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If this step is not taken from the top there will be many workers and young people, who will be prepared to do so anyway. Only Hugo has the programme to fight and defeat Tory cuts. Starmer has laid down a clear challenge to the trade union movement. We deliver progressive, independent media, that challenges the right’s hateful rhetoric. Therefore, this information could change. L'homme a été de toutes les luttes. Over the pandemic, trade union leaders have been working with government to shape things like the furlough scheme. Would you be meeting with Rishi Sunak or would you have a more combative stance? Most recently, we got outsourced catering assistant staff from the minimum wage to the London living wage. The Con-Dem Government plans to axe our jobs, privatise our services, hold down our pay, slash our pensions and cut public services. Hugo Pierre, currently a Black member’s representative on UNISON’s NEC, has worked for Camden Council for 30 years. Testing is failing - it's a privatised mess, Furloughed worker speaks out: Let down by insecure contracts, Transport for London given funding stop gap, Birmingham NHS porters' 48-hour strike against shift changes, Poland: Mass protests against abortion ban, Leeds protesters demand "Buhari must go!". Tuesday, 31 August 2010. Left Foot Forward. But I’m also a member of the National Executive Committee [as a representative of black members]. In part one of a two-part interview, he told Left Foot Forward about his grassroots campaigning in North London’s schools and how he would make the union more combative if elected. That was a no-brainer. So I thought I’d marry my grassroots experience of campaigning with my national experience to go for the General Secretary role. But unfortunately, to date, Unison, which is affiliated to the Labour Party and is the biggest local authority trade union, has not called on Labour councillors to refuse to implement Tory cuts. Hugo Pierre: Hugo Pierre, a candidate in Unison's general secretary election, speaking at Socialism 2020, 21st November 2020. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Hugo Pierre. A 'circuit breaker' could have limited the spread of this disease. I got into local government at the Greater London Council in 1984s, supported the miners’ strike and became a NALGO shop steward there and a branch secretary at the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA). The TUC accepted 80% but why should people be restricted to 80% pay? The evidence is clear. Unison needs a strategy to defeat Tory cuts and demand funding. Four candidates qualified to enter the ballot (28 October to 27 November): two rank-and-file candidates, Paul Holmes and Hugo Pierre, and two assistant general secretaries, Roger McKenzie and Christina McAnea. Why I am backing Hugo Pierre for Unison general secretary, Unison NEC elections: United left challenge needed to fight slaughter of jobs and services, Croydon Council declares bankruptcy - no cuts in Croydon or any other council, Come to the TUSC local elections conference - 7 February, Councillors in Surrey resign from Labour and look to stand independently, Why I'm leaving Labour and campaigning for TUSC, The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) is 'up and running' for the May 2021 elections, Save Our Square from New Labour gentrification, British Gas engineers continue strike against fire-and-rehire plans, Sage care workers strike again: Billionaires refuse to pay up, Merseyside: DHL workers at Burton's Biscuits strike against half-baked pay deal and bullying bosses. That’s because we’ve ducked out of some of the main battles that we’ve faced. He attempted to receive the Action Broad Left nomination however lost to Holmes, he is running an independent socialist campaign. Party, Subscribe What we do isn’t free, and we run on a shoestring. He is running an independent socialist campaign to be general secretary after missing out on the Action Broad Left nomination. These articles are produced without the authorisation of Hugo Pierre, in order to comply with these requirements. That has to change. Support Hugo Pierre and transform Unison into a fighting democratic union in Featured Articles , Trade Union , Workplace News October 29, 2020 The election for a new general secretary of Unison, the largest trade union in Britain with 1.4 million members, has begun. Of course, we want to meet with whoever it was to get the money for our members need that we need – but just meeting and discussing doesn’t always get the results that you want. This devastating shortfall in funding to councils, coming as it does after ten years of Tory cuts passed on by the SNP in Scotland and Labour Welsh government to councils, will be a potential extinction event for many local authorities. Together we can find the stories that get lost. Unison says that if £10 billion of cuts were made equally to all council services, £1.9 billion would be slashed from children services, £1.1 billion from environmental services (which includes cleansing and refuse collection) and £3.5 billion from adult social care (that is already in crisis). With this in mind, as of 26 August 2020, the alphabetical list of prospective candidates is as follows: Paul Holmes, Christina McAnea, Roger McKenzie, Hugo Pierre and Peter Sharma. Seven Socialist Party members have been elected to the SGEs to provide a fighting, socialist voice: Helen Couchman, Community; Adrian O'Malley, John Malcolm and Steve Bell, Health; Mark Evans, Joy Taylor and Angela Waller, Local Government. Hugo Pierre: Unison has “ducked out” of battles and not punched its weight. chipping in as little as £1 a week to help us survive? Hugo Pierre 4 Unison General Secretary. Why is it that MPs who vote for benefit cuts are welcome in Keir Starmer's Labour Party? The government has now ripped up its 'austerity' mantra and turned to policies that not long ago were denounced as socialist. They also, by disillusioning working-class and middle-class voters, contributed towards the Tory general election victory last year. Join the Socialist Découvrez tout ce que Hugo Pierre (ugopierre) a découvert sur Pinterest, la plus grande collection d'idées au monde. DVLA Covid outbreak: They only care about output and productivity, Martin Powell-Davies for NEU DGS: "We need to use our collective strength", Steel site scaffolders strike for the 'rate of the job', Rolls-Royce Barnoldswick factory future secured following strike action, 27 Jan Biden, Labour, and the need for a new mass workers' party, 27 Jan Mass protests in Russia against Putin regime, 27 Jan Schools: 'We have to fight for everything', 27 Jan Come to the TUSC local elections conference - 7 February, 27 Jan Jaguar Land Rover: West Midlands superspreader, 27 Jan Sage care workers strike again: Billionaires refuse to pay up, 27 Jan Cardiff West Socialist Party: Saving the music industry from pandemic and austerity, 27 Jan Bristol North Socialist Party: Open discussion, 28 Jan Cardiff East Socialist Party: Saving the music industry from pandemic and austerity, Phone our national office on 020 8988 8777, Locate your nearest Socialist Party branch Text your name and postcode to 07761 818 206, Joining the Socialist Party - what will it mean for you, Click here for our coronavirus articles and reports, Biden, Labour, and the need for a new mass workers' party, Mass protests in Russia against Putin regime, Schools: 'We have to fight for everything', Jaguar Land Rover: West Midlands superspreader, Cardiff West Socialist Party: Saving the music industry from pandemic and austerity, Bristol North Socialist Party: Open discussion, Cardiff East Socialist Party: Saving the music industry from pandemic and austerity. Jeremy Corbyn, who as Labour leader in 2017 achieved the biggest increase in a general election for any party since 1945, is not antisemitic. Unison estimates that there is a current shortfall in funding of councils of £10 billion for 2020-21. As you’re here, we have something to ask you. I don’t think it’s a good look when [Trade Union Congress General Secretary] Frances O’Grady was on the steps of Downing Street with Rishi Sunak and the leader of the Confederation of British Industry to say that the next round of furlough payments were going to be reduced [from 80%] down to 66%. The remaining left candidate is Paul Holmes. Why is it that those who voted for cuts in councils and for privatisation of public services, or for the right of state agents to commit crimes while spying on trade unionists and socialists, are welcome in the Labour Party, as are those who campaigned for a 'hostile environment' for migrants? It’s the biggest union but most people wouldn’t know it – they haven’t heard what Unison does and the battles we’ve been involved in. I hope that other education trade unions co-sign the NEU's petition, and we do whatever we can to present it as a joint one to the government. The Tories want to dismantle and reduce the cost of local government as much as they can get away with. Why I am backing Hugo Pierre for Unison general secretary Camden UNISON is the largest trade union branch in the borough with about 3,000 members. It got worse in the mid-70s though and we had to fight a lot of battles after we moved further out of London to Hornchurch. And lots of people – particularly self-employed – who haven’t been able to get that 80%. Hugo Pierre est l’un des quatre candidats qui se présentent au poste de secrétaire général du plus grand syndicat britannique Unison. Camden UNISON is a branch of UNISON, one of Britain’s main trade unions, which has more than a million members. Hugo Pierre est l’un des quatre candidats qui se présentent au poste de secrétaire général du plus grand syndicat britannique Unison. — Alan Gibbons (@mygibbo) January 11, 2021 And of the candidates standing to be the new general secretary of Unison, only Hugo Pierre has the programme that can achieve this. I believe UNISON could stop this Coalition of Losers by co-ordinating national action against their plans. Hugo Pierre is standing for the local government male seat. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. That’s patronising and misogynistic, says Christina McAnea, Unison: Nationalise the big six and create a ‘green army’ to help the UK hit net zero, Outsourced Unison staff at UCL win better terms in time for Christmas. Hugo also calls for Labour, SNP and Plaid Cymru councils to implement needs-led no-cuts budgets, and for councils to join with Unison, and the other local authority unions and other councils, to build a mass campaign of opposition to Tory cuts. Help fund a challenge to austerity at the ballot box - donate today! If Labour councillors, MPs, MSPs in Scotland, and MSs in Wales, back cuts, then Hugo says Unison should withdraw funding from these individuals. This page is aimed to promote my bid to be the rank and file left challenger in the forthcoming UNISON General Secretary election. 29 October, 2020 . Very importantly, if Labour councillors won't implement Unison policy, then Hugo calls for branches to have the right to decide democratically to support other labour movement candidates who will, even if they are not in the Labour Party. Unison, which represents over 1.3 million workers, needs determined fighting leaders. I am the only candidate in the election to have said we should only use our members' money to politically back those who back us, and the policies we stand for. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The figures are only beaten by those in sixth forms and universities. By clicking 'Sign me up' you confirm that you have read and agree to our, Inside Home Office plans to ramp up deportation flights, Why I joined Labour after voting for Boris Johnson in 2019, Prof Prem Sikka: The post-Brexit race to the bottom…, Prof Prem Sikka: With their Brexit deal, the…, Exclusive: Nigel Farage lost 50,000 followers after…. Most of those still work directly for Camden … Dans la première partie d’une interview en deux parties, il a raconté à Left Foot Forward sa campagne dans les écoles du nord de Londres et comment il rendrait le syndicat plus combatif s’il était élu. But if they won't feed hungry children at the cost of £20 million in England, they won't fully fund councils without mass coordinated national action. Hugo Pierre, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge). Hugo Pierre could well do so and Margaret Greer cannot be ruled out at this point. Hugo Clément Journaliste "Sur le front" pour France2 Hugo Clément Twitter Hugo Clément tease son reportage éprouvant sur des dauphins massacrés aux Féroé I was elected in 2015. We’ve also run succesful campaigns against the closure of the deaf school and against our local special school becoming an academy. And how do you think Unison has been doing? I don’t think that the General Secretary should be the only elected paid official position. They were fully aware of the consequences of administering Tory cuts for council services and the working-class communities they were elected to serve. function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;window.open('https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u='+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;}, Link to this page: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/issue/1108/31593, From The Socialist newspaper, 28 October 2020. "Many Unison members will be shocked at the news that Keir Starmer has suspended Jeremy Corbyn and removed the Labour whip from him. Pierre failed to get the Unison Broad Left nomination. Peter Sharma is a branch officer and health and safety worker for UNISON in Edinburgh. Pierre est soutenu par le Parti socialiste. Read our interview with candidate Christina McAnea here and Roger Mckenzie here and we’re trying to get an interview with Paul Holmes. It is making clear to many that it is the working class that keeps society running, not the CEOs of major corporations. My mum was a machinist, my dad was a factory worker and I remember the 1970s miners’ strike and the winter of discontent. Not a penny more to cutters and privatisers.". Left Foot Forward . Unison, stylised as UNISON, is the largest trade union in the United Kingdom with almost 1.4 million members. However, despite their protestations to the contrary, there is something councillors can do to stop council cuts. Rules introduced by Unison to clamp down on democratic debate in the union mean that candidates for union elections cannot 'invite or accept' support 'in money or kind' from any entity which 'is not provided for in Unison rules'. "Schools are going back after half term, and school support staff and teachers will be facing a situation they would never have been in if the government had followed a lot of the scientific advice that it had been given about making sure that the half-term break was longer. We shouldn’t have done that – we should have continued to fight to defend the pension that we had at that stage. When the health crisis subsides, we must be ready for the stormy events ahead and the need to arm workers' movements with a socialist programme - one which puts the health and needs of humanity before the profits of a few. It would be business as usual for Labour councillors doing the Tories bidding. The Socialist Party's material is more vital than ever, so we can continue to report from workers who are fighting for better health and safety measures, against layoffs, for adequate staffing levels, etc. 666 likes. The TUC has to be a lot more combative in fighting for trade unionists but also for the wider working class. ... Hugo Pierre is the Black member’s representative on UNISON’s NEC. I’ve also been elected to the national schools committee for a long time. Division costs elections. We should be looking at any way we can to have a national dispute. Comme sénateur, Jean-Pierre Michel a ensuite été en 2013 rapporteur du projet de loi sur le mariage homosexuel, sous François Hollande. In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s - with unemployment spiralling and children going hungry - a mass socialist voice, including at the ballot box, is desperately needed. Motions to Unison's national conference or local government conference calling for national action against council cuts are ruled out of order (and never debated by conference) on the grounds of legal jeopardy. Hugo Pierre is one of four candidates running to be the General Secretary of the UK’s biggest trade union Unison. Antoine Gambor est le frère aîné de Hugo Gambor. Corbyn suspended: Join the fightback, join the socialists, Home All payments are made through a secure server. Six months later he has suspended Jeremy Corbyn from Labour membership. This would not change if one of the other candidates was successful, because even if they wished to put pressure on councillors (they don't mention that they want to do this), they don't have the programme to do it. A fraction of this cost would fully fund councils. This confirms the position I have argued for in this general secretary election, that Unison needs an independent fighting political voice. McAnea, the former assistant general secretary, gained almost 64,000 votes, amassing 47.7% of the vote. We’re not bankrolled by billionaire donors, but rely on readers chipping in whatever they can afford to protect our independence. Unison needs a strategy to defeat Tory cuts and demand funding. Socialists in the Unison union were feeling encouraged this week after left candidate Paul Holmes ... Assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie managed 14,450 votes and Hugo Pierre … | Hugo would ensure that the union's energies are focused on how to organise national action to defeat the cuts, as opposed to the current leadership which spends its time finding a way to stop it happening. Unison members have just elected their service group executive leaderships (SGEs), the bodies that oversee pay and conditions of service negotiations in service groups, including local government, health, higher education and energy. There’s been no academy conversions in Camden. Left Foot Forward is conducting interviews with all four candidates who secured enough nominations. We’re so grateful for your donation and will make sure your money goes as far as possible. The nomination period for General Secretary of the big public services union Unison closed on 25 September. Hackney back then wasn’t the diverse Hackney that we know today and there was a petition against my parents moving in. Of course, we will campaign and put on whatever pressure we can, but we also have to have that threat of taking industrial action to ensure that our communities, our members, are kept safe from Covid. The worst-kept secret in public sector union Unison is finally out. ", Unison branches should be allowed to support them. This, however, is a cynical attempt to use false accusations of antisemitism to attack the left. LFF: Tell us a bit about your background and how you got involved in Unison? There was a number of campaigns and we steadily increase the influence of the union in those workplaces. Unison currently has no strategy to defeat the cuts, other than to ask Tory ministers and lobby Tory MPs to find the additional resources to fund the shortfall. The ballot to determine who should fill vacant seats on the union's national executive committee has started. But after the corona crisis, it will try to make the working class pay for it, by trying to claw back what has been given. We’v got a structure of lay democracy in our union but we don’t have a structure of elected officials to the union. What would your strategy be if you were elected? What should it change? That had a big impact on me in terms of being working class and having that class consciousness. My name is Hugo Pierre and I am standing in the 2020 election for General Secretary of UNISON. The devastating reality of these cuts could be a loss of 51,000 children's social workers, 141,000 adult care workers and 46,000 refuse workers. However, we know that in and of itself that is not going to be enough, and as trade unions we will have to do what we normally do to keep people safe. I agree with the National Education Union's (NEU) statement which says that schools should be closed during the new lockdown to make sure that it is effective. Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. If the funding of social care (as has been the case in the past) and public health was protected, other services such as housing, planning and environmental services would face cuts of 54%! Joe Lo. At the end of the day, we need a national ballot on industrial action to win that and that’s not something we should shy away from. Where would that leave UNISON members who wanted to use their vote in the General Secretary election to achieve the best possible outcome to change our trade union for the better? We should have had a much more combative stance. The coronavirus crisis has laid bare the class character of society in numerous ways. In my first job, I became a trade unionist straight away. Under this measure, it indicated it could only afford to spend money on essential services - in other words, it had run out of money and was, in effect, declaring itself bankrupt. If we had a proper test-and-trace system that was implemented and developed during the lockdown, then the time that we have for a new lockdown would be put to good use. By clicking 'Sign me up' you confirm that you have read and agree to our privacy policy. Joe Lo is a co-editor of Left Foot Forward. The choice is clear - accept having no party that represents the interests of the working-class majority, or stand up and fight! Introducing Camden UNISON's Branch officers and departmental convenors. At present, little pressure is put by Unison on these Labour Blairites and other councillors to defend council services, with some notable exceptions at branch level, particularly where Socialist Party members in Unison have an influence. | Donate Maybe now they will listen - Refund the fees! in Featured Articles, Trade Union, Workplace News July 22, 2020. They’re full-time paid officials of the union and they’re both at assistant secretary general level. However, UNISON members away from the leadership of the campaigns of Holmes and McKenzie will be perplexed if their favoured candidates do not at least engage with the proposal from Hugo Pierre that a discussion should take place. Hugo Pierre: My parents came over from St. Lucia in the 1950s and I grew up in the East End of London. In order to win the Labour leadership, Keir Starmer tried to dress up in some of Corbyn's clothes, claiming he wanted 'unity' in the party. ", Jeremy Corbyn at 2016 Unison conference photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge). We’ve lost something like a million jobs in local government and our union’s voice hasn’t been heard and we haven’t been seen to be fighting those job losses. (If you’re reading, Peter, do get in touch.) Vote for Hugo Pierre. For a fighting, democratic general secretary, on a workers’ wage! What we do here to deliver real news is more important than ever. Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. If I was general secretary of Unison now, I would be wanting to meet with all of the other trade union leaders to see that we carry out a really thorough campaign to make sure that track-and-trace is brought back into the public domain; that it's organised by local authorities in partnership with local health protection agencies, to make sure that we have an effective system of controlling this disease - unlike the shambolic situation that we've seen until now. The Tories have found an orchard of money trees to bail out big business. Vote Hugo Pierre: Vote to Fight For Jobs, Conditions & Our Communities . Whatever you can donate, we’re so grateful - and we will ensure your money goes as far as possible to deliver hard-hitting news. Voting was as follows: Paul Holmes 45,220 (33.76%) Christina McAnea 63,900 (47.7%) Roger McKenzie 14,450 (10.79%) Hugo Pierre 10,382 (7.75%). Hugo Pierre for Unison general secretary. Hugo Pierre for Unison general secretary For a fighting, democratic general secretary, on a workers' wage! On local government funding, our position over the austerity position has not faced up to the challenges. Voting in the ballot was as follows: Paul Holmes 45,220 (33.76%) Christina McAnea 63,900 (47.7%) Roger McKenzie 14,450 (10.79%) Hugo Pierre 10,382 (7.75%). While the dinosaurs could not be blamed for not seeing the asteroid coming, and of not understanding the impact it would have, that is not the case with Labour, Plaid Cymru or SNP councillors. Les héritiers de Victor Hugo, dont Pierre Hugo, arrière-arrière-petit-fils de l'écrivain, ont été déboutés, vendredi, par la cour d'appel de Paris. The main thing is to organise campaigns that have raised low-paid women out of poverty pay. He won the endorsement of the union’s Broad Left, UNISON Action, as their candidate for general secretary. Voting in the ballot was as follows: Paul Holmes 45,220 (33.76%) Christina McAnea 63,900 (47.7%) Roger McKenzie 14,450 (10.79%) Hugo Pierre 10,382 (7.75%). Then it was teaching assistants. Unison general secretary candidate and Socialist Party member Hugo Pierre speaking during an anti-racism demo in 2017. Yeah. Click here for the latest article in the Socialist on the general secretary contest. We also need more elected leaders of our union. Schools are at the heart of our local communities, but they are also, unfortunately, the centre of many of the outbreaks of infections that are taking place. A single left candidate would have won the Unison election. We started with a nursery nurse strike. With no threat of national industrial action, there is no pressure on this Tory government to make a U-turn as it has on many other issues. The Socialist 28 October 2020 | Voting started on October 28th and the results will be announced on January 11th. And it shows the other candidates are completely out of touch with the mood of members and what we need. Candidate forms can be submitted online up until 25 September 2020. But as a member of the Socialist Party, he has decided to stand on their platform. On lui promettait une belle carrière, mais aujour Two members of the Socialist Party are standing. It has not even attempted to organise national action to defend council jobs and services. And this figure is growing day by day, as councils have to fund shortfalls in income, such as losses of charges and taxes, and increased expenditure due to Covid-19, but are not fully reimbursed for this by central government, or by the Welsh and Scottish devolved governments. If I was general secretary of Unison I would immediately contact Unite and other trade unions to call a conference of the workers' movement inside and outside of the Labour Party, to fight this attack and to discuss how to ensure workers have a political vehicle that does fight for their interests. Thatcher abolished the ILEA and I got a job in Camden and have been the education convener ever since 1990 – first for NALGO and then for Unison. Good arguments about the merits of local government will not win the day. Unison really doesn’t punch its weight. Vote for the only candidate who will lead that fight. Can you help by chipping in as little as £1 a week to help us survive? The Tories to date have successfully used Labour, Plaid Cymru and SNP councillors to do their dirty work for them. If we’d won that battle, austerity could have been over soon after. The reality is, the current national leadership has not put any pressure on Labour councillors to refuse to implement cuts. | Audio | PDF | ebook, Unison get sec election shows left can win NEC, Hugo Pierre, a candidate in Unison's general secretary election, speaking at Socialism 2020, 21st November 2020, Women workers need strong trade unions to defend their jobs, pay and services. What should stay the same? If Unison's bureaucracy spent as much effort defending council services as it does trying to prevent the union discussing them, we would be in a far better place. Il est passé par les centres de formation de l’IFR Châteauroux et de l’Olympique Marseille. Paul is a long-standing member of Unison and is on its NEC. Been working with government to shape things like the furlough scheme been compliant in assisting the in! A problem: we need get the Unison Broad Left nomination ” of battles not. 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