Mensen die gevaccineerd zijn, voelen zich soms een dag niet goed, met koorts bijvoorbeeld. Jul 4, 2022 Replying to @GVDBossche This suboptimal immune pressure exerted by large populations is now confronted with a viral variant! 60 ID:Ofxf3u990 ? EnVanden Bossches alternatieve NK-vaccin bestaat nog niet. Hoewel n dosis de besmettelijkheid al doet dalen, blijft het wel belangrijk dat beide dosissen van een coronavaccin toegediend worden. Heres the crux of his concern, in which he likens escape from vaccine immunity to antibiotic resistance: THE key question is: why does nobody seem to bother about viral immune escape? Perhaps no more tired a trope exists in the world of faux cures than the "I have found a problem that no other scientist in the world has thought of and only my untested and unproven cure can stop it" gambit. On March 6, 2021, a Belgian veterinarian named Geert Vanden Bossche published an open letter"to all authorities, scientists and experts around the world" asserting that, in his expert analysis, the current global COVID-19 vaccination program will "wipe out large parts of our human population." Indien zijn theorie klopt maar er was geen wetenschapper die daarvoor publiekelijk gewaarschuwd had zou dat door de media-experten nog kunnen zijn weggezet als schuld van de ongevaccineerden of als bewijs hoe ernstig het virus toch wel is en hoe belangrijk het was dat we al die maatregelen namen. . Al bij n dosis zal de kans op mutaties verminderen, omdat iemand ook na n dosis van het vaccin al minder besmettelijk wordt. Because of their fast (NK cells) and universally protective effect, Univac vaccines are uniquely suited to prevent pathogenic agents from escaping host immune responses as of an early stage of infection or immune-mediated disease. #COVID19 #openthedebate, Geert Vanden Bossche (@GVDBossche) March 7, 2021. Eerst werd het nog genegeerd maar door de vele vragen hierover voelde VRTNWS zich toch genoodzaakt te reageren op haar website. Honderdduizenden mensen zagen zijn boodschap intussen. Freya Van den Bossche (born 26 March 1975) is a Belgian ( Flemish) politician and daughter of prominent former Belgian politician Luc Van den Bossche. Natural Abs are not germ-specific whereas acquired Abs are specifically directed at the invading pathogen. "Hoe zou dat ook moeten werken? However, increasingly clear evidence exists that the current COVID-19 vaccines reduce transmission, as well as the amount of viral material available for shedding, even in asymptomatic cases. VRT en Knack, kijk eens in de spiegel en laat ons toe de interviews die ik met jullie had publiek te maken. Again, this is an argument antivaxxers have made dating back at least to the pertussis vaccine. Als de dosis die je van antibiotica neemt, niet hoog genoeg is, of als je ze niet lang genoeg neemt, zullen bacterin die er resistent tegen zijn zich verder verspreiden. Mass vaccination programs, he claims, are "turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers" who can unknowingly spread these more dangerous strains by "shedding infectious variants." Noting how quickly Dr. Vanden Bossches letter was embraced by antivaxxers, Frei then writes: But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, Ive worked for the dark side) this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign. In fact, I basically said the same thing in 2019 when writing about Andrew Wakefields invocation of the same argument regarding the MMR vaccine and measles variants. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, is a world-class certified expert in microbiology and infectious disease, who also has a Ph.D. in virology and a longstanding career in human vaccinology. De serie is bedacht en geproduceerd door Thomas Van Goethem en is een coproductie tussen Fabric Magic en Ketnet, die de serie ook uitzendt.Elke aflevering bevat twee musicalnummers, telkens . As we explain below, this scenario is speculative, scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by actual data. De experten zitten op twitter fact-checkers te liken en roepen mij op aan de juiste kant te staan. And its true. Variants are "a thing to keep an eye on," Saad Omer, an epidemiologist who serves as director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us in a phone interview. Now, lets compare the passage above to what Andrew Wakefield wrote about MMR and vaccines: Antibiotic use has selected out multiply resistant, more dangerous, and more pathogenic strains of bacteria. David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. Notable people with the surname include: Aert van den Bossche (fl. Dan vraag ik me af waar we mee bezig zijn. "The underlying fallacy," Omer explained, is that a natural infection is better than a vaccine. NK cells are part of the cellular arm of our innate immune system and, alike [sic] natural Abs, they are capable of recognizing and attacking a broad and diversified spectrum of pathogenic agents. Several variations of the originally isolated strain have emerged since the start of the pandemic, and some of these variants are more infectious, contagious, or possibly deadly. Deze website maakt gebruik van cookies. Opleiding [ bewerken | brontekst bewerken ] Sounds familiar: suboptimal immune pressure + viral variant! [1] In 2018 he was elected president of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). Come to think of it, the similarities between Dr. Vanden Bossche and Andrew Wakefield strike me as stronger than ever now, given that, as well documented by Brian Deer, Wakefield basically published his fraudulent science to support the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism in order to make a market for his own single vaccine against the measles. Mutations occur during viral transmission and in the bodies of unvaccinated people. A certain friend of the blog has written about this (at least twice), as has Skeptical Raptor. There is, indeed, compelling scientific evidence that these cells play a key role in facilitating complete elimination of Covid-19 at an early stage of infection in asymptomatically infected subjects. He reminds me of another doctor who spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination based on an unbending principle of immunology to justify his concerns, without any clinical or epidemiological evidence to support it. This new type of vaccines harnesses the power of the immune system by unlocking the untapped potential of self-centered Natural Killer (NK) cells capable of recognising these unconventional antigens. 1. Kan dat? After all, if a human vaccine lets deadlier versions of a disease flourish, that is all the more reason to be protected from those deadly strains. Kunnen complimenten de wereld verbeteren? However, even if this phenomenon occurs with a human vaccineit doesnt, as far as we knowthats an even more compelling reason to be vaccinated. His argument sounds a lot like an argument Andrew Wakefield once made for MMR. Mrz mit einem offenen Brief an die WHO gewandt. It means either "from the woods" or "from Den Bosch ". Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. They shall only be contradicted by science. Geert Vanden Bossche is een Belgische dierenarts, viroloog en onafhankelijk onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van vaccins. The solution to that risk is to vaccinate as many people as quickly as possible, thereby reducing both transmission of the virus and the number of environments in which mutations could occur. (He bases this on the observation that in those infected with COVID-19 asymptomatically, S-specific Ab levels decline faster than in those with symptomatic infections.) Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. He claims that its because theres so much coronavirus circulating and so many people might produce suboptimal levels of antibody to the virus that, as is the case when antibiotics are used at levels too low to eliminate bacteria and thereby result in strong evolutionary selection for resistant strains of bacteria, a mass vaccination program is doomed to result in resistant variants of coronavirus, particularly when the vaccination program has started out targeted: As if this was not already heavily compromising innate immune defense in this population segment, there comes yet another force into play that will dramatically enhance morbidity and mortality rates in the younger age groups: MASS VACCINATION of the ELDERLY. Also, as I said at the time, while it is possible that the B. pertussis bacteria is developing resistance to the vaccine through natural selection, the evidence that it is doing so struck me as weak and preliminary, just as the evidence claiming that SARS-CoV-2 is evolving to be resistant to current vaccines strikes me as weak and preliminary. As I suspected, Dr. Vanden Bossche is selling something. His LinkedIn profile lists several impressive positions, including Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German Centre for Infection Research (for seven months, August 2017-February 2018); Chief Innovation & Scientific Officer for Univac, where he claimed to be an inventor of a new vaccine technology based on natural killer (NK) cells (2014-2016); and the managing director of VARECO, claiming to be a consultant about vaccine development (2012-present). Basically, its a race against evolution to get as many people as possible vaccinated before the virus can evolve resistance to the vaccine, and were fortunate that, contrary to Bossches claim, SARs-CoV-2 does not mutate very fast for an RNA virus. The second benefit to Vanden Bossche's claim is that it places his purported invention as the miracle solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. Opleiding Vanden Bossche studeerde achtereenvolgens aan de Universiteit van Namen en Gent , waar hij in 1983 zijn doctoraalexamen diergeneeskunde ( DVM ) haalde (cum laude). Het is opmerkelijk dat alle tegenstemmen worden gesmoord. Telkens is men middenin de uitbraak beginnen te vaccineren om die onder controle te krijgen. Na de eerste Franse inval in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden verdwenen zij van het toneel. Dit artikel werd gepdatet op 1/4/2021 om 9:26. He also states that hes worked with GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, although searching the websites, I could find no reference to him other than a report written by him and others to GAVI about progress on an Ebola vaccine. Zijn pleidooi werd vooral opgevangen en verspreid in de vaccin-kritische beweging. En wat doen we ondertussen dan? Het publiekelijk schofferen van wetenshappers of mensen die hun job kwijt raken of beledigd worden omdat ze zich kritisch uitspreken, zulke zaken passen niet in onze cultuur van vrije meningsuiting en open debat. As I like to say, if you ever write anything that channels Andrew Wakefield, you really should reconsider your life choices. "In de wetenschap weten we nog lang niet alles, dat klopt, maar als iemand een nieuwe claim maakt moet hij wel uitleggen hoe hij dat onderzocht heeft, wie de controlegroep was, enzoverder. Ik ben onafhankelijk en neutraal, heb geen aandelen bij vaccin fabrikanten en ben niet gebonden aan contracten die bepalen wat ik al dan niet mag zeggen. Hij beweert dat de coronavaccins ertoe zullen leiden dat het coronavirus verder muteert en zo bestand wordt tegen die vaccins. Bent u getuige van een nieuwsfeit of hebt u zelf nieuws te melden? Central to the concept in his article, published via the in-house journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), an organization I like to refer to as the John Birch Society of medical societies given its penchant for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, was that the MMR vaccine, by selecting for more aggressive measles strains, could result in a sixth extinction event. Vanden Bossche vraagt zich af of de reacties via VRTNWS en Knack berusten op onwetendheid dan wel op het moedwillig verdraaien van de feiten en roept de ons aller gekende experten op het wetenschappelijk debat aan te gaan. If you havent, its new to you. De Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche heeft het internet veroverd met zijn waarschuwing voor een wereldwijde ramp: de massale coronavaccinaties zouden een virusvariant kunnen creren die tegen de vaccins bestand is waardoor veel doden zouden vallen. Wat beweert hij nu precies en wat is er van aan? The world is changing and the change is gaining speed ! Dat klopt niet, de onbestaande functie werd vermeld bij enkele publicaties. (I note that Dr. Vanden Bossche only set up his Twitter account two weeks ago and already has over 16K followers.) Sep 13, 2021. Specifically, scientists have long been pointing out that, the more we let COVID-19 circulate, the more likely virus variants that can escape the immune response to the vaccine (and/or to natural infection) are to emerge, and they use this argument as a rationale for vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible, in order to slow that circulation of the virus to as low a rate as possible, thus reducing the opportunities for strains resistant to the vaccine and strains able to re-infect previously infected people to emerge. What Ill do instead is to point out that Dr. Vanden Bossche, whether he realizes it or not, is supporting the conventional argument with respect to COVID-19 vaccination. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines [sic] are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. It is precisely this type of highly specific, high affinity Abs that current Covid-19 vaccines are inducing. That. He claims that the vaccines will destroy our bodies' ability to use our innate immune system (which produces, among other things, non-specific cells capable of clearing a wide variety of infectious material from the body) to fight off the variants vaccines allegedly could not. Before this open letter, I hadnt recalled ever having heard of Dr. Vanden Bossche before, so I looked around. There are 10+ professionals named "Geert Van Den Bossche", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Selecting targeted mutations in the S protein is, therefore, the way to go in order for the virus to enhance its infectiousness in candidates that are prone to geting [sic] the disease because of a transient weakness of their innate immune defense. 70 ID:bdLlFOqq0 >>1 3 . Dr. Vanden Bossche is using an eerily similar argument about COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, to the one used by Wakefield about MMR vaccine and measles. Dit om een bepaalde sfeer te scheppen. 10.8K. Hij benoemt dat als een mogelijk risico. En wat met die massale sterftegolf die Geert Vanden Bossche voorspelt? Well, similar to the rules applying to classical antimicrobial antibiotics, it is paramount that our self-made antiviral antbiotcs [sic] are made available in sufficient concentration and are tailored at the specific features of our enemy. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. De statisten wilden eerder het herstel van het ancien rgime, onder meer van de staten- en standenorganisaties en de oude vrijheden van de Nederlandse gewesten. So its not surprising that Dr. Vanden Bossches letter reminds me of Andrew Wakefields warning about the MMR vaccine. Geert Vanden Bossche is a scientist who published an open letter warning of global catastrophe due to deadly variants of COVID-19 selected for by mass vaccination. When this happens, the immune system has to rely on more specialized effectors of our immune system (i.e., antigen-specific Abs and T cells) to fight the pathogen. Daarna werkte hij als Senior Program Officer voor de Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation en als Senior Ebola Program Manager voor de Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Archeologen tonen verborgen gang die ze ontdekten in 4.500 jaar oude piramide van Cheops in Egypte, Het kraakpaleis werd ontruimd, terwijl het een mogelijk alternatief biedt, Open brief: Boos op onze politieke leiders. 721. Up to this point, at its core and leaving aside minor variations, Dr. Vanden Bossches argument about COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 is pretty close to exactly the same argument that Wakefield fallaciously made about MMR and measles. Therefore he has zero credibility when it comes to advising the public or anyone else about how to avoid negative effects of mass vaccination. One such claim that I hadnt yet seen is another favorite antivax claim, although admittedly its a rather niche claim in that you dont hear it too often. This problem will be exacerbated, he claims, because people who have been vaccinated (and/or social distancing and staying inside during the pandemic) will be less capable of fighting off those strains than someone who has not been vaccinated. If you claim to be not antivaccine but your message is so attractive to a rabid antivaxxer and leader of the antivaccine movement like Del Bigtree that he spends an hour promoting it, you are either deluding yourself about being not antivaccine, or youre a useful idiot for the antivaccine movement, possibly both. While mutations to SARS-CoV-2 would be happening regardless of any human intervention, the notion that vaccination might apply evolutionary pressure toward variants that can escape current vaccines is not untenable. Virussen worden doorgaans niet dodelijker naarmate ze muteren, stipt vaccinoloog Isabel Leroux-Roels (Universiteit Gent) aan, omdat een virus er voor zijn verspreiding belang bij heeft dat zijn gastheer blijft leven.
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