(1-2) God humbled and tested Israel. Sometimes the curse or judgment was pronounced by the servant of God as in Deuteronomy 27-28. In ch. Idolatry-the worship of handmade statues or images - was everywhere in the land. When we live a life blessed by God, we are truly living the best possible life. It is my prayer that the various articles and contributions in this issue of SBJT will lead us to a greater understanding of Deuteronomy and a renewed appreciation for our Lord Jesus Christ, the one whom the message of Deuteronomy ultimately points. Your email address will not be published. Our obedience is looking unto Jesus, and faith in his completed works. No command is incumbent upon me in virtue of being part of the law. Deuteronomy 28 listed blessings and curses for by being obedience or disobedience and says do this (obey) or do that (disobey) and God does this (bless) or that (curse) - that's the religion of the law of Moses. It is the manual for life! The list of curses in this passage is exhaustive, and demonstrates the severity of Gods curse. The New Covenant is based on grace, not obedience. Others may be trying to trick us. He was not pleased when the Israelites insisted on returning to their sinful practices. Second, we need to obey Gods commandments and keep His covenant. Ultimately, of course, this is what the OT prophets and the NT announces occurs in the dawning of a new covenant secured by the life, death, and resurrection of Gods own obedient Son (Rom 3:21-31; cf. In any case, God's Word is the one true standard against which all activities show be judged. The Lord's careful instructions to the Israelites about making and collecting loans show how concerned he is for those who are in need. First, my people if my people the people are no longer merely the Jewish, ethnic people of God, but the blood-bought people of the Messiah united to him by faith. But Deuteronomy gives us more than a mere recounting of this unique episode in Israels history. Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. The imagery of having blessings run after us and overtake us with their joyful power is wonderous! Deuteronomy 31:6. In this passage, Moses encouraged the people to make a real effort to consider their promise to God and to allow him to wash away their sins. (Read Deuteronomy 28:15-44) If we do not keep God's commandments, we not only come short of the blessing promised, but we lay ourselves under the curse, which includes all misery, as the blessing all happiness. If the girl could prove her virginity, her husband would have to pay a large fine (cf. Mar 2, 2023: When we make mistakes, the enemy wants us to feel miserable.but God wants us to bounce back. God had promised the Israelites that if they obeyed his laws and teaching, he would bless them with food, shelter, and land. Here is another example. The moral lawsthose against lying, stealing . The astronauts flying a space shuttle mission endure days of preflight preparation. Jeremiah 29:11 is often quoted and printed on images and materials as a source of inspiration and comfort. Our Creator wishes to make Himself known to us. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.". It was hard to keep all the laws, so they decided, lets keep the most important one. You want to justify yourself? Moses knew that he was about to die, so before he left the people he blessed them. There are a lot of rules that apply in any situation in any state. 1. The short answer is, "No." But if we disobey, we will be cursed. As New Testament Christians in the New Covenant, which commands or moral principles are obligatory and would apply regardless of the covenants because they are universal morals that transcend the Mosaic Law? He shall be forgiven. So, forgiveness is offered through the offering of a ram, and nowadays now, since Jesus he has replaced the work of that priest and the offering of that ram. A husband must NOT treat his wife brutally. But if we disobey, we will be cursed. After all, he is speaking to the generation whose parents died in the wilderness due to their disobedience and rebellion (Deut 1-4). basically, it is a renewal of the covenant God made with them previously. Deu 25:1-4. We experience His peace and joy, our relationship with Him grows deeper, and we are able to impact those around us for His kingdom. It doesnt mean that. First, it shows us the importance of obeying God. 12 If he is a poor man, you shall not sleep with his pledge. 1. Deuteronomy is like a preflight check-list for one of the most important adventures in biblical history. Moses did not get to enter Canaan because he had disobeyed God. Sometimes curiosity and the attempt to learn more about evil things can harm our spiritual growth if those evil things become too attractive to us. A man must NOT treat his wife as a slave, even if she is a captured prisoner of war. We are also told that if we do trust in the Lord, then we will be blessed. L.Willows, Your email address will not be published. The passage in Deuteronomy 23:2, and similar passages, are no longer valid today, nor can they be applied to the Church of God. So, that is step one. We need to be careful to not take God's blessings for granted (v. 17-19). Sometimes we are faced with big problems or strong opposition. Now, Jews and Gentiles alike who put their faith in Jesus are under the new contract. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Unfortunately, the Israelites broke their promise to God. A direction to the judges in scourging malefactors, v. 1-3. When a pilot wants to take his private plane up for a ride on a sunny afternoon, he goes throughapre-flight check-list. This is something that we should all avoid. First and foremost, we need to realize that the Old Testament is still relevant to us today. Now here is the second step. This was Jesuspoint. Applying this principle to Deuteronomy 24:1-4, if husband and wife divorced because the wife is or became an unbeliever and departed from the marriage (which might be indicated, in principle, by the fact that the husband found "some uncleanness in her"), then the husband is free to remarry (The same would apply, of course, to a wife, that . Indeed, at the end of the chapter, it says people in other cultures practiced these things and they were judged for them. Moses reminded the Israelites that the same God who had rescued them from slavery in Egypt could help them defeat an enemy, no matter how strong their opponent was. how does deuteronomy 28 apply to us today. For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. He says, For we are the circumcision and he is talking to his Gentile audience there in Philippi we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. And what he means when he says, we are the circumcision, is: We Gentiles who are united to the Jewish Messiah Jesus are the true circumcised people, the true Israel of God. However, there are some things stated in there that go beyond the law and are above the temporal role of the Mosaic Law. We need to be humble before God and remember His goodness to us (v. 33-36). Their crops will fail, their flocks and herds will dwindle, and they will be cursed with few children. He will bless those who obey Him and curse those who disobey Him. Does that mean that Leviticus 5:16 doesnt apply to us? Leviticus 5:1516 says if anyone sins, he shall bring an offering, a ram as an offering. The Israelites are told that if they obey the Lord and keep His commandments, they will be blessed in every way. Just as our law does, the Mosaic Law included universal moral principles. What things can draw you away from the fundamentalvalues of life? 3 He quotes Deut 27.26: All who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them." Here is the way Paul puts it in Philippians 3:3. His command was also a dramatic warning to the nation of Israel that God's people should beware of being overcome by the evil practices of their enemies. The covenant God made with Israel contained three major features: Thelaw, thesacrifice, and thechoice. Deuteronomy, rightly understood and placed in its location in redemptive-history, is far more than an ancient history book of Israel. L.Willows, Blessings on obedience, Commentary by David GuzikBlue Letter Bible / David Guzik Study Guide. No matter how much we give back to God, we should give it joyfully and thankfully. 6. For these celebrations, they were reminded to take a gift for God, according to what they had received from him. Does that mean we can go around murdering people because were not under the Mosaic Law? As a result, each of them experienced a downhill slide. Israel was chosen for a purposeGenesis 12:13. 2. It is easy to think that our hard work and ingenuity have gotten us where we are. We, both as individuals and collectives find times and seasons of apparent fullness and lack, opportunity and trial- that it can seem that we are very blessed or not at all. So we are obligated to follow those moral rules, not in virtue of them being in the Mosaic law, but because they are universal for all people. The "curse of the law" is not the curses found in Deuteronomy 28 that was specifically for the nation Israel in the Mosaic Covenant. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. Now, I think that means that in union with Christ, the Messiah, Christians become the heirs of all the promises in the Old Testament. A regular family devotions time enables us to systematically disciple our children in "the whole counsel of God" ( Acts 20 . 1. We will also be blessed materially, with good health, financial stability, and strong relationships. Copy. In the healthiest churches, we find a holy conspiracy between pastors who gladly care for the sheep, and sheep who do what they can so that the pastors might serve joyfully. We need to be reminded of that same truth many times today. Some people may be deceiving themselves. The agency added a 12.5% cost-of-living increase in October 2022. Andif you faithfully obey the voice of theLordyour God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, theLordyour God will set youhigh above all the nations of the earth. 14-16 of Institutes published before Calvin preached on Deuteronomy and it remains present in his Commentary on the Four Last Books of Moses, written and published after Calvin preached on Deuteronomy. The nation of Israel was obliged to obey the laws of their nation in order to reap Gods blessings or curses. Deuteronomy 28:15-68 is a list of the blessings and curses that come as a result of obedience and disobedience. The church has no homeland except heaven and eventually the new earth. These xtian fellas keep shooting themselves in d leg..that is all I can say if you deeply understand the post.. Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful to observe, that you may live and multiply, and go in and possess the land of which the LORD swore to your fathers. Stubbornness is characteristic of human nature, but that doesn't mean God likes it. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God: a. But because they're the Ten Commandments, they don't apply to Christians, because that was part of the Old Covenant, and the writer of HebrewsHebrews 8:13says the Old Covenant is obsolete. There is a plan that we can use for our lives. [17] EZR 9:13 And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as this; 14 Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? The lawyer is interested in finding a way that he can work his own salvation out by himself. We need to trust in God and His promises, even when things are tough (v. 25-29). God is honored when we trust him to help us meet any situation. Deuteronomy 21:10-14 gives a law about divorce. Sometimes, when God presents us with opportunities we shrink back because we have doubts. Deuteronomy emphasizes the heart and feeling of the lawto love God with all your being and your neighbor as yourself. John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Whether or not Beeke lists it as his number one choice as a commentary is irrelevant. The following commentary by David Guzik is a lead to deeper understanding. iii. If they did, He would protect them, and if they didn't, He would forsake them (Deuteronomy 28). Fashion will change, and God does not prohibit that. Anything we read from the Bible falls under 1 of these dispensations and it should not be carried or used in another dispensation practically. 492Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. The spiritual implications of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 are far-reaching. Link panels (synchronize references) Go to table of contents This passage applies to us today because Gods character does not change. God dealt with Adam and Eve in one way, and He dealt with the Jews through Abraham with a different plan. A podcast listener, Joe from Boston, writes in with this question: Pastor John, I often struggle to interpret and apply portions of the Old Testament (specifically the prophetic books) where the word of God was being spoken to Gods people as the nation of Israel. They are conditional on our obedience to God. Read more Explain verse Share Copy Show footnotes A A Is it an over-simplification to say that the passages are directed toward a specific covenant God made with (ethnic) Israel but the principles contained therein have application to us today? wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping? God had made his laws very clear and understandable so the people could not claim they were impossible to obey - they simply had to decide what they would do. Let us highlight each of these areas in turn. The other part of the "first" use of the law is the enforcement mechanism that God builds into the law. My bad -- technically he preaches on Deut 28:1-34 and 45-63. Both versions allot six days for laboring (Exodus 20:9; Deuteronomy 5:13). Thats another hint that these are universals and not just a peculiar law limited to the Jews, though the particular application of law was limited to their system of law. Gods lawsfrom both the Old Testament and New Testamentare not just arbitrary expressions of His power. In this chapter, Moses exhorted the nation withchoice. Does the Covenant of Works Have 2 Aspects to it. + 2 All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you, + because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah These blessings are both spiritual and material, and they are promised to both individuals and the nation as a whole. Could Deut. 2And all these blessings shall come upon you andovertake you, if you obey the voice of theLordyour God. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Mosaic contract is no longer in force. not by the works of the law, and then teach that the law and its curse still apply today to New Testament believers . . Because God does not change, the blessings He gave to people in the past apply to us as much as they have ever . The name "Genesis" comes from a Greek word meaning "beginning." 7. Does that mean since Im not in California its okay for me to murder in Ohio? God told Moses he was pleased when the Israelites obeyed him because they wanted to, not because they had to. Even though the old and new generation have received innumerable blessings from the Lord, their hearts are hard. Reformed theology teaches that Deuteronomy 28, and its parallel in Leviticus 26 teach us the blessings and curses which may be expected in this life for people who will either obey or disobey. And just as the LORD told the Israelites that he would notice if they did "the right thing," he notices us when we do the right thing. 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 makes that point . Let me see if I can simplify some very complex issues and provide a two-step process that enables Joe and the rest of us Christians to appropriate the Old Testament, especially the promises for our use as Christians in the 21st century. Deuteronomy 28:1 English Standard Version Blessings for Obedience 28 "And qif you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you rhigh above all the nations of the earth. And, therefore, all the promises made to the circumcision, the true Israel, belong to us, Jew and Gentile in Christ Jesus. They had to keep the terms of the covenant. There were debates between them about which law was the greatest commandment, so they asked Jesus. Even though that generation knew the letter of the law, God instructed them to circumcise their hearts and write His laws there (10:16). The book recounts the teachings and events of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Our hearts are confident because of Gods Love, encouraged by the joy of His Loving Presence, gathered together by the enduring power of His Holy Spirit., Andif you faithfully obey the voice of the, If you diligently obey the voice of the LORD, That the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. As a nation, we can expect to be blessed with political stability, economic prosperity, and military success. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. Thank you for this brief but important rudiment of the simplicity of the gospel of Christ . Stephen J. Wellum is Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and editor of Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. William Twisse on Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, and the covenant of works. If not, we have reason to question whether our faith is real. Third, even though Moses predicts the future rebellion of this new generation and their children, he holds out hope, not due to them, but solely due to Gods unilateral action to redeem. 1 # Short Commentary & Lesson from Deuteronomy 1. In this regard, Deuteronomys exposition of the law-covenant must be viewed as wholly positive: torah from the living covenant Lord who speaks and relates to his people on how to live life in the land and know Gods blessing in their lives and in all of their relationships. We have a different covenant that applies to usthe new covenant with different obligations. These things are wrong in any culture. How does Deuteronomy 281-14 apply to us today, How does Deuteronomy 2815-68 apply to us today, What are the spiritual implications of Deuteronomy 281-14, What are the spiritual implications of Deuteronomy 2815-68, How can we practically apply Deuteronomy 281-14 to our lives today, How can we practically apply Deuteronomy 2815-68 to our lives today, What does it mean to live a life blessed by God according to Deuteronomy 28, What does it mean to live a life cursed by God according to Deuteronomy 28, What role does obedience play in experiencing the blessings or curses of Deuteronomy 28, What can we learn from Deuteronomy 28 about Gods character and His expectations for His people, How Much Does Steroid Injection Increase Settlement, How Much Does A Dental Bridge Cost With Insurance, How Much Do Estheticians Make With Their Own Business, How Many Valence Electrons Does Zinc Have, How Many Valence Electrons Does Barium Have, How Many Episodes Does One Piece Have 2022, How Long Does Royal Honey Take To Kick In Reddit, How Long Does It Take To Get A Cavity Filled, How Long Does It Take To Change Spark Plugs, How Long Does Delta 10 Stay In Your Urine, How Long Does Brandy Melville Take To Ship, How Long Does A Dog Bleed After Giving Birth, How Long Can A Sea Turtle Hold Its Breath. It is difficult to overstate the importance of Deuteronomy in Scripture and Gods unfolding redemptive plan. What was the point of the book of Deuteronomy? This is because God is faithful to His promises. The reasons of this law are, 1. He's the true king, who did not capitulate to the compromises of sin (contrast, for example, Solomon in 1 Kings 11 in light of Deut. That was a set of civil obligations that were applicable to those people in that nation. We need to have faith in God, even when we face difficult circumstances (v. 37-39). Therefore, you cant justify yourself. Through Moses instruction, Deuteronomy also describes the future of the nation, which later biblical authors use as a template to interpret Israels history and to hold out hope for a new and better covenant (see e.g., Deut 29-30). When we disobey, we can expect His curse. It tells us what we need to know about God and how he wants us to live. This truth was very offensive to some jewish christians as it is now offensive to religious gentile christians. God granted Canaan to the Israelites and instructed them to take ownership of it. There is no greater privilege for humans than to know, love, obey, and serve our glorious covenant Lord. If you diligently obey the voice of the LORD: The word if looms large. For example, in his death for sins, Jesus effectively replaces the Old Testament priesthood and the Old Testament sacrifices and all of those ceremonial provisions that surrounded that process of sacrifice. If youre seeking to justify yourself, then you have to treat your neighbor this way, and youre not going to be able to consistently treat your neighbor this way. The obligation not to murder is universal and should be in any law. If Beeke actually lists it as his #1 commentary, as you claim, I'd have to say that's a pretty poor choice, since it technically is not a commentary. When we disobey Him, we open ourselves up to His curse. On an individual level, we can expect to be blessed with a clear conscience, a sense of Gods presence, and joy in our daily lives. 2. I think the 'specifics' mentioned such as v8b and v68 show us that this passage is primarily directed towards OT Israel. 1. We dont have the punishments proscribed in the law because that was for their judicial system in that nation. They hesitated and by staying outside of the land, they were not obeying God's instructions. God gave the Israelites specific instructions for returning lost animals because they were valuable possessions. We are not under the Mosaic Law, but under the New Covenant. how far can a duck . What does it mean to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19)? Are The Blessings and Curses in Deuteronomy 28 for Today? That is my understanding of Romans 11. General Equity would be a contradiction if you assume Abrogated as used by the divines means totally nullified in its entirety. Tweet. Fine, try these two on for size. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is one such example.. On the other hand, the Israelites had promised to obey God. The offence of the cross is the nullification of sacrifice and self effort in receiving God and receiving from God - that you no longer need obedience to the law to be justified and belong to the commonwealth of zion. God has these same concerns today, and he expects us to be not only fair but also kind and considerate in our dealings with those who seek our help. This agreement was never to be broken and was intended to last forever. These differences are evident in book iv chaper 20 pp. Read through all of the awesome blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28. For God to say to any people: "I am your God and you are my people" is the very reason and purpose for our existence as God's image-bearers. Well, the fact is that many of the things mentioned in Deuteronomy 28 are still relevant to us today. All the rules, regulations, preparation and sacrifices are meant to translate for us to the most realistic form what is at stake to be as holy as God. Second, it shows us the power of Gods curse. It is meant to be a further burden on anyone that is seeking to justify himself, which is the case for the person who asked the question. Moses summed up his song by once again stressing to the people the importance of knowing God's Law, applying it to their lives, and teaching it to younger generations. We should constantly ask, "What is God saying to me through this? Because he is holy and just, as well as merciful and loving, he must punish wrong actions and attitudes. We need to obey Gods laws and statutes, so that we can experience His righteousness and peace (v. 30-32). Ohio has its own statutes. Moses Wrote The Book Of Deuteronomy. God doesn't make us obey him - it is our choice. If we are obedient to Gods commands, we will experience His blessings. Now he addresses their children and commands obedience in them (Deut 4). Well, in view of what Christ has done in the New Testament, we make at least two changes. No, God is loving and merciful, but he is also just so he doesn't permit evil to continue without being punished and corrected. Then he warned them about the extreme dangers associated with deviating from the plan. Therefore, it is important for us to be obedient to God if we want to experience His blessings in our lives. Possibly, Moses wanted to remind the new generation that had grown up during the desert wandering that they, too, were God's chosen people. 16 Life Lessons and Commentary from The Book of Job | Job Bible Study, 14 Life Lessons from The Book of Joshua | Joshua Bible Study, 27 Life Lessons from The Book of Exodus | Exodus Bible Study, 29 Biblical Life Lessons from The Book of Genesis | Genesis Bible Study, 15 Life Lessons from The Book of 1 Samuel | 1 Samuel Bible Study, 14 Life Lessons from The Book of Numbers | Numbers Bible Study, 33 Life Lessons from The Book of Psalms | Psalms Bible Study, 5 Life Lessons from The Book of Ezra | Ezra Bible Study, 8 Life Lessons from The Book of Judges | Judges Bible Study, 15 Life Lessons from The Book of First Kings | 1 Kings Bible Study. God is our only true security- not the government, not our educational system, not money, power, or other people. If we are slaves to sin we choose to go our own way; but when we become God's followers, he gives us the freedom, as well as the strength and courage, to follow God's way. The two laws are completely different, so the way they apply to us are different. There are certainly principles in that passage that show that any nation who thumbs its nose at God and goes into idolatry will be judged. The Mosaic Law contained some universal moral principles that apply today because they transcend the old law, but arent applied in the same way judicially. Exodus 22:21-24. Then, the lawyer who raised the question, seeking to justify himself, asks who is his neighbor. Job was a very rich man, and although he did not belong to the people of Israel, he worshiped the Lord and was a truly good person. Just as the punishments for laws in other states dont apply to us in California (even if we have the same law), we dont apply those punishments since we arent under that system of laws. 10. Sometimes we think that a small bit of disobedience is no big deal to God, but sin always has consequences. We need to keep our hearts focused on God, so that we can obey His commands and enjoy His blessings (v. 43-45). Before Moses dies he gives that same law again a second time in Deuteronomy to the new generation that is now meant to take the land and live according to this law as a nation. It is a life in which we are obedient to His commands and live in accordance with His will. God did punish the people several times for their disobedience, but he always remained faithful to them.
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