So they're not afraid of humans and they'll show up like a regular housecat. And I think this is a really interesting story for a couple of reasons one is that it proves what Pat was saying which that basically from New York state where its traces was really picked up on a game camera around Lake George all the way down to Connecticut there was numerous. We'd love to have you in the queue. But you won't find evidence of their existence in paw prints in the snow or a deer carcass in a tree. Author of The last woman in the forest on Saturday July 13th at 7 p.m. at Warner town hall Warner historical dawg. We're gonna talk about sightings in this part of the program as well we'd love to hear your story. Rick your thoughts. So I hate the idea that there's some sort of upward you know downward pressure from the bosses saying Don't you know don't tell about the mountain lions because it'll scare away the tourists. So and so they so they do get pretty involved. If you go on YouTube and search mount lion Pat you can see people patent their hundred pound kiddie like its regular mascot cat. So for me as a person who's had the Bobcats right off my grits similar carries sticks to a bobcat The Long Tail obviously very different but those facial markings were overlapping for me. There's no logic for why they'd be listed as an endangered species. Sam what's the incentive for the government to deny allegedly. So so it is possible in Maine to still to to to have one but you have to be sort of professional handler as it were. Patrick Tate: I don't believe it is. Mountain Lions in NH. If you have them email exchange at an HP board or give us a call to tell us your story. I don't see the hoaxes anymore at that level. Caller: And then there's the Lily Pond Road and then there's a six foot tall fence. So what those ranges. So. Deer Bear Moose Grey Wolf Coyote Foxes Fisher Mountain Lion NH Wildlife History. I'm Peter B yellow. And I saw you cat about four feet long from nose to tail come across from the water across the road and just leap over a six foot perimeter fence in a single bound. Peter Biello: They make great mascots at least. They create these big latrines that are very obvious. Patrick Tate: No downward pressure at all I think actually Sean turned up and we found the evidence there a number of people would finally say finally we can put this debate to bed. That's pretty elaborate. So Pat you field a lot of calls about people seeing or reportedly seeing mountain lions. Thanks for taking my call. Mountain Lion | Squam Lakes Natural Science Center All exhibit and hiking trails are CLOSED for the season. So. Fish and Game then deny the evidence. I mean no doubt a seen Bobcat seen his stuff. It's good to talk to you. Patrick Tate: Exactly I was gonna bring that up juvenile male of. N.H. Want to put this to to Patrick Tate who may have heard some some info or info from listeners like you about these these these cats. I'm Peter Biello in for Laura NOI. And when provoked no animal could stand before him elegantly put. Peter Biello: Ok weird question but do they make good pets. Almost all species disperse greater distances than females. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. So I will just say this is a big reason why there have not been confirmed sightings I think is that the evidence required first. NHPR is nonprofit and independent. And those are not the same things. As far as I could tell there was a positive DNA sequence coming from the scat sample Patrick. And then just up behind it you know at about 11 o'clock on one side and whatever that would be on the other side it's black. Rick van de Poll: Rick your thoughts. The most common areas to see mountain lions in Arizona are in places of rocky and mountainous terrain. Some of the reports that I looked into that were actually on file at the local fish and game office were even from people who did not live locally. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction 3,207 views Jul 31, 2019 78 Dislike Share Save New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife 634 subscribers During my thirty-one career at the New. The engineers Dan Colgan our senior producer is Allan Grimm. Peter Biello: Today on the program Patrick Tate New Hampshire Fish and Game Wildlife biologist and far better project leader Sam Evans Brown host of an HP podcast outside in which is about the natural world and how we use it. 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. BRADFORD, N.H. - All that snow in parts of the Northeast has more than just kids jumping for winter joy. Yes and you want to share what you learned. And the second question is this a behavior mountain lions exhibit. But the state always denies it, and none of us know why they deny it. Our guests today Patrick Tate New Hampshire Fish and Game Wildlife biologist Sam Evans Brown host of an HP podcast outside in. They lived perhaps elsewhere in New England and they were just passing through and happened to have an encounter of some sort. The big cat has been extinct at least the eastern mountain lion has been extinct here since the mid 80s hundreds. for some excitement. That's why we always go back to the physical evidence to support what they're reporting. Thank you very much for listening. The American Lion The Saber tooth Tiger and this was the one that survived. There's just one subspecies of North American mountain lion. So this whole illegal pet trade black market pro trade thing does does exist in a situation like that can happen. Think you've seen a mountain lion. I just don't understand the mechanism for how that would happen. Patrick Tate: And there's one other way to model that is the same animal. A lot of times. Theres a project called the Cougar Network that tracks verified sightings, and they are all around us: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York and New Brunswick have all had verified sightings over the past 20 years or so. We send out DNA samples to the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Patrick Tate: So I agree with what Sam said in part that their ability to go undetected for amount of time but ultimately it was detected. Give today. For instance, Floridas wildlife officials have a similar ghost cat: the black panther. Part II. So the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station has a database on mountain lion and they can identify. Like why would you want one wildlife. So try to take photographs if you see something like this. Peter Biello: This is NHK PR Good morning and HP are summer car raffle is back and now's the time to get your early bird tickets. Patrick Tate: It became a very interesting investigation over time because it started becoming. Maps of Trapping Take by Town 1994 to 2004. Thanks for your call. And so. Less successful males roam further. Patrick Tate: So it's interesting it's brought up. There have been several sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. But if you do if you think you're looking at a wild Puma their tail is very thick and especially in the winter is very thick and ponderous looking. I just want to tell you a story that I read. Do you get a lot of these these these things that end up being hoaxes. Numerous scat and fur specimens have been turned in as part of mountain lion report investigations; DNA identification has shown these submitted samples to be from domestic dog, coyote, bobcat andraccoon. Well let's talk a little bit about that. But you won't find evidence of their existence in paw prints in the snow or a deer carcass in a tree. Patrick Tate: So the individuals can say that but for an agency that's based on science and what not to to go off with no evidence and then get into that giant debate and all these other issues and put credibility at risk I don't think that would be a great path to take. You can see two of them at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness NH. And Rick van de Poll naturalist and founder of ecosystem management consultants of New England. Sam. What's going on. So what a neat experience. They kill big animals. Rick van de Poll: Absolutely. Peter Biello: Listeners give us a call if you have a question or a story of a sighting 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. I'm sorry go ahead you're on the air. Patrick Tate: In theory it's a passing ball of a court and it goes wherever the bottom Ball wants to go. Peter Biello: We mentioned that the eastern cougar and the Western cougar are they were separate eastern cougar believed to be extinct. "Of those three to five reports,. So Michael follows with the question. I was at the Sentinel as a reporter there for about four years and during that time I probably wrote close to a half dozen stories or so on this topic including a lengthy feature at one point that in which I spoke to several people from around the banana region claimed to have seen mountain lions that at one time or another. Rick van de Poll: 80 90. He told me that on one of his many scouting trips for Black Bear he found a deer carcass up in a tree. These young males are tracking looking for mates and if they don't find a mate they just keep moving and moving and moving. I mean I that said I've lived out west for nine years. I'll send it to you. I actually been interviewed a couple of times by reporters and with all due respect for the media you know facts aren't always communicated correctly. Listeners we'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. I've collected scat samples I've got several in my collection. Peter Biello: Well hey Rob. Despite numerous reports, the NH Fish and Game Department continues to have no physical evidence of mountain lion presence in the state. There wasn't a distinct subspecies the North American mountain lion is all is all one species and then you can find a genetically distinct South American subspecies. Caller: I do. And it was unmistakable. And boy it was big it had to be at least 200 pounds the thing was you and and it just made a little bit of noise and it was gone. And it's not really strong. And as the biologist who's gonna stand on this and if I'm going to say this is a proven picture I need to be able to stand on it so soundly and have the evidence so I going to go through it with a fine tooth comb kept picking pieces apart trying to answer these pieces. Peter Biello: I did mention four feet nose to tail would be kind of small for a mountain lion. Part II. But my experience was that the majority of these accounts could not be taken lightly. I have no doubt that there are mountain lion roaming New Hampshire. Patrick Tate: I've from all the situations I've read and learned about wildlife. It's you know I recognized their report and. Are these big cats back?Subscribe to WMUR on YouTube now for more: more Manchester news: http://wmur.comLike us: If it's just in the middle of a greenfield you can't prove anything. So I would put this in the category of sort of like shark attacks right. And they used to be this whole list of the different subspecies of mountain lion and it has since been reduced to just to the North American and the South American. Peter Biello: Thank you for sharing that. GAP MOUNTAIN LIONS CLUB Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (USA) District 44-N . Using DNA and physical evidence, state environmental officials said they determined that the animal. Caller: Absolutely. This is a machine-generated transcript, and may contain errors. Patrick Tate: Same here in New Hampshire too. Russ, from Sandwich (and Bedford) asks: In Sandwich New Hampshire, everybody has a story about seeing a mountain lion. Peter Biello: Yeah well what do you think Pat is. Well within there. You could trace that was this same cat from point to point to point. Sam Evans Brown. Which which I think Pat and I have both experienced. Mike thanks for your call. Over a period of a year and a half, this Mountain Lion left DNA evidence in at least four states. I've seen him in the woods and that was not a bobcat but I was looking at. Copyright New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.An official New Hampshire government website. You've got you've got biologists right who are trying to make their make their way in the world make a career if you are the biologists who confirmed a sighting of mountain lions in the state that would be very good for you like you would be all over the news. And maybe it's a no holds barred nostalgia for a better world a wild or Fuller world not a world that's constrained by our boundaries and our taxes and our highways. Peter Biello: Sam I wanted to ask you a little bit about that first and then turn to Patrick Tate efficient game. Something along those lines. So we tossed these terms around but really the term subspecies has been sort of redefined in our lifetimes. Yes. We live around Cold Springs Campground and it was undeniably a mountain lion. We'll also hear your stories if you have them again. Peter Biello: Yeah some of what she was saying sounds like it would require getting pretty close or at least having a nice zoom lens right Sam like. Peter Biello: We at this e-mailed comment from Michael. Mountain lions when they show up they leave evidence. HOLDERNESS, N.H. (AP) Two of the known mountain lions in New Hampshire have spent their 15 years in close proximity to humans. Monday, December 5th: Mountain Lions in New Hampshire? No that's a little bit outside the range. All of that remains unanswered but it is an extremely interesting question. New Hampshire Public Radio | Peter Biello: Well yeah. Patrick Tate: Well I've never seen an Easter cougar so I can't say when I've handled these 10 cougars and whatnot. Peter Biello: When did you allegedly see a mountain lion. But I was riding a mountain bike not far from my house. That's next time on one day. The supervisor that hired me in the game division in October of 1978 passed on to me this whole big folder of mountain lion information and sightings going back probably a couple decades. Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an HP yard today we're talking about the mysterious elusive majestic Mystic Mountain Lion. So there is definitely no downward pressure by anyone. And I have to use that word allegedly because there is so much dispute about what people see and what they actually see. Do they travel. But no proof was offered. If you believe you have seen a mountain lion and want to report it to NH Fish and Game, please contact the Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or [email protected] to request an observation report form. They're just moving around freely. NH Fish and Game relies on physical evidence to answer questions about the presence or absence of mountain lion in the state. So there's even debate about that very subject. 1957. It's bigger but bigger and better world. But having read a bit of information about his cougar there are a darker subspecies. The states never denied mountain lions are here, and theyve never admitted mountain lions are here. I think that you probably are. We're not in the woods. John Holt's ideas were at first dismissed but he refused to be silent. And it was you know 10 or 12 people saw it all at once. And I just said I saw I saw they from behind the shoulder all the way past the long tail. Sam Evans-Brown: Well first I want to sort of explain why what the theory is but then also throw a bit of cold water on it because I don't think there's much much logic behind it but essentially is that if fish and game were to acknowledge that there was a population of Mount lions in the state there's a chance that something like a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act might happen and then there'd be you know some they'd have to put a plan in place to protect the species there'd be you know restrictions put on development. 235 or [email protected]. It traveled all the way from from you know Minnesota to New York without being so seen Patrick take. They sent it already. So that that's more or less I think why I'm here and why I got into this in nineteen ninety nine I found a what appeared to be a print of a mountain lion and that was in the Osprey mountains and I thought well OK that's that's a print. The views expressed in this program are those of the individuals and not those of an HP are its board of trustees or its underwriters. She is renowned for tracking. The number 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7 so promised a discussion about conspiracy theories. Email exchange it an HP fraud org or give us a call 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. Peter Biello: This is the exchange on an PR. Mountain lions can be found throughout Arizona, and data suggests the populations are not only stable, but growing. And why would they what. Caller: I got home to my wife that a gene that you should have seen the cat. Sandy Hodskins, owner of West Meadow Farm in Bradford, New Hampshire, took time from shoveling Wednesday to enjoy the snow with her horse, West Wind. There were several sightings in CT over the last few months. There is some information that suggests that it spent a portion of its time in Massachusetts near the Claiborne reservoir. Peter Biello: So Patrick today Fish and Game no downward pressure on you to deny the existence at all costs of mountain lions here in New Hampshire. Mountain lions ( Puma concolor) are one of the six native species of wild cats in North America. Mountain lions leave a lot of sign. Mountain lions live in the state. Can you look into this picture. And just one more note about this danger question when even when you look at the states that have extended populations stable populations of mountain lions attacks are relatively rare. Is that typically what was happening there. Patrick Tate: Yeah yeah. The big cat has been extinct here since the mid-1800s. So one thing I'd point out is we've been talking about situations with no evidence a number of them come in with photographs and yet what they fit what they description of the animal they saw and by the way I got a picture of what I saw. They get a lot of media attention but compared to the the amount of times that a mountain lion could attack a person but doesn't because they don't typically view us as prey. Information that weed family automotive dot com sunny for today high temperatures low to mid 80s clear tonight overnight lows in the 50s tomorrow sunny highs in the upper 80s. The 17-year-old Kiger mustang mare was born in Bend, Oregon, said Hodskins, who got her . There'd be there'd be all sorts of you know basically a lot of hassle required if that were to happen. Gotcha, so the Deep State is suppressing mountain lion news in order to prop up New Hampshire tourism? OK. That's what we're seeing is dispersing mountain lions from the West who are just making their way through. I mean that so many of them are false sightings we. He shifted gears in 2016 and began producing Outside/In, a podcast and radio show about the natural world and how we use it. His work has won him several awards, including two regional Edward R. Murrow awards, one national Murrow, and the Overseas Press Club of America's award for best environmental reporting in any medium. Sam Evans-Brown: Well this might be a good moment to talk about hoaxes. They absolutely do. A monthly donation of $5 makes a real difference. From: Boomerdog in OK 08-Oct-07 And so so with their limited staff and limited budget that is that is more and more limited every year because you know fewer people are buying hunting and fishing licenses. Sam Evans-Brown: But I mean the video I had been sent was you know a recording of a animal growling but it was in slow motion and when I asked the person why is this in slow motion the denied that it was so there's a lot of weird stuff that happens in regards to people claiming they've seen they've seen these things. If you believe you have seen a mountain lion and want to report it to NH Fish and Game, please contact the Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or [email protected] to request an observation report form. Phone number 1 800. It was in the spring flash kind of early summer and my wife looked at you look at the size of an adult bear and we were up in arms. By Eric Orff. There are corollaries in other states. They used to roam the entire continent, but have become extinct in most US states. So I think in that story there's there's something for the believers and the nonbelievers and I and you know Mark L. Brock is who is a gentleman with the cougar Network told me this story is evidence that that if they were here we would know about it. Many people in New Hampshire have claimed to have seen mountain lions. So I just brought up the bobcat thing because the location is fascinating to me that that that location we have Bobcats existing but that location we have a mountain lion report because it's a developed area and which brings me back to earlier what I had said it's a bouncing ball. Residents Report Mountain Lion Sighting By Elysia Rodriguez Published August 11, 2015 A southern New Hampshire neighborhood believes a mountain lion is roaming the woods near their homes. support for an HBO who comes from you our listener Sam from advanced in you a local New Hampshire nonprofit specializing in college student loans and student refinancing options. Thank you very much for that story really appreciate it. As recently as 2011 there was one young male mountain lion that cruised all the way from the black hills of South Dakota, up over the Great Lakes, down through New Yorkgetting spotted all. Patrick Tate: My line being a large predator a cat watch ambush his prey animal that hasn't been. Hunting is legal, but closely regulated by the state. And now that everyone and their mother has a remote camera in their back yard its just so, so unlikely that there are resident, breeding mountain lions in New England that are living invisibly among us, he says, Its become Big Foot.. Is there something particularly hospitable about New Hampshire Forests that make them want to come here. Mike you're on the air. I've actually had to walk in on one or two now and look at what was going on and figured out what was going on. That's the real story is they can't follow up on every one of these sightings. You treat it as if it's a sincere situation. So nowadays we think of this in the Northeast as crazy stuff that people have a mountain lion as a pet. Reports without physical evidence are not dismissed, however Fish and Game cannot verify a sighting report without physical evidence. Here it is. This is not the same as saying that there has never been a mountain lion seen in New Hampshire. So that's the specimen that you find going long distances. The tail leave is a giveaway but not everybody gets to see the tail. Peter Biello: So let's say Rick that it was confirmed that there that there are mountain lines here in New Hampshire. Peter Biello: There have been several alleged sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. My wife and I saw a mountain lion. I wanted to get your thoughts on the mystique of the mountain lion start with you Rick. Mountain Lion report and as a biologist for the state that's a situation where if he said to me what did I see. So one thing I'll add. You know one of the the biggest questions I have about that is it points to how much we don't know and if in fact we don't know enough. So I've been convinced the whole time that I saw a big cougar plume or whatever you want to call it standing there in the road in Greenfield. Have it reported down in the Keene area. Deer Bear Moose Wolves Fisher Mountain Lions. I had a resident in New Hampshire tell me a story of a mountain lion in the 1960s where a person who would come summer in New Hampshire and then live in a different part of the country in the winter had a trailer that was housing his mount line. Patrick Tate: So I'm not sure what subspecies of cat they're using to differentiate by those markings but once she was describing the White other face in the black. Were there any differences between these two that we could have noticed right off. Sam Evans-Brown: And when we talk about subspecies this actually leads to to an interesting tangent which is that the field of biology recently has been sort of revolutionized by the use of DNA to determine what subspecies are. You know I'm like seriously I can't get a picture of the thing but what it what it is. 44-N Links. Let's talk to Bob in Laconia Bob. Let's talk to Mike in Webster. If so that's for us as an agency. Today, their range stretches from the Yukon Territory in Canada along the western coast of the United States, all the way to the Southern Andes in Chile. Fish and Game looked into the labs to have them confirm the information in the reports which the labs did not. So now what's going on. Peter Biello: Oh okay. When they were landing or taking off and it seems like it's been there for like. Lots of people have stories about them, people have them on their game cameras I mean its kind of a thing. Why are there so many false positives? And you know all that. Anytime at any HP broad dot org or subscribe to our podcast search Apple podcasts Google Play or stitcher for an HP bar exchange. So give us a call now. The nonbelievers are going to say Show us your evidence and show us prove this to us. And so I just wanted to share my share my experience with you guys and it was pretty awesome to see if you get to see one albeit it was in the brush. Caller: It had just left that field and was out. The females disperse a shorter range and once they find a vacant home range they stay in that location and live there. I just stood there just a second and I came to a complete stop and then I ran away. Mountain lion or cat running across. So I certainly can't dispute anything that they said there's no evidence for me to go by to verify or say what my thoughts are on the situation. But you can continue the conversation on Facebook or at our Web site and HP Borg. They were able to do all that by genetics. Caller: Oh hi. Sam Evans-Brown has been working for New Hampshire Public Radio since 2010, when he began as a freelancer. It was some sort of a Lion Mountain Lion animal. I saw the tail end of a literally from behind the shoulder The Long Tail mountain lion crossing the highway going from Password to often Village downtown. About Lions. You know perhaps poke around where you saw it and see if you can find a track. Theres tracks everywhere. Sam Evans-Brown: You know the North America had a number of large predator species when humans first arrived in the continent. Want to report a Mountain Lion sighting in New Hampshire? Sam Evans-Brown: I just want to say the bang and word you just heard I think to me exemplifies why it's really hard to come up with with positive you know 100 percent certain evidence that you've that what you've got is a mountain lions. Ecosystem Management Consultants of New England, Ask Sam, and recently fielded question about mountain lions, 10 things to do in NH this weekend: Dartmouth Dance, Hamilton De Holanda & more, Turkish restaurant in the Upper Valley aims to help those affected by recent earthquakes, RFK Jr. tells NH crowd hes considering a presidential run, Epping woman pleads guilty to threatening Michigan election official in 2020, We also hear excerpts from an interview with, Read about the most recent cougar "sightings". And they asked me about the tail which I just did not remember that tail out of that whole experience. Your support makes this news available to everyone. And you know it's rather interesting because certainly there are those you as a case of mistaken identity or they wanted to see something that perhaps they actually didn't. Caller: Are probably. You need a permit to have that. Yeah 13 to 15 years ago 13 to 15 years ago. So so do what you can get to do what you can to get proof. And they were using all the habitat. Caller: I have yeah. Me Im willing to believe its possible that there are some out there. Chartered 1973; Member of District 44-H; . The unheralded hero of Apollo John Hubble the man who knew the way to the moon. You're on the air. He writes As a farmer I come across many outdoorsman looking to hunt our property had a conversation with one who believed very strongly that we had mountain lions in New Hampshire. I can't. Having not found any evidence is not the same as saying there are no mountain lions, its the same as saying we dont know. Patrick Tate: Yes. Caller: Yeah. Information online ad an age student loans dawg. Caller: And the more I thought about it the color of it it was definitely not a bobcat. Patrick Tate: I've had hunters hang deer carcasses forbidding wildlife entries. Women control our lives. Pat do they typically just move around a lot. So we're fixated on natural but there's other possibilities. Thank you., Buy or Renew Your Saltwater Fishing License, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. So here we have you know a very qualified biologist who who found a print took a plaster cast found a scat send it to a university. For starters, part of the confusion might come from the fact that the eastern cougar was taken off the endangered species list earlier this year.
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