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Changed the Iraqi king from Yusuf al-Sa'adun to Ajami al-Sa'adun, as the latter staying in charge of Muntafiq federation in KRs scenario is more likely. Fixed the syndicalist and totalist South African flags not appearing. Fixed the Leaving Mitteleuropa event showing up in the war declaration UI. AI behaviour is unchanged. Fixed the positioning of Lake Tai in China. Streamlined the German The Oil Must Flow section of their national focus tree, allowing Germany to ally with Azerbaijan and/or Georgia, pre-war. Fixed Preparing Liberation for Nicaragua not doing anything. Fixed GER not being able to go down the political tree if PatAut. Buffed the number of build slots that are granted to Lithuania in their national spirits. Fixed a focus tree lockout in al-Hashimis Iraq. Wells, Dalton Trumbo, Westbrook Pegler, Earl Browder, Nerfed volunteer size ideas across the mod. Improved Shandongs starting division templates. Added the Militia Officer trait to several CNT-FAI generals. Fixed Mongolian railway decisions not connecting western part of the country with the capital. Fixed Cuba's puppet setup only being applied in one of the event options. The Illyrian Sdbahn national focus for Austria now connects the railways from Trieste down to Sarajevo, with an additional branch leading to Split. Added leader descriptions to Cubas Alberto Lamar Schweyer and Carlos Pro Socarrs. Disable Germany/Canada companies for Socialist Iran. Fixed India stealing occupied Ceylon from Japan. China can now release Xinjiang as an autonomy. Beiyang-aligned Admirals can now join the Left Kuomintang as part of the new nabal tree. Bosnia: Avdo Fumo, Dervis Korkut, Mehmed Spaho. The United Kingdom now starts with some trains. Chile can no longer join the Internationale, if the Internationale backs Argentina when they threaten Chile. Fixed Serbian Yugoslavia being unable to core Gorizia. Socialist Latvia now joins the Internationale via focus instead of decision. Fixed Bulgaria being able to send volunteers to the IMRO. Transamur coring decisions bug fix, and now they can integrate countries that were previously cored by RUS. Fixed Denmark not removing the Agricultural Depression national spirit correctly. Decreased the state size category for some Belgian states. This means any country not accepting peace will find themselves at war with Germany, and Germany also prevents Austrian core territories (such as Istria, Slovenia, and South Tyrol) from being annexed. Countries will now be prompted to abandon the Legation Cities if they're targeted by Japan. The infamous trypophobia issue with Patagonia during the War in the Southern Cone has been dealt with by adding a temporary faction for Chile and Patagonia, that exists until the end of War in the Southern Cone. Fixed the Left Kuomintang not bypassing their national focus to attack Russia, if they are already at war with them. Added a jet-based Airforce officer spirit. Removed a reference to a deprecated Ottoman flag. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, KFateweaver, Kennedy, kergely, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Shiroe, Starguard, Story, Suzuha, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, KFateweaver, Kennedy, kergely, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Shiroe, Starguard, Story, Suzuha, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Hildagrim, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Kennedy, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Shiroe, Starguard, Suzuha, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hey all, a quick hotfix today. Added Zhou Daogang as a general for Sichuans Armament Department. Fixed the Ottomans declaring on Bulgaria for Thrace, even if the game rule was set otherwise. Rebalanced the Combined Syndicates To the Bitter End national spirit. Fixed countries requesting naval advisors from a puppet Japan. Fixed the Netherlands not being granted Dunkirk alongside Flanders. Entente nations can now restore the Dominion of Canada, if it had been previously annexed. AI minors are now much less likely to start a major factional war. We have bigger plans for the UI going forward, but getting it out sooner lets us test and get feedback sooner rather than later. Added a description to Patagonias decision to form Andesia. Increased Germanys stability loss caused by Black Monday. Fixed a Belgian unit spawning in Albania. Fixed Shanxi being able to purge Feng Yuxiang in 1936. Decreased the amount of Tripolitanian troops. Germany will now let an allied Austria take areas in the Austrian sphere of influence in a postwar peace conference. Mongolia and Tibet can no longer join the Unification Conference, Some fixes and improvements to the Chinese army reform system. Added a decision for Chile to attack an Argentina that is a puppet of Paraguay. NatPop and PatAut Poland are now more likely to join the Moscow Accord and attack Germany, but less likely if the Third International has capitulated. Updated the effects of the Greek mountaineer and marine national focuses. Added descriptions to Portugals political parties. The Italian Republics national focus tree is now dynamic, in that the paths which are not being used will now have their national focuses hidden. Isolationist Yunnan under Tang Jiyao gets 5% consumer good upkeep taken away and gets +5 max entrenchment instead in its national spirit. Replaced mistakenly left in Fengtian ministers, Y.C. Fixed puppet republic Denmark keeping monarchist national spirits, and vice versa. Political ministers can no longer be added manually so performance cost-heavy checks could be removed. Japan should now devote more troops to invading the Philippines and German East Asia. Added option for Joachim-led Georgia to join the Reichspakt after the start of the War in the Desert. Upgraded various German naval weapon systems. Fixed Haiti trying to export rubber to countries that it is not aligned with. Ported over the vanilla Netherlands air wing names. We never would have got here without one of the most amazing and passionate communities in all of gaming. Tweaked several Argentinian stability and war support modifiers. A slight rebalance to the Japanese air tree. Fixed Azerbaijan joining the Istanbul Pact after the Russo-Ottoman Convention. LKMT no longer insta-annexes Lianguang and Hunan. German East Asia can now seize Papua from a syndicalist Australasia and return it to the New Guard if their coup is successful. Added two off-map civilian factories to Sichuan. Flanders-Wallonia no longer starts with a land doctrine and Electrical Engineering researched, which was making it more advanced than every other country in the game. The Entente now remembers that Argentina occupied the Falklands in 1925, and will no longer send volunteers to Argentina unless they have signed a trade deal. Fixed South Africas David Ivon Jones retiring too early. Fixed the South Africa / Entente peace mission firing after the initial war. Fixed the location for many misplaced Victory Points. Fixed democratic Nicaragua inviting Orellana to the Liberal Pact. Fixed CNT-FAI pulling the Commune of France into a war with the Entente over Portugal. Some national spirits from the Italian splinters will now merge, later on in the national focus tree. Australasia's naval focus names now account for the possibility of it no longer being monarchist. Figed Insulindia expansionism decisions missing AI factors. Moved the West Prussia-Masuria border to the Vistula. Fixed the French Republics dynamic modifiers not being added in the Algiers Conference. Improved the USA AI in using their war decisions. Added a tooltip for New England to tell players where the Commando Military High Command is. Fixed NatPop countries having elections re-enabled after a peace conference. Readded a bunch of missing US company logos, Fixed socialist SAF getting Nuweweld decisions, Fixed the Ma Clique peace and collapse events. Heavily nerfed South Africas compliance gain from the Native Advisory Councils national spirit. Alignments determine who the ideology is aligned towards, for example: Western Outlook means that the party aligns with the western countries (USA, UK, France, etc.) Fixed the sound effect of the Toccata event chain playing for all nations in multiplayer. Fixed the Netherlands socialist tree and some events, for when it is a puppet. You can find them all in the Official Kaiserreich Collection. Fixed the Ottoman MarLib and SocCon game rules. Fixed an endless loop in Ireland's events. Improved the division template unlocked in the United Baltic Duchys Study Mobility Doctrine national focus. Fixed two Fengtian factory-building decisions not building factories in the relevant states. Fixed the Fate of Don-Kuban not giving Ukraine their claims when the option is chosen. All countries in the region now have head of state and general rosters. Fixed Trieste, Trentino and South Tyrol becoming Italian colony states. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. The Phalanstere decisions now give infrastructure instead of free resources. Fixed Sweden getting a Finnish event about the militarisation of land. The releasing nation now gets a seat on the Council, so now anybody can be on it. Latvia can now form the Baltic Last Stand faction with Lithuania instead of Estonia. Fixed Alfredo Campos' description using someone elses. Enjoy, and stay safe. Fixed dead countries remaining the members of Phalanstre, and countries remaining in the Phalanstre after the Internationale's defeat. Added two new Romani-related news events for Poland. Made the terrain for Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem more accurate. Germany no longer starts off with Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen as an air advisor automatically. Some map updates to White Ruthenia, including supply areas and air zones. Fengtian can no longer integrate Anqing outside of the latter's mechanics.