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d. EXPLOITATION the actual extraction, gathering and collection in accordance with acceptable coral development and conservation practices. iii. Government agencies managing coral reefs in the Philippines are generally understaffed and insufficiently funded for effective management and monitoring of coral reefs. In it, the Philippine Supreme Court bravely and courageously gave standing to generations yet unborn - an argument from the creative legal mind of Atty. Insights from Indonesia: Protecting Our Coral Reefs Tuna at a market in Kendari, Indonesia, a fishing-dependent city of three million people. The model’s mapping of areas at risk from blast fishing and fishing with poisons suggests that over 70 percent of Philippine reefs continue to be at risk from these practices. White, A. h. FINISHED PRODUCTS processed and manufactured coral articles of trade and commerce in a form that may be immediately utilized by the end-user or consumer such as, but not limited to, jewelries or decorative articles. Repealing Clause. 10. Take a reef-friendly approach to sun protection. Coastal development, agriculture, aquaculture, and land-cover change threaten many Philippine coral reefs. Concession The exploration, exploitation and utilization of precious and semi-precious coral resources may be made only upon the award of a concession by the Secretary of Natural Resources. In the late 1970s, the most extensive survey of coral reefs conducted in the Philippines showed widespread human impact on the reefs. Export of Precious and Semi-Precious Coral Exportation of precious and semi-precious coral gathered is hereby prohibited, unless such corals are first processed and manufactured into finished products in the Philippines. Domestic and industrial wastes are rarely treated in the Philippines and are often discharged into the sea. Section 14. Best Scuba Diving Spots In The Philippines With Beautiful Coral Reefs #1. About 500 MPAs are currently listed in Philippine records, but many were never actually established and even fewer are effectively managed.] Coral reefs are vital to protecting coastlines and supporting marine life, "yet the Caribbean has lost 80% of its reefs due to a variety of issues," according to Wickrema. Source: We hope you will find the information helpful. PROVIDING FOR THE EXPLORATION, EXPLOITATION, UTILIZATION AND CONSERVATION OF CORAL RESOURCES. Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Tropical coral reefs cover a mere 0.1 per cent of the ocean but are among the most bio-diverse ecosystems on the planet, supporting one quarter of all marine species. By Gregorio Rafael P. Bueta - Philippine jurisprudence on the environment has been on a steady pace of development since the 70’s and 80’s. Contact with the reef will damage the delicate coral animals, and anchoring on the reef can kill corals, so look for sandy bottom or use moorings, if available. Although it is known as a land of magic and witchcraft, Siquijor boasts its magical coral reefs where scuba divers and snorkelers go for best diving spots. Gomez, Philippine Coral Reefs, Reef Fishes, and Associated Fisheries: Status and Recommendations To Improve Their Management (Cape Ferguson: Australian Institute of Marine Science, 2000), p. 4; coral data from Wilkinson, Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000, p. 120. Coral Reef Resource Management in the Philippines iii MPA- Marine Protected Area MSY- Maximum Sustainable Yield NAGAMADA- Nagkahiusang Mananagat sa Daan Paz (United Fishers of Daan Paz) NAGMACA- Nagkahiusang Mananagat sa Cabilao (United Fishers of Cabilao) NAMRIA- National Mapping and Resource Information Authority N-FARMC- National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources … Title. Transitory Provisions All possessors of existing coral stocks gathered prior to the effectivity of this Decree are required to submit within one (1) month from the approval of said Decree to the Secretary of Natural Resources, a sworn statement indicating the quantity, kind, state (raw or processed) and location of such stock, subject to verification. The colonial system promoted large agricultural properties and discarded small-scale agriculture, disrupting the livelihoods of native farmers (Corpuz, 1992; Kahl, 2006). It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to promote and regulate the exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation of coral resources, whether existing beneath territorial waters or in the marine economic zone of the Philippines, and to ensure the protection of these resources as provided for under other existing laws. Vessels to be used for such operations shall of Philippine registry: Provided, That if foreign vessels are used, prior clearance or permit from appropriate government agencies shall obtained. Today, Oceana Philippines is working with the country’s Biodiversity Management Bureau and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to permanently protect the reef from all future fishing and resource extraction. Sec. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. The World Resources Institute more recently reports that 85% of the reefs in the Coral Triangle as a whole are threatened (WRI, 2013), shadowing the … 5. Licuanan and Gomez, Philippine Coral Reefs, Reef Fishes, and Associated Fisheries, p. 16. The RRSEA model suggests that overfishing and destructive fishing are the most severe threats to coral reef health. The Inventory of the Coral Resources of the Philippines (ICRP) found only about 5 percent of reefs to be in excellent condition, with over 75 percent coral cover (both hard and soft). 7. As of 2006, only 5% of Philippine coral reefs are in excellent condition, while 32% are already severely damaged (Haribon, 2006). Protecting a Natural Treasure. Comments Recommended For You The 2014 Asian Development Bank publication "State of the Coral Triangle" said Philippine coral reefs host about 3,053 fish species. Florida's Coral Reef Protection Act (CRPA) authorizes DEP as the state's lead trustee for coral reef resources, to protect coral reefs through assessment and recovery of damages resulting from vessel impacts to coral reefs. All laws, executive orders and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. M.F.B. 10. It began at Batangas, off Luzon, in June 1998 and then proceeded nearly clockwise around the Philippines, correlating with anomalous sea-surface temperatures. It is estimated at 26,000 square kilometers (sq km). 7. c. EXPLORATION the preliminary surveys and random sampling within a concession area. 6. Copyright @ 2014 All rights reserved- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Mangrove protection and management strategies, all kinds of coral other than precious and semi-precious corals. MALACAÑANG M a n i l a. The Philippines has prohibited fishing in Tubbataha, and in partnership with UNESCO, the country recently secured extra protections for the reef … Ordinary coral all kinds of coral other than precious and semi-precious corals. Spalding, Ravilious, and Green, World Atlas of Coral Reefs p. 284. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) et al., "International Coral Reef Initiative Country Report: Philippines," paper presented at the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Regional Workshop for East Asia, Cebu, Philippines, April 2-4, 2001, p. 10. 12. Mystic traditions and rituals can be seen in this island. Licuanan and Gomez, Philippine Coral Reefs, Reef Fishes, and Associated Fisheries, pp. We work to protect the world’s coral reefs from the effects of climate change and other human activity. 3. PERSON includes a natural or juridical person. g. CONCESSIONAIRE the person to whom a concession has been granted or awarded under the provision of this Decree. More recent surveys in 1997 found a slightly lower percentage of reefs to be in excellent condition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), "Fishery Country Profile: The Philippines," (September 20, 2001). This biodiversity makes them a high priority for conservation.The brilliant corals of Sogod Bay, above, live in one of more than 400 marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Philippines.MPAs help to conserve biodiversity by preventing practices like coral harvesting and dynamite fishing. Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 aims at creating awareness to help protect coral reefs. Marine Protected Areas (Mpas) 189 ... (MEAs) that currently address coral reef preservation and other soft-law mechanisms that could be used to protect reefs. Sec. Section 10. Main ideas: » Coral reefs in the Philippines are home to some of Vocabulary The Philippine coral-reef system is the second largest in Southeast Asia, next to Indonesia. Protecting coral reefs depends on what experts call proper "vessel management." Most reefs of northern Luzon, west Palawan, the Visayas, and parts of Mindanao were affected. White, A. The Philippine Coral Reefs: A Natural History Guide, 2nd edition. Protecting Coral Reefs 186 IV. This Decree shall be called "THE CORAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION DECREE.". When the various threats from human activities are combined, the model estimates that 98 percent of Philippine reefs are at risk from human activities, with 70 percent at high or very high risk. Concessionaire A concessionaire shall be a Filipino citizen or corporation or partnership at least seventy (70) percent of the capital stock of which is owned or controlled by Filipinos. ii. Since the colonisation of the Philippines in the 16th century, the agrarian system has been characterised by a growing concentration of land ownership. Periodically Go Green organizes volunteer activities focused on protecting coral reefs near the Dressel Divers bases. CNN's Andrew Stevens reports. Songco also has the law on her side. At first, a coral reef looks like a moving mosaic. The Visayas have experienced the most significant decline in coral cover, exhibiting an average of only 11 percent hard coral cover. 1219. f. CONSERVATION the complete preservation or limited harvesting of coral resources in such a way as not to adversely affect the sustained productivity of marine ecosystems. Divinagracia, "Extent and Degree of Coral Bleaching in Selected Reefs in Central Visayas, Philippines," thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Biology, Siliman University, Philippines (2000); Licuanan and Gomez, Philippine Coral Reefs, Reef Fishes, and Associated Fisheries, p. 16. The high court has issued a writ of kalikasan for the government to "protect, preserve, rehabilitate and to restore the marine environment" at the … Destructive fishing techniques are thought to be the largest contributor to reef degradation in the Philippines. Over 80 percent of original tropical forests and mangroves in the Philippines have been cleared, increasing sediment outflow onto reefs. M. Spalding, C. Ravilious, and E.P. Declaration of Policy. Muro-ami, a technique that involved sending a line of divers to depths of 10-30 m with metal weights to knock on corals in order to drive fish out and into waiting nets was extremely damaging to reefs, leading to its ban in 1986. Some ingredients in sunscreen can be harmful to or even kill corals. Chou, "Status of Southeast Asian Coral Reefs," p. 84. e. UTILIZATION all operations involved in the manufacture, processing or conversion of raw corals into finished products. Ordinary Coral The gathering, harvesting, collecting and/or exporting of ordinary coral is prohibited: Provided, however, That from time to time certain species in selected areas may be excluded from this prohibition upon recommendation and subject thereafter, to certain conditions that may be imposed by the Secretary of Natural Resources. The abundance and variety of fish available at the early-morning fish market are evidence that fisheries management plans – which set aside areas where no fishing is allowed and limit destructive fishing gear – are working. Preface The Atlas of Philippine Coral Reefs is part of a continuing series of updates on the state of reefs in the Philippines. Chou Loke Ming, "Status of Southeast Asian Coral Reefs," in C. Wilkinson, ed., Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 1998 (Cape Ferguson: Australian Institute of Marine Science, 1998), p. 83. The Secretary of Natural Resources may issue special permit to any person or institution to gather in limited quantities any coral for scientific or educational purposes. Notes: 1 . 2-7. Understand where coral reefs are so your boat doesn't strike them, even incidentally. 2001. Sec. The Philippine coral reef area, the second largest in Southeast Asia, is estimated at 26,000 square kilometers and holds an extraordinary diversity of species. Address: PCA Building, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 4. 06 Philippine Coral Reef Educator Guide California Academy of Sciences c. key concepts Philippine Coral Reef The more you watch, the more you’ll see. Section 12. Siquijor. 5. var d=new Date(); NOAA’s National Coral Reef Monitoring Program provides a framework for conducting long-term monitoring of biological, climatic, and socioeconomic indicators in U.S. coral reefs. However, after Philippine independence in 1946, this They found only 4 percent of Philippine reefs in excellent condition (i.e., over 75 percent hard or soft coral cover), 28 percent in good condition (50-75 percent coral cover), 42 percent in fair condition (25-50 percent coral cover), and 27 percent in poor condition (less than 25 percent coral cover). Improving coral reef health by addressing local stressors will enhance their natural resilience. Corals on reefs are actually small animals. DONE in the City of Manila, this 14th day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven. Protecting coral reefs in the Philippines is a key balance between the locals needs and conservation. People can also damage coral reefs simply by touching them. 8. 6. The Philippine government has actively encouraged local management of reefs, and there have been some outstanding success stories. In addition, coastal development pressures threaten over 40 percent of Philippine reefs, and about 35 percent of reefs are under pressure from sedimentation and pollution associated with land-use changes. For more information, visit Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia. Demersal fish stocks are biologically and economically overfished in almost all areas other than eastern Luzon, Palawan, and the southern Sulu Sea. The Philippines has prohibited fishing in Tubbataha, ... Tubbataha also boosts the Philippines’ coral-reef fisheries, which contribute up to 29 percent of the country’s total fisheries production. Government agencies managing coral reefs in the Philippines are generally understaffed and insufficiently funded for effective management and monitoring of coral reefs. document.write("1998 - "+yr); The Tubbataha Natural Park also known as Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (Filipino: Bahurang Tubbataha) is a protected area of the Philippines located in the middle of the Sulu Sea.The marine and bird sanctuary consists of two huge atolls (named the North Atoll and South Atoll) and the smaller Jessie Beazley Reef covering a total area of 97,030 hectares (239,800 acres; 374.6 sq mi). E.D. Likewise, any person gathering, harvesting, collecting and/or exporting ordinary corals in violation of Sec. Sec. The project is instilled in longevity, being operational since 2002, and as such, enables all those that join the project to be involved in an effective project that has generated real conservation solutions for local stakeholders and the coral reefs of Southern Leyte. WHEREAS, coral resources are known to exist beneath territorial waters and in the marine economic zone of the Philippines; WHEREAS, the exploitation of these resources, especially the precious coral varieties, will bring revenue to the country and generate employment in the processing and utilization of these resources; WHEREAS, it is necessary that the exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation of these resources be properly regulated to ensure the preservation of the country's marine environment; WHEREAS, conservation of ordinary corals is necessary for the preservation of the natural breeding ground, habitat or abode of fishes and other marine organism; WHEREAS, ordinary corals are natural protection of the shore and adjacent infrastructure against destructive effects of wave erosion; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby promulgate the following: Section 1. Green, World Atlas of Coral Reefs (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), p. 283. Volunteering to protect coral reefs. 6. p. 537-550. Semi-precious coral skeleton of anthozoan coelenterate characterized by a thorny, horny axis, such as the Antipatharians as represented by the black corals. coral reef area nationwide, the publication said annual potential yield from coral reef fish species is … Corals (not rare, threatened or endangered but still prohibited for trade. CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES & CODES. Section 13. Many laws and regulations concerning coral reefs already exist, including bans on cyanide fishing, blast fishing, and the collection or export of hard (Scleractinia) corals. Mangroves continue to be cut and the areas converted to fish ponds, a change that allows more nutrients and sediment to reach reefs. Many laws and regulations concerning coral reefs already exist, including bans on cyanide fishing, blast fishing, and the collection or export of hard (Scleractinia) corals. Licuanan and E.D. 14. fisheries and aquatic resources. Philippine Coral Reefs Under Threat: Lessons Learned After 25 Years of Community-Based Reef Conservation. DENR et al., "International Coral Reef Initiative Country Report: Philippines," p. 8. Implementing Agency This Decree shall be implemented by the Secretary of Natural Resources, who shall have jurisdiction and responsibility in the exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation of coral resources. Sec. EPA strategically applies its Clean Water Act (CWA) regulatory and non-regulatory programs to reduce land-based sources of pollution that degrade coastal waters and coral reefs that live in them. It got a global boost when the famous case of Oposa vs Factoran came out in 1993. 4. Over 80 percent of Philippine reefs are threatened by overfishing, although this figure is likely to be an underestimate because it only accounts for nearshore fishing pressures. Fish data from W.Y. 9 hereof, shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment of not less than thirty (30) days or more than three (3) years or a fine of not less than Three Thousand (P3,000.00) Pesos, or both at the discretion of the court: Provided, That the penalties herein prescribed shall be without prejudice to the confiscation by the Government of the corals illegally gathered together with the vessel, the gear and paraphernalia used therein. Sec. Coral status information for Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago is limited. yr=d.getFullYear(); Rampant blast fishing and sedimentation from land-based sources have destroyed 70 percent of fisheries within 15 square kilometers of the shore in the Philippines, which were some of the most productive habitats in the world. Targets nonpoint source (CWA 319) funds to implement water quality improvement projects in … 5 hereof, or exporting precious and semi-precious corals in violation of Sec. The Philippines' Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, abbreviated as BFAR, is an agency of the Philippine government under Watch carefully and you’ll see order in the mix. Penalties any person gathering precious or semi-precious corals without an awarded concession shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment of not less than sixty (60) days or more than six (6) years or a fine of not less than Six Thousand (P6,000.00) Pesos, or both at the discretion of the court. 2. Gomez, "Coral Reef Ecosystems and Resources of the Philippines," Canopy International 16, 5 (1991): 1, 6-7, 10-12. Under the ban, all extractive activities, such as fishing, and coral collection and harvesting, will be completely forbidden. 15. Reports indicate that many operations have shifted to more remote, pristine areas such as the Palawan group of islands, the Sulu Archipelago, parts of the Visayas, and western Mindanao. Chou, "Status of Southeast Asian Coral Reefs," p. 84. Definition of Terms. 8. 13. Concession for precious coral shall be awarded by the Secretary of Natural Resources to the applicant, who on his own or in joint venture with others, possesses the technical and financial capability to put up a processing plant in the Philippines. Sea bed cleanings, coral reef transplantations, coral nursery maintenances…, none of these activities could be a reality without scuba diver volunteers. CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES & CODES, PROVIDING FOR THE EXPLORATION, EXPLOITATION, UTILIZATION AND CONSERVATION OF CORAL RESOURCES. WHEREAS, coral resources are known to exist beneath territorial waters and in the marine economic zone of the Philippines; For the most part, though, these laws are not adequately enforced. Precious coral skeleton of anthozoan coelenterate characterized as having a rigid axis of compact calcareous or horny spicules, belonging to the genus corallium as represented by the red, pink and white corals. Provides funding and technical assistance to state and territory coral monitoring and assessment programs (CWA 106). We appreciate your reactions and comments. The Philippines: The Bookmark, Inc. 276 p. ISBN# 971-569-395-4. Rules and Regulations The Secretary of Natural Resources shall promulgate the rules and regulations to implement effectivity the provisions of this Decree. Copyright © Subsequent mortalities were highly variable, with decreases in live coral cover ranging from 0.7 to 46 percent and up to 80 percent in Bolinao. Sec. Scientists have identified 915 reef fish species and more than 400 scleractinian coral species, 12 of which are endemic. Avoid touching reefs or anchoring your boat on the reef. The first ever mass-bleaching event in the Philippines was reported in 1998-99. Based on the estimated 26,000-square km. Special Permit. b. CORAL consists of small anemone-like organisms belonging to Phylum coelenterata which secrete their own skeletons of various forms that may be hard, soft, stony or horny, and shall include the following: i. Coral Reef Watch provides the only global early-warning system of changes to coral reef environments, allowing NOAA to predict coral bleaching events. A large coastal population, rapid population growth of about 2.3 percent per year, high poverty rates, and fisher overcapacity have resulted in major overexploitation of Philippine reef fisheries. However, such concessionaire may enter into a service contract with a foreigner or foreign-owned entity to conduct operations under this Decree pursuant to a duly awarded concession. As used in this Decree, the following terms are defined as follows: a. Chou, "Southeast Asian Reefs-Status Update," p. 124. Effectivity This decree shall take effect upon its approval. Coral Cay Conservation's Southern Leyte Coral Reef Conservation Project in the Philippines would be my number one choice. It continues the general thematic approaches outlined in the three-volume Coral Reefs of the World by the United Nations Environment Program-International Union for Conservation Licuanan and Gomez, Philippine Coral Reefs, Reef Fishes, and Associated Fisheries, (Cape Ferguson: Australian Institute of Marine Science, 2000), p. 16. Several of the unique coral reef systems in the Philippines have been placed under the protection of international treaties, such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance and the United Nations World Heritage Convention. With 10,500 square miles of coral reef, the Philippines is a global center for marine biodiversity, which the country has struggled to protect in the … And you ’ ll see order in the Philippines and are often discharged the... Fishing are the most diverse ecosystems in the Philippines have been cleared increasing. The RRSEA model suggests that overfishing and destructive fishing are the most,... Fewer are effectively managed. market in Kendari, Indonesia, a coral reef health often discharged into sea... Can also damage coral reefs p. 284 terms are defined as follows: a Natural Guide. Executive orders and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree shall effect. 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