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アイヌの少女英雄シトナイの戦友である猟犬が、一種の使い魔と化したもの。 Strengthened by the magical energy of the divine spirits Freyja and Louhi, it changed appearance from a hound to a bear; and its existence has become close to that of an Elemental. The heart of ice may sometimes become a sword, or it may sometimes become an armor. When the snake comes out under the light of the full moon, it sees the bear and deer carcasses and begins to swallow them, but if you've ever seen a snake swallow a large prey then you know how slow and measured a process that is. Scholarly controversies over their cultural, racial, and linguistic identities remain unresolved. She also secretly held the ability to function as a Lesser Grail. The Ainu or the Aynu (Ainu: アィヌ, Aynu, Айну; Japanese: アイヌ, Ainu; Russian: Áйны, Áĭny), also known as the Ezo (蝦夷) in historical Japanese texts, are an East Asian ethnic group indigenous to Japan, the original inhabitants of Hokkaido (and formerly North-Eastern Honshū) and some of its nearby Russian territories (Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Khabarovsk Krai and the Kamchatka Peninsula). 北欧の女神フレイヤにまつわるスキル。 Sitonai serves as a single target Arts Servant, and is also the first non-limited Alter Ego Servant for Masters to summon. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Oputateshike is a mountain from Ainu mythology, formed by their creator God by gathering together the land with a sacred mattock. On the 9th year she volunteered and went to face the evil with her trusted hound (it turned into the bear but you can see it in her final Ascension) and a mountain knife. The skill of Nordic Goddess Freyja. シトナイの性質により、竜に対して特別な効果を発揮する。. アルターエゴとしての彼女は、カムイユカラを口にする事でアイヌ神話におけるさまざまなカムイの力を借り受ける。 The hunting dog who was friends with Sitonai, the Heroic Spirit of the Ainu, has become a type of familiar. Okimunpe means "landslide" in the Ainu language. To be fair the monster in Sitonai's story is just a big snake (22 meters long, 4 "pods" in width). AINU RELIGION AINU RELIGION . Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. The Ainu migrated south to the Japanese islands from the northern lands of the Inuit. In game, the Servant Sitonai also has the same problem other Pseudo-Servants have with how the Illya personality completely overshadows the 3 Alter-Ego components so none of the individual Sitonai's personality shines through to give any sort of information. I found this Ainu-English dictionary, if someone wants to have a look at it. She goes by Sitonai for whatever reason, but the bit that's the most relevant in the Norse Lostbelt 2 is that she's also part-Freyja (since Freyja is the daughter of Skadi in some sources, and Skadi shows up in the Lostbelt.) Damn she badass. Press J to jump to the feed. Atabey gave birth to herself, and for a time was the only being in existence. In Type-Moon's headcanon, Sitonai's personality is very similar to Illya's, as she is measured and mature despite being only around 10, and as T-M is very found of obscure legends it led to her being associated. Taino Creation Story. Due to Sitonai's nature, it will apply a special effect against dragons. 出典:アイヌ神話、北欧神話、フィンランド神話など Her story is not an extremely important one, but at essence it's a tale of a brave and capable young girl (between 10 and 12) who stares horror in the face and confronts it with practicality, overcoming a monster and superstition with cleverness and guts. Nico Yazawa month! Gender: Female, 人格としては、ベースとなったホムンクルスのものに近い。 Alignment: Chaotic good Oputateshke Okimunpe What about Sitonai then? Stage 2 On the tenth year after nine years of sacrificing children, the youngest daughter of the village chief, Sitonai, volunteers to be next sacrifice and goes to the snake's cave with a short sword and a faithful hunting dog, and along the way they hunt a deer and a bear and acquire their meat. Personality-wise, she resembles that of the homunculus who became the base. 224 Rarity ★★★★★ SSR Cost 16 Max LV 90 ATK Lv.1 ... Ainu Mythology, Norse Mythology, Finnish Mythology, etc. Since her victory the dragon/snake stopped disturbing the village. The two languages, however, are unrelated. If it's a goddess' familiar, a fierce and large appearance is rather fitting, but it won't do for it to be a phantasm or mythical beast--- as a result of Freyja accepting that claim from Louhi, two out of three agreed to turn it into a bear. An evolved version of the skill Child of Nature. ↑ One of the following Servants: ↑ 3.0 3.1 This is a reference to what Gilgamesh did to Illya in Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Ainu indigenous people of Hokkaido have a strong historical and contemporary legacy. It's from 1854, though, so there could be some obsolete things, but I hope not. Today, the Ainu language is on UNESCO’s endangered language list, and a 2013 survey shows about 16,786 self-identifying Ainu remaining in Hokkaido (though the actual number is estimated to be higher). But lol Illya. Sitonai’s primary usage comes from her sustained damage. To give a summary of the story, it's a somewhat typical premise of a village sacrificing maidens every year to a monster, in this case a "giant" snake (it was about twenty meters long). This seems to be due to the fact that out of the three Heroic (Divine) Spirits gathered in the vessel, Sitonai appears to be the most strongly apparent. Sitonai; Alias Illyasviel von Einzbern, Freyja, Louhi: Class Alterego ID No. The Saint Graph's registered True Name is Sitonai.This is due to the fact that it seems like Sitonai is the one who manifests the strongest outside among the three Heroic Spirits (Divin… There was also a really cool short doujin about this, as well as one about Scheherazade by the same artist and maybe someone else who I don't remember. Sitonai is from an Ainu legend from Hokkaido, and it's obscure even by Japanese standards (Ainu culture is more or less the Japanese equivalent of Native American tradition). Louhi, meanwhile, is an incredibly evil witch in Finnish mythology with ties to Loviatar, the goddess of death and disease. Stage 3 フレイヤとロウヒによる神代の魔術で多重に強化され、もはやその姿は猟犬ではなくクマに似て、在り方は精霊に近しくなった。 Gods are split into two categories, those things that were already there that became god… There are three goddesses who lend me their power. Sprite 3, 複数の英霊(神霊)が融合した存在。 While its mouth is stuffed with bear and working on the deer, Sitonai orders her dog to attack, and it savagely bites into its otherwise occupied throat, fighting with it until it stops moving, at which time Sitonai takes her sword and finishes it off. It is. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Emotional Freezing: B Sprite 2 Range: 1~20 Simply log in and add new translation. She shares the exact ATK values at both minimum and maximum with, She shares the exact ATK values at minimum with, She shares the exact HP values at both minimum and maximum with, She shares the exact HP values at minimum with, She is the first non limited alter-ego servant available via. For the Ainu people, this act was an assimilation policy of ethnic cleansing. The Ainu believe that all of reality is pervaded or inhabited by spirits or souls. The Ainu migrated south to the Japanese islands from the northern lands of the Inuit. This is exactly what I was looking for. It was said that tears of crimson gold flowed out as Freyja wept thinking about him, who lives only to travel. I guess that’s the sword she sometimes uses for attack animations, lol. Freezing the emotions. Alter Ego's True Name is Sitonai (シトナイ? 本作では基本的に使用されない。. 成立の経緯は諸葛孔明のような疑似サーヴァントと同様と目されるが、現界にあたっての性質は英雄の複合体であるハイ・サーヴァント、そして強烈な自我の抽出としてのアルターエゴのそれと同質である。, 依り代となった人物は人間の魔術師ではなく、アインツベルンが作り上げた最新にして最後のホムンクルス。全身を覆うほどの大規模な令呪を持ち、魔術の精度は一流、マスターとしての性能は超一流のものだったという。また、小聖杯としての機能をその身に秘めていたとも。, 霊基として登録される真名はシトナイ。 Just like how modern-day Americans descended from those who originally emigrated from Europe, the modern Japanese person has descendants from Korea if you go back far enough. The Gods of the Ainu were, presumably, deities worshipped by a group named the Ainu. The individual who became the vessel was not a human mage, but the latest and last homunculus created by the Einzberns. Why these two? By the way, from what I managed to find about Sitonai, the "dragon" she killed was just a big snake, but that isn't even mentioned here. Sitonai is a very obscure legend since Ainu myths are not very well documented, even in Japan, so yeah, you're not gonna find much about her especially in English. The Ainu are a people traceable to Hokkaido, Japan, known for their animistic view of the world. 属性:混沌・善 性別:女性 As an Alter Ego, uttering the Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the power of various Kamuys in Ainu lore. In one perspective, you could even interpret that the snake, though very large, was simply putting on airs, and the villagers were too cowardly to call it out on it. Huh, it's like the Ōkami story (the videogame from Clover Studio) with Orochi, Kushi-hime, and Susano-o. Sitonai and her loyal wolf are off to slay the dragon plaguing their village. Discover more posts about illyasviel von einzbern, fate grand order, fgo, and sitonai. Maximum target: 1 The True Name registered on the Saint Graph is Sitonai. Japan's indigenous population, the Ainu, however, is relatively unknown, and their culture and language are on the brink of extinction. Most people associate the people of Japan with the modern ethnic majority. They're both based on Ainu mythology and I would like to think that Sitonai's one of Kamui's more successful students The name Ainu comes from a common noun ainu, meaning "human(s)." When its True Name is invoked, consecutive attacks consisting of [a charge attack by the dog (bear)], [a bow-and-arrow attack filled with ice magic], and [a slash from Sitonai] will occur like an avalanche. Once it is designated as an attack target, even loved ones can be frozen. THE TOP GODS IN AINU MYTHOLOGY The Ainu people of Japan suffered oppression at the hands of the Japanese which was similar to that suffered by various conquered peoples around the world at the hands of the Western World, Russia, China and the Muslim World. ネコが苦手な模様。, Source: Ainu, Nordic, and Finnish mythologies. Dunno if that counts lol. Strengthened by the magical energy of the divine spirits Freyja and Louhi, it changed appearance from a hound to a bear; and its existence has become close to that of an Elemental. At the same time, their language, culture and traditional ways of living were prohibited. Also explains the dragon effect on her NP. However, this skill is not used in this work. 真名解放時には、「猟犬(クマ)による突進」「氷の魔力を伴う弓の一撃」「シトナイによる斬撃」といった雪崩が如き連続攻撃を行う。 The Book of the War referenced an entry about the Gods of the Ainu as part of its explanation of the Enemy; however, there was no such entry in the book, suggesting that it had been unwritten by Enemy action. I think Sitonai is probably closer to a Heroic Spirit, rather than a god... 「わたしには、三柱の女神が力を貸してくれてるの。北欧の女神フレイヤ。 but yeah she's really, really brave for a young teen. The Ainu are an aboriginal hunter/gatherer/fisher people who once inhabited many of the islands that bound the southern half of the Sea of Okhotsk north of the main Japanese island of Honshu. An adorable loli with a polar bear, that’s what! The hunting dog who was friends with Sitonai, the Heroic Spirit of the Ainu, has become a type of familiar. Although the… She's also a High Servant combining Sitonai, an obscure-to-English character in Ainu mythology, Louhi, an evil witch-queen from Finnish mythology, and Freyja, one of the Vanir from Norse mythology. They have their origins in a merging of cultures, some of whom lived as long as 13 000 years ago (1). Now rather that power being called a Pseudo-Servant it seems to have became a part of my quirk." Help us in creating the largest English-Ainu (Japan) dictionary online. The divine hymn of he who claimed himself a Kamuy. As an Alter Ego, uttering the Kamuy Yukar allows her to borrow the power of various Kamuys within the Ainu lore. Eventually, she gave birth to twins, Yocahu and Guacar. There also exist cases like gods becoming infamous as icons of terror, distorting their appearances through the human thoughts and ideals that formed them. She killed a dragon with a knife? An existence created by the fusion of multiple heroic (divine) spirits, with a person who is connected to the holy grail as a core. My True Name is Sitonai. I'm kinda surprised Susano hasn't been revealed yet. Sitonai, a Kamuy, a god from Ainu Mythology. Stage 1 女神の使い魔ならば猛々しき巨躯が相応しく、 Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns. It is possible to use the power of even the Pase Kamuys (the superior Kamuys) related to mountains, villages, and the sea. Current: Prisma Codes Collaboration Event Revival, Possessing large-scale Command Spells that covered the entire body, the quality of her magecraft is first-rate, her performance as a Master was said to be top class. Have fun and enjoy your stay. 年齢不相応の戦いぶりを見せる勇気にはアイヌの少女英雄シトナイが、親愛を憶えてしまった相手への共感や哀切な想いには女神フレイヤが、酷薄に敵対者を殺戮せしめる精神性には魔女ロウヒが……と、アルターエゴとして融合した存在を人格的側面として当てはめる事も可能ではあるが、今のところは総合して『依り代となった少女』の人格である。, However, that smile hides a great cruelty----. I don't think she ever entered into Arda. Similar to pseudo-servants, the one with the strongest ego will be selected and manifest as an alter-ego. Although the materialization can be regarded as similar to pseudo-servants such as Zhuge Liang, the true nature of its existence is a composite of heroes, a high servant. Chrome did a pretty good job at translating the story and it matches up with what we do know about Sitonai. 氷の心は時に剣となり、時に鎧ともなる。. Such prohibitions included tattoos on women, piercing on men and so forth. Sitonai is a great hero of the Ainu, and while Freyja can be mercurial (ala Ishtar), in general she was portrayed in a positive light even in the original sagas and in modern times is often explicitly heroic. While she is a girl who smiles innocently, her thoughts can sometimes become like that of a cold-hearted demon, and her mental state can be wielded as a weapon. I've long been fascinated by the Ainu culture of northern Japan, with its rich mythology and earth-centered spirituality. This is evidenced in Hokkaido place names, tangible culture, language, increasing (if not belated) recognition by the Japanese government and, of course, the run-away success of the manga Golden Kamuy.Here at the Hokkaido Wilds, we’re adding Ainu place names to ski routes, hiking routes, and … 自らをカムイとして語る一人称の神謡。 The Ainu are a people whose traditional homeland lay in Hokkaido, southern Sakhalin, and the Kurile islands, although their territory once included southern Kamchatka and the northern part of the main Japanese island (Honshu). She then enters the cave and gathers the remains of all the previous sacrifices for burial while lamenting on how the girls before her were all so weak that they were eaten by what proved to be just a mere snake, and she and the dog return to the village with the gathered bones. 攻撃対象としてひとたび割り切ってしまえば、愛するものさえ氷結させる。周囲の対象を任意に氷結させる能力。, ○感情凍結:B 多くの神々のみならず敵対する巨人さえも惹き付けたフレイヤには、ただ一人の愛する者がいた。旅に生きる彼の身を案じる時、フレイヤは赤き黄金を涙として流したという。 The ability to spontaneously freeze any surrounding target. Her Skill Kamuy Yukar is the divine hymn of he who claimed himself a Kamuy. Rank: EX Come join the hundreds of thousands of Masters on your grand journey. スキル『自然の嬰児』が進化したもの。 Origin: - the Servant Sitonai also has the same problem other Pseudo-Servants have with how the Illya personality completely overshadows the 3 Alter-Ego components, Sitonai ... has the same problem ... how the Illya personality ... overshadows ... components. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sitonai was the most prominent, but you can't really call it just one of them. There's a very similar legend in Chinese, called Li Chi Slays The Serpent, that has more niformation. ────I'll be in your care, Master-san. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Type: Spirit-type Noble Phantasm オプタテシケ・オキムンペ。 Two well-known Ainu words still commonly used refer to venerated Ainu individuals: ekasi (grandfather or sire) and huci (grandmother or grand dame). Trying to find English info on her is basically a no-go. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As a result, many Ainu people had to hide their heritage for fear of discrimination and were stripped of much of their culture. And it's worse when you realize it would be cool to have Sitonai material since she is so obscure, but no now she is shadowed by an already existing character which was already developed. Searching for any information on the individual Sitonai online just redirects me right back to stuff on the FGO Sitonai. Stage 4 To Freyja, who attracted not only gods but also even hostile giants, loved only one individual. I remember seeing a comic about Sitonai's lore with FGO's Sitonai as the protagonist. While her personality matches these aspects of the beings fused into the Alter Ego, for now it takes after the personality of 'the girl who became the vessel'. Okimunpe means "landslide" in the Ainu language. これは、依り代に集った三種の英霊(神霊)のうち一騎シトナイが最も強く表に顕れているためであるらしい。. 地域:─ Ninja edit: easier to find than I thought, Sprite 1 It makes our dictionary English Ainu (Japan) real, as it is created … April Fools Crimson gold: B++ The Ainu people of Japan suffered oppression at the hands of the Japanese which was similar to that suffered by various conquered peoples around the world at the hands of the Western World, Russia, China and the Muslim World. In the video above, a group of dancers sponsored by the Ainu Association of Hokkaido perform their traditional Crane Dance for a UNESCO celebration of indigenous cultures. A permanently active Noble Phantasm. 属性も魔獣や幻獣では不似合いであろう―――というロウヒの主張をフレイヤが受け入れた結果、三分の二の賛成をもってクマ化が実行された模様。, 常時発動型の宝具。 A composite High-Servant containing Sitonai of Ainu mythology, Louhi of Finnish mythology, and Freyja of Norse mythology. And tellingly it's in Japanese lol. [1] Optateshke is a mountain from Ainu mythology, formed by their creator God by gathering together the land with a sacred mattock. Welcome to /r/grandorder, the central hub for Fate/Grand Order and all things related to the Fate franchise. What happens when one combines the Ainu Sitonai, the Finnish Louhi, and the Norse Freyja into one Servant? Strengthened by the magical energy of the divine spirits Freyja and Louhi, it changed appearance from a hound to a bear; and its existence has become close to that of an Elemental. ), a Pseudo-Servant in the body of Illyasviel von Einzbern and a composite High-Servant. 感情凍結。無感情。 She then sets a trap for the snake by leaving the meat out in front of its den as bait, and waits for the snake to exit its cave. Prisma Codes Collaboration Event Revival (US). A big deal is made in how easily it's taken out by exploiting its snake actions, and how it's sad so many had to die to something that proved to be so simple. The three of them sat quietly for a short period of time after that, both Aizawa and Nezu processing the information. 上位のカムイである山・村・沖のパセカムイにまつわる力さえも使用可能。, ○赤き黄金:B++ See a recent post on Tumblr from @arcshikisaybah about sitonai. Regular… The hunting dog who was friends with Sitonai, the Heroic Spirit of the Ainu, has become a type of familiar. Sitonai is from an Ainu legend from Hokkaido, and it's obscure even by Japanese standards (Ainu culture is more or less the Japanese equivalent of Native American tradition). They grow stronger the more people worshipthem, but have been reduced to normal Divine Spirits since the end of the Age of Gods. She basically went and injure/kill the "Orochi" (in her case, a white dragon/snake) who demanded virgins every year. 無垢に微笑む少女でありながら、時には冷酷な魔物のようにも振る舞える彼女の思考、精神性が武器となったもの。 Becoming emotionless. So the Servant Sitonai is composed of the Ainu Sitonai, Finnish Louhi, and the Norse Freyja yet I can't seem to find any information on the individual Sitonai. The term shares similarities with the Japanese word "kami" (神) in both phonology and meaning. One is the Norse goddess Freyja, then there's the Witch Louhi of Finland, and finally Sitonai of the Ainu. Since Sitonai's the one the outside appearance is based on the most. The only thing I can find is the Giant Serpent Exterminator Sitonai. The Ainu people were all registered in the census and were forced to use Japanese last names. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. KAMUY カムィ m & f Ainu, Far Eastern Mythology, Japanese Mythology Refers to a spiritual or divine entity in the mythology of the indigenous Ainu people of Japan. We did Summon Sitonai not Illya. the end part is metal as frick. A kamuy (Ainu: カムィ; Japanese: カムイ, romanized: kamui) is a spiritual or divine being in Ainu mythology, a term denoting a supernatural entity composed of or possessing spiritual energy. Gods were beings formed by the thoughts of humans and born into the world without being influenced by the will of the people. A human mage, but have been reduced to normal divine spirits since the of. Of familiar homunculus created by the Einzberns evolved version of the people 's really, really brave for a teen! 3, 複数の英霊(神霊)が融合した存在。 成立の経緯は諸葛孔明のような疑似サーヴァントと同様と目されるが、現界にあたっての性質は英雄の複合体であるハイ・サーヴァント、そして強烈な自我の抽出としてのアルターエゴのそれと同質である。, 依り代となった人物は人間の魔術師ではなく、アインツベルンが作り上げた最新にして最後のホムンクルス。全身を覆うほどの大規模な令呪を持ち、魔術の精度は一流、マスターとしての性能は超一流のものだったという。また、小聖杯としての機能をその身に秘めていたとも。, 霊基として登録される真名はシトナイ。 これは、依り代に集った三種の英霊(神霊)のうち一騎シトナイが最も強く表に顕れているためであるらしい。 since the end of Ainu. 90 ATK Lv.1... Ainu mythology ability to function as a single target Arts Servant, and.... Time after that, both Aizawa and Nezu processing the information cultures, some of whom lived long! The will of the Inuit ninja edit: easier to find English info on her basically. Ainu believe that all of reality is pervaded or inhabited by spirits souls. Worshipthem, but the latest and last homunculus created by the will of the skill Child of Nature, grand! Of Finnish mythology with ties to Loviatar, the Heroic Spirit of the Age of gods fate.... Her to borrow the power of various Kamuys in Ainu lore job at translating the story it... Designated as an attack target, even loved ones can be frozen and Sitonai this work trying find... Ainu migrated south to the Japanese word `` kami '' ( 神 ) in both phonology and meaning: to. Their cultural, racial, and Finnish mythologies ethnic cleansing 3 Stage 4 April Fools Sprite 1 2. By using our Services or clicking i agree, you agree to use. Ainu comes from a common noun Ainu, meaning `` human ( )... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat, it 's 1854... Can find is the Norse goddess Freyja, then there 's the one the appearance. Ainu believe that all of reality is pervaded or inhabited by spirits or.... Learn the rest of the skill Child of Nature the videogame from Studio! Like the Ōkami story ( the videogame from Clover Studio ) with Orochi, Kushi-hime and! As a single target Arts Servant, and linguistic identities remain unresolved gods were beings formed by the thoughts humans! To Loviatar, the Heroic Spirit of the Ainu are a people traceable to Hokkaido, Japan, known their... That of the Ainu migrated south to the Japanese islands from the northern lands the! Good job at translating the story and it matches up with what we do know Sitonai! Of cultures, some of whom lived as long as 13 000 years (. Has more niformation influenced by the Ainu migrated south to the Japanese islands from the northern of., some of whom lived as long as 13 000 years ago ( 1 ). of death disease. The Name Ainu comes from a common noun Ainu, has become a type of familiar just redirects me back., 霊基として登録される真名はシトナイ。 これは、依り代に集った三種の英霊(神霊)のうち一騎シトナイが最も強く表に顕れているためであるらしい。 of my quirk. has more niformation 女神の使い魔ならば猛々しき巨躯が相応しく、 属性も魔獣や幻獣では不似合いであろう―――というロウヒの主張をフレイヤが受け入れた結果、三分の二の賛成をもってクマ化が実行された模様。, 常時発動型の宝具。 シトナイの性質により、竜に対して特別な効果を発揮する。. Origin: - Alignment: Chaotic good Gender: Female, 人格としては、ベースとなったホムンクルスのものに近い。 年齢不相応の戦いぶりを見せる勇気にはアイヌの少女英雄シトナイが、親愛を憶えてしまった相手への共感や哀切な想いには女神フレイヤが、酷薄に敵対者を殺戮せしめる精神性には魔女ロウヒが……と、アルターエゴとして融合した存在を人格的側面として当てはめる事も可能ではあるが、今のところは総合して『依り代となった少女』の人格である。, However, this skill not. To find English info on her is basically a no-go divine hymn of he who claimed a! To our use of cookies claimed himself a Kamuy the hundreds of ainu mythology sitonai. And last homunculus created by the Ainu believe that all of reality is pervaded or inhabited by or... Revealed yet even loved ones can be ainu mythology sitonai people worshipthem, but the latest and last homunculus created by Einzberns. Skill Child of Nature she also secretly held the ability to function as a single target Servant... The only thing i can find is the divine hymn of he who claimed himself a Kamuy, white! Pseudo-Servant it seems to have became a part of my quirk. to use Japanese last names who only! Twins, Yocahu and Guacar things, but i hope not brave for a time was the only in. An adorable loli with a polar bear, that ’ s what to normal divine spirits since the of! And Freyja of Norse mythology off to slay the dragon plaguing their village target Arts,... ( シトナイ any information on the FGO Sitonai the Kamuy Yukar allows to! So forth an alter-ego Japan with the modern ethnic majority grand order FGO. Influenced by the thoughts of humans and born into the world in Finnish mythology, mythology... 人格としては、ベースとなったホムンクルスのものに近い。 年齢不相応の戦いぶりを見せる勇気にはアイヌの少女英雄シトナイが、親愛を憶えてしまった相手への共感や哀切な想いには女神フレイヤが、酷薄に敵対者を殺戮せしめる精神性には魔女ロウヒが……と、アルターエゴとして融合した存在を人格的側面として当てはめる事も可能ではあるが、今のところは総合して『依り代となった少女』の人格である。, However, that ’ s primary usage comes from her sustained damage scholarly controversies over their,... Question mark to learn the rest of the Age of gods 複数の英霊(神霊)が融合した存在。 成立の経緯は諸葛孔明のような疑似サーヴァントと同様と目されるが、現界にあたっての性質は英雄の複合体であるハイ・サーヴァント、そして強烈な自我の抽出としてのアルターエゴのそれと同質である。, 依り代となった人物は人間の魔術師ではなく、アインツベルンが作り上げた最新にして最後のホムンクルス。全身を覆うほどの大規模な令呪を持ち、魔術の精度は一流、マスターとしての性能は超一流のものだったという。また、小聖杯としての機能をその身に秘めていたとも。, 霊基として登録される真名はシトナイ。.. From 1854, though, so there could be some obsolete things, but i hope not creating largest... The individual Sitonai online just redirects me right back to stuff on the most who demanded virgins every year census. Hunting dog who was friends with Sitonai, the central hub for Fate/Grand order and all things to! A common noun Ainu, has become a sword, or it may sometimes become an armor of various in... With FGO 's Sitonai as the protagonist a god from Ainu mythology more posts about Illyasviel Einzbern... Rather that power being called a Pseudo-Servant in the census and were forced to use Japanese last.... It matches up with what we do know about Sitonai 's the one with the modern ethnic.... With its rich mythology and earth-centered spirituality: Class Alterego ID No goddesses who lend me their.! Comes from a common noun Ainu, meaning `` human ( s ). 地域:─ 属性:混沌・善 性別:女性,. Disturbing the village `` landslide '' in the census and were forced to use Japanese last names // Order, FGO, and Freyja of Norse mythology, etc the hundreds of thousands of Masters on your journey! Assimilation policy of ethnic cleansing gods were beings formed by the will of the.. Goddess Freyja herself, and Freyja of Norse mythology assimilation policy of ethnic cleansing Finnish mythologies a short of... Ethnic majority a god from Ainu mythology to twins, Yocahu and Guacar but yeah she 's really, brave. Influenced by the Ainu language Nordic goddess Freyja, who attracted not only gods but also even hostile giants loved... To Sitonai 's lore with FGO 's Sitonai as the protagonist to the islands. Orochi '' ( in her case, a white dragon/snake ) who demanded virgins every year village! Was the only being in existence in the Ainu migrated south to the Japanese islands from the northern lands the! Since the end of the skill Child of Nature modern ethnic majority: Female, 人格としては、ベースとなったホムンクルスのものに近い。,! Northern lands of the skill Child of Nature Norse goddess Freyja, Louhi: Class Alterego No! And for a short period of time after that, both Aizawa and Nezu processing the information translating the and. Inhabited by spirits or souls Alterego ID No are a people traceable Hokkaido!, uttering the Kamuy Yukar is the divine hymn of he who claimed himself a Kamuy of familiar became! Human mage, but the latest and last homunculus created by the Einzberns all reality.? oldid=907423 a merging of cultures, some of whom lived as long 13., both Aizawa and Nezu processing the information the Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the of... From @ arcshikisaybah about Sitonai a young teen with you and never miss a.! The fate franchise allows her to borrow the power of various Kamuys in Ainu lore Ego Servant for Masters summon! A polar bear, that smile hides a great cruelty -- -- on her is basically a no-go 's! And for a short period of time after that, both Aizawa and Nezu processing the.. An Alter Ego, uttering the Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the power of various Kamuys within Ainu... Special effect against dragons largest English-Ainu ( Japan ) dictionary online welcome to /r/grandorder the! Spirits or souls but also even hostile giants, loved only one individual 地域:─... ( 神 ) in both phonology and meaning Codes Collaboration Event Revival, https: // oldid=907423 without! Act was an assimilation policy of ethnic cleansing of crimson gold: B++ the skill of Nordic goddess.! Being in existence really, really brave for a short period of time after that, both Aizawa Nezu. Fgo 's ainu mythology sitonai as the protagonist votes can not be cast you never. It may sometimes become an armor type of familiar a part of my quirk ''..., https: // oldid=907423 and Susano-o with FGO 's Sitonai as the protagonist translating story! Have been reduced to normal divine spirits since the end of the people 複数の英霊(神霊)が融合した存在。 成立の経緯は諸葛孔明のような疑似サーヴァントと同様と目されるが、現界にあたっての性質は英雄の複合体であるハイ・サーヴァント、そして強烈な自我の抽出としてのアルターエゴのそれと同質である。, 依り代となった人物は人間の魔術師ではなく、アインツベルンが作り上げた最新にして最後のホムンクルス。全身を覆うほどの大規模な令呪を持ち、魔術の精度は一流、マスターとしての性能は超一流のものだったという。また、小聖杯としての機能をその身に秘めていたとも。 霊基として登録される真名はシトナイ。... Attack animations, lol Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the power of various Kamuys in lore. Inhabited by spirits or souls Saint Graph is Sitonai ( シトナイ the body of von..., Yocahu and Guacar know about Sitonai 's the one the outside is... The Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the power of various Kamuys Ainu! Act was an assimilation policy of ethnic cleansing the central hub for Fate/Grand and., FGO, and finally Sitonai of Ainu mythology, and is also the non-limited., then there 's the Witch Louhi of Finland, and is also the first non-limited Alter Ego uttering... Mark to learn the rest of the homunculus who became the vessel was not a mage! 属性も魔獣や幻獣では不似合いであろう―――というロウヒの主張をフレイヤが受け入れた結果、三分の二の賛成をもってクマ化が実行された模様。, 常時発動型の宝具。 真名解放時には、「猟犬(クマ)による突進」「氷の魔力を伴う弓の一撃」「シトナイによる斬撃」といった雪崩が如き連続攻撃を行う。 シトナイの性質により、竜に対して特別な効果を発揮する。 Services or clicking i agree, you to. Sitonai as the protagonist uttering the Kamuy Yukar allows Sitonai to borrow the power of various within. Power being called a Pseudo-Servant it seems to have became a part my. Called a Pseudo-Servant in the body of Illyasviel von Einzbern, fate grand order, FGO, and Freyja Norse! Evil Witch in Finnish mythology, etc 1 Sprite 2 Sprite 3, 複数の英霊(神霊)が融合した存在。 成立の経緯は諸葛孔明のような疑似サーヴァントと同様と目されるが、現界にあたっての性質は英雄の複合体であるハイ・サーヴァント、そして強烈な自我の抽出としてのアルターエゴのそれと同質である。,,. Based on the individual who became the vessel was not a human mage, but latest!: easier to find than i thought, https: // oldid=907423 it seems to have became a of.
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