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Once you cut firewood into reasonably sized pieces, it’s not that heavy. At least on the outside. Stacking the wood in a criss cross pattern, like a log cabin, works well too. If the wet wood is left wet for a long time, it can become a good place to grow molds and mildew. If they create a hollow sound, then your wood is ready. Pursuing Outdoors LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. High-quality firewood has long been a dream of all crispy fire enthusiasts. But, more on that later. Air-Drying Wood Tip #4 – Wait as Long as Possible Before Cutting Final Parts. Hardwood could take 18 months, while softwood can sometimes become fully seasoned after only 6 months. Ideally your firewood should be at 20% or less moisture. This post contains affiliate links, this means at no extra cost to you, we make a commission from sales. However, we also know that it can sometimes take months and months until we can enjoy it. Plus, you won’t go over your “wood drying” budget nor have to check it often. Once you have your firewood all nice and ready, it’s time to stack it. But, again, things aren’t always as perfect as they seem. We’ve found that pallets often work best for this. Do not wrap your pile totally in waterproofing as covering the whole stack in a tarp can double the drying time. After all, who doesn’t love bundling up next to their fireplace and enjoying their hot cocoa? But, when you cut it into the right shape for your wood burner (or fireplace), the drying process speeds up. Homesteading is a mindset, a way of life – Get in to it! But, if you have one moist piece of firewood on hand, compare the weight. Affiliate Disclosure The pieces placed on the ground will get wet, and the ends against the fence won't dry well, resulting in improperly seasoned wood that burns unevenly. There are three basic methods you can use to dry firewood: Drying firewood naturally is not that difficult as it may appear. Piwakawaka Valley Homestead is here to help you learn exactly how you can homestead anywhere. Thus, when it comes to expenses, there’s a chance you won’t actually save a lot of money by opting for the cheaper version. Well seasoned wood will feel lighter to lift than wet wood and will have some long cracks developing across the grain. Once it’s completely dry, it changes its characteristics a bit and becomes high-quality firewood for your home. Although, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Furthermore, not having the meters probably won’t do you any good, as you won’t be able to know exactly how the drying process is going. See our Disclosure statement for more information. A bit of sunshine and air is all it takes to fire up your fireplace and cut down on your electricity bill! Reposition the racks in the kitchen oven so one is in the bottom spot and another is in the center. The wood will be “bare” on the sides, which in turn will allow the air to circulate through it, giving it enough ventilation. If you leave the wood out for the Summer then stack it away later in to the woodshed once it is seasoned is ideal. Your electricity bill could go through the roof! Increase the Air Circulation – Increasing the airflow to and around each piece of wood is one of the best ways to speed up the entire drying process. Short and narrow wood piles dry much faster than a thick and wide solid stack of wood. However, there’s a catch. The most common method used to air-dry lumber is to lay narrow sticks perpendicular to the layers of lumber to create an air space between each layer so the moisture can escape. Mold is dangerous and can cause serious respiratory conditions. Many types of wood, when dried correctly can be seasoned in 6-12 weeks. Green wood is the moist wood you get once you cut down the tree. And the heat? Place pallets or … This type of wood will keep you warm at night, and you’ll probably still be warm by the morning. Split the wood into manageable pieces, and stack the pieces above the ground. Damp wood may be found on floors, windows, door trim, staircases, and floor joists. Drying it with the mass is a good way to finish off the drying. About Piwakawaka Valley Homestead Use that for kindling, and bring in the oak to dry by the fire. The more split surfaces, the faster the wood will dry. That’s a good sign that shows us that the wood has dried successfully! Damp wood will dry out and burn once the fire is burning well. The best ones have moisture meters that are very important if you want to sell or use high-quality firewood. Therefore, most people tend to opt for softwood instead. The reason is quite simple, really, yet often overlooked by those who just cannot wait to start cuddling next to the fireplace. If it’s dry, it will burn! Autumn/Fall is really too late to get any beneficial drying done. Piwakawaka Valley is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Ideally you should be harvesting or buying in next Winter’s wood this Spring time or early Summer. Wood seasoning time depending on its species is an extremely subjective topic. No, no! And, that’s it. Unsplit wood can actually stay green and wet even in perfect drying conditions for a whole Summer! If you’ve put in the effort and followed some of our advice above, then in a few months (or less if you have a kiln), you will see these results: The best and quickest way to tell if your wood is ready is a moisture meter. It can either appear a bit bleached or go dark. We also stack small piles around the stove to dry up the wood. Nevertheless, the color doesn’t really matter in terms of aesthetics. However, when it comes to seasoning firewood, things can get a bit tricky. Grab our PDF, This post was most recently updated on March 9th, 2020. Electronic postal or pocket scales can be purchased from office suppliers and big-box stores. That's pretty much true -- it can take nine months to a year for some firewood to properly dry or "cure." It’s still wet because there’s tree sap in it, and before it dries, it will stay a bit too cool for our taste. Of course, if you have a kiln or a ventilation system, and you’re not afraid of paying a bit more for your electricity bill, then dry your wood that way. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. You can opt for a criss-cross pattern, and ensure that the end of every wood piece is placed in a way that every row is perpendicular to the row underneath. When it comes to drying firewood, the best thing you can do is to prepare yourself beforehand. | Out cutting and wanted to share a tip for some feedback. Cherry, which might take around 3.5 months; Rock elm, black locust, apple, pear, and other fruit woods and elms dry for at least 6 months. It’s still moist! Cut your logs in to the length that fits best within the fire that you plan on burning it in. Burning wet wood will leave you with a cold room, a lot of smoke and lots of that sticky creosote up your chimney that can (and will) cause a chimney fire. Anything higher and the wood is not ready. Stacking your wood out in the sun and wind certainly helps it dry faster, but it … I want to help you make your self-sufficient dreams a reality. Split It - Splitting the firewood allows the air to reach all sides of the wood, speeding up the amount … If the wood is covered in snow or ice, check the floor after 15 to 30 minutes and mop up the melted snow. If you can get to the wood on the inside, though, it will more than likely be dry enough to burn. When the drying is done in a kiln, the product is known as kiln-dried timber or lumber, whereas air drying is the more traditional method.. This step is crucial if you want to be warm during the winter. Not only will you get exquisite results, but the wood itself will be ready for use in a few short months that will just fly by! Meanwhile, seasoned wood is the wood you want to fire up. If your firewood has a moisture content of greater than 20%, the fire will spend most of it’s energy on drying the wood out and not on producing heat! You must learn how to dry wet wood fast and this guide will help you out. Once that’s done, and you’re happy with your choice, get an ax and start splitting the logs into firewood. We all do! Of course, there’s no need to cover up the obvious – it is not the cheapest method out there. Please remember to follow us and join our newsletter! The trick is to get to the wood … It could take years, for all we know! We all want the wood to dry as fast as possible. If a piece of wood has 50% moisture content, for example, it … Stack it in an open barn or shed 3. Softwood tends to burn a lot faster than hardwood. Stack it along a fence line 2. Drying firewood requires you to find a nice, sunny spot for it. Costs more than natural drying, but it is effective and quick. Leave your wood pile uncovered for the Summer, and move it under cover for the Autumn/Fall to allow the last of the moisture to dry off before the cold weather sets in. Hot and dry summers will dry out a piece of wood better than cool, damp, summer will. How to Dry/Season Firewood Fast – Top 3 Ways, Fishing off the Rocks (land-based) in the Bay of Islands: New Zealand, Natural drying – using what we already have: the sun and the air. Similarly, there are also a few ways to stack wood: 1. It tends to be more stable that just stacking it in a row, plus it gives better air flow to the wood allowing it to dry quickly. Both of these options will require a decent amount of time in order to dry. Furthermore, you ought to stack it in a way that will let the air circulate through and around it. Due to that, it’s heavier than dry firewood, and it cannot burn that easily. This aspect usually depends on the type of wood you’ve picked. Good Way to Dry Firewood Fast? Make sure you place something beneath it to allow the air to do its thing. RELATED POST: Starting a fire without Newspaper. Different types of wood will take different amounts of time. Tightly stacked piles may look more pretty, but they are much less efficient at actually seasoning firewood. Even if you speed up the process, it could still take months until you can fire up the wood. The term “moisture content,” when speaking about wood, refers to the weight of water held by a piece of wood, expressed as a percentage to a dry piece of wood of the same type and size. Stacking your wood out in the sun and wind certainly helps it dry faster, but it will need a lid to keep the rain off. Ideally the wood will take up most of the length, so as to be efficient without too much space at either end, while not needing to be wedged in or left at an awkward angle to get the door closed. The traditional rule-of-thumb for air-drying lumber is to allow one year of drying time per inch of wood thickness; this adage obviously only takes a few of the aforementioned variables into account, but it’s at least a rough starting point in understanding the time investment required in order to properly air-dry lumber. A good foundation is critical to successfully drying wood. This site is owned and operated by Pursuing Outdoors LLC. One final thing about natural drying – you should cover your firewood. The quick drying firewood. Throw a small piece of firewood into the coals of a glowing hot fire – wet wood will sizzle, dry wood will catch on fire within 1 minute. ; dry, it weighs 20 lbs. Start the fire using dry kindling and wood. In situations where green wood is to be processed into usable boards, (especially in the case of thicker lumber), a kiln is frequently used to control the drying process. Whichever way you pick, the most important thing is to know when your firewood is dry and ready to be used. These meters will tell you the amount of moisture that’s left in the wood so that you can adjust your process and maybe even speed it up. But, alas, the devil’s in the details. It can take about six months, but if you fancy piling your wood or you just have a lack of space, this is a relatively fast way to dry your wood. ... Dry wood in descending order of Btu in millions per cord. The first thing you will have to do is, of course, find the wood you would like to dry. Wood that is left on the dirt or grass will struggle to dry. You can get loads of it for a small amount of money, and it will produce a great fire that will keep your family warm. Let’s see how we can dry it! When the wood is damp or wet we put pieces on the grates farthest from the fire and let them dry. There are good ways and there are bad ways to get your firewood ready to burn. During that process, we need to make sure we are stacking the wood properly. Find out more about us here. Otherwise, yeah, oak can take a long time to season. Wet wood won’t keep you warm at night – nor will it smell that great! Let’s see how we can dry it! Almost non-existent! There are a couple of ways to determine if your firewood is well seasoned. Short answer – A kiln will give you the fastest results. Before we start drying our firewood like the pros we know we can be, we first have to consider the type of wood we can use. You can unsubscribe at anytime. The degree of wetness in wood is called moisture content, and it's expressed as a percentage. Therefore, if possible, try to get your wood early on so that you have some time to dry it completely. It has to be lower than 75%. But confusingly that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a wood that is hard to the touch. Below I will share with you the best tips that I have to help you get your firewood dry super fast. Namely, it needs more time to dry in the first place, and it’s difficult to cut and split it into reasonably sized firewood logs. If it catches fire quickly, then you will know that it’s ready for use. It is important to select pieces similar in size to ensure the stack doesn't collapse. Oak, which takes around 2 years to dry; hickory around the same time. Wood that is stacked out in the open, away from walls, buildings or trees do dry the fastest. Softwood is not only cheap but also available pretty much everywhere. Turn the wood over or stand it on end. Nevertheless, there is a catch. You could also buy a little dry firewood to get you started. Thus, all your efforts would be in vain, and the process would, yet again, be lengthy. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Split wood dries faster because it has more area exposed to the air than full logs with bark. This means less power bills and less problems when the grid goes down. Please read You would need to place the ventilators underneath the wood so that the air can circulate and dry effectively. And don’t worry, we hate spam too! We have a wood cook stove and scrounged some burner grates from an old gas stove. It takes a lot of structure to hold up a mass … It is a specially designed chamber with fans and air vents where you can easily stack your wood and control the humidity and the drying process by following the parameters. You can use the top layer of wood first and next layer will get a chance to dry enough when you are done with that first layer … Therefore, if we see some cracks there, there’s no need for us to worry. If you'd like to keep your scale clean, place a container onto the scale, hit "Tare," and then place the wood in. Meanwhile, sunshine will dry it out quickly and efficiently. our Disclosure Statement. The whole purpose of drying wood is to get the moisture content of the wood down to a point where the wood is more stable, and often somewhere between 8 and 14 percent. It’s actually green wood that has been left to dry out. Here is a pretty useful video that I found: Therefore, if you can, install ventilation channels and a sensor that will tell you when you should turn them off. As you build, don’t cut parts down to final size immediately. It’s amazing. The most reliable way of checking the moisture content of your firewood is to invest in a moisture meter . If you live in a sunny area, just leave the firewood outside and let it soak up the sun. Once it’s completely dry, it changes its characteristics a bit and becomes high-quality firewood for your home. Privacy Policy, Disclosure, Disclaimer & Copyrights. You can use plastic sheets or maybe even a tarp. It cannot be left in a random pile in the middle of our backyard. Furthermore, bear in mind that they should be turned off at night and when there’s a lot of fog or rain. You have entered an incorrect email address! Believe it or not, rain actually will help your wood to season. What is does mean though is that we need a good supply of dry firewood each Winter. This can take from 6 months to over a year, depending on the wood and your firewood drying conditions. Drying time varies with the cut; 2-foot pieces (a standard firewood length) will dry in about six months, while 4-footers may take a year. This will allow the air to flow underneath. We love our wood cookstove, it heats our house, we cook on it and it heats our hot water over the Winter months. And, of course, you can always add some heat to it. … By storing it correctly, you can make sure … Please read: This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. While there are various types of k… Wood that is split along the grain will dry up to 15 times faster than wood that is surrounded in bark. Now, you might be wondering why firewood needs to be completely dry before you fire it up. Not sure how many veggies to grow? Only cover with a roof. In addition, laying the wood near heat will help it dry out more quickly. The moisture is due to the tree sap and the tree cells that are keeping it, well…almost alive. To season wood means to give the wood time for the water to evaporate out of it. RELATED POST: What is the best types of firewood? Then simply stick the prongs in the wood and take a reading. Getting Dry Kindling from Wet Wood. If possible, stack the wood on a rack off the ground. But, if you follow these steps correctly, you could have dry firewood ready for winter, even if you got the wood in summer! Even having a home kiln is not a cheap idea, no matter how much you cut down on your other expenses. The air is too humid for the wood to season properly. The dry firewood should weigh a lot less than it used to, which means that it’s ready to be fired up. Termites and other wood-related pests will throw a party! Build your own Holz Hausen Although some people simply stack the wood up along a fence line, it's not the best way to age it. ... and the fire will be easier to build. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You don’t want more than 15-25%. But, beware. Therefore, make sure you select a good area. It’s the robust wood like oak, black maple, and locust that will allow you to efficiently warm your home. It might prove to be counterproductive because it could lead to re-wetting. For example, a piece of green wood weighs 50 lbs. Split the bigger logs you have (lengthwise) - that will help speed things up. Generally harder, hotter burning woods like gum take longer to season than softer, cooler burning wood like white pine. Learn how your comment data is processed. But, the good news is that the wood will dry a lot faster this way. Place the wood pile on concrete or gravel or raise it up with some boards or pallets to let the air circulate underneath the pile as well. If you get your wood in spring, for example, and you leave it like that (in the shape of logs), who knows when it will dry! But, if there’s no need for it, don’t do it! If you hit two pieces of well seasoned wood together they will make a higher pitched clear sound. Even wood drying in a covered shed in Autumn is unlikely to get under 30% moisture content. Once cut, green wood sort of feels a bit slimy and cold. Set it to measure grams, place your wood onto it, and take note of your wood's weight. If you place it into the fireplace, it will just sizzle and generate a lot of smoke. If you hit two pieces of wet wood together, you get a very dull ‘thud’ sound. Furthermore, you would still need to place the wood on pallets or perhaps even net bags. If your wood is green, it should be left out uncovered exposed to the sun and wind. Finally, if you’re not quite sure about other signs, you can always go the easy route and thump two pieces together. Still, even if you get it in summer, for example, there’s no need to worry about it. Just like pretty much everything else in life, wood also loses a few pounds once it dries. You want to leave room for wood to do all its misbehaving while it’s still thicker and wider than needed. Sign up for our weekly Fresh From the Farm Newsletter. If they are warm and dry, then you might be in for a cozy fire afterward! Now, don’t get us wrong. The minimum amount of time to dry, or season, green wood for maximum output is about six months. When you are stacking your wood, make sure that there is plenty of space for air to flow in and around each piece. Hardwood, for example, is the best choice if you’re looking to build great and lengthy fires. But, if there’s no kiln, nature has a solution! The added air circulation makes wood dry at least twice as fast. The key to keeping firewood dry is to protect it from rain and snow, but still allow enough sunlight to dry and season it. Since green wood is still very moist, it’s not a good idea to place the wood somewhere in your house. Ventilation – a form of artificial drying. The drying process will be shorter than usual, but the quality of the wood won’t be bad at all! Here are some of the best firewood carts to aid in the stacking/burning process. But that percentage often can exceed 100 because it represents the ratio of the weight of the water in a piece of wood to the weight of the same wood when it is completely dry. Three Ways to Dry Firewood Fast This will tell you exactly how dry your firewood actually is. There are a few different ways of drying wood. Ideally it should be seasoned to about 20% moisture content or less. ***************************************** Nevertheless, softwood dries a lot faster than hardwood, which is why it is a good option for people who just don’t have time to wait it out. Without further ado, let’s find how to dry firewood fast and without too much hassle! However, if it starts to sizzle and produce a lot of smoke, then wait a bit longer. Because of that, we dug a little deeper and found out how to dry firewood fast. Plus, the drying process will slow down a lot. With a log rack, you can keep your firewood off the ground, and both ends of the wood will be exposed to air an… You may have to use some foresting techniques such as felling, limbing and bucking. Go get some bundles from the gas station. Rain will help flush out sap that keeps the wood green. If you are using an outdoor fire pit, you could dry out moist firewood by placing it on a wire rack over the firepit. Another approach is to build a wood rack, which is fast, easy, and inexpensive. Weigh your wood samples using a postal scale. However, bear in mind one thing: don’t try to stack your firewood on the ground. Stacking the wood in a sunny spot will get you the best results – and the fastest ones as well. We all know how appealing perfectly dried firewood is. Of course we do this only when we are awake and can keep an eye on them. So, a good way of checking if it has seasoned nicely is to feel the ends of the firewood. The long drying firewood. Seasoned wood that has been exposed to rain will, of course, be wet to the touch. For the rest of the time, you will have to wait it out. Wood that is kept damp will rot rather than dry. The mighty kiln is a dreamy invention if you’re really into drying firewood. If not, then you’ll just have to practice patience and wait a bit longer! Hard woods vs soft wood The longest-burning firewood that produces the most heat will be a hardwood. Allow sun and wind to reach your wood pile, the more sides of the wood it can reach, the faster your firewood will season. Take a small piece of firewood and try to fire it up. Get exclusive content, discounts and updates. Hardwood is far more difficult to work with. If you like tips on frugal living, self sufficiency and consuming less, sign up to our newsletter below, I would LOVE to have you! All you will need is some perseverance, strength to cut the logs into firewood, and a place where you can keep it. If you don’t have access to a kiln, your oven can be a great alternative! Kiln drying – the fastest method out there, but also the most expensive one. Otherwise, you’re in trouble. Wood drying (also seasoning lumber or wood seasoning) reduces the moisture content of wood before its use. The ends of the wood play a vital role in the drying process because that’s where the air needs to seep into. It’s actually green wood that has been left to dry out. When using a moisture meter, it is important to get a fresh cut of the wood right down the center. So, if the weather is fine, you can leave it uncovered until it starts raining cats and dogs (or snowing). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now, another way you could speed up the drying process is to use forced ventilation. Meanwhile, seasoned wood is the wood you want to fire up. If you have had firewood that is wet and sizzling instead of dry and clean burning, you will understand the importance of seasoning your firewood correctly. The next step to learning how to dry firewood fast is to stack the wood as neatly as possible. Use a log rack 4. Some fire pits have this feature built into the pit. In order to get the flames and the warmth you want, you ought to think in advance. Hello and welcome, I’m Dana. You would need a greater quantity of softwood just to make your home crispy and cozy! 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