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She reveals that her father died when she was about six years old and that her mother remarried, of which Bates already knew, however Anna had not told him the whole story. She is also the wife of John Bates. While Baxter expected to be fired, Cora forgives her and lets her stay on, with the condition that she won't rob her. In 1913, Mason's wife dies of a heart attack leaving him on his own on their farm. . He seems to be taken aback by her behaviour, but responds in a polite way to her forwardness. Rose becomes restless and persuades Anna into accompanying her to a dance hall in York, where Anna attracts the attention of some young men but barely escapes when a fight ensues. Robert is immensely proud of Downton as the place he grew up and takes his responsibility for the estate very seriously; he sees himself as its caretaker, not its owner. He drugs Tom's drink so that he appears drunk. Downton Abbey 175K subscribers 365K views 3 years ago We all felt for Tom Branson after Sybil's shocking death. Episode #4.2: Directed by David Evans. His last name remains unknown. formata da otto episodi e uno speciale di novanta minuti andato in onda a Natale 2013.. Then she learns he got into a fight with some men in Munich after taking exception to what they were saying. The Marchioness's lady's maid tells Vera about Lady Mary's liaison with Kemal Pamuk. Although she has adopted the lifestyle of the British aristocracy, her character is portrayed as more forward-thinking and open-minded than that of her family, a trait her husband and daughters attribute to her "American-ness". Daisy 'guides' Mrs Patmore into suggesting to Mason that he would be welcome in her cottage, and that it would be best for all concerned. When Bates is deemed guilty and is sentenced to be hanged, Anna breaks down and briefly prepares to leave Downton Abbey with Lady Mary, whom she is very close to, offering to accompany her mistress on an extended holiday to America, much to Mary's delight. She is also really selfish, as she objected to Mrs Hughes invading her privacy whereas she herself repeatedly did that to Tom. Lady Sybil Cora Branson (ne Crawley; 18951920) (played by Jessica Brown Findlay) is the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Grantham. At the end of series three, Jimmy is promoted to first footman, but he holds a grudge against Thomas into the Christmas Special. Gordon convinces Lady Edith by relating experiences in Downton. She leaves Downton at the very beginning of the fourth series in the middle of the night to take her new position, leaving only a letter to explain her actions. Anna is freed but on bail whilst her husband is classified as being on the run. She is one of eleven children and her parents are deceased. However, the two fail to resolve their marital problems, and agree to separate upon returning to England for Rose's wedding. Anna, however, tells him that the news is nothing sad and that actually, she's pregnant and expecting their child. Edith is very worried and decides to get an abortion. [20] Finneran herself confirmed this.[21]. Although convinced that there is no evidence for anything to happen, Anna is later arrested for Green's murder. Before 1912, she lived in Manchester with the Crawleys as their cook, but when they moved, she went with them. She becomes distant from everyone, and is unable to even bear Mr Bates's touch, as she confesses to Mrs Hughes that she feels she no longer deserves him, and feels unclean. The scheming Edna would return as Cora Crawley's second lady's maid. In the third episode of the fourth series, Anna is violently assaulted and raped by Lord Gillingham's valet while the rest of family members and staff are attending a concert above stairs in the house. Fearing for his safety, Lord Grantham had him assigned to Matthew Crawley's battalion to be his batman. He has a close relationship with Mrs Hughes, built up over a quarter-century of overseeing the household staff. Anna then assists Lady Mary with procuring contraception for a sexual relationship with Lord Gillingham, but Bates finds the evidence and mistakenly believes Anna has been using it so she does not become pregnant with a murderer's child. Daisy Mason, who is interested in Alfred, repeatedly tries to sabotage Ivy, Jimmy and Alfred in hopes that Alfred will realise that Ivy is no good for him. Tom Branson was supposed to appear in only three episodes of the first series,[8] and Branson was originally Yorkshire-born. Fellowes initially intended for Mrs Hughes to be a Yorkshire native. After the war, with male staff able to be hired, the full household staff are brought up to the pre-war levels and Mr Carson is able to return to solely undertaking the duties of butler. Distraught in believing that it is impossible for her to carry a child to term, Anna becomes upset, believing she had let Bates down. Tom was briefly seduced by the manipulative maid Edna who made it her life's mission to trick him into marrying her. Movies. He tries to convince her that despite wanting children, she alone is enough for him, which she has trouble accepting. Rupert Christiansen, writing in The Telegraph, bemoaned the casting and the fact checking.[23]. Hold on to your hats as Downton decamps to Scotland, MyAnna Buring says Edna Braithwaite has dreams far above her station! (Interview), Downton Abbey Series 4 (Season 4), Episode 4 Recap: Staying Silent, Speaking Up. Matthew Reginald Crawley (played by Dan Stevens) (18851921) is a middle-class distant cousin of the Crawleys who becomes the heir to the estate in the first episode and soon after moves to Downton. Carson quickly steps forward to comfort her, and assures her she will always find a source of support in him. Edna also remarks to Lady Grantham that anyone would be lucky to be a member of the Crawley family. But when learning of his status, Matthew (as the heir to Downton Abbey) instructs him to put an end to his relationship with Edith. Barrow is badly beaten instead. After struggling with infertility, Mary becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, George, at the end of the third series. Miss Baxter refuses to inform Bates that, as a convicted criminal herself, she had to speak honestly to avoid another prison sentence. Anna returns to Downton but chooses not to inform Bates of the news until she becomes pregnant again and the stitch has worked, so as not to get his hopes up. The pair see each other often in London during series six and they fall in love. When Mrs Bird refuses to work with a former prostitute, she chooses to leave. Ethel tells Mrs Hughes that her neighbours think she is a war widow but admits that Major Bryant refuses to acknowledge that he is Charlie's father, despite Ethel and Mrs Hughes's best efforts to get him to admit paternity. The king is later heard in a radio broadcast, voiced by Jon Glover. Furious that Mrs Hughes went through her things, Edna tries to stand her ground, saying Mrs Hughes could not prove anything. Anna was the member of staff who helped Lady Mary and her mother Cora carry the corpse of Kemal Pamuk out of Lady Mary's bedroom and was the only one who openly welcomed valet John Bates to the household, despite everyone else's initial prejudice against him on account of his limp. Bates is then released from prison due to the neighbour's statement. His son Larry, who was once keen on Sybil, treats her husband Tom with rudeness and disrespect. Barrow accepts that Jimmy can never give him what he wants, so they instead agree to be friends. When Green returns to the Abbey, Bates is further convinced of his guilt. Edna's the fucking worst! However, when Tom Branson speaks to her about his own experiences in learning to live with the Crawley family despite their differences, she is inspired to make her marriage work. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hughes is watching her suspicously, especially after Tom begins to feel uneasy about moving upstairs. Lord Grantham, after being pressured by Cora and Carson to see how Bates is not fulfilling his job properly, regretfully tells Bates that it is not working out. She begins to feel he is a sensible match for her. Whilst Anna is pregnant, Bates continues to attempt selling his mother's house in London as well as purchasing a house in the north. A fanpage for the lovely Myanna Buring and her role as Edna Braithwaite on Downton Abbey. She reveals Edna knew how to prevent a pregnancy with the help of a book she found among Edna's things. . . When she does, Alfred apologises to her, regretting being blinded by his infatuation for Ivy and failing to see how good and true Daisy had been to him. Nellie Melba (Kiri Te Kanawa) gives an operatic performance at the Abbey in 1922, where Cora intervenes to ensure she is treated as a guest of the family rather than a member of staff. Immerse yourself in the much loved British historical drama, relive some of. He also nearly weds Edith to Anthony Strallan before he jilts her at the altar (Travis and the Dowager discussed Strallan's first wife beforehand). When her typewriter is discovered by Miss O'Brien, she informs the whole staff and Gwen's plan to leave service to become a secretary is the cause of much discussion above and below stairs. Bates becomes protective over Anna at the car racing at Brooklands, when she insists in running after Lady Mary after a fatal crash on the track. Mrs Patmore tries to hide her deteriorating eyesight but Lord Grantham decides to send her to Moorfields in London for treatment when she accidentally puts salt on the pudding instead of sugar. Still in the dark about her pregnancy, Anna begins to experience pains in episode 4, for which Lady Mary rushes her down to London, claiming to Bates that the emergency is hers, not Anna's. She also refused to hand the police the ticket regarding Mr Bates's trip to London on the day Mr Green died, telling Lady Mary she could never condemn a man for defending his wife's honour against such a crime. She is unhappy in her marriage, and seeks to end it. William asked Daisy if she would give him a photo that he could carry with him. She is forced to accept defeat in this, not knowing that Lady Mary had already destroyed the ticket, as she wrongly believed it proved Bates's guilt. Horrified, Alfred is pressured by his aunt, O'Brien, to report the incident to Carson, as homosexuality is considered a crime at this time. Thomas also leads on the kitchen maid, Daisy, partly for his amusement (since it annoys the second footman, William Mason, who has feelings for her) and for ulterior motives. She starts pursuing Tom relentlessly until she finally convinces him that she is pregnant with his child. Saison 4 de Downton Abbey Wikipdia When it is revealed the new valet, Henry Lang, had shell shock, she was uncharacteristically sympathetic towards him and it was revealed that her own brother suffered from it due to the War. She also felt Edna might have fantasized about Tom in sort of a romantic way in the Christmas Special, but not so in Series 4. In the third series, she grows to like Alfred but resents Ivy, the new kitchen maid, who steals Alfred's attention. While participating in the "Albanian talks" he visits Downton as a guest, accompanying Evelyn Napier. Prince Albert, Duke of York (Jonathan Townsend), the future King George VI, is present at Rose's debutante ball. Though Jack loves her, he fears the repercussions of an inter-racial romance. He is the husband of Cora, son of Violet, and father of Mary, Edith and Sybil. We first meet the conniving woman in the second season as a general housemaid. During Bates's murder trial, Thomas applies for Bates's old job, but is rejected by Lord Grantham. Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham (played by Hugh Bonneville) (b. At the end of the series five Christmas special Mrs Hughes has accepted Mr Carson's marriage proposal. Mr Carson is in charge of the pantry, wine cellar, and dining room, as well as the male staff, who report to him. Anna only tells Mrs Hughes of the crime, fearing her husband would commit murder if he discovered the truth. Race row after Dame Edna says Downton is popular because there 'are no 1886) is lady's maid to Lady Mary at Downton Abbey; previously she was first parlour maid and head housemaid. Violet has Clarkson lie to mend their marriage. The 20 Most Despicable Characters in Downton Abbey History - Vulture A racy new maid, another shock for Lady Edith and simmering tension between Matthew and Lady Mary. Lady Sybil quickly befriends Gwen and tries to help her get a job as a secretary. But she refused him and he married a woman named Ivy and had a son, Peter. Bates finally confronts his wife and reveals the truth; he realised Green was the attacker as soon as he returned to Downton, and he did intend to murder the valet the day he was killed. Bates is less sure, but agrees that Anna will not be convicted. He has a stern, but fatherly, disposition over the servants. When he returns to Downton to attend a house party, his valet, Mr Green, rapes Anna. He crosses the final line when he takes Ivy out and gets a bit too familiar with her. MyAnna Buring - IMDb Even so, the family still call him by his last name. After she got fired, Edna manages to come back to Downton to work as Cora's lady's maid. Robert then asks him to dinner after Tom Branson expresses his wish to baptise his daughter Catholic like himself, a decision Robert opposes. However, she eventually decides she does not want to marry any of them, providing a shock, especially for Tony. 1868), usually called Lady Grantham, is the wife of Robert and mother of Mary, Edith and Sybil. She plays the victim, and accuses him of using her, then casting her aside, and not being a man of honor. He starts his employment there in 1910 as a junior footman. Affable and good-natured, he was also a competent pianist (actor Thomas Howes is a pianist) and would entertain other servants during their free time. He is initially reticent about his family, but mentions that his great-grandfather and his family were Russian Jews from Odessa who had emigrated to England during the 19th century and eventually anglicised their family name. Anna Bates | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom Downton Abbey stands as a show with great potential to become a classic for generations to come. When she is older, she affectionately nicknames Robert "Donk" (much to his consternation) after playing a game of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" with him. In the second series Christmas episode, it is apparent that Carlisle's pragmatism does not sit well with the Crawleys and he and Mary begin to argue more frequently, much to the consternation of Matthew and her grandmother. Turning up in the servants' hall unannounced, his good looks and charm quickly impress a number of the maidsas well as Thomas Barrow, currently valet to Lord Grantham. O'Brien is wracked with guilt, and following the incident, she becomes even more loyal and devoted to Cora. Edna, still fixated on Tom, got him drunk and then snuck into his room at night. Andrew serves drinks before a fox hunt. Daisy initially tried to avoid seeing Alfred at all, but eventually speaks to him and wishes him well as a friend. Downton Abbey (TV Series 2010-2015) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb At this time, he had only recently succeeded to the viscountcy. Anna and Bates both visit Scotland Yard where Anna is forced to be part of an identity parade to which Bates is outraged. [18] Jen Chaney of Vulture ranked O'Brien as the series' second most "despicable" character. Mr Albert Mason (played by Paul Copley) is the father of William, the Downton footman who died of injuries received in the Great War. When Mary discovers that it was Green who assaulted Anna, she asks Tony to dismiss him, but says she cannot tell him why. The two try to continue their lives; however, both find it difficult to look past what has happened. Anna's attempts to locate the ticket prove fruitless, due to Lady Mary's prior actions. It is suggested by the earl's solicitor, George Murray, that Major Gordon might actually be Peter Gordon, who worked with the real Patrick Crawley at the Foreign Office, which would explain how he knew some of the private details of the Earl's family. Edna claims that Tom still seduced her, and Mrs Hughes reminds Edna it was she who got Tom drunk, then climbed into his bed, meaning she was in no way seduced. The two attempt to move past the attack, but both find it very difficult. The end of "Downton Abbey" was, admittedly, a bit of a disappointment for Allen Leech. Out of spite, she leaves a bar of soap on the bathroom floor while Cora is taking a bath. Martha Levinson (played by Shirley MacLaine) is Cora's brash, outspoken, and wealthy American mother. Bates then invite O'Brien to his cottage, and whispers the words "her ladyship's soap" in her ear, before warning her that unless she calls Jimmy off, he will not keep her secret. At one point Grantham kisses Jane, but they are interrupted by an oblivious Mr Bates and they decide not to have an affair. It is impossible to recognise Major Gordon as Patrick Crawley because his face was severely burned during the Battle of Passchendaele. O'Brien, whose brother suffered from shell shock and eventually died in combat, is uncharacteristically sympathetic and kind to him. It becomes clear Shrimpie is deeply unhappy about his marriage to Susan. After William's death in 1918, Mr Mason sometimes calls at Downton to speak to Daisy, believing that she loved William as much as he did. In March 1913, he is diagnosed as suffering from dropsy of the heart and is certain to die. At that time, it is inferred that Jimmy has kept up appearances by teasing Thomas and giving him a very clear cold shoulder that even Alfred notices is extreme. In the Christmas special he is invited by Lord Grantham to the traditional Christmas shoot but repeatedly turns it down. That leads Baxter to guess that Anna is pregnant. A wealthy American heiress, she married Robert in 1890 when the Crawleys were in straitened circumstances; her fortune helped rescue Downton. Later in series six, Branson is instrumental in setting up Lady Mary with Henry Talbot, and in the series finale, goes in with Talbot on an automobile dealership. Sarah O'Brien, who is angry with Thomas for the way he has treated her nephew, Alfred, quickly latches on to this dynamic and uses it to her own ends. He was interested in studying medicine once in his life, but his father did not think it suitable for someone of his position. He was hospitalised in Leeds as Downton, then used as a convalescent home, was only for officers, but William's father could not afford to leave his farm or repeatedly travel to and fro to visit. He meets Mrs Hughes at a fair in Downton after the death of Ivy and asked her a second time to marry him, giving her a parting gift of a small doll. Specifically, the new . A loyal servant, he volunteers his service at the earl's mansion. But Mrs Hughes say that, "there are rules to this way of life and, if you don't intend to abide by them, it is not the life for you." Mrs Hughes dismisses her after discovering the two of them in bed together, but Ethel shortly returns having nowhere else to go when she finds out she is pregnant with his child. In the meantime, Bertie's unmarried cousin dies of malaria in Tangiers. In the series four Christmas Special, Jimmy travels with the Crawley family to London for the season. During her visit to Violet in 1920, she unexpectedly joins Edith and Matthew on a trip to London, claiming that she is planning a surprise for her mother. He volunteers to help Mr Mason take care of Downton's pigs and shows an interest in farming. She is 26 at the beginning of the series. She runs into Thomas, and calls him sly, oily, and smug. O'Brien and Thomas were the only servants who never did like Bates and the duo constantly try to find faults and uncover his past in an attempt to force Mr Carson to sack him. 1873) was the butler of Crawley House, in the village of Downton, and valet for Matthew Crawley. As Anna returns to Downton, Bates is still missing, leaving her miserable. With its views of life from the upstairs and downstairs, it shows the perspectives of the happenings of early 20th century England's commonwealth. Violet Crawley (The Dowager Countess of Grantham) (played by Maggie Smith) (1841[1]-1928) is Robert's mother and widow of the previous earl. The show ran for six series and fifty-two episodes, including five . Thomas Barrow (played by Robert James-Collier) is under-butler at Downton Abbey and is a character who creates many conflicts. He is a past lover of Thomas, at the time first footman, but this affair ends in autumn 1912, after the duke visits Downton under the pretext of courting Mary, then tricks her into leading him into the servants' quarters, where he retrieves a packet of love letters to prevent Thomas from blackmailing him over the affair. Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Strutt KCB, DSO (played by Julian Wadham) is a senior British Army general known as the "Hero of the Somme". Daisy has a close relationship with Mrs Patmore, the cook, which is frequently more mother-daughter than two servants working together. In series four, Jimmy is something of an antagonist, stirring the pot for amusement and to get at Alfred, his professional rival. She plays outside with her cousins Sybil and George, as the adults are having tea inside the Downton estate. She describes Edna as dreaming of a life above her station and being waited on rather than waiting on others. Anna reveals that she's already pregnant again. He joins his fellow former nobles on an outing to Downton in the spring of 1924. When Edith marries Bertie Pelham, the Marquess of Hexham, Marigold moves with them to their new home at Brancaster Castle. Last night's Downton Abbey: Your verdict - digitalspy.com The episode ends with Anna and Bates sharing a Happy Christmas alone. Just before her death she confesses to Matthew that she had seen the kiss between him and Mary and tells him that her death is the best for all of them. Ethel, however, would not be allowed contact, learning that Charlie will be told that his father died during the war and his mother died of Spanish flu. Anna May Bates (ne Smith) (played by Joanne Froggatt) (b. The neighbour also stated that she had seen Vera walking down the street when the gas lights had come on (she said they made a sort of "halo" around Vera's head), which would have been when Bates was already on his way back home. She later tells Mrs Patmore that she is ready to start planning her wedding to Andy. Lavinia Catherine Swire (played by Zoe Boyle) (18951919) is the sweetheart and fiance of Matthew Crawley. 12 stars you forgot appeared in Downton Abbey - including 3 Game of The evidence does not portray Bates in a good light; the jury finds him guilty of the murder of his wife, and he is sentenced to be hanged. Matthew is left a considerable sum by Mr Swire, and Matthew is initially consumed with guilt and refuses to accept it. John Bates (played by Brendan Coyle), who is mainly known as Mr Bates or just Bates, is Lord Grantham's valet. They agree to be friends forever. Gwen endears herself to the family by revealing that the late Lady Sybil had gone to great lengths to help Gwen become a secretary, and that Sybil's kindness had changed her life. He convinces her to go away with him to a hotel in Liverpool to be lovers, and she agrees, wanting to be sure he is the right man for her. Known for its extravagant set, charming characters and stellar ensemble cast, the series became a cultural. At first Sybil seems fine after the birth, but late in the night is found having fits and dies. He tends towards nostalgia and fears change (such as the installation of telephones in the house and electricity in the kitchen, as well as the election of a Labour government). [2] Edith is often the "forgotten" one as she is not considered as pretty and smooth-talking as her older sister, Mary, or as daring and passionate as her younger sister, Sybil.