouraged by The Chinchilla Club. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Unlike other rodents which are born naked and helpless, chinchillas have a full coat of fur and functioning eyes at birth. However, while the above shows how many babies a Chinchilla can have theoretically there are more things to be considered, if you are thinking about breeding Chinchillas. Photo from 36 Most Interesting Facts About Chinchillas in … Planet Chinchilla Was started to share our journey with all of you. [3 Best Options] →, Best Chinchilla Wheels [4 Safest and Best Options] →, 11 Best Chinchilla Cage Accessories[Ledges,Tunnels & More] →, Chinchilla Breeders Near You[Best Options + Tips] →, Best Chinchilla Food [Best Chinchilla Pellets + Tips] →. 15 16 17. [It Depends on This], link to What Is an Angora Chinchilla [Primary Differences and Facts], 6 Other Facts About Chinchilla Breeding and Chinchilla Pregnancy, Chinchillas Have Several Babies, Make Sure You Are Prepared and Provide The Best Care, Best Chinchilla Cages[Reviews, Advice +19 Buying Tips], Best Chinchilla Bedding[Options+No Odor & Tips], Best Chinchilla Toys [13 Toys Your Chinchilla Will Love], Best Chinchilla Hay [Best Hay for A Chins Diet+Tips], Best Chinchilla Hammocks [5 Fantastic Options], Best Chinchilla Litter[3 Best Litter Options For Chinchillas], What Is the Best Dust for Chinchillas? Answer: Chinchillas usually have two babies. They are active and can run and play from birth. [3 Best Options], Best Chinchilla Wheels [4 Safest and Best Options], 11 Best Chinchilla Cage Accessories[Ledges,Tunnels & More], Chinchilla Breeders Near You[Best Options + Tips], Best Chinchilla Food [Best Chinchilla Pellets + Tips], What Colors Do Chinchillas Come In? [Play it Safe], Can Chinchillas Eat Fruit? So, how many babies do chinchillas have? X Research source You can confirm the sexes of the chinchillas by checking by their anus. My Name Is Josh and I have a 4-Year-Old Female Chinchilla named "Chili". A healthy female chinchilla can give birth up to 3 times a year. Make sure your female is around a year old or standard grey (slighter older for other color mutants) before you attempt impregnating her. Anyone who sees one will definitely have the urge to bring it home. This may get better when they are older, you just need to take good care of your baby! Chinchilla babies are actually called kits and not babies, so from here on, let’s refer to them as kits. The gestation period for chinchillas is 111 days. A chinchilla needs a safe home that gives him places to play, explore, and sleep. Chinchillas can give birth to as many as seven kits but it’s very rare. Introducing a new chinchilla to an existing pet chinchilla can present some difficulties, and how smoothly it goes depends largely on the chinchillas themselves. How many babies did your chinchilla have? As they become older, you’ll gradually begin caring for the chinchilla babies in the same ways you would care for adult chinchillas. It completely depends on the chinchilla breeder and the situation. 2009-02-22 02:26:47 2009-02-22 02:26:47. Chinchillas are warriors when it comes to carrying kits or a litter with frequency. It is a valid question to ask, and I had the same questions... What Is an Angora Chinchilla [Primary Differences and Facts]. To be frank, It’s relatively straightforward. Baby chinchillas are born with a full coat of fur. 1-4 kits in a single litter. Although, a chinchilla having 4-6 kits is rare, but it does happen. The babies are born covered in fur, with their eyes open and weighing about 2 ounces. Although chinchillas are smart, they don’t pick up on this at all.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-leader-3','ezslot_11',110,'0','0'])); Leaving these chinchillas together after birth could easily result in family members’ crossbreeding and inbreeding. But before you adopt a chinchilla baby, there are many factors you need to consider, for the good of the potential pet. How Much Do Chinchillas Cost? Baby chinchillas are extremely cute and adorable. [It Depends on This]. With the correct cage, bedding, toys, and other accessories your pet will enjoy his home and will be happy and healthy. Likewise, the babies, or kits, should not be left unattended until they are a bit older. John Solvik wants to help pet owners take better care of their furry friends. This explains why the kits are born fully furred, and with open eyes and ears. Answer: Chinchillas usually have two babies. The need for mother’s milk. Asked by Wiki User. But one thing that all breeders will agree on is that chinchillas require a low fat, high fiber diet to maintain optimum health. Most breeders will go through introduction phases with male and female chinchilla for a few days before attempting the mating and breeding process. Since they spend a much longer time in gestation, their teeth also develop inside their mothers’ wombs. They have a full coat of fur and open their eyes within minutes of birth. What do you use to clean it? Chinchillas have an average of one to four babies per litter. Pregnant chinchillas should not be left alone, they can have complications and health concerns that you would want to address immediately. Chinchillas can have any where between 1-6 kits. It’s possible that several reasons exist that you have curious about chinchilla breeding and how many babies a chinchilla can have. Let me know in the comments below. There are many unusual circumstances that can emerge that must be dealt with quickly. Remember that your resident chinchilla may see their cage and play area as their territory. Chinchillas are a unique pet but can often leave potential pet owners curious if they would make a good pet for a beginner pet owner. There is a lot of contradictory information regarding the feeding of chinchillas, and many breeders tend to have their own methods and opinions of what to feed and what not to feed. Answer. 2 3 4. They are quite good and caring mothers with their litters. This is the time it takes for the baby chinchilla to transition to pellets and a regular chinchilla diet.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'planetchinchilla_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',109,'0','0'])); On average, kits have a survival rate of 70-80%, and it’s smart to weigh your kits to check for optimal health. On average, a female chinchilla can mate up to 3 times a year, giving birth to an average of 1-2 babies per litter and up to a maximum of 4 in rare cases. Hi,i have 2 chinchillas both girls.I basically have my own buisness where i sell and buy.I get verry mad at people who like to go kill them for there fur.I actally make them sign a contract and i do daily check ups for about 3 weeks.they had have a lot of baby kits but recently my male died. Baby chinchillas feed on their mother’s milk for at least eight weeks before you should separate the kits from their mothers. Most times, they are sexed wrong and if you are counting on a male or female you had better check for yourself. Chinchillas are either of two species (Chinchilla chinchilla and Chinchilla lanigera) of crepuscular rodents of the parvorder Caviomorpha.They are slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America. Typically they can weigh anywhere from 25 to 80 grams at birth, but the more normal range tends to be 35 to 60 grams. House baby chinchillas in a small cage where there will be less room for them to run, jump, and possibly get hurt. Baby chinchillas need to remain with their mother chinchilla for 6 weeks at a minimum, although most breeders will wait a minimum of 8 weeks. When do chinchillas have babies? Chinchillas have one of the longest pregnancies (gestation periods) of all rodents, 111 days on average. What further information can you provide the readers about chinchilla reproduction? The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. After the babies or “kits” have had adequate time with their family, it’s time to remove them and separate them into their own cages. More specifically, how many babies do chinchillas have? The baby chinchilla’s or “kits” need time with their mother after they are born. She will clean and dry the kits, keep them warm, and provide them with milk. I’d like you to leave here with a much more significant amount of knowledge on the pregnancy specifics and what you can expect. Chinchillas also need to be roughly 1 year old before reproducing, or breeding should begin to ensure the most healthy pregnancy and to avoid potential health concerns for the mother and baby chinchillas. We started the post by informing you that chinchillas, in most situations will always 1-2 baby chinchillas per litter but can have a maximum of 4 chinchillas in most situations. They don’t act or think like humans in this sense. While a chinchilla may have 4 chinchillas or “kits” … If you have other tame babies in the house that are not chinchillas, they may not want to be friends. Answer: 1 – 6 babies (although having six babies is rare). I’m sure we have various individuals who wanted the answer to this question for a variety of reasons. Anyone else stumbled upon the information floating around about the Angora Chinchilla and curious about what is different about this chinchilla and what you can expect? It is possible that a kit is born incorrectly and stuck in the birth canal. 0. The litters generally consist of two kits, but can be made up of as many as four youngsters. The mother should normally be able to handle the birth without help, so all you need to do is give her some peace and quiet, and to monitor the situation. Top Answer. Whatever the case may be, I hope this post provided some insight into what you can expect along the way. Chinchillas have up to 4 baby chinchillas also known as “kits” per litter. Chinchillas are very social and do well in pairs and groups. We created Planet Chinchilla to share all the stories about owning a chinchilla that you need to know. As usual, I encourage my readers to chime in on the topic presented. If there are two kits but only one placenta, then they are twins! Since they do … [No, And Here is Why], Do Chinchillas Recognize Their Owners? Delivery usually takes place in the early morning hours, and the length of it varies a lot, mainly depending on the size of the litter. After the first litter, you will learn the ins and outs of the mother’s capabilities of producing enough milk and caring for her babies. Unfortunately, survival rate of kits are only 70-80%. Until there are laws that prevent animals sold at pet stores, they will have baby chinchillas for sale. Delivery can take anything from a few minutes to several hours. As always, Chili and I appreciate you stopping by and reading and we will see you again next time. However, these potential owners usually have a lot of questions regarding chinchilla … Each time they give birth, they will have one to six babies. Wild chinchillas can have up to 3 litters a year. However, it is possible that your chinchilla gives birth to up to 6 baby chinchillas during one pregnancy. Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care Guide, From Adoption and On eBook, Visit The Information Page For This Digital eBook Here, Ensure You Always Have the Best and Recommended Accessories For Your Chinchilla, Best Chinchilla Cages[Reviews, Advice +19 Buying Tips] →, Best Chinchilla Bedding[Options+No Odor & Tips] →, Best Chinchilla Toys [13 Toys Your Chinchilla Will Love] →, Best Chinchilla Hay [Best Hay for A Chins Diet+Tips] →, Best Chinchilla Hammocks [5 Fantastic Options] →, Best Chinchilla Litter[3 Best Litter Options For Chinchillas] →, What Is the Best Dust for Chinchillas? Chinchillas can give birth at any time of the year. So, how many babies do chinchillas have?eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'planetchinchilla_com-box-4','ezslot_4',103,'0','0'])); Chinchillas have up to 4 baby chinchillas also known as “kits” per litter. The overall size of the cage will depend on the number of kits you have. Wiki User Answered . Thanks for Visiting Planet Chinchilla. [Colors, Pricing and More], Are Chinchillas Hard to Take Care Of? I'm also the author of the Digital eBook "Avoiding Critical Mistakes Ultimate Chinchilla Care Guide, From Adoption and On" That you can see below or by visiting the E-Book Store. Unlike many other animals, chinchillas tend to get sick very quickly and if not helped immediately they may have difficulty healing. If the mother struggles to produce enough milk and nutrients for her kits, avoid breeding this female chinchilla in the future. 2 baby chinchillas are the most common number of babies per litter.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'planetchinchilla_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])); It is also important to understand that a chinchilla may reproduce or have 1-3 litters of baby chinchillas or “kits” in a given year. …chinchillas should never be intentionally bred without extensive knowledge of proper breeding practices. Top Answer. Answer: 1 – 6 babies (although having six babies is rare). This is more rare than typical, and two baby chinchillas are what most chinchilla breeders will advise you is common. A mother is very protective of her kits and can be aggressive toward those that threaten her babies. Perhaps you plan to begin breeding chinchillas yourself, or you possibly even have a pregnant female chinchilla that wasn’t intentional. The litter size is usually small with only two babies; however, there may be as many as six in a litter. To increase chance of survival it may be best to recommend getting advice from experienced breeders. This is entirely normal and typically takes 48 hours. Initial and Ongoing Costs. How many babies do chinchillas have? Females have babies twice a year. Chinchillas in the Wild – Interesting Facts about Chinchillas. No, chinchillas do not eat their babies in the manner you may be thinking. Kits usually start to eat solid food after a week, and then gradually replace their mother’s milk with solid food. Female chinchillas will have a very difficult time providing for large litters so in these cases you might need to rotate kits being fed, hand feed, or give babies to “foster chinchillas”. How many babies do chinchillas have, After a days long pregnancy, the chinchilla mother will give birth to a group of fully furred babies (or kits as they are called). On accident and perhaps your gearing up to 4,270 m ( how many babies do chinchillas have ft ) for now, ’... Few days before attempting the mating and breeding they will have baby chinchillas are bizarre. Act or think like humans in this sense gives birth to 3 adorable chinchilla babies have suitable,... Concerned about a potentially pregnant female chinchilla in the Wild – Interesting Facts about chinchillas in … moms... Checking by their anus phases with male and female chinchilla for a variety of reasons owning!, jump, and furry friend which are born with hair and with open eyes and ears are that! 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