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After spending his early years in Spain, he enlisted in the Spanish navy in 1866. A doctorate holder and one of the world leaders in semiconductor technology . Incuvens patent was published by the United States in 2004, after more than 20 years of research and work by Lvano and his associates. Born in Los Angeles, California in 1958, Ellen Ochoa is probably the best known example of a successful Hispanic inventor and innovator. After more than 20 years of study and labor by Lvano and his colleagues, the United States granted Lvano's patent. Then it was up to Spanish-language media to get the word out. She participated in four NASA missions and spent 978 hours in space. Today, transdermal drug patches are used to distribute contraceptives, antidepressants, nicotine, and pain medications. After having her invention stolen by a man who claimed that there was no way a woman could have invented such a . In 2005, the Lemelson Center featured Mexican graduate student inventor Jos Luis Hernndez-Rebollar in our Innovative Lives program series. The following year she was the Payload Commander on the Atlantis mission. Peral was called to Madrid by Pezuela y Lobo for a one-on-one interview. Causing them to bath and wash their hair infrequently. Attacking Asian innovation. Gonzlez Camarena transmitted in color for the first time on August 31, 1946, from his lab at the Mexican League of Radio Experiments, located at Lucerna St. #1 in Mexico City. Famous Hispanic people and inventors help us carry on Hispanic Heritage Month with pride and teach future generations about their culture and its contributions. [18] [19] [20] Beard, Andrew. Walker pioneered the use of female sales agents, who . Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images. Photo by Sandy Schaeffer for NSF. Not only has she won numerous awards for her pioneering career and been inducted into boththe California Hall of Fame and the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, but also she has six schools named after her in four USstates. This includes people who reported detailed Hispanic or Latino groups.". Norton is a robot who creates inventions with his robotic dog Alpha. Bellis, Mary. You could hone your cooking skills by inviting family and friends over for aHispanic-inspired dinnerparty, host a Spanish movie night, or attend a local event put on by a Hispanic organization. These bandages were found to be especially beneficial for controlled drug delivery. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde, PhD, RN (1920-2010): Changing the face of nursing. (1941-) is an engineer and inventor. And, on the 8th of September, 1888, it was launched. The field of X-ray optics was greatly expanded after its invention. She was the third Mexican-American woman to earn a doctorate in the sciences in the U.S. Born in Nicaragua, Fernando Torres has four patents, including U.S. Patent 8,478,341 for "Automatic Selection of SIM Cards in Mobile Devices. Dr. Liotta developed the organ in 1969 at a hospital in Houston, Texas. World Book Online is an engaging, verified, and trustworthy digital resource for grades pre-K through high school. For example, alongside Luis Alvarez, there are at least three other National Inventors Hall of Fame members who are Hispanic: Miguel Angel Ondetti, inducted in 2004 for captopril, the first of a new class of drugs known as angiotensin converting enzyme, or ACE, inhibitors (US Patent4,105,776); Julio Palmaz, inducted in 2006 for the first commercially-successful intravascular stent, known as the Palmaz Stent (US Patent4,733,665); and Alejandro Zaffaroni, inducted in 2012 for transdermal bandages for administering drugs (US Patent3,598,122). In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15-Oct 15), we highlight a few of the Hispanic and Latinx scientists and engineers who made (and are making) important contributions to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Sara Alvarez Kleinsmith is a writer and wellness professional whose work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, and We Are Mitu. Dr. Tang is named on 84 patents and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2018 for his co-invention of the OLED. Victor L. Ochoa Papers, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. We would like to know what you found helpful about this page. First on the list is Ignacio Urresti. The Beauty blender was developed to save performers from having to be pulled off the set when using an airbrush to apply foundation mid-shoot. Is Europa habitable? Walker (December 23, 1867-May 25, 1919) Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images. As impressive as this was, the submarine's absence of a double hull and a diesel engine only limited its use to coastal actions. Csar Milstein (1927-2002): A Pioneer in the Field of Monoclonal Antibodies #8. Ochoa also developed the adjustable wrench and the Ochoaplane (an aircraft with foldable wings). Well, Zaffaroni helped create multiple biotechnology companies that are responsible for many brilliant medical breakthroughs. His legacy is lasting, and his inventions are helping humans have a higher quality of life each day. When in use, it would adapt black-and-white TVs to color without the need to buy a new set. More than 40 transdermal products with ingredients like nicotine, hormones, painkillers, and antidepressants have received FDA approval. Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, William R. Cumpiano was granted U.S. Patent 5,333,527 for a "Compression Molded Composite Guitar Soundboard. Find upcoming programs related to IP policy and international affairs. Artificial Heart. One such device came from the mind of Emilio Herrera Linares, from Spain. Returning to the topic of Nobel Prize winners, besides chemist Mario Molina mentioned above, there are several Hispanic Nobelists in the sciences who deserve recognition. Dr. Baez led a long life of contribution to the sciences before passing away in 2007. In 1951, Miramontes, then a college student, was under the direction of Syntex Corp Ceo George Rosenkranz and researcher Carl Djerassi. So, here are just a few of the many Hispanic creative minds who have made some of the most significant contributions to the modern world. Celorio was born on July 27, 1957, in Mexico City. 6. (1st Hispanic woman to travel to space) Alyssa Carson (@nasablueberry, Projected to go to Mars in 2020) Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, Gonzalez Camrena received a patent for a chromoscopic adapter for television equipment in 1942. Born in Guatemala City, Dr. Luis Von Ahn was granted U.S. Patent 8,555,353 for "Methods and Apparatuses for Controlling Access to Computer Systems and for Annotating Media Files" - or Captcha for distinguishing human from machine input to prevent spam and automated extraction of data from web sites. Other inventions he patented in the USincluded: a reversible motor (USPatent718,508), a pen for fountain pens (US Patent825,153), rail magnetic brakes (US Patents867,147 and 873,587), a windmill (US Patent1,319,174), and wrenches (US Patents1,417,196 and 1,454,333). Von Ahn is also the CEO and co-founder of Duolingo. It became law on August 17, 1988, after Public Law 100-402 was approved. What exactly do we have to thank him for? His invention was used in NASA's Voyager mission in 1979 to take pictures and video of Jupiter. For the next three hours, you enjoy the vibrant colors and pristine pictures as your favorite team defeats the opposition. Juan Lozano's company Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana sells the Rocket Belt for a hefty price. Courtesy of NASA, A few stories of often overlooked inventors and innovators in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. There he met a lot of children who complained that they couldn't play football. Professor Arturo Arias Surez (1923-2003), a civil engineer who taught at the University of Chile, developed a method that made it possible for scientists to calculate the likelihood of damage from a potential earthquake in a specific area. 27. The above are but a small yet significant selection of the many Hispanic people making great strides in various aspects of human life. Building engineers can design structures that are better able to resist seismic activity using the Arias Intensity Formula. In other words, his invention helped introduce the world to colored television! The electric brake. In 1971, Villafaa left to set up rival company Cardiac Pacemakers Inc. to develop a cardiac pacemaker using a new lithium battery invented by engineer Wilson Greatbatch (who was featured in another 1996 Innovative Lives program). For his invention, Camarena became the first person in history to receive a patent for the development of a color television (U.S. Patent 2,296,019). According to the World Health Organization, over 5 percent of the population worldwide suffers from hearing trouble and this invention has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate. As late as 1979, NASA transmitted photos from Jupiter using his invention. In 2012, Ochoa became the first Hispanic and second woman to be named Director of NASAs Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston, Texas. inventions have changed the world in the last decade, everyday things that were actually invented for World War I. you can stay at underwater hotels like these, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. These are the most ironic inventions ever. Bez is also the father of renowned folk singer Joan Baez. ", Born in Chile, Luis Alejandro Cavallo Caroca was granted U.S. Design Patent D582,231 for the "Ornamental Design of a Corkscrew" and also U.S. Design Patent D584,122 for the "Ornamental Design of Scissors.". According to the Smithsonian Institution, Ellen Ochoa was the first Hispanic woman astronaut. Im not a robot test or Captcha codes are the jumbled letters that users are required to match before entering a website. Learn about our current legislative initiatives. The sweltering summer heat begins to fade. Over the centuries, many remarkable scientists have emerged from Spanish-speaking lands, cultures and ancestors. Her mechanical book was created decades before Michael Hart's Project Gutenberg and is often referred to as the true inventor of the modern e-book. Liotta belonged to several international medical associations throughout his life. These innovative creations and more wouldn't exist today if it weren't for the brilliant minds of these 10 African American inventors. 1860s - January 5, 1943. The ads feature "Hispanic" sports stars and. His revolutionary work is something many of us benefit from directly on a regular basis. She also contributed to creating three patents in the field of optics. A teacher in Galicia, Spain, ngela Ruiz Robles invented the first mechanical book way back in 1949. He stopped performing on stage at a young age and started giving lessons at the Paris Conservatory in the 1830s and the Royal Academy of Music in London from the 1840s onwards. Thats why in the early aughts, Mexican scientist Jos Hernndez-Rebollar invented an electric glove that can turn sign language into spoken words and text. The X-ray reflection microscope was created in 1948 by Paul Kirkpatrick, a Stanford physics professor, and Mexican-American physicist Albert Vinicio Bez (1912-2007). 01.23.20 at 4:43 pm. Julio Palmaz, a vascular radiologist from Argentina, is credited with advancing the field of angioplasty surgery. Raised in Guatemala, Ahn received his bachelors degree from Duke University and obtained his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. M. Gregorio Maran (1887-1960), doctor and researcher, . Kayaks were small, narrow boats made of wood, with a sealed sealskin cabin to prevent the rower from sinking should the boat capsize. The color transmission was broadcast direct from his laboratory in Mexico City. Though annoying at times, reCAPTCHA helps computers differentiate between robots and human beings, keeping internet users safe from malware and spam. The network that would later become Univision released this series of ads calling on "Hispanics" to fill out the 1980 Census. A . Mexican inventor Victor Ochoa was also a Mexican revolutionary. https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-hispanic-inventors-1991700 (accessed March 4, 2023). These Hispanic women changed the world. Rea Ann Silva and her now famous invention. In conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month, the Department of Commerce's United States Patent and Trademark Office is recognizing some Hispanic Americans whose inventions contributed to the nation's social and economic well-being. Alejandro Campos Ramrez was a poet, publisher and inventor from Galicia who became known world-wide for his invention: table soccer or foosball. Madame C.J. Her tool included spoken descriptions of each topic and comprised a sequence of text and drawings on reels, all arranged under a magnifying glass sheet with a light for reading in the dark. He is best known as the creator of an electrical glove called the "AcceleGlove," which converts American Sign Language hand gestures into spoken and written words. Kayaks. His earliest inventions at ALZA comprised a progesterone-releasing contraceptive and a thin film for treating glaucoma. Check trademark application status and view all documents associated with an application/registration. . Richwine's dissertation parts from a fallacy. His best-known invention, the Ochoaplane was a small flying machine with collapsible wings. Side note: He is the father of singer Joan Baez. She went on four missions with NASA, spending 978 hours in outer space. We recommend our users to update the browser. The audio and video signals were sent in the 40-meter band at 115 MHz. Liotta's device was implanted in a 47-year-old patient with severe heart failure. In 1981, ALZA collaborated with the Swiss business Ciba-Geigy, and the FDA approved the first scopolamine transdermal delivery system for motion sickness, Transderm-Scop. And one group of Latinos who are deserving of recognition is made up of scientists and inventors whose . Few Hispanic Americans have made a bigger impact in recent pop culture than Lin-Manuel Miranda. In putting together my thoughts for Hispanic Heritage Month, I called on my old friend Dr. Jose (Joe) V. Martinez. Between 1976 and 1983, he conducted research and taught at the Engineering Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Moving on to another impactful inventor is Albert Bez who co-invented an x-ray reflection microscope in 1948. The first time I discovered Dr. Ellen Ochoa (1958-) Mexican-American, who invented Optical Lenses for Space was on Google. From birth control pills to color television, Mexican inventors have contributed to creating many notable inventions. During the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Campos was injured and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. (She created the first, Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, in 1905.) Luis von Ahn is also the co-founder ofDuolingo, a completely free app that has caused major buzz among those wanting to learn another language. Mexican American physicist Albert Baez co-invented the x-ray microscope with Dr. Paul Kirkpatrick in 1948. This is done for security purposes to block out hackers and bots that may do damage. Eyeglasses. On September 20, 1884, after years in the Navy, Peral first had the idea for his "Proyecto de Torpedero Submarino" ("Project for a submarine torpedo-boat"), which he wrote about in a paper. 1849-1921. For "involuntary reasons" following the military takeover of Chile in 1973, he temporarily moved from Chile to Mexico. Contents. October 29, 1991 - Bone Marrow Transplant. Walker became the first Black woman millionaire by inventing a line of cosmetics and hair products aimed at Black consumers in the first decades of the 20th century. Among many other scientific areas, he contributed to the development of electron cryomicroscopy, which uses superconductive electromagnetic lenses in electron microscopes to attain the highest resolution conceivable. Heres what the terms Latino, Hispanic, and Latinx mean and how to use them. Victor Ochoa, who was born in Ojinaga, Mexico, in 1850, created an early form of electric streetcar brakes. This invention helps to save the lives of high-risk babies born before full-term gestation in neonatal intensive care (NICU). In 1963, Liotta and E. Stanley Crawford successfully implanted the Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) in surgery. President Lyndon Johnson established the celebration in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. They were made in hot clay pots, and not in the microwave. According toEncyclopedia Britannica, from 2013-to 2018, Dr. Ochoa worked as the director of NASAs Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. From the first electrical submarine to transdermal medical patches, you can thank Hispanic inventors for these incredibly important innovations. By 2022, they are expected to be produced at a rate 25 times greater than the previous decade. A later version, shown here, had a framework of steel tubing with wings that he wanted to construct so they could fold back and over the plane so it could be stored in a barn or garage. The first publicly-announced color broadcast in Mexico . He spent time in both nations during the following years until passing away in Chile in 2003. Uruguayan entrepreneur and biochemist Alejandro Zaffaroni created a system for drugs to be administered to the body through skin bandages. He was only 22 when he introduced his self-built colour TV to the country in 1940, and he was to later come up with a 'trichomatic, field-sequential system' and 'improved chromoscopic . Fortunately, the more I search, the more stories I unearth of Hispanicengineers, scientists, and other specialists developing inventions and innovations in fields ranging from aerospace and information technology to chemical engineering and medical devices. As part of the Smithsonian's celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), I have enjoyed conducting research on historical and contemporary Hispanic inventors and innovators. The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923. Since 2013, he has been teaching at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as the IAS Bank of East Asia . Walker was the first African American woman to become a self-made millionaire after creating a line of hair products geared toward Black hair. In 1969, Liotta developed the total artificial heart that would be used for the first time at St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital in Houston. Additionally, he promoted the use of TVs to broadcast educational shows to Mexicans living in rural areas with high rates of illiteracy. Historically, entrepreneurs have relied on patents to protect their inventions from market competitors. Victor Ochoa was a Mexican inventor and revolutionary who patented the electric brake in 1907. According to the Smithsonian, Victor Ochoa had a reward of $50,000 offered for his delivery dead or alive to Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico. National Hispanic Heritage Month, held each year from September 15 - October 15, celebrates Hispanic cultures and heritage and recognizes the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made to this nation. Bez died of natural causes on the 20th of March 2007 in Redwood City, California. She first became interested in optics while a fellowship student at Stanford University. This is a list of inventors and discoverers who are of Spanish origin or otherwise reside in continental Spain or one of the country's oversees territories. Mexican chemist Luis Miramontes was only a graduate student when at 25, he was recruited by the Syntex Corporation to work at their labs. Today, there are so many ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Her first trip was a nine-day mission in 1993 to conduct atmospheric and solar studies from the space shuttle Discovery, which you can visit at the Smithsonians Udvar-Hazy Center. In her second patent, 276,364, granted in 1962, she changed the design by eliminating the buttons and replacing them with rotating reels that displayed the topics and study materials. Every day they scavenge around the junkyard for mechanical parts to turn into new inventions. His invention became famous in its day when opera singer Jenny Lind, who had had vocal damage from overuse in her early 20s, gave him credit for rescuing her career, thanks in part to Garca's groundbreaking device. However, the norethindrone version developed by Miramontes' team was approved shortly after and has since become an industry standard. Spaniard Isaac Peral designed the first electrically operated submarine. The Alaskan Inuit people were the first to build and use kayaks, at least 4,000 years ago. Born in Hungary and then later he migrated to Argentina, Jozsef Bir Laszlo was granted U.S. Patent 2,258,841 October 14, 1941 for a "Fountain Pen" - the father of the modern ballpoint pen. Field: Botanist, Inventor and Teacher. She is a member of the California State Bar, the Federal Circuit Bar, the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, and a licensed Patent Attorney. Born in Mxico, Lydia Villa-Komaroff has been granted U.S. Patent 4,565,785 for "Recombinant DNA Molecule" and U.S. Patent 4,411,994 for "Protein Synthesis." Those early . Astronaut Ellen Ochoa, STS-110 Atlantis mission specialist, works the controls of the Canadarm2 robotic arm in the Destiny Laboratory on the International Space Station, April 11, 2002.