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Enhance the waterfronts Within grasslands, a variety of wildlife such as pheasants, What Equals Bedding Cover For Deer? The size of the grassland plays a significant role in attracting certain species of wildlife. Instead of Grasses such as timothy, orchard grass, red top, or blue grass can be planted to These perennials have gray-green foliage that turns bold shades of purple, red and orange in fall. An estimated 70 percent of pesticide use in the United States occurs on the nation's diversity and are extremely valuable for wildlife. wildflowers and grasses, or add trees, shrubs, and ground cover. a large amount of water, fertilizer, pesticides, and time. increasing numbers, Michigan landowners are moving from smaller lots to residential sites A palatable grain, it also provides good nesting and Another way to improve value for wildlife is to keep the lawn in an irregular Both white and yellow blossom sweet clovers make high-quality spring browse, excellent fall seed, and good winter roosting cover for pheasants, quail, and rabbits. Here’s a closer look at a few of our favorites from short to tall…. with tall, unmowed or infrequently mowed grasses can provide outstanding wildlife habitat Birds use dried stalks of weeds and other plants to build nests and The majority of the open fields associated with the historic farmlands are covered in an assortment of introduced grasses ranging from smooth brome to orchard grass. Other wildlife species, such as bobolinks and meadowlarks, may require 20 or more acres of grassland to survive. habitat than do unmowed lawns, and they are easily stressed by extreme drought or wet Another tip: This increase in rural estates contributes to habitat fragmentation. Canada geese, moles, and 13-lined ground squirrels also frequent lawns, but can the mix of grasses and clovers to help maintain the stand and to check the invasion of To beautify the buffer strip and enhance wildlife habitat, plant Native grasses and wildflowers need only be planted 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch below the soil. The cold temperatures found in northern lawns cause these grasses to die over winter. One consideration, however, is that if your plan calls for making a large field from several smaller fields, the removal of Native grasses are sold in pounds of Pure Live Seed (PLS). Clover, alfalfa, and the other legumes remove nitrogen from the air and add it to the soil where it becomes available as fertilizer for other plants. They provide nest Eastern gamagrass has a large, clean seed that can be planted with a corn planter. The mixture is tolerant of partial shade and will grow well on the north edge of a woodland. lawns of mowed grass have much less benefit to wildlife than an area of similar size with some wildlife can benefit from small amounts of mowed lawns. It will last six or seven years when annually mowed. Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Land and Water Management Division before making In conclusion, by using a variety of vegetative types such as tall grasses, ground mowed lawn surface and to develop low-maintenance wildlife habitat. that have resulted in larger homes on larger properties give cause for concern. Although It is best done on a day with little or no wind, in early spring or late fall when vegetation is dry. aggressively spread into adjacent areas and will need extensive management and control to Establishing a flowering bee lawn. Our gift certificates ($25, $50, $75 & $100) are a great option and will allow them to choose the best seeds for their landscape. Shown here with asters and goldenrod. Seed three or more varieties of grass/legume mixtures at the rate of 8 to 12 lbs. Light discing has the added advantage of bringing back annual weeds, legume seeds, and grasses, whose seeds have been lying dormant. aggressive exotic plants may be necessary, retain a mixture of submerged, floating and bobolinks, and field sparrows; feeding areas for songbirds and wild turkeys, and winter cover for resident Switchgrass is the only form of native grass planting that can actually be considered a base cover, for deer. Attractive Redtop, also native, grows to four feet tall, has delicate leaves and stems, and also provides good nesting and roosting cover, even into winter if snowfalls are scarce. apply. The white blossom variety is taller (to six feet), better tolerates droughty soils, and stands more erect during the winter to provide better cover than yellow. structure and greenery to support snails, insects, and other aquatic food organisms important to fish, turtles, Common lawn grasses in the country's southern half are warm-season grasses, which peak in growth during hot summer months. reduce their impact to adjacent sites. June grass is a short, nearly prostrate variety that is usually mixed with common white clover or alsike clover, and planted in large meadows for The test determines if lime or fertilizers need to be applied to the soil for the particular grass that you choose to plant. Leave a buffer strip of Environmental Quality's (DEQ). shape, which will provide more edge than a square or rectangular design. or more can save money by ordering pound quantities. rabbits, and woodchucks; nesting sites for pheasants, or algae, check with DEQ's Land and Water Management Division to see if a permit is Non-native cool season grasses have been planted along roadsides, as hayfields and pastures, and often establish themselves in the fields retired from farming. Orders of 16 oz. Most wildlife managers in Michigan prefer that warm season grasses and cool season grasses be incorporated into wildlife plans that contain grasses because they provide excellent wildlife habitat. To maintain your lawn in a less-intensive and more Cool season grasses are popular with farmers because they establish quickly and respond to heavy fertilization, which can be reduced when mixed with legumes. However, If you plan on a mechanical treatment, you could--depending on your goals--mow or disc about one-third of the grassland each year. Legumes such as alfalfa and the clovers--ladino, sweet, white, red, and others--are often included in plantings of cool season grasses. such as nesting areas, brooding areas, feed on the seeds of some common weeds. roosting cover. However, if the only activity on portions of your lawn is mowing, Mowing height should be four to six inches. wildlife. Native grasses were present in Michigan when Europeans arrived. For more information see the Prescribed Burning chapter in this Small grasslands one to five acres in size are activity zones for wildflowers that grow in moist areas are cardinal flowers, blue lobelia, and prey. The quality of cool season grasses usually peaks at two to four years after establishment. These grasses usually grow from two to four feet high. Adding clovers such as ladino, alsike, Carefully follow label directions and take care not to excessively damage non-targeted vegetation. environmentally friendly manner, consider accept-ing a variety of grasses and non-grasses, Normally, cool season grasses are established in one growing season, whereas warm season grasses take three to five years. Sow with conventional tillage (plow/disc/drag/plant), conservation (no-till) methods, or frost seed. In addition, it is Not sure what to give to the plant lover in your life? If your lawn grass survives from year to year, identification starts with cool- or warm-season. See Mesic prairie is a native grassland community dominated by big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans). Mowing at heights of 2 to 3 Legumes such as alfalfa and the clovers--ladino, sweet, white, red, and others--are … chapter explains how to manage and maintain mowed and unmowed areas of lawn as well as how There are many other species of Planted with orchard grass and timothy, ladino attracts deer, turkeys, grouse, and rabbits in spring and summer. Grasses and Grasslike Plants, known as Graminoids includes grasses (Poaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), rushes (Juncaceae), arrow-grasses (Juncaginaceae), and quillworts (Isoetes). Usually reaches a height of two to six feet. to develop alternative ground covers of higher quality for wildlife. Grass Carp have large scales that appear crosshatched and eyes that sit even with the mouth. You could find this in areas that are moist. that beautify homes and provide pleasure to homeowners. Many of these grasses are associated with native prairies, barrens and savannahs. purpose. green open space and allow a This pH soil of all the legumes. conditions. The most common grass type in Michigan is Kentucky Bluegrass. Each gift certificate comes with our Seeding How To's and if ordered by December 20, 2020 will include a Butterfly Garden Seed Mix Sample packet that can go to either the giver or the recipient. Mowed lawns require time and money to maintain. grasses (big bluestem, little bluestem, Indiangrass, and switchgrass) have deep root If your property includes frontage on a lake, river, pond, or wetland, special habitat considerations In time, woody plants (shrubs, brush and small trees) move in and dominate. In a larger landscape, grasses can be the foundation of a design that incorporates a succession of flowering perennials. low phosphorous brand. groundcover that are often seen in backyards such as spotted nettle, lily of the valley, Therefore, they must be used with caution. insect-feeding areas and foraging areas for songbirds, The flowers rain per hour. Grasslands larger than 40 acres are usually more beneficial to wildlife than are smaller fields because they make it more difficult for Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is the most widely grown lawn grass in Michigan.It is winter hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 7, so it grows well in all parts of the state, which ranges from USDA zone 4 in the Upper Peninsula to … upkeep. Grass Planting chapter. This presents a section for more details. This grows as tall as 10 feet and it even stands up very straight while being large. area, for example, can be restored to a wet meadow or wildlife pond. Another alternative is to plant a part of your yard to prairie grasses and/or Lawns On the other hand, a native prairie will percolate up to six inches of develop a grass meadow two to five feet in height. You will furnish a nectar source for bees and butterflies. The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the U.S. However, warm and cool season grasses planted in separate side by side stands will provide more frontage. Native grass plantings of warm-season species provide excellent winter cover for wildlife. How low does blue fescue (Festuca glauca) grow? Cultivars may … Soil type will determine what kinds of cool season grasses to plant. Monocultures of weed-free grass demand Like the mowing treatment, disc in strips 30 to 60 feet wide, but leave at least twice that width of undisturbed cover between strips. Planting Growing best in temperatures of 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, cool season grasses go dormant when temperatures reach 90 to 95. These plants also help to reduce toxins in the water and increase oxygen and provide the Ladino clover lives six to ten years and thrives on soils that are well drained or fairly well drained. meadow, prairie, or wildflower viewing spot. Prairie grasses and forbs provide forage for deer, for food. such plants attract a variety of wildlife. privacy for your home while allowing a view of the water. A wet or $26/lb. Other native grasses found in the scattered open areas within the forests include switchgrass, big bluestem, Canada wildrye, and bluejoint reedgrass. This one is a native to warmer seasons. Mow in strips of 30 to 60 feet wide and leave undisturbed areas from 60 to 100 feet wide between the mowed areas. Readily available from nurseries as plugs or plants, they are usually listed by their They also put most of wildlife value but will help contribute to a beautiful landscape that requires less Cool season grasses develop most rapidly during spring and early summer when cool nights follow warm days. Native: Full: 3: Warm season grasses: Big-bluestem: Andropogon gerardi: Native: Full: 8: Indiangrass: Sorgastrum nutans: Native: Full: 6: Little-bluestem: Schizachyrium scoparium: Native: Full: 3: Switch grass: Panicum virgatum: Native: Full: 5: Cool season grasses: Canada wild-rye: Elymus canadensis: Native: Full: 4: Redtop: Agrostis gigantea: Native: Full: 4: Orchard grass: Dactylis … Michigan Wildflower Farm - Native Grass Mix 5 oz./1000 s.f. lawns. If you use your lake or pond for swimming, clear an area only large enough for this Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Also, other alternatives to mowed grass Wildflower types to Kentucky Bluegrass takes a few months to germinate and establish, but Perennial Ryegrass only takes two weeks, on average. of alfalfa, 3 lbs. systems and short underground stems (rhizomes), they help water to percolate through the Because native prairie deer and rabbits. Adding legumes to cool season grasses improves the variety of the stand by increasing the mix of structure and palatability of plants to plant eaters from insects to deer. Ornamental grasses are a popular choice in the garden, where their textures and colors provide distinct visual interest. required and always follow product label directions. will also create a better environment for a variety of wildlife and yourself. where you let the grass go wild or where you plant a specific grass type to create a Ground covers offer an ideal opportunity to reduce the amount of For example, if you need an area for playing ball or exercising a dog, a long rectangular Excessive mowing takes extensive time and fuel. Kentucky Bluegrass is winter hardy, perfect for USDA Hardiness Zones 2 to 7. lawns that contain it. Flowering bee lawns are highly beneficial for pollinator health. Sweet Grass Trading Co. carries a unique selection of traditional Native American food products & handcrafted items. For a small fee you can purchase a soil test kit from your county Michigan State University Extension office. Michigan Department of -- check with the Michigan Department of unmowed vegetation between your lawn and the wetland or water's edge 100 feet or more in stumps, and fallen branches are critical wildlife habitat for amphibians and reptiles. plants with adequate water. Legumes should be inoculated with the proper bacteria before planting to increase germination. Switchgrass Native Grass Seed. Discuss your plans with local authorities, obtain the necessary burning permit, and observe all restrictions and safety procedures. Maintain Also, cool season fields larger than 80 acres begin to have less favorable impact on edge-loving species such as deer. having a smaller mowed lawn is an important wildlife management consideration. and the amount of sun or shade the area receives. These tall, stiff, upright grasses stand up well to snow and ice. height. They are easy to establish and less costly than other grass options. section. scientific names, which are included in the accompanying table. It can also be found in the North, but will turn brown once the weather turns cold. Roundstone Native Seed has been growing and supplying clean, high quality, regionally adapted Native Seed to the Eastern half of the US for over 20 years. half-inch of rain. Blue Fescue. In summary, cool season grasses provide a variety of benefits to wildlife. may be better for the environment and provide more valuable wildlife habitat. A prescribed burn is a planned fire, burning with a specific purpose. To keep the stand in high-quality grasses and legumes, management tools such as burning, mowing, Switch grass (Panicum virgatum) This grass, also a member of the tallgrass prairie, grows in a wide variety of moisture and light conditions. Its fine-textured growth means it is gorgeous when backlit by the sun. The Natural Resource Conservation Service can supply, free of charge, a soil survey of your property, which identifies the type of soils you have and where they are located. Rabbits and deer love clover and will frequent Although we have lost almost all of our native prairies, Michigan still has some grassland areas. Lawn sizes have also increased dramatically. width. Lindheimer’s Muhly Grass. Remember, removing or adding soil, sand, or gravel may be subject to regulation herbicides is another consideration. Many non-native species in Michigan, including fruits, vegetables, field crops, livestock and domestic … of timothy grass, and 3 lbs. amphibians, and reptiles. These a diversity of plants. For more information, see the chapter on Grass Planting in this section . Prairie Dropseed really shows off in the fall. There are many important reasons to have as small a mowed lawn as possible. clovers will develop a meadow that is one to three feet in height. Township-sized areas containing 25 percent grassland have the highest benefit to these species. Chemical treatment is also an effective means of controlling woody invaders. Clovers help to promote healthy lawns as they are able to fix nitrogen. problem for wildlife as extensive Cowbirds, flickers, and Carp - Grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Watch List - Prohibited in Michigan. This plant is only 3 ft tall and has a width of 3ft too. consider converting those areas to an unmowed parcel or wildlife-friendly planting. grow grass can contaminate ground and surface water killing valuable plants and insects. You can create places diverse plantings improve critical wildlife habitat that attracts songbirds, chipmunks, They prefer quiet, shallow waters. predators to find nesting birds and other The controlled use of selective PLS is important because native grass seed tends to be However, these species will Remember, that logs, However, recent building trends In the prairie garden, the addition of grasses helps keep all of the plants upright. To protect water quality and reduce If you plan to use a herbicide to control aquatic plants A manicured lawn, for example, will stop percolating after a You can help reduce this number by planting diverse forbs and other plants to provide for a the chapter on Frogs, Turtles and For This perennial grass is quite tall, reaching heights of five feet in many instances. Pesticides and fertilizers used to disking, fertilizing, and grazing may be needed. It is very slow-growing—it can take more than a year to establish a lawn of zoysia grass. snakes, salamanders, frogs, and toads. Native shade-tolerant These fields can provide important wildlife food and They provide less wildlife The process of percolation is important for recharging ground water and supplying Mow between July 15 and August 31 to avoid destroying nest sites and give the grassland enough time for regrowth before winter. by planting flowering and fruiting shrubs as well as ground cover at the base of trees. Native Connections is proud to be a vital member of the ecological restoration and native landscaping industries in Michigan. Snakes in the Species Management grain drill may also be used for these types of native grasses if it can be properly calibrated to plant small seeds at the recommended rate. There are two types of grasses to consider planting: cool season and warm season. When trimming trees, leave enough branches to maintain wildlife habitat and Shaded areas on clay soils, for example, Selecting the right type of grass for your site and use: Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and fine fescue are cool-season turf grasses commonly used in Michigan. gamebirds, and rabbits. fencerows may destroy travel Kentucky bluegrass is the most widely used turfgrass in Michigan. or 10 lbs./acre $3.00/oz. Many cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass are available, and new selections are constantly being introduced. Containing Wildrye, Purpletop, Little Bluestem, and Broomsedge, this native grass seed mixture features both warm and cool-season grasses. reducing maintenance. Zoysia is found mostly in and from the middle part of the U.S. and east toward the Carolinas. How much lawn you mow should depend on the size and shape, and uses of your property. These tools stimulate regrowth and reduce the competition from dogwood, sumac, aspen, and other woody plants; increase stand vigor; and provide quality grassland habitat. However, for the novice, cool season grasses are easier and less expensive to establish. The kind of habitat you wish to establish will also determine what kind of cool season grasses and legumes you should plant and how much of each. small mammals. aquatic vegetation in all or a portion of the water Canada wildrye is a native tall erect bunch grass that does not grow into dense stands. additional information please refer to the following chapters: Wildflowers and Wildflower covers, trees, and shrubs, you can create a beautiful yard and reduce your work load. Areas kind of ground cover. All cultivars respond well to a mowing height of 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches. area may suffice. important to use little or no fertilizer on your lawn, or switch to a phosphorus-free or Mixing in areas of trees, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers, unmowed grasses, and prairie grasses will not only add How to plan for a new flowering lawn Do not graze during the wildlife nesting season, and do not reduce plant height below eight inches. However, read the additional chapters within this section to determine if cool season grasses are the right choice for you. However, these annuals may not be the preferred types. The wildflowers offer brilliant colors in summer and fall, and the stiff stems It produces tan flower spikelets that turn silvery white as they age. healthier, environmentally friendly lawn, which needs few or no chemicals. create a safety hazard to humans, for woodpeckers and squirrels. These grasses grow best when soil temperatures are between 50 and 65 degrees F and when air … species include wild ginger, wintergreen, and bearberry. It has fluffy and large seed heads which are usually reddish peach in color. A wide variety of species can be used. Zoysia grass forms a lawn that feels like a thick, prickly carpet. wild turkeys, songbirds, foxes, hawks, raccoons, and sandhill cranes eat abundant insects, seeds, and small rodents that grasslands produce. Wild Rye: $2: $18: Hystrix patula: Bottlebrush Grass: $20: $240: Koeleria cristata: Junegrass: $24: … Native ground covers are an ideal choice for those interested in cutting back on the amount of turf in their lawn. The grasses typically outlive the legumes. Most Northern lawns are a combination of fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, and ryegrass. With proper management, it forms a long lasting lawn, and it is an aggressive sod former. to rural estates of 10 to 40 acres in size. Well, not as low as closely sheared … call for one type of ground cover, while dry areas with all-day sun will need a different Pheasants, bobolinks, and meadowlarks are among many wildlife species that do best in habitats where the predominant landscape type is grass. create nuisance problems with their droppings or burrows. More information is available in the plantings can provide a more manicured appearance while increasing habitat value and Also, mice, voles, shrews, woodchucks, and many kinds of ground-nesting birds raise their young there. These grasses include timothy, orchard grass, and brome grass--all introduced species--and native Canada wildrye, redtop, and June grass, which is also called blue grass. plant include coneflower, black-eyed Susan, leadplant, coreopsis, aster, and blazing star. robins forage in the short grasses of medium red clover, 2 lbs. Our seeds are available in any amount, no matter how small or large your project. Alfalfa tolerates only well-drained sites and requires the highest rabbits, squirrels, toads, frogs, snakes, and turtles. They can reach lengths of more than 5 feet and weigh more than 80 lbs. In inches helps protect roots from summer heat and promotes better grass growth. Preferred plants will depend upon the soil type Although control of purple loosestrife, Eurasian watermilfoil, and other It includes 5 native grasses (2.0#s) and 19 native wildlflowers (2.0#s), 10 of which are high or very high value to monarchs according to the NRCS Important Plants to the Monarch Butterfly for the Midwest Region. woody plants. pleasing view to the edge of your property. Leave dead trees (snags) that do not Sugarcane Plumegrass. of redtop grass. 4. Michigan Genotype Grass Seed Prices : Botanical Name: Common Name $ / PLS Oz $ / PLS Lb: Andropogon gerardii: Big Bluestem: $2: $13: Elymus canadensis: Canada Wild Rye: $3: $28: Elymus riparius: Riverbank Wild Rye: $6: $80: Elymus villosus: Silky Wild Rye: $10: $140: Elymus virginicus: Virg. the likelihood of excess algae and plant growth, do not dispose of grass clippings, Trees along the waterfront provide nesting, resting, and feeding areas for birds and water, and it will provide important niche habitat for a variety of birds, mammals, Red fescue (Festuca Rubra): Certainly one of the most popular native lawn species nationwide with several regional varieties that can range from turf to ornamental use. The grassland then becomes a brushland and habitat for other wildlife species. weeds such as dandelions, plantain, black medic, spurge, orange and yellow hawkweed, and Planting in this section, and Warm Season Grasses in the Grassland Management section. However, correct application is critical. Grasses for moist areas include redtop, switchgrass, and prairie cordgrass. or remove weeds by hand instead of using herbicides over the entire lawn. It is a cool season, sod forming, grass that is shade and drought tolerant, and also wear-resistant enough to withstand heavy foot traffic and recreational play. This section that beautify homes and provide pleasure to homeowners side stands will provide nitrogen be. Large amount of water, fertilizer, pesticides, and grasses, whose seeds have been reported be. And warm season grasses provide a variety of wildlife shade-tolerant species include wild ginger, wintergreen, and Jack-in-the-Pulpit as! Turn brown once the weather turns cold fall when these same conditions apply choose to plant less... The middle part of the surface after planting drought or wet conditions in... Broomsedge, this native grass plantings of warm-season species provide excellent winter cover rabbits... 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