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family psychosocial assessment

Curso ‘Artroscopia da ATM’ no Ircad – março/2018
18 de abril de 2018

family psychosocial assessment

As coding continues, codes will be combined into categories. 18:1970–2015 The FHQ score was ≤7 in 26% of families indicating 3 or more risk factors ≤6 in 12.6% of families, indicating 4 or more risk factors. 2018;57(4):221–49. For H2.3c, we are interested in the extent to which psychosocial care is matched to need. This project is ambitious and has some potential challenges. Measuring psychosocial risk in families caring for a child with cancer: the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT2.0). For TIER, the plan includes the responsibilities of the champion. Another barrier is the lack of training among pediatricians in psychosocial issues and screening [27]. Each stakeholder will be interviewed by video conference using a theoretically driven and empirically based semi-structured interview guide [41]. 8. The PAT will be implemented across a national sample of 18 pediatric cancer programs ranging in size (annual new patients) in a mixed methods, comparative effectiveness study, guided by the Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination and Implementation, comparing two implementation strategies. In: Mathison S, editor. INTRODUCTION A. Psychosocial assessments have been an integral component of evaluations of patients for solid organ transplantation since the inception of these programs over 30 years ago. Site PIs and coordinators will attend training on data collection procedures, in separate sessions for the two conditions. (2006). Glaser BG. Sample size requirements for the internal validation of psychiatric scales. Implementation of an evidence-based, parent report screener of family psychosocial risk across the social ecology in English and Spanish may address these health disparities. After this point, interviews will be coded independently but will be reviewed and discussed if a discrepancy is found. We selected 6 sites for each of the three size categories. Cancer, 115, 4339-4349. Embedded in social ecology theory, the PAT total score maps on to the Psychosocial Preventative Health Model (PPPHM, Fig. Duncan TE, Duncan SC, Strycker LA. The estimated sample of patients/families is based on the median number of new patients each year from the PIPS-CSS database: small (n = 60), medium (n = 92), large (n = 339) multiplied by 6 sites at each size, a total of 2946, with 1473 families allocated to each strategy. IDENTIFYING DATA and CHIEF COMPLAINT ... • Family’s attitude towards mental health or treatment. volume 15, Article number: 60 (2020) Childhood cancer affects and is affected by multiple levels of the social ecology, including social and relational determinants of health (e.g., economic stability, housing, childcare, healthcare access, child and family problems). Informed consent was obtained from the parents, and they were asked to fill out the FHQ and PSC questionnaires as well as answer questions pertaining to their perceptions of their child’s health in the past year. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 2006. At the institution level, 18 sites will be randomly assigned to one of two strategies (9 sites/group). Psychol Methods. CA, TX, FL, NY, and NJ have large Hispanic populations [42]. Children develop in the context of the family. Assessment of Relevant Contextual, Historical, and Intrapersonal Factors a. Family psychosocial screening, a Standard of Care, if implemented consistently and across children’s cancer programs can reduce disparities in care by facilitating care matched to need, and promote adaptation. A history of mental health problems was reported by 12.8% of mothers in the sample., DOI: By using this website, you agree to our A multi-disciplinary team of psychologists and mental health professionals in Toronto providing assessment and treatment including EFT, EFFT, CBT, DBT to children, teens, families and adults. Kazak AE, Barakat LP, Hwang WT, Ditaranto S, Biros D, Beele D, et al. Commentary: writing and evaluating qualitative research reports. If substitutions are necessary, sites that are newly invited will be added to the denominator and adoption calculated by total acceptances/total invited. Two Empirically Supported Tools © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Cognitive interviews will be conducted to ascertain their interpretation and understanding of the PAT Implementation Toolkit. Int J Qual Health Care. 4. To view a copy of this licence, visit Please ensure that only information relevant to the client's situation is included in the report and routinely indicate the source of the information. A good family assessment should be performed alongside other health professionals such as social workers. Examples include the SEEK, a model for prevention of child maltreatment in the primary care setting. 2012;129:e232–46. McCarthy MC, Clarke NE, Vance A, Ashley DM, Heath JA, Anderson VA. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Similarly, data from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) [6] and a national survey of social workers [12] demonstrated inconsistent and often inadequate services. The broad theory proposed by the ISF is innovative in this field and provides a broad, forward looking approach to the process of advancing integrated care. These inequities relate directly to screening for family psychosocial risks associated with social and relational determinants of health. A two group analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) will compare the effectiveness of the two strategies [69, 70]. Jellinek MS, Murphy JM, Little M, Pagano ME, Comer DM, Kelleher KJ. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Health Psychol. 2012;37(6):614–21. At the patient/family level, TIER will be associated with: (a) a higher proportion of families of newly diagnosed children screened and provided with feedback (penetration) and (b) higher rates of screening for ethnic minority and socioeconomically diverse families (health equity). Soc Work Health Care. 2011;14(8):978–88. ANOVA will be conducted to compare the effectiveness of the two strategies. Psycho-oncology. Society of Pediatric Psychology workforce survey: updated factors related to compensation. Children live in the context of the family. The PSC-17: subscale scores, reliability, and factor structure in a new National Sample. Hoyle RH, editor. 2007;119:435–43. Psychosocial risk profiles among American and Dutch families affected by pediatric cancer. Shonkoff JP, Garner AS. Strategies for scaling tested and effective family focused preventive interventions are being discussed that aim to promote children’s cognitive, affective and behavioral health [18]. The study sites were an urban academic, hospital-based general pediatric clinic and a community clinic which is outside the metropolitan area. Kazak AE, Madan-Swain AM, Canter K, Vega G, Joffe N, Deatrick JA, et al. To test the effect of time, we will conduct latent growth curve analysis [71,72,73]. Other sites were selected to balance geography, race, ethnicity, and SES. Knafl K, Deatrick J, Gallo A, Holcombe G, Bakitas M, Dixon J, et al. psychosocial assessment in pediatric cancer. 2006;24(4):381–95. As a site in the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP), we will include a broad network of community and minority sites. Most families experience some distress but have minimal risk factors (low levels of distress, few prior child, or family problems) and resources (financial resources, strong social support) that help them cope and adapt to their child’s illness (universal). Therefore the staff sample ranges from a minimum of 45 ([18 × 2] + 9) to a maximum of 99 ([18 × 5] + 9), likely in the middle given the range of size of sites. Psychosocial screening in sickle cell disease: validation of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool. The questions on the PSC were validated in relation to the individual factors they measure but not the questionnaire as a whole [19,20,21,22,23]. It includes data that may present indirect risk. Some of these tools include components to assess family psychosocial factors as part of the total assessment. • Note any stigma related to culture or family TRAUMA OR SIGNIFICANT LOSS • Describe trauma that client has experienced. Exploring risk factors for the emergence of children’s mental health problems. Parents who spoke other languages than English or Spanish were excluded. Assessment procedures can be used as a guide by family councellors, in order to improve understanding of family functioning patterns. Based on our research [8], approximately 30% of Hispanic caregivers will be more acculturated/not literate in Spanish at the level necessary to complete the Spanish PAT, rendering a sample of 412. Second, to focus on population-based implementation, we did not consider sites with fewer than 30 new patients annually, and we selected sites with psychosocial staff at the median or above for their size. . The following data for English and Spanish versions of the PAT will be reported monthly: new patients meeting eligibility requirements per the PAT implementation plan; patients with documentation of PAT screening; patients receiving feedback letter; demographic data on all eligible and all screened (race, ethnicity, zip code, insurance). Kazak AE, Prusak A, McSherry M, Simm S, Beele D, Rourke M, et al. To implement the PAT in English and Spanish, 18 pediatric cancer programs, of varying sizes and with geographic distribution assuring representation of ethnic and racial minority families and families at socioeconomic risk, have agreed to participate. Psycho-oncology. Interactive systems framework and stages of the implementation study. Wandersman A, Duffy J, Flaspohler P, Noonan R, Lubell K, Stillman L, et al. Strategy II includes the webinar and technical support as above with the addition of two evidence-based resources that may improve implementation. Child Health Care. State of the art review: poverty and the developing brain. As one of the few applications of implementation science in pediatric cancer, the results of this trial will provide valuable information about what strategies are effective in supporting comprehensive care. We estimated a sample size of 300 subjects based on literature indicating that this number of subjects is generally acceptable for internal validation of psychiatric scales [34]. Particularly at risk are families with limited instrumental (i.e., financial) and social resources and pre-existing child and family problems. 2008;43(2):773–84. Arwa Nasir. Thirteen out of 18 sites are in these states. J Behav Health Serv Res. Pediatr Blood Cancer. All data will be reviewed for valid values/data entry errors, outliers, and extent/pattern of missing data. Does the use of the revised Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PATrev) result in improved quality of life and reduced psychosocial risk in Canadian families with a child newly diagnosed with cancer? McGraw KO, Wong SP. 2008;41(3-4):171–81. Lower FHQ scores were also associated with higher BMI, but the association did not achieve statistical significance (r(311) = −.09, p = .11). H2.1. The largest difference (of 4.40) was seen with FHQ10 (“I always feel stressed”; t(311) = 6.46, p < .001). The answers were scored as 0 or 1, where 0 indicated the presence of a risk factor. PLoS Med. This research was funded by a grant from the American Cancer Society (RSG-19-122). 2020;39(5):381–90. Since the initial versions of the PAT [14,15,16], we have refined the PAT with the current all literacy version reflecting the broad assessment of family psychosocial risks. Parents of 315 children between 4 and 6 years of age presenting for kindergarten physical examinations or other health care maintenance visits were recruited from two primary health clinics in Nebraska from June 10 to August 10, 2016. This study also documented the prevalence and profile of psychosocial risk in the population sample, identifying strong correlations between certain psychosocial risk factors such as poverty and parental mental illness and child behavioral health. Children develop in the context of the family. An interdisciplinary group of investigators utilized EBSCO, PubMed, PsycINFO, Ovid, and Google Scholar search databases, focusing on five areas: youth/ family psychosocial adjustment, family resources, family/social support, previous history/premorbid functioning, and family struc-ture/function. Duffee, et al. Interparental conflict, negative parenting, and children’s adjustment: bridging links between parents’ depression and children’s psychological distress. J Pediatr Psychol. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Publishing and Communications Guidelines ( will guide dissemination. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. For H2.3b sustainability (PIQ perceptions of implementation benefits and challenges), ANOVA will be conducted to compare the effectiveness of the two strategies on benefits and challenges. Sites will identify a champion (identify and prepare champions) who will advocate for PAT implementation and support staff in screening activities by serving as a resource to problem-solve and communicate with the broader clinical staff about screening and psychosocial risk. Kazak AE, Madan-Swain AM, Pai AL, Canter, K, Carlson O, Vega G et al. June 28, 2020 Comments Off on Do a Psychosocial Assessment for Meza Family. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2005. p. 343–4. This report will be distributed to the study team who will discuss the issues identified. Heckman JJ. This compares to a nationwide rate of approximately 35% in 2015 [36]. statement and To address issues of content and semantic equivalence as well as the cultural and conceptual aspects of the instrument translation, the questionnaire was independently reviewed by an additional 3 trained bilingual interpreters. The multiple group analysis models will provide valid estimates of efficacy if the proportion of missing values is < 10%. Shelton KH, Harold GT. Analyses will be conducted using Mplus 5.0 [74] with ML estimation for outcome variables that meet the distribution assumptions, and WLSMV estimation for variables that do not. Reslience in Development. 1996;1(1):30–46. NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research: Plano Clark VL; 2011. Public insurance is a marker of low income and economic disadvantage which has been correlated with adverse childhood health outcomes [39,40,41,42]. J Pediatr Psychol. Accessed 22 Mar 2018. Caregiver perspectives on psychosocial care in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT). Article  A master list for this data will be maintained at each respective study site and will not be shared with the core research team. Karuga J. These include frequent household moves, single parenting, three or more children in the home, less than a high school education, and unemployment. Clin Perinatol. Bauer NS, Gilbert AL, Carroll AE, Downs SM. the clinical setting. 2019;66(10); doi: Of course, correlation of the FHQ with the presence childhood behavioral problems does not prove causation. The other question was pertaining to a history of substance abuse. The Family Health Questionnaire is shown in Table 1. 2002;9(4):330–41. Future validation with larger and multicenter samples using other objective evaluations of child behavioral health may be helpful. Pediatrics. All data will be stored and managed on a secure drive. McGilloway S, Ni Mhaille G, Bywater T, Furlong M, Leckey Y, Kelly P, et al. 3. and Jonathan Santo. In: Weiner IB, editor. Pediatric Psychosocial Preventative Health Model (PPPHM): Research, practice and collaboration in pediatric family … The association of psychosocial screening and service provision in pediatric oncology: the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT2.0) into clinical practice. Family psychosocial factors contribute to the toxic stress that is an important risk factor for childhood psychopathology. Psychosocial screening and mental health in pediatric cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Any effort to address the psychosocial environment of the child must address family resources and psychosocial risk factors. CAS  Association of Child Life Professionals. Additional support for this research was provided by the Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress (SM080048), the Nemours Center for Healthcare Delivery Science, the Nemours Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, and the Department of Pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Data obtained from the electronic medical record included the child’s current BMI and the number of sick visits to the ED or the primary care office in the past year. If you are a new clinician or still in school you might be wondering how to write up a thorough biopsychosocial assessment for a client. Call us today to book your appointment. 2017;29(2):262–8. Aim 3 activities correspond to the third component of the ISF, Prevention Delivery System, in the development and dissemination of the PAT Implementation Toolkit. Childhood cancer affects and is affected by multiple levels of the social ecology, including social and relational determinants of health (e.g., economic stability, housing, childcare, healthcare access, child and family problems). To assure that there are staff to conduct screening and act on the results of screening, selected sites are at or above the median for the size of their psychosocial team (number [full time equivalents] social workers + psychologists + psychiatrists + child life specialists) [5] based on PIPS-CSS data. ANOVA will compare the effectiveness of the two implementation strategies on penetration and health equity. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. SAGE Open. Funding was provided from the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Around 80% of patients attending each of the clinics are publically insured. Based on the results of the trial and further guidance from the implementation team, we will integrate acceptable, feasible, and effective strategies to develop and disseminate a web-based PAT Implementation Toolkit. ANOVA will be conducted to test whether psychosocial care is matched with levels of psychosocial risks, resulting in a 2 (strategy) × 3 (psychosocial risks: clinical, targeted, universal) design on equitable distribution of services and costs of care. Perrin EC, Sheldrick RC, McMenamy JM, Henson BS, Carter AS. 2010;20:87–112. The FHQ is a quick and easy to use screening tool that may be helpful in identifying families with increased psychosocial risk for child adverse outcomes. Parker S, Greer S, Zuckerman B. Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most mothers in our sample (92.1%) reported a good relationship with their current spouse or significant other. = 1.56) or non-insured families (M = 8.38, S.D. Deanne Is In the ego Identity versus role confusion crawls stage of development. Privacy Health Qual Life Outcomes. With an anticipated ICC of .005, the effective sample size is 224 which is sufficient to detect a medium effective between the English and Spanish versions given 80% power (alpha = .05, one sided). Encyclopedia of evaluation. Richard is in the adult’s stage of generatively versus stagnation. Kazak, A. In the present scenario, People often are present with more than a set of surgical or medical issues plus social or psychological factors may directly or indirectly affect their compliance or recovery with treatment in a successful … These indicators include a history of childhood adversity in the parent, poor social support, a fragile family structure, parental mental health problems and substance abuse, geographic instability, domestic violence, poverty, as well as parental conflict and stress. Future work should also explore the use of this instrument in the scaling of family focused interventions aimed at preventing behavioral problems. The Preparing to Implement the Psychosocial Standards–Current Staffing and Services (PIPS-CSS) study of 144 US pediatric cancer programs conducted to prepare for broad implementation of the standards [5, 11] found that there are challenges and inconsistent interpretations of psychosocial care [5, 11]. Families of 313 of children 4–6 years of age presenting for well child examinations at two primary care clinics completed both the FHQ and the Pediatric Symptom Checklist 17 (PSC-17), a validated screening instrument for pediatric behavioral problems. Several family psychosocial risk factors have been shown to increase the risk of behavioral problems in children. All the parents filling out the questionnaires were mothers or parents together. Questions have dichotomous answers of yes or no. 2008;121:e85–91. This sheet addresses how to approach family composition and background of your client. The early identification of families of children at risk for behavioral problems may offer an important opportunity to mitigate negative behavioral outcomes. The Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT) The Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT) [7, 8] is an evidence-based parent/caregiver report screener of family psychosocial risk in English and Spanish. Pai 1 2 Avi Madan Swain 3 4 Fang Fang Chen 5 6 Wei-Ting Hwang 7 Gabriela Vega 5 Olivia Carlson 5 Francisco Argueta Ortiz 5 Kimberly Canter 5 6 Naomi Joffe 1 2 E. Anders Kolb 6 10 Stella M. Davies 2 8 Joseph H. … The importance of evidence-based psychosocial care for children with cancer and their families is recognized. We will use a data analytic approach that we used previously [18]. Psychosocial assessment as a standard of care in pediatric cancer. H2.2. Part of . scatter plot of correlation between FHQ and PSC scores. However, in clinical practice, there are a number of important barriers to the implementation of this recommendation. 8 - Family Composition and Background . We will review any needed human subject consideration for aim 3 with the CHOP IRB when the dissemination materials are finalized after the conclusion of the randomized trial. Am J Community Psychol. 2013;42(3):231–47. Pediatrics. The FHQ may be a valuable screening tool for identifying families with psychosocial risk profiles associated with increased risk of childhood behavioral problems. Measuring job satisfaction among healthcare staff in the United States: a confirmatory factor analysis of the Satisfaction of Employees in Healthcare (SEHC) survey. Implement Sci. Proc Natl Acad Sci. INITIAL PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT Page 4 of 4 COMMENTS ON PATIENT/FAMILY RISK POTENTIAL AND EMOTIONAL STATUS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY AND PLAN (Discuss risk potential of patient/family and the primary problems observed. Family Psychology Place provides high-quality assessments and effective counselling for all ages in NW and SW locations. PubMed Central  Each site will complete an implementation plan, describing who will be screened, where results will be stored, how results will be communicated to families and to staff, and how results will be used (develop a formal implementation blueprint). He was involved in the revising the manuscript, and gives final approval for the final version as submitted and agrees to be accountable for the work’s accuracy and integrity. 4.1 Screening in a social ecological context Timely screening for multifaceted family psychosocial risk is a means by which treatment needs and follow-up care for the patient and family can be identified in an effective and inclusive manner to facilitate efficient assessment and delivery of evidence-based care matched to patient and family need. Screening for family psychosocial risk can identify families who may benefit from interventions directed at improving childhood health outcomes. General practitioners’ management of mental disorders: a rewarding practice with considerable obstacles. The social worker considers a variety of factors, which may Abstract: Children develop in the context of the family. A revision of the Intensity of Treatment Rating Scale: classifying the intensity of pediatric cancer treatment. 4. If we think all our choices or decisions in life are too risky, then it is wise to reassess every single one before starting to make new ones. Psychosocial Issues in Transplantation Kay Kendall, MSW, LISW-S, ACSW, CCTSW Kim Ansley, MSW, LSW Melissa Skillman, MSW, LISW-S I. To these families doi: https: // to psychosocial and behavioral health:,... ( 238 ) = 203.44, P <.05 ): poverty and research. Consistency and logic checks will be stored and managed on a secure drive resources meet the of... To adverse childhood health outcomes and Healthcare utilization would be needed, identifying... Mcgilloway S, Kim J training among pediatricians in psychosocial issues and screening [ 27 ] affirmatively! Recruit 315 patients to allow family psychosocial assessment potential withdrawals or exclusions report will be routine clinical care pathway pediatric... 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