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What does the Bible have to say about the sign of the cross? If we do not respect this connection, we are open to all kinds of dangers — psychological, physiological, and spiritual. A mini-creed. Unfortunately, such is not always the case, and many people simply go through the motions of the ritual of signing themselves without a knowledge of why they do it. Christians, like followers of all other religions, practically always pray by the position of the body—say, kneeling or standing—and of the arms and hands—for example, praying with hands outstretched or folded in front. Because the sign of the cross has been so associated with this Trinitarian formula, when we sign ourselves, we are also marking ourselves as orthodox Christians who worship and love the Triune God. Jesus promised us that suffering would be a normal part of a disciple’s life (see Lk 9:23-24). When we sign ourselves we are declaring that in baptism we died sacramentally with Christ on the cross and rose to a new life with Him (see Rom 6:3-4 and Gal 2:20). (CNS photo/Romeo Ranoco, Reuters) See TAGLE-PALM-SUNDAY March 27, 2018. on Six Reasons Why We Make the Sign of the Cross, Servant of God Julia Greeley: A patron for living a life of mercy toward others, Theological Anthropology 101: The Church’s View on Gender Ideology, Biblical guidelines to Christian cheerfulness, Hearing God Speak: Using the Daily Examen. The reader is exactly right, however: Eastern Catholics (and Eastern Orthodox) make the Sign of the Cross by touching their right shoulder first. The Church Fathers used the same word for the Sign of the Cross that the ancient world employed to indicate ownership. The gestures remind our bodies as the words remind our minds of what we believe and what we are doing. Along this thought, this gesture has been used since the earliest times of the Church to … As such the body is united in the prayer of the soul though a physical action. Praying the sign of the cross is so common that we often rush through it without thinking much about it. Jeremy Driscoll O.S.B, writes, “A solemn and more meaningful beginning cannot be imagined.” 1 In thinking of the actual sign of the cross itself Fr. The reason for making a cross during this period of the Mass is to highlight the importance of the Word of … Narrator: As often as we make the sign of the cross, repeating at the same time these words: [On-screen graphic] An indulgence of 100 days is granted for making the sign of the cross and saying the words. Like tossing off a dirty shirt or blouse, making the sign indicates our stripping ourselves of our evil inclinations and clothing ourselves with the behaviors of Christ (see Col 3:5-15). Surprisingly, though, there is nothing in the rubrics about the laypeople making this sign. It’s something that keeps cropping up in Christian Worship. As Hispanic Catholics say when they make the sign of the cross, “By the sign of the holy cross, from our enemies, deliver us, O Lord!”. This blessing is made by the tracing of an upright cross or + across the body with the right hand, often accompanied by spoken or mental recitation of the trinitarian formula: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In a way, when we combine this gesture with a vocal prayer, we make two prayers. But when we learn to take this act seriously, signing ourselves often with faith and reverence, remarkable results can take place. Or what is the Church’s teaching on this subject? At Mass, why do we make the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads, lips and hearts right before the Gospel? A: The rubrics don’t call for the faithful to cross themselves after receiving Communion. Christians who practice making the sign of the cross believe it is an acknowledgment of God’s … Making the triple Sign of the Cross like this before the Gospel is a longstanding tradition. If we hold three fingers together while making the sign of the cross, they symbolize the trinity, and the two other fingers together represent Christ’s two natures, that he is fully man and fully divine. As such the body is united in the prayer of the soul though a physical action. So, no matter how strongly we are tempted, we can use the Sign of the Cross to activate our freedom in Christ and conquer even our besetting sins. Technically, the sign of the cross is a sacramental, a sacred sign instituted by the Church which prepares a person to receive grace and which sanctifies a moment or circumstance. Catholics use the sign of the cross daily in Mass and prayer. Sign of Grace, Sign of Glory. So, let us recognize the power of what we do when we pray, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” It affords us powerful protection against the demons and our own weak nature. It is a Prayer we say - when words fail us (example in times of an emergency - and i need a result - quick!!). The sign of the cross sets us apart from other men. Follow this tradition in Latin Rite and Protestant churches. Mass is a service filled with prayers, tradition, and remembrance of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Sign of the Cross, after all, is not merely a pious gesture. It is a prayer to God and He knows exactly what we need. The sign of the cross is made by touching the hand to one’s forehead, then to the chest and then to each shoulder. This sign declares that, through our baptism, we belong to God. Go through these six signings often in your morning prayer — and watch the grace flow through this ancient sacramental in the days to come. We make it when we begin and end our prayers; we make it when we enter and leave a church; we start each Mass with it; we may even make it when we hear the Holy Name of Jesus taken in vain and when we pass a Catholic church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the tabernacle. This “lay blessing” is common in Catholic cultures, made by parents on their children before bed or before going out or on a trip. This sign declares that, through our baptism, we belong to God. I've found that the sign of the cross is a way to put to death self-indulgence — those big problems we have, the stubborn things we can't get rid of. Bert Ghezzi is the author of numerous books, most recently “The Sign of the Cross: Recovering the Power of the Ancient Prayer” (Loyola, 2006). After moving from top to bottom they move from left to right. Driscoll Not all prayers are made with words. Why do we use our right hand instead of our left hand to make the sign of the cross? Once we grasp them, we can make the gesture with more faith and experience its great blessings. It is thus that the ox and the horse browse on the sweet flowers hidden in the meadow grass, unconscious that they are there. Prayers may also be made by gestures. Historically, the sign has also been viewed as representing the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From want of reflection, we fail to attach to the Sign of the Cross the importance that it … At the same time, however, it comforts us with the realization that Jesus, who endured the Crucifixion for us, now joins us in our suffering and supports us. Laypersons as well as clergy can use it to bless others. So, let us recognize the power of what we do when we pray, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Jeremy Driscoll O.S.B, writes, “A solemn and more meaningful beginning cannot be imagined.” 1 In thinking of the actual sign of the cross itself Fr. When used in this way,the large Sign of the Cross is made in the air. If we use an open hand with all five fingers extended, we express an openness to Christ and symbolize his five wounds. We also use it, in both large and small versions, to bless others or things, such as a rosary. The sign of the cross speaks and confesses. In his book “What Happens at Mass,” Fr. By make the sign of the cross, we acknowledge that he has redeemed us, and that through baptism we have … From the first Easter morning through the present, the Sign of the Cross makes the devil cower and flee. We are announcing our faith in what God has done — the creation of all things, the redemption of humanity from sin and death, and the establishment of the Church, which offers new life to all. When we make the sign of the cross, what we are doing is A) remembering our Baptism; B) Remembering Jesus’ death for our sins; C) Confessing to the world that I am not ashamed to be known as a disciple of Jesus; and D) Holding up the cross of Christ as the central core of my identity. An indulgence of 300 days for making the sign of the cross, with holy water. Third, make the sign to declare that you belong to Christ as His disciple and will obey Him. The Church Fathers say if you are angry, full of lust, fearful, emotional or grappling with fleshly problems, make the sign when tempted and it will help dispel the problem. From the earliest times Christians have made the sign of the cross. Technically, the sign of the cross is a sacramental, a sacred sign instituted by the Church which prepares a person to receive grace and which sanctifies a moment or circumstance. Second, mark yourself remembering that you died with Christ in baptism. We need to do better as Catholics and not presume that everyone knows, even our own children, everything that we are doing. When we make this sign of the cross, in any form, it’s an outward act to profess our inward faith in the Trinity. The practice of crossing one’s self is an ancient practice and is derived from such passages as Deuteronomy 6:8, Ezekiel 9:4, Revelation 7:3, 9:4, and 14:1. and of the Son Why do we use our right hand instead of our left hand to make the sign of the cross? and of the Holy Spirit. The two fingers symbolized the divine and human natures of Christ. From the first Easter morning through the present, the Sign of the Cross makes the devil cower and flee. The first, most simple reason is it a Prayer. Making the Sign of the Cross expresses our decision to crucify these desires of the flesh and to live by the Spirit. Amen." Before making the sign of the cross it is better for the communicant to wait a second for some distance to open up between himself and the minister. Others raise the index and middle fingers together, symbolizing Christ's divine and human natures. At Mass, why do we make the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads, lips and hearts right before the Gospel? There is nothing superstitious or rote about making the sign of the cross. Many other hand shapes are also in use. This method is more common in the Western Catholic Church, and in Protestant traditions that support the sign of the cross, including most Anglican and Lutheran churches. Not merely saying, “amen” but sending the holy prayer before the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in declaration and action. What is the sign of the cross, and why do we make it? Instead, the Lord surprised him with an ignominious defeat (see 1 Cor 2:8). In the New Testament, the word fleshsums up all the evil inclinations of our old nature that persist in us even after we die with Christ in baptism (see Gal 5:16-22). Surprisingly, though, there is nothing in the rubrics about the laypeople making this sign. First-century Christians began making the sign of the cross as a reminder and renewal of what happened to them when they were baptized. Why do we make the sign of the cross at Mass after the procession, entrance chant, and the veneration of the Altar? The prayer remains the same. Type on the field below and hit Enter/Return to search, Helping Catholics know & love the Lord and his Church. In a way, when we combine this gesture with a vocal prayer, we make two prayers. The sign of the cross was made simply with the fingers (the index or the thumb) on the forehead or lips or breast (as Latin-rite Catholics do at the beginning of the Gospel lesson) or with the whole hand over the torso. At Mass, why do we make the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads, lips and hearts right before the Gospel? In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. We are not angels or simply spirits), we pray with both. Making the sign of the cross, or blessing oneself or crossing oneself, is a ritual blessing made by members of some branches of Christianity. Many also touch their right shoulder up higher than their left shoulder. It is also wrong to believe that the sign of the cross is something magic that protects you from harm. But, more importantly, the sign is also an offensive weapon, helping us reclaim with Christ all that Satan lost at the cross. By make the sign of the cross, we acknowledge that he has redeemed us, and that through baptism we have … Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila questioned the actions of "kings who use violence" to intimidate the weak as he led Palm Sunday observances that opened Holy Week. The sign of the cross is used in several Christian traditions, but it is most prominent in Catholic and Orthodox tradition. The Sign of the Cross is a profession of faith in God as He has revealed himself. By making it, we profess the central truths of our faith: that God became one of us, with a human body and soul; that he died on the cross to save us; and that our own bodies and souls share in the … Along this thought, this gesture has been used since the earliest times of the Church to … Some may make the sign as they drive past a cemetery as a quick prayer for the dead who are buried there. Why do we make the sign of the cross at Mass after the procession, entrance chant, and the veneration of the Altar? The reader is exactly right, however: Eastern Catholics (and Eastern Orthodox) make the Sign of the Cross by touching their right shoulder first. By making it, we profess the central truths of our faith: that God became one of us, with a human body and soul; that he died on the cross to save us; and that our own bodies and souls share in the same power of the Savior whereby we are freed from sin and death and brought to the resurrection and the life of heaven. Both actions remind us of the two thieves who were crucified alongside Christ. Joining together 2 fingers and thumb we touch first our forehead, then move down to the bottom of the chest, back up and over to the left shoulder, across to the right shoulder. Many also touch their right shoulder up higher than their left shoulder. Before we look at why the cross may be made at these places, first a word on how to make the sign of the cross. There are several reasons why we make the sign of the cross physically. Words often accompany the sign of the cross, but they are not essential. Many worshippers make the sign of the cross with an open hand, their five fingers reminding them of the five wounds of Christ. But when we learn to take this act seriously, signing ourselves often with faith and reverence, remarkable results can take place. Every time we listen to the Gospel Jesus is knocking at the door of our heart, waiting to get in. The shape of the sign is a reminder of the cross of Christ. WHY WE MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS. Why do we have to make the Sign of the Cross physically? Notes: There are slight variations of the triple sign of the cross which are less complicated. But when we learn to take this act seriously, signing ourselves frequently with faith and reverence, remarkable results can take place. – S.M. As this invocation is made, an increasing number of Lutherans trace the sign of the cross over their bodies from forehead to lower chest, then from shoulder to shoulder and back to the heart; and others trace a small cross on their foreheads. Gospel means "good news." This kind of spiritual attack involves not only an increasingly common psychological pathology, but also illustrates that our minds and bodies are connected. The Sign of the Cross is primarily a blessing. We make the Sign of the Cross, we sit attentively to the Word, we stand at attention for the Gospel, we bow during a section of Creed, we kneel during the Consecration, and so on. It is also used as an improvised prayer to ward off evil or to bless oneself in a time of prayer or need. Words often accompany the sign of the cross, but they are not essential. We begin and end our prayers with the Sign of the Cross, perhaps not realizing that the sign is … We don’t see in the New Testament that any of our Lord Jesus’ disciples made the sign of the Cross or taught others to do so. So, let us recognize the power of what we do when we pray, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Catholics occasionally make the Sign of the Cross casually, just as a nice gesture for commencing and ending their prayers. As far as I know, bishops (and priests) in the Roman Empire have always made the sign of the cross as a blessing over the people by writing the sign of the cross in the air. It serves as an abbreviated form of the Apostles’ Creed. –the sign made with the right hand to the forehead. Making the sign is our taking up the cross and following Him (Lk 9:23). This tradition in Latin Rite and Protestant churches open to all kinds of dangers psychological... And hit Enter/Return to search, Helping Catholics know & love the Lord surprised Him with an ignominious (! The Father, Son, and of the Father and of the cross is so common that we rush. Are affirming our loyalty to Him throughout the day—THE sign of the cross makes the devil watched die... 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