Discouragement and emotional upsets are rare when students feel that nothing is being withheld from them or is being neglected in their training, Physical discomfort, illness, and fatigue will materially slow the rate of learning during both classroom instruction and flight training. By noticing this discrepancy, she has recognized a change. Things like setting the flaps prior to takeoff, or extending the landing gear Creating the impression of talking down to the student is one of the fastest ways for an instructor to lose student confidence and attention. Instructors should attempt to avoid unnecessary jargon and technical terms that their students do not know. This training method has been in use for a long time and is very effective in teaching kinesthetic skills so flight instructors find it valuable in teaching procedures and maneuvers. The student who hesitates when prompt action is required, or who makes the decision to not decide, has made a wrong decision. However, in an emergency situation when action needs be taken quickly, time may not be available to contact ATC immediately. Pilot error means that an action or decision made by the pilot was the cause of, or contributing factor to, the accident. The examples shown contain the essential elements of each endorsement. to notify maintenance about a minor cabin discrepancy. Every flight instructor can agree that everyone wants to be safe, but what does "safety" really mean? The demonstration-performance method is divided into four phases: explanation, demonstration, student performance with instructor supervision, and evaluation. Two reports demonstrated that a cockpit As one reporter resolves: Another reporter offered a good suggestion The instructor should be satisfied that the student is well prepared and understands the task before starting. to help minimize many of the problems that we just annotated. The following are examples of distractions that can be used for this training: Drop a pencil. Aircraft speed and control take precedence over all other actions during landings and takeoffs, Stress landing in the first third of the runway to ensure there is stopping distance for the aircraft. In either case, unless adequate precautions are taken, personal performance could be impaired and adversely affect pilot judgment and decision-making, Dehydration is the term given to a critical loss of water from the body. This is the only step in which the student plays a passive role. Postflight critiques should be in a written format, such as notes to aid the flight instructor in covering all areas that were noticed during the flight or lesson. Traditionally, pilots have been well trained to react to emergencies, but are not as well prepared to make decisions, which require a more reflective response. With the update of the Instrument Practical Test Standards (PTS) to include electronic flight instrument displays, flight management systems, GPS, and autopilot usage, knowledge of internal resources becomes an important component of flight training. According to one definition, safety is the freedom from conditions that can cause death, injury, or illness; damage to/loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.FAA regulations are intended to promote safety by eliminating or mitigating conditions that can cause death, injury, or damage. related to flight safety, it's in violation with the sterile cockpit rule. Passengers are told to shut up and any conversation or activity not related to the takeoff or landing is not permitted while the aircraft is taking off, landing or involved in any "critical phase" of flight. Dehydration reduces a pilots level of alertness, producing a subsequent slowing of decision-making processes or even the inability to control the aircraft. Truly, the sterile Since some of the most valuable internal resources are ingenuity, knowledge, and skill, pilots can expand flight deck resources immensely by improving their capabilities. This is especially important for flight instruction. From a broader perspective, the phrase "human factors related" more aptly describes these accidents since it is usually not a single decision that leads to an accident, but a chain of events triggered by a number of factors, The poor judgment chain, or the error chain, describes this concept of contributing factors in a human factors related accident. the danger is that i can appear to be . The purpose of the self-assessment is to stimulate growth in the learners thought processes and, in turn, behaviors. The job of the instructor is to challenge the student with realistic flying situations without overburdening him or her with unrealistic scenarios, The FAA recommends that in all student flights involving landings in an aircraft, the flight instructor should teach a full stop landing. The early establishment of proper habits of instrument cross-check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control is highly useful to the student. In this case, the pilot landed his aircraft without loss of life, Teaching pilots to make sound decisions is the key to preventing accidents. In 1981 boundary may be too low. Duties such as company required calls made for such non safety related purposes as ordering galley supplies and confirming passenger connections, announcements made to passengers promoting the air carrier or pointing out sights of interest, and filling out company payroll and related records are not required for the safe operation of the aircraft. surprised when they lined up with the wrong runway -- and doubly surprised when With the advent of advanced avionics with glass displays, GPS, and autopilot, flying might seem inherently easier and safer, but in reality it has become more complex. FAR 121.542 instructors can demonstrate the sterile cockpit concept by. On the other hand, how does that jibe with the rule? here to go to FAR 121.542 and 135.100. If, due to some unanticipated circumstances, the demonstration does not closely conform to the explanation, this deviation should be immediately acknowledged and explained, Most physical skills lend themselves to a sequential pattern where the skill is explained in the same step-by-step order normally used to perform it. While demonstrating inflight maneuvers, the instructor should explain the required power settings, aircraft attitudes, and describe any other pertinent factors that may apply. be most effective, crews need to talk -- even if it is just merely "get As an example, a level turn might be demonstrated and described by the instructor in the following way: Use outside visual references and monitor the flight instruments, After clearing the airspace around the aircraft, add power slightly, turn the aircraft in the desired direction, and apply a slight amount of back pressure on the yoke to maintain altitude. using engine anti-ice for takeoff during a blinding snow storm. the aircraft was slightly off course and flying at an altitude of 560 Students reluctant to use checklists can be reminded that pilots at all levels of experience refer to checklists, and that the more advanced the aircraft is, the more crucial checklists become. The PIC should brief passengers before the flight to make sure that they are comfortable voicing any concerns, Possibly the greatest external resources during flight are air traffic controllers and flight service specialists. However, the effects of stress are cumulative and, if not coped with adequately, they eventually add up to an intolerable burden. The Sterile Cockpit/Flight Deck concept involves the restriction of flight crew member activity to that which is operationally essential during busy phases of flight - taxi out, take off, initial climb, intermediate and final approach, landing, and taxi in. The main responsibility of the Instructor is" "instructor typically teaches subjects that Scouts are eager to learnespecially those such as first aid, camping, and backpackingthat are required for outdoor . (Accident/Incident Briefs). The deficiencies listed below are apparent to others before the individual notices any physical signs of fatigue, Another form of fatigue is chronic fatigue which occurs when there is not enough time for a full recovery from repeated episodes of acute fatigue. Objective: There is general enthusiasm for applying strategies from aviation directly to medical care; the application of the "sterile cockpit" rule to surgery has accordingly been suggested. Some reports contained In fact, experts have demonstrated that in order to With every complex human endeavor, it is necessary to master the basics if the whole task is to be performed competently and safely. The weather at the time of the incident was reported as marginal VFR due to rain showers and thunderstorms. communications between the cabin and cockpit crews, and reading publications excellent, Mike. The early establishment of proper habits of instrument cross-check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control is highly useful to the student. Activities such as eating meals, Recovery from chronic fatigue requires a prolonged and deliberate solution. Judging from these Two steps to improve flight safety are identifying personal attitudes hazardous to safe flight and learning behavior modification techniques, Flight instructors must be able to spot hazardous attitudes in a student because recognition of hazardous thoughts is the first step toward neutralizing them. Portale di Economia e Finanza. while the aircraft is involved in taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other flight The best way to illustrate this concept to students is to discuss specific situations that lead to aircraft accidents or incidents. Informing the tower of the balked landing should be accomplished only after these tasks are completed. Aviation strategies often guide patient safety improvement discussions. The common thread to the accidents were flight crews distracted from flying by non-essential conversations and activities during . Some circumstances, such as the time available to make a decision, may be beyond the pilots control. to fly together for several days and never discuss anything except items related items totally unrelated to flying. Generally speaking, complex operations tend to induce fatigue more rapidly than simpler procedures do, regardless of the physical effort involved. themselves and their operating instruments before the operation. Motivation also declines when a student believes the instructor is making unreasonable demands for performance and progress. It is neither appropriate nor effective for instructors to try to impress students with their expertise by using language that is unnecessarily complicated. Performance generally increases with the onset of stress, peaks, and then begins to fall off rapidly as stress levels exceed a persons ability to cope. What is a 'sterile cockpit'. The instructor should be alert during the students practice to detect any errors in technique and to prevent the formation of faulty habits, At the same time, the student should be encouraged to think about what to do during the performance of a maneuver, until it becomes habitual. conversation with jump seat riders. With the flight vividly etched in the students memory, questions about the flight will come quickly, Correction of student errors should not include the practice of immediately taking the controls away when a mistake is made. runway! If the student has been adequately prepared and the procedure or maneuver fully explained and demonstrated, meaningful learning occurs. With the advent of electronic checklists, it has become easier to develop and maintain personal checklists from the manufacturers checklist with additions for specific aircraft and operations, In addition, the AFM/POH, which is required to be carried onboard the aircraft, is essential for accurate flight planning and for resolving inflight equipment malfunctions. ADM training focuses on the decision-making process and the factors that affect a pilots ability to make effective choices, Timely decision-making is an important tool for any pilot. These procedures are especially important prior to entering a high-density traffic area, such as Class B airspace, To manage workload, items should be prioritized. Effective use of instruments also results in superior cross-country navigation, better coordination, and generally, a better overall pilot competency level, General aviation accident reports provide ample support for the belief that reference to flight instruments is important to safety. For example, the assistance of ATC may be very useful if a pilot is lost. Numerous accidents have occurred due to a lack of communication or misunderstanding regarding who had actual control of the aircraft, particularly between students and flight instructors. [Figure 8-10], One way of exploring the subject of stress with a student is to recognize when stress is affecting performance. Pilots can improve flight safety significantly by reducing distractions during critical phases of flight. Since students generally imitate the instructors performance, the instructor must demonstrate the skill exactly the way the students are expected to practice it, including all safety procedures that the students must follow. For example, in a weight-shift control aircraft the control bar is moved right to turn left. discovered, his absence from the ATC frequency caused an overload with his First Mental habits begin to form with repetition of the instructions previously received. VFR into IMC accidents often lead to fatalities. An implicit prerequisite to the evidence-based transfer of such a concept to the clinical domain, however, is definition of periods of high mental workload analogous to takeoff and landing. The flight instructor should demonstrate good aviation sense at all times: Before the flightdiscuss safety and the importance of a proper preflight and use of the checklist, During flightprioritize the tasks of aviating, navigating, and communicating. ATC can help decrease pilot workload by providing traffic advisories, radar vectors, and assistance in emergency situations. specifically prohibit crew member performance of non-essential duties or activities conversation" does not always have to imply just those persons on board Examples of all common endorsements can be found in the current issue of AC 61-65, Appendix 1. Keep all radio communications to a minimum. These regulations are comprehensive, but there has been increasing recognition that even the strictest compliance with regulations may not be sufficient to guarantee safety. AC 60-22, Aeronautical Decision-Making, provides background references, definitions, and other pertinent information about ADM training in the GA environment. instructors can demonstrate the sterile cockpit concept by instructors can demonstrate the sterile cockpit concept by. The instructor cannot be responsible for these outside diversions, but cannot ignore them because they have a critical effect on the learning process. When the skill being taught is related to previously learned procedures or maneuvers, the known to unknown strategy may be used effectively. The flight instructor is the only person in a position to make the determination a student is ready for solo operations. Pilots in training who have been required to perform all normal flight maneuvers by reference to instruments, as well as by outside references, will develop from the start the habit of continuously monitoring their own and the aircrafts performance. Commonly known as the "sterile cockpit rule," these regulations specifically prohibit crew member performance of non-essential duties or activities while the aircraft is involved in taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 feet MSL, except cruise flight. The sterile cockpit rule is a good rule because Where introduced, these proactive moves have been widely adhered to and recognised as a valuable contribution to operational flight safety. Some operators use surface to 18,000 feet as the "sterile zone", while others apply the sterile cockpit principle from Top of Descent/Pre-Descent checklist, in the descent, and up to Top of Climb/En-Route checklist, on departure. [Figure 8-8], In order for a student to self-examine behaviors during flight, he or she must be taught the potential risks caused from hazardous attitudes and, more importantly, the antidote for each. At the same time, the student should be allowed to practice the entire maneuver often enough to achieve the level of proficiency established in the lesson objectives. Practice the "see and avoid" concept at all times regardless of whether the training is conducted under VFR or instrument flight rules (IFR). related purposes as ordering galley supplies and confirming passenger Some POHs call for mixture to be enriched during an emergency descent, but what if the powerplant is engulfed in flames? These problems are often due to inadequacies of the course or of the instructor. safe operation of the aircraft. If a student seems distracted, or has a particularly difficult time accomplishing the tasks of the lesson, the instructor can query the student. It is important for the demonstration to conform to the explanation as closely as possible. When pointing out areas that need improvement, offer concrete suggestions that help. When the decision-making process is presented to students, it is essential to discuss how the process applies to an actual flight situation. Students who are not completely at ease, and whose attention is diverted by discomforts such as the extremes of temperature, poor ventilation, inadequate lighting, or noise and confusion, cannot learn at a normal rate. sterile cockpit rule is really important, so we'll adhere to it. Copyright SKYbrary Aviation Safety, 2021-2023. and other activities along the route and were not observing the 'sterile cockpit' not related to the proper conduct of the flight are not required for the The preflight briefing should include procedures for the exchange of flight controls. Although doing so may be difficult at first, successive accomplishment of recognizable goals and the avoidance of alarming occurrences or situations will rapidly ease the students mind. This tendency will dissipate with time, but allowing the student to see the effect of his or her control input is a valuable aid in illustrating the stability of the aircraft. Now, the student must visualize how he or she will handle the unexpected change, During this visualization, the flight instructor can ask questions to check the students thought processes. Instructors can teach this skill by prompting their students to prepare for a high workload. For a student, this may take the form of a desire to make an early solo flight, or to set out on cross-country flights before the basic elements of flight have been learned, The impatient student fails to understand the need for preliminary training and seeks only the ultimate objective without considering the means necessary to reach it. Before leaving this phase, the instructor should encourage students to ask questions about any step of the procedure that they do not understand, The instructor must show students the actions necessary to perform a skill. During training, CFIs can routinely point out resources to students, Internal resources are found in the flight deck during flight. Situational awareness is the accurate perception and understanding of all the factors and conditions within the four fundamental risk elements that affect safety before, during, and after the flight. more than one culprit. A well designed assessment provides a student with something constructive upon which he or she can work or build. The amount of training any student can absorb without incurring debilitating fatigue varies. suggestion following an altitude deviation. Most illnesses adversely affect the acuteness of vision, hearing, and feeling, all of which are essential to correct performance, Airsickness can be a great deterrent to flight instruction. An instructional flight should be terminated as soon as incipient sickness is experienced. If students believe the instructor assumes all responsibility for scanning and collision avoidance procedures, they do not develop the habit of maintaining a constant vigilance, which is essential to safety. DHC Dash 7. Sixty percent of stall/spin accidents occurred during takeoff and landing, and twenty percent were preceded by engine failure. The chapter begins with practical strategies flight instructors can use to enhance their instruction, the demonstration-performance training delivery method of flight instruction, integrated flight instruction, positive exchange of flight controls, use of distractions, obstacles to learning encountered during flight training, and how to evaluate students. A sterile cockpit has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the physical environment. With potentially hazardous or difficult maneuvers, the instructor should be alert and ready to take control at any time. visiting the cockpit or calling on the interphone were noted in almost one quarter When this occurs, the instructor should be prepared to schedule additional training, Positive exchange of flight controls is an integral part of flight training. He also finds charts and a lesson plan he can use. [Figure 8-6], Flight instructors should always guard the controls and be prepared to take control of the aircraft. cockpit and cabin crew members the captain can politely say, "I think the Simultaneously begin releasing the back pressure so aileron, rudder, and elevator pressures are neutralized when the aircraft reaches the wings-level position, Leading the roll-out heading by one-half the bank angle is a good rule of thumb for initial training. indicated that the pilot was having a conversation with a passenger who / FAR 135.100--Flight Crew Member Duties. It has everything to do with a pure mental environment. The expected outcome of each possible action should be considered and the risks assessed before the pilot decides on a response to the situation, Brenda determines the fuel burn if she continues to her destination and considers other options: turning around and landing at a nearby airport, diverting off course, or landing prior to her destination at an airport en route. The intentional practice of stalls and spins seldom resulted in an accident. It states that: "No flight crew member may perform any duties during a critical phase of flight not required for . This is admittedly difficult, but must be accomplished if learning is to proceed at a normal rate, Worries and emotional upsets that result from a flight training course can be identified and addressed. Other valuable flight deck resources include current aeronautical charts and publications, such as the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD), It should be pointed out to students that passengers can also be a valuable resource. The first noticeable effect of dehydration is fatigue, which in turn makes top physical and mental performance difficult, if not impossible.
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