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game theory course syllabus

• A first course in game theory. Course Overview This course is a rigorous investigation of the evolutionary and epistemic foundations of solution concepts, such as rationalizability and Nash equilibrium. Contract theory 10. Introduction to Evolutionary Game Theory (Spring 2012) Tentative Course Syllabus Instructor: Simon Huttegger ([email protected]) O ce SST 785 { O ce hours: Thursday 1-2p Course description: Game theory is about problems of interactive decision making, where the consequences of a decision also depend on the choices of other decision makers. You should attach your most recent transcript or provide a screenshot of your modules from your student portal as evidence when you apply. Course content and calendar 1. The course is also aimed at covering recent advances and open research areas in game theory. Differential Game 5. During this course students will be exposed to non-cooperative game theory, evolutionary game theory and cooperative game theory. The course is geared towards engineering, operations research, or computer science students who need to use game theory in their research. Unless explicitly set forth in the applicable Credits section of a lecture, third-party content is not covered under the Creative Commons license. We take a brief venture into cooperative game theory to see how agents will split the gains from forming coalitions. But this is not new. The ultimate goal of this course is to enhance the student's ability to think strategically in complex, interactive situations. For details and a syllabus of the current course, please see https://www.si.umich.edu/programs/courses/563. Syllabus for SOS-360. Course Description Prerequisite: MAT 126 or 131 or 141 or AMS 151; C or higher in ECO 303 This course introduces you to the main ideas of game theory and its applications in economics and other social sciences. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. Because of the compressed timespan, the course will have to cover in a single day the material that a semester-long course would cover in a week. You can find a full syllabus and description of the course here: http://web.stanford.edu/~jacksonm/GTOC-Syllabus.html There is also an advanced follow-up course to this one, for people already familiar with game theory: https://www.coursera.org/learn/gametheory2/ You can find an introductory video here: http://web.stanford.edu/~jacksonm/Intro_Networks.mp4 Game theory is the scienceof strategic interaction. The instruction design assumes students will be devoting significant time (several hours) each day. Grading. The ultimate goal of this course is to enhance the student's ability to think strategicallyin complex, interactive situations. This course is an introduction to game theory, the study of strategic behavior among parties having opposed, mixed or similar interests. Students will see some of the myriad of situations bargaining theory can be applied to and learn what predictions bargaining theory can help us make about how these situations will be resolved. Week 1: Introduction and Overview. Course outline and readings (subject to change as the course develops) 1.Games in strategic form Decision theory vs game theory, issues with equilibrium analysis, Nash equilibrium, existence, learning. This website will contain an up-to-date syllabus, lecture notes and assignments, and other materials as they become relevant. Instructor Dmitry Shapiro Sessions 1-14 differentiate between equilibrium in game theory and stable strategies in evolutionary game theory; O fficial syllabus in the Student portal. Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Syllabus. Detailed lecture notes, slides, problem sets and exam questions from Muhamet Yildiz's 'Economic applications of game theory' course in 2004. Grading. Matching theory 9. Your performance in this class will be evaluated based on homework assignments, a final project, and class participation. COURSE OUTLINE (AND ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE) L1 January 7 Syllabus L2 January 12 Introduction to Game Theory Harrington, Chapters 1 and 2 Student Information Form due at the beginning of class L3 January 14 Dominant Strategies and Nash Equilibrium Harrington, Chapters 3 and 4 Problem Set I due at the beginning of class (9:35am). ECE4563 Course Syllabus ECE4563 Game Theory and Multiagent Systems (3-0-3) Prerequisites (ECE 2040 [min C] or ECE 3710 or ISYE 3133) and (CEE/ISYE 3770 or MATH 3670 or ISYE 2027) Corequisites None Catalog Description An introduction to game theory and its application to multiagent systems, including distributed routing, multivehicle control, and networked systems. Offered by Stanford University. Introduction to Economics. Equilibrium Programming with Equilibrium Constraints 14. Course Syllabus . Where and When "Video Game Culture and Theory" is an online J-Term course. (e-mail: [email protected]); or just pop in! Analyse different games and use a variety of tools to find equilibria. Helpful? This course is designed for students with a background in microeconomic theory and will be taught at the intermediate level. Bayesian Game 4. 서울대학교 사회교육과 김희민 교수님 게임 이론 강의 계획서입니다. These notes offer a quick introduction to the basics of game theory; they are available as a free PDF download. Introductory microeco-nomics (115 or equivalent) is not required but it is recommended. This course is the pre-requisite for several ICD courses. In recent years, game theoretic methods have become central to the study of networks (e.g, financial networks) and social interactions. This course aims to equip students with a wide range of game theoretic skills, which will be used in formulating and solving models of their own. Grading. At the end of this half-course, students should be familiar with the main concepts of non-cooperative game theory, and know how they are used in modelling and analysing an interactive situation. Course-PM. Construct models of bargaining and negotiation and how they can be applied to models of competition. 1. The course syllabus, class roster, lecture notes, case write-up instructions, and general course announcements and other information will be posted on the site. Game Theory * Spring 2011 Sections B65.3323.20/30/31 and B65.3123.89 Adam Brandenburger J.P. Valles Professor of Business Economics & Strategy 7-70 KMC (office) [email protected] DRAFT SYLLABUS 1. One common application of game theory is to bargaining. ... Game theory models conflict and cooperation between rational decision-making agents. The simple examples presented in class are intended to isolate and illuminate aspects of strategic interaction that arise in real situations. Synopsis of the Course The question we will study together in this course is: How can we describe situations in the SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 2017 COURSE SYLLABUS INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE June 27 – July 28, 2017 . Qualified undergraduates can also take the course. Various models of strategic games are explored and applications to economics, biology, and other disciplines are discussed. MIT Press, 1994. Examination form. Ideas such as dominance, backward induction, Nash equilibrium, evolutionary stability, commitment, credibility, asymmetric information, adverse selection, and signaling are discussed and applied to games played in class and to examples drawn from economics, politics, the movies, and elsewhere. Course Syllabus. By the end of this module, students should be able to: For this course, there will be 4 hours of teaching on most weekdays, comprised of lectures and small group teaching. Game Theory is a misnomer for Multiperson Decision Theory, the analysis of situations in which payoffs to agents depend on the behavior of other agents. A Course in Game Theory (by Osborne and Rubinstein, 1994, MIT Press) is more advanced than the Osborne text, and uses most of the same notation. Introduction to Game Theory . Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:00am. Jump to Today. Selected chapters (pdf) are posted on ctools, under Resource/Watson. ECON 487 Course Syllabus Fall 2016 Course Description and Objectives Game theory studies strategic interactions among people. The course also studies some concepts from game theory and political economy, and it applies the concepts to voting bodies. ... 14.122 Microeconomic Theory II is the prerequisite for this course. Noncooperative Game 3. Kristian Lindgren (Examiner, lecturer, project supervisor) [email protected] Susanne Pettersson (Teaching assistant, project supervisor) [email protected] Rasmus Einarsson (Teaching assistant, project supervisor) … Understand the way in which game theoretic models can be applied to a variety of real-world scenarios in economics and in other areas. This course will sharpen your understanding of strategic behavior in encounters with other individuals. Please let us know if you agree to functional, advertising and performance cookies. This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking. Game theory is the science of strategic interaction. It can help us explain anything from why farmers overgraze a common piece of land to the price at which a buyer and seller agree to trade. Understand expected utility theory and the role of probabilities in explaining behaviour. In this course, we plan to address the challenges from the distributed management of wireless and communication networks, through the lens of game theory. Throughout the majority of the course, we assume hyper-rational agents acting in their own interest as we give students a firm grounding in the logic and methods of non-cooperative game theory. A Brief Introduction to the Basics of Game Theory, by Matthew O. Jackson. If you have taken a different game theory class and are (The official prerequisite is ECON 203. This pertains to any situation whereby two or more agents have an incentive to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, but conflicting interests over the terms of such an agreement. Take a look at our other related courses: Your grade in the course will be based solely on the problem sets (70 percent of your grade) and the final exam (30 percent of your grade). Offered by Coursera Project Network. The syllabus contains grading information and a detailed course calendar. Often, the right choice for us depends on the choices made by others. Syllabus and Course Overview. This course surveys recent methodological approaches to the study of political economy. ECO 4400: Game Theory and Applications Syllabus Dr. Thomas Knight Spring 2015 Office: MAT 340 Course Time: M/W 9:35-11:30am Office Hours: T/R 3:30-5:00pm Course Location: MAT 103 Email: [email protected] Prerequisites: Principles in Microeconomics (ECO 2023 or equivalent) and Calculus I (MAC 2233 or equivalent) Required Text: “Games, Strategies, and Decision Making” by … Course description and objective. 1. Syllabus. Introductory microeco- nomics (115 or equivalent) is not required but it is recommended. Course Overview This course is a rigorous investigation of the evolutionary and epistemic foundations of solution concepts, such as rationalizability and Nash equilibrium. The topic of this course, Game Theory, is an essential tool for analyzing strategic interactions between economic agents. You can update your cookie preferences at any time. This course is designed as a rigorous introduction to the concepts and models used to analyze political behavior in strategic contexts. For many classes, lecture notes will also be made available. Course Information, Math 323 -523, Game Theory. As will be seen, in many games like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, game theory predicts suboptimal outcomes, since each agent acts in their self-interest, which may not be the common interest. Auction Theory 8. It is quite advanced and rigorous (but perhaps not quite as explanatory as one would like for a first course in game theory), and I highly recommend it for any student who wants to seriously pursue advanced game theory. game theory with the help of reference texts. It includes supplementary notes on rationaliazability, partnership games and forward induction. It covers classical topics, such as repeated games, bargaining, and supermodular games as well as new topics such as global games, heterogeneous priors, psychological games, and games without expected utility maximization. Requirements: This course is an introduction to game theory. Course Code Class Times TBA Classroom TBA Equivalent Year Level 1 Course Credit 3. Many people have used these tactics in order to gain success, or even to conquer nations throughout the ages. 1, 3.1-3.3, Strategy of Con ict Ch. This website will contain an up-to-date syllabus, lecture notes and assignments, and other materials as they become relevant. Fudenberg, Drew, and Jean Tirole. Course content and calendar 1. 3rd edition. Bayesian Game 4. This course is the pre-requisite for several ICD courses. You've probably already heard of some famous games, like the prisoners' dilemma and the costly signaling game. Cooperative Game 7. Matching theory 9. Game with Bounded Rationality 12. Grading . Game Theory Module 1, 2019-2020 Course Information Instructor: Office: PHBS Building, Room 760 Phone: 86-755-2603-2019 ... topics of game theory and review the applications. Game theory has applications in several fields, such as economics, politics, law, biology, and computer science. It should be noted that the exam is not compulsory. Offered by The University of Tokyo. Syllabus. FT 1, 2.1. Throughout the majority of the course, we assume hyper-rational agents acting in their own interest as we give students a firm grounding in the logic and methods of non-cooperative game theory. ECON 702 - Game Theory and Strategic Interactions Addresses contemporary issues in game theory and the microfoundations of economic institutions. Cooperative Game 7. Contract theory 10. ISBN 978-3-540-69290-4 Recommended Literature Gibson: Game theory – A primer. Below are some further readings that students may find helpful for some parts of the course: This course is open to students who are studying or have previously studied Economics or Mathematics at University level. Course Website: We will use the course Wix website to access the syllabus (with links) and to post blog entries. It involves the analysis of conflict, cooperation, and (tacit) communication. Stochastic Game 11. Course Syllabus. Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond presents the fundamentals of game theory and applies the principles of this field of study to daily life. Sunday Learn names; introduction to course, introduce the Battle of the Bismarck Sea as a 2-person zero-sum game. We will use calculus (mostly one variable) in this course. J. Weibull, “Evolutionary Game Theory”; 1995; MIT Press. Auction Theory 8. The course covered a wide range of topics and the lecturers were really friendly and helped you out if you needed anything during the three weeks. Differential Game 5. Technically, the mathematical content will be developed in a way that doesn’t presume game theory background; but in practice, if you haven’t taken a previous game theory class it will be steep going. Draft MBA Game Theory Syllabus 3 COURSE COMMUNICATION A NYU Courses website will be created for this course. Course Introduction Game theory is the study of the interaction of rational decision makers. Game theory is the formal toolkit for analyzing situations in which payoffs depend not only on your actions (say, which TV series you watch), but also others' (whether your friends are watching the same show). Students should also meet our standard entry requirements and must be aged 18 or over by the time the Summer School commences and have a good understanding of the English language. Behavioural game theory Pro-social preferences and strategic interactions Instructor: Christophe Heintz Office Hours: Hattyu u. The course studies rules of voting bodies, especially legislatures and city councils. A. Muthoo; “Bargaining Theory with Applications”; 1999; Cambridge University Press. ENM140 / FIM784 Game theory and rationality lp2 HT19 (7.5 hp) Course is offered by the department of Space, Earth and Environment. By appt. ACTIVITIES PERCENTAGES; 4 problem sets: 40%: Take-home final exam: 60%: Recommended Textbook. Understand the different types of games and their uses in strategic thinking. This course develops a conceptual framework for understanding these environments and introduces analytical tools for solving games. A major part of the course (40-50%; 80-100 hours) is a game theory project, involving modeling, simulation and analysis of a model selected by the project group. The course is geared towards engineering, operations research, or computer science students who need to use game theory in their research. Everyone who completes the course – whether or not they sit the exam - will receive a certificate of attendance. Games in extensive form One way to escape this is to allow agents to write binding contracts with each other, which enables us to shift the focus from strategies to payoffs. ECON 701 - Microeconomic Theory Systematic development of theory of the consumer, firm, and industry, and their interactions through markets. Stochastic Game 11. This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. By exposing students to a wide variety of topics and applications, this course gives students some idea of the vast range of phenomena one can use game theory to model and explain. Towards the end of the third week, students will be provided with time for revision. Game Theory Syllabus Course Description Many events in life are competitive in one way or another, and Game Theory in the past few decades has revolutionized what to look for—and how to act—when engaged in competition. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. We will use calculus (mostly one variable) in this course. Supplement: FL ch. This theory has become a fundamental tool in the study of social interaction in economics, political science, anthropology, sociology, animal behavior, biology, computer science and other disciplines. Overview 2. It has helped me a lot with my personal growth. The course is also aimed at covering recent advances and open research areas in game theory. You should check it on a regular basis. Distinguish between the different strands of game theory. 17.810: Game Theory and Political Theory. The course syllabus was extremely interesting and pushed me to read and research more about Game theory. The course also studies some concepts from game theory and political economy, and it applies the concepts to voting bodies. As it is a course in “theory,” we take an analytical and often quantitative approach. All rights reserved. Textbook(s) M.J. Osborne, … As a part of the project work, your group will also provide peer-review comments on one other group’s As students will discover, game theory is an essential tool for understanding of a wide range real world phenomena. Equilibrium Programming with Equilibrium Constraints 14. Game with Bounded Rationality 12. (The official prerequisite is ECON 203. During this course students will be exposed to non-cooperative game theory, evolutionary game theory and cooperative game theory. This half-course is an introduction to game theory. However, by taking the exam you will also receive a grade/mark for the course which can be helpful to you. Our main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation. The course uses very little mathematics, and it is ideal for those who are looking for a conceptual introduction to game theory. In this course we introduce basic concepts of game theory and explore a variety of applications. The module will be assessed via a 2-hour examination. Ben Polak, Professor of Economics and Management, Putting Yourselves into Other People's Shoes, Iterative Deletion and the Median-Voter Theorem, Best Responses in Soccer and Business Partnerships, Nash Equilibrium: Bad Fashion and Bank Runs, Nash Equilibrium: Shopping, Standing and Voting on a Line, Nash Equilibrium: Location, Segregation and Randomization, Mixed Strategies in Baseball, Dating and Paying Your Taxes, Evolutionary Stability: Cooperation, Mutation, and Equilibrium, Evolutionary Stability: Social Convention, Aggression, and Cycles, Sequential Games: Moral Hazard, Incentives, and Hungry Lions, Backward Induction: Commitment, Spies, and First-Mover Advantages, Backward Induction: Chess, Strategies, and Credible Threats, Backward Induction: Ultimatums and Bargaining, Imperfect Information: Information Sets and Sub-Game Perfection, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium: Matchmaking and Strategic Investments, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium: Wars of Attrition, Repeated Games: Cooperation vs. the End Game, Repeated Games: Cheating, Punishment, and Outsourcing, Asymmetric Information: Silence, Signaling and Suffering Education, Asymmetric Information: Auctions and the Winner's Curse. Please note changes to the syllabus and teaching team may be made over the coming months before exact set of topics are finalised. Monday Day 1 . About this course: Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind", game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Evolutional Game 6. Contact details. Syllabus - D. Katzner. 17.830: Empirical Methods in Political Economy . In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn the game theoretic concepts of Two player Static and Dynamic Games, Pure and Mixed strategy Nash Equilibria for static games (illustrations with unique and multiple solutions), Example of Axelrod tournament. Most of the lectures and course material within Open Yale Courses are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license. Reading list The textbook for the course is Hans Peters: Game Theory – A multi-levelled approach, Springer, 2008. Game Theory & Business Strategy MGT 425 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Professor: Mike Shor ... As it is a course in “theory,” we take an analytical and often quantitative approach. The key concepts are: Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. I enjoyed learning about Game theory. • A first course in game theory. Game Theory. The course studies rules of voting bodies, especially legislatures and city councils. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Learning in Game 13. The course uses very little mathematics, and it is ideal for those who are looking for a conceptual introduction to game theory. ISBN: 9780262650403. DATE ACTIVITY CONCEPT . Some particular concepts that the course studies include: “the disappearing Over four weeks of lectures, this advanced course considers how to design interactions between agents in order to … This course will also improve powers of logic and encourage students to think strategically in their future everyday life. Required Text: Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory (2nd Edition) by Joel Watson, Norton Publishing. These notes offer a quick introduction to the basics of game theory; they are available as a free PDF download. Grading criteria. About this course: This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. The structure will be: Students will also be given time each day for independent study. About this course: Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Technically, the mathematical content will be developed in a way that doesn’t presume game theory background; but in practice, if you haven’t taken a previous game theory class it will be steep going. Requirements: This course is an introduction to game theory. Lectures: 150 GSPP. MIT Press, 1991. The examples presented in class are intended to isolate and illuminate (often in the simplest framework possible) particular Probability and Game Theory – Course Syllabus . Syllabus: Course Goals. Among others, this course aims to answer three vital questions: Students should develop an appreciation for how the details of a game such as when players move and why they know can have a large impact on outcomes. The syllabus, lecture notes, slides, exams and problem sets are available to download as PDF files. This is an introductory course in Game Theory which develops the basic tools and concepts necessary to analyze such interactions and understand how rational agents should behave in strategic situations. H. Peters; “Game theory: a multi-leveled approach”; 2008; Berlin, Springer. Course outline and readings (subject to change as the course develops) 1.Games in strategic form Decision theory vs game theory, issues with equilibrium analysis, Nash equilibrium, I would definitely recommend the programme to others. Game Theory (Math 323/523) Description: The fundamentals of game theory are covered including dominance , Nash equilibria, and evolutionarily stable solutions. Noncooperative Game 3. Game Theory – Open Yale Courses. Assess the importance of information in games an dhow this can change behaviours. This theory has become a fundamental tool in the study of social interaction in economics, political science, anthropology, sociology, animal behavior, biology, computer science and other disciplines. SEOULNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 2019 COURSE SYLLABUS INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE June 26 – July 26, 2019 1 Introduction to Game Theory Course Code Class Times TBA Classroom TBA Equivalent Year Level 1 Course Credit 3 Instructor Dmitry Shapiro Sessions 1-14 Office 16-639 Email K. Binmore; “Playing for Real (coursepack edition)”; 2012; Oxford University Press. This course equips students with the skills to use game theory to model real world scenarios and apply game theoretic methods to solve these models. This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. Morning: Pre-test for assessment. Overview 2. This is a standard course in "game theory," designed with the School of Information MSI students as the primary audience. A course in probability (6.041 or equivalent) and mathematical maturity. The blog will be publicly available. Course Description This course is an introduction to game theory. Camerer C., Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction, Krishna, V. Auction theory. Evolutional Game 6. Course Description: This is a standard course in "game theory," designed with the School of Information MSI students as the primary audience. A Brief Introduction to the Basics of Game Theory, by Matthew O. Jackson. Beyond what we call `games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE. Type: CogSci research course, fall term, 2014 Level: Research course, 2 … Information, Game Theory, and Market Design Spring 2020 (College Park, MD Campus) Course Syllabus David Alexander Ovadia { [email protected] Lectures: Tuesday, 6:30-9:15PM, TYD 0111 O ce Hours: Tuesday, 5:30-6:00PM, Morrill Hall 1102C, and by appointment TA: Jackie Nguyen TA Email: [email protected] TA O ce Hours: Tuesday, 5:05-6:25PM, Morrill Hall 1102 General Information Course … Readings section mathematical maturity costly signaling game it applies the concepts and models used to political. In games an dhow this can change behaviours one of the consumer, firm and... Analyse different games and use a variety of applications politics, law,,! Syllabus was extremely interesting and pushed me to read and research more about game theory theory, evolutionary game,... And will be assessed via a 2-hour examination Nash Equilibrium and backwards induction across wide... 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Dirty Spear Crossword Clue, Identify The Unethical Practice Of A Researcher From The Following, Wich Meaning In Kannada, Floating Corner Shelf Argos, 2008 Jeep Commander Limited 4x4, Volcanic Gases Examples,