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what is hypnotherapy and how does it work

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what is hypnotherapy and how does it work

We can be really deeply hypnotized, or we can be in such a mild everyday trance that we wouldn't dream (no pun intended!) What about becoming deeply engrossed in a movie or a book? We use metaphors in everyday language, such as ‘he was boiling mad’, and ‘her memory of the event was foggy’. But if you think about it, even if you simply use hypnosis to feel more confident, the effects will be felt physically as well as mentally. Hypnotherapy has proven to be helpful in helping people deal with stress, pain, depression, anxiety and other health and behavioural problems. The benefits and gains of the hypnotherapy work is enhanced by clients engaging in activities and tasks (‘homework’), beyond the therapy session. But we don't just use hypnosis to overcome difficulties. In some subjects, catalepsy can be easily produced hypnotically and then used for pain control or even hypnotic anaesthesia, whereby even major operations can be performed with only hypnosis as the anesthetic.10. They may be primarily a physical problem - or it may be that the person's psychology is influencing their physical response. It's both. As I'll explain in a moment, any strong emotion has hypnotic features, and we can't deeply learn - the sort of learning that changes emotional response and therefore behaviour - without a hypnotic focus gluing that learning in place. But as a professional psychotherapist, there are other, practical reasons to pursue hypnotherapy training. Hypnosis used well can help us heal faster,2 leave depression behind,3 and overcome physical afflictions4 as well as emotional problems such as addictions.5,6 It can lessen physical pain,7 improve performance in sports,8 and even strengthen our muscles9 - all from our armchair! ), they will usually check in with how the client is feeling about the presenting issue and may book them in for another session, if appropriate. Want to know more? Yes, we use hypnosis to help people overcome emotional difficulties. I combine this relaxed state of mind with a variety of techniques to guide you to reach the solution that you want to achieve. help us more often experience the mind/body states that occur during successful activity. She explained to me that hypnotherapy works by achieving a deep relaxation during which positive suggestions are absorbed into the subconscious mind. This is the idea behind the traditional method of swinging of a watch in front of the subject's eyes to induce hypnosis - it causes side-to-side movement of the eyeballs, similar to REM. With hypnotherapy, this can be identified and a different response developed (cognitively) and reinforced (using hypnotic suggestion) to create a new behaviour or ‘habitual response’. The process involves a focusing of the conscious processes to … Hypnotherapy makes use of hypnosis wherein it can regulate a person’s conscious awareness, and use that to overcome natural and physiological patterns, perceptions, and behaviors. Therapeutic metaphors indirectly identify the issue (drawing parallels within the metaphor itself) and tend to explore what has been tried previously, then suggests an alternative way of responding to the issue, and what the benefits this approach might have. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to try to treat conditions or change habits. During hypnosis it can be suggested that we engage in behaviors that will: Hypnosis isn't the same as relaxation, but we use relaxation as a comfortable medium through which to apply hypnosis. However, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is often the first phase of treatment for the above-mentioned health and behavioural challenges. Beyond simple phrases, we also are familiar with metaphorical stories. But we can also use it to help ourselves perform exceptionally, taking us closer to all kinds of success. This is the sort of demonstration that has led to the idea that hypnosis is something strange. Whilst relaxation is not essential for hypnotherapy (indeed it isn’t used commonly in some applications, such as sport), when used as an initial approach, it can help the client engage with the process, and promotes a sense of positivity and wellbeing. This approach helps identify ‘when’ initial events/responses occurred. We can use it to not just survive, but to thrive like never before. Locus of control can be addressed using ‘ego-strengthening’. ‘Metaphorical’ work (one aspect of the ‘Ericksonian Hypnotherapy’ approach) is very effective within hypnosis. As adults, when we are told a story, we tend to relax and even forget we are engaged in a therapeutic process. Whereas, someone very internal, believes they are responsible for events that, in reality, are outside of their control. How does it work? Hypnotherapy, also referred to as guided hypnosis, is a form of psychotherapy that uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness. Hypnosis is induced by many ways, more commonly by asking to concentrate on an object or point. A famous stage trick is to lie a hypnotized subject between two chairs and stand on their stomach. It is fairly common for a hypnotized subject to vividly experience an imagined reality - less so than in dreaming perhaps, but still in a state of complete absorption. As with many brain phenomena, scientists don't know exactly how or why hypnotism works, but they're getting closer … Hypnotherapy tends to be considered a ‘brief, strategic, solution and goal-focused’ approach to change work. Every day, or, I should say, every night, you travel into the deepest of hypnotic trances. People who regularly use hypnosis can reap all kinds of benefits. Different clients (and issues) respond to hypnotherapy at different speeds. A blend of approaches, such as ‘cognitive-behavioural’ work, can also help, particularly with intrusive thoughts, where you are able to address both the habit of the thinking pattern, as well as resolve the underlying unhelpful thoughts/beliefs. For example, ‘going back’ to the first time a client had an anxious response on a fairground ride as a child, and gaining a new adult perspective (with their adult knowledge and understanding), the client can then more easily change how they respond to similar situations in the future. If the problem is a behavioural habit such as smoking or nail-biting then the mind is narrowing its focus on an imagined need, and the belief that the … Take sexual problems. They might get involved in research, present at conferences, or write (whether blogs, articles or even books). Side-to-side movement of the eyeballs (sometimes, but not always, observed during hypnotic trance). Hence, goals (desired direction), are really important to the hypnotherapy process. Then we can use it to help ourselves more often enter the optimal state of performance, sometimes called the state of flow or 'being in the zone'. Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnotherapy Works in a Different Way Unlike You See in Stage Shows. Hypnotherapy is a procedure or tool that facilitates therapies of different kinds, as well as psychological or medical treatment. When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. By engaging the imagination and memory processes, to ‘go back’ to that time, there are opportunities to change how the memory is presented or engaged with by the client. My point is that hypnosis happens naturally. It feels natural and pleasant, especially if the person who facilitated their hypnotic session is really skilled. What Conditions Does Hypnotherapy Treat? It’s even more powerful when used with other modalities, like cognitive behavioral therapy. This enables the hypnotherapist to ensure that the client is on track to achieve their therapy goal. To put it another way, hypnosis is to hypnotherapy what dogs are to animal therapy. So, when at times, they are tense in bed, this can lead to disturbance, with unwanted physical tension at bedtime as well as psychological stress. At last, it's official. In addition to real-world activities, such as going to an airport (for someone who had a phobia of flying) or keeping a food diary (for a weight management client), many hypnotherapists will also teach their clients ‘self-hypnosis’. Hypnotherapy works by recognizing, and making use of the subconscious part of the mind. People who develop phobias become deeply transfixed - we might say entranced - by whatever it is that they are phobic of. How does hypnosis work? For example, with a client who would benefit from looking at their work or lifestyle for the source of their issue, a metaphor could be: “One of my clients had sore shoulders recently… [issue] He had regular massages, did more exercise, and even changed his mattress… but nothing seemed to help him… [attempt to resolve] …and then he was sitting at work one day and noticed his posture when using his new laptop was rather hunched… so, he changed his posture, sitting better whilst working… [possible solution] …and from then onwards, he has been so much more comfortable, and in a better mood all round… [benefits]”. Hypnosis can help you be the best you can be. We all spend at least 25% of our sleep time dreaming, whether we recall those dreams later on or not. However, you may still be pleasantly surprised by an unconscious response, such as a 'hand levitation' or a pleasant memory springing to mind. As children, we are told stories (such as at bedtime) and these stories generally have meanings that we absorb without even having to make an effort. In this naturally occurring state, a person may focus his or her attention -- with the help of a trained therapist -- on specific thoughts or tasks. However, this ‘protective response’ is no longer helpful, indeed it is now unhelpful, and thus the client would benefit from understanding the reasons and being able to change their response. Registered Company 03573107 | Referrer code: Hypnosis: What Is It And How Does It Work? Believe it or not, you were in deep trance even before you were born. People who develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience spontaneous hypnotic regression back to an original trauma whenever some element in the environment acts as a kind of hypnotic cue for them to instantly change their state. Our conscious mind is where our logical thinking takes place like when we analyse things and decision making. Many professional hypnotherapists will work to a three-phase treatment plan throughout their session(s), working to ‘stabilise’ the client, building resources and resilience to optimise their engagement and to ensure they’re ready for therapy. To experience hypnosis you certainly don't have to understand it - just as flowers don't need to know the inner workings of photosynthesis in order to grow. Hypnosis can deal with a wide range of problems and also is utilized in many medical setups. If you are dreaming of being Superman on a summer's night on a room with an open window, you seriously do not want to actually try to fly! How Does Hypnotherapy Work? The more they worry (an inward focus characterized by the use of imagination), or 'ruminate', the more depressed they become.12 Clearly this kind of trance does not help, especially if it is prolonged. And someone suffering obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can lose track of time and forget everything other than their obsessions and compulsions. Hypnosis tends to work by influencing the mind/body system rather than simply mind or body. There are some studies regarding hypnotherapy, and scientists are learning more every day. When we're in trance we're more able to assess ideas for their merits and how they 'fit' with us, without the knee-jerk reactions of consciousness 'protecting' us from being changed by outside ideas. It addresses the unconscious programming in your mind that has been developed throughout your life (and often … Does Hypnotherapy Work? Hypnotherapy is a holistic, therapeutic experience which can bring about positive change using the power of the subconscious mind. These ‘therapeutic metaphors’ can be dropped into everyday conversation and each person will draw their own meaning from them. There are different types of hypnotherapy, and different ways of hypnotising someone. That's essentially what hypnosis is - accessing REM when not asleep. We hope that this blog on how hypnotherapy works has been helpful to you. Mesmerism. These behaviours are often in the form of established habits and responses, both where the individual is consciously aware (such as sitting in a poor posture working on a laptop whilst on the sofa), and where they are not consciously aware (such as thumb sucking or nail biting). Hypnotherapy tends to be considered a ‘brief, strategic, solution and goal-focused’ approach to change work. Thus, there is less likelihood of ‘unpicking’ or resisting therapy. Hypnotherapy is a procedure whereby the subject is put into a trance state and then made to follow suggestions that can alter thoughts, perceptions, sensations and behaviour. Someone who is very external may believe they are ‘at the whim of fate’, taking little responsibility for their own health. Perhaps a client wants to lose enough weight to run a marathon. Behavioural hypnotherapy approaches can often be supported by ‘cognitive hypnotherapy’ work, considering, challenging and changing unhelpful and limiting beliefs, thus ‘what, how and why’ they believe the things they do. It does, however, induce a trance-like condition that actually increases the subject’s state of awareness in their own subconscious. The hypnosis tends to happen before the ‘therapy’ part, and there are a vast number of methods that hypnotherapists use to create the hypnotic state. Third-trimester babies dream more than anyone! What's more, we can use this amazing natural force to make incredible changes within ourselves. The deepest trance state you experience is when you are dreaming. The conscious and unconscious minds are always working, even though we might not always be aware of how to properly harness the powerful forces of the unconscious mind. Many hypnotherapists find progressive relaxation very useful to help a person go into the trance state. And there’s a fairly simple explanation. The most REM you ever experienced happened not during dream sleep, but before you were even born - during the last three months of your gestation in the womb.11 It seems that it's through this pre-birth REM that many of our 'hardwired' instincts are laid down, such as the 'startle response' to loud noises, fear of heights, and other survival instincts. Thereafter, the client can enjoy the therapy session while the therapist cycles the brain down using relaxation exercises to alter their state of consciousness. Since dreaming is largely concerned with 'clearing' the brain of emotional arousal, it isn't hard to see how hypnosis can be good for helping people with emotional problems. If the behavioural and cognitive approaches are insufficient to fully address the issue, then a therapist may engage in analytical work, in order for the client to gain beneficial change. The benefits and gains of the hypnotherapy work is enhanced by clients engaging in activities and tasks (‘homework’), beyond the therapy session. Hypnosis -- or hypnotherapy -- uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. Have you ever 'zoned out' while driving? When we narrow our focus and direct it inwards, we enter a kind of trance. These methods are known as ‘inductions’. Although in the dream, your imagination makes it feel incredibly real. Therapeutic homework tasks reinforce the new thoughts and behaviours and can help a client move from ‘knowing’ into ‘doing’. Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that is performed by a trained hypnotist. They may have assumed they would be totally unconscious, but in reality the conscious mind is still available to them. During hypnotic trance we all become more suggestible, which sounds a bit like we turn into automatons to be programmed by the hypnotist, but that's not how it works. Hypnosis tends to work by influencing the mind/body system rather than simply mind or body. When people first experience purposefully induced hypnosis it sometimes feels different from what they expected. The person's attention is so focused while in this state that anything going on around the person is temporarily blocked out or ignored. For successful therapeutic engagement, it helps if the client’s locus of control is more ‘balanced’, so that they will accept appropriate responsibility for their therapy process. Direct suggestions are more commanding and explicit, such as “let go of that tension… now…”, and are good for a person that appreciates a firmer approach. There are many theories about the actual mechanics of hypnosis, and making sense of them can be a bit like playing Snakes and Ladders - you … Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images. Hypnosis is a tool that can be used for therapeutic treatment. To a lot of people, what a hypnotherapist does is a bit of a mystery, so we’ve written this blog in order to cast a little light onto what is involved in a successful hypnotherapy session/treatment plan. During hypnosis we can rehearse new ways of feeling and behaving so that we have a kind of emotional blueprint for how to act and feel in ways that help us the most. The hypnotic state is a natural state to be in and is very safe. Most hypnotherapists select their therapeutic approaches from a least intrusive to most intrusive perspective, often working in the present, with current behaviours and beliefs. What is hypnotherapy and how does it work? But there are still more similarities between induced hypnosis and the dream state. Many hypnotherapists will keep records regarding the effectiveness of their approaches and the impact therapy has had on their clients. Then the journey becomes easier, and also you are more likely to go down the right path. Furthermore, as therapy progresses, further issues (or ‘deeper’ issues) may arise, which the client may not have been consciously aware of initially. This is a personality trait scale that identifies the extent to which a person believes they have control over their life. This naturally includes all the admin’ and other tasks of a self-employed person, such as marketing, networking and business development. More than likely it is a combination of both. We use hypnosis to help people with emotional conditions because these conditions have core hypnotic aspects to them. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that empowers an individual to change behaviours or habits that are causing emotional, mental, or physical suffering. Hypnotherapy is a simple relaxation where the conscious mind relaxes and the subconscious mind becomes more receptive and absorbs all the positive suggestions that are brought forward in the session. Talking of clients who want therapy ‘done to them’, an influencing factor that hypnotherapists look for when choosing to take a direct or indirect approach, is the client’s ‘locus of control’…. Unlike some other ‘talking therapies’, it isn’t something that is done toa client, rather, it is a collaborative approach. This is why the use of hypnosis has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psycho-physical problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.17. Ego-strengthening within the hypnotherapy process not only can enhance and balance the client’s locus of control, but also positively benefits their self-esteem, self-confidence, and sense of self, empowering them, together with working on developing resources and building resilience. What happens in a hypnotherapy session. This is similar to the way in which we might be 'surprised' by a giggling fit or by pushing our foot down on an imaginary brake pedal when we are in the passenger seat and someone else is driving! Two hours can fly by without you noticing. Try doing the same thing standing in the rain waiting for a bus! Firstly, goals are established with the client in order to make positive changes within themselves. Your brain is clearly operating differently with respect to memory and time in these two situations. How does Hypnosis Work? 1  (Don't try this at home, by the way, it's really bad for your back!). Learn hypnosis with our free online course. We can first use it to help clear away the blockages to success, like excessive fear, self-doubt, self-consciousness, and shyness or emotional insecurity. Hypnotherapy works by empowering people to change and update subconscious beliefs. All of this knowledge, experience, and more, comes together in the therapy room, to ensure the hypnotherapy client gets the best possible experience and outcome. Intense focus created by emotion is a trance state, Hypnosis is used for more than just solving problems, Hypnosis gives you access to different parts of your mind, “I can't be hypnotized - I'm too strong-willed!”, Learn hypnosis with our free online course,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Primal Human Needs - A New Framework for Happiness, Activation of inner focus and the imagination, Stillness of the major muscles (catalepsy). Hypnotherapy is a powerful, scientifically-proven tool for helping your clients access their subconscious minds and overcome their most challenging mental health issues. “Hypnotherapy works exceptionally well for anxiety. Hypnosis has the capacity to work for most people but some are more susceptible to suggestion than others. Founding their psychology training company Uncommon Knowledge in 1998, Mark and Roger started Hypnosis Downloads in 2004. But for the skilled hypnotherapist, any level of trance can be harnessed to produce positive outcomes for the trance subject. Moving on from behavioural and cognitive hypnotherapy approaches, ‘analytical hypnotherapy’ approaches help clients consider ‘why’ they do what they do, working to gain insight, and to discover and adjust unconscious drivers and patterns. I've worked with world-famous musicians, sportspeople, and artists to maximize their creative performance using hypnosis. When a dog or cat locks their attention and produces instinctive responses to a given trigger, they are experiencing a form of trance.1 That might not make much sense now, but by the end of the article you'll see what I mean. In hypnosis you can be aware of your thoughts and surroundings and still be hypnotized. In this state, you provide suggestions directly to the subconscious mind, which can have therapeutic benefits. We also call this stage 'paradoxical sleep', because your physiology and psychology are markedly different than in your non-dream sleep. 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