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dark elf society

He brought up reserves of White Lions and Phoenix Guard, and the High Elves rallied and retreated in good order behind the ranks of these deadly warriors. Their survival depends on it. Malekith was to be outdone, however, as Tethlis' whole attack and flight had been feigned -- a lure to bait the Witch King from his fortress. As the sorcerers of Malekith stood upon the summits of their black towers and struggled for control of the vortex, great forces shook the lands. Indeed, it may yet set the very world afire.[1c]. [1a], Yet even should every other land bow to their rule, the Dark Elves know that they cannot claim their glorious inheritance whilst their hated brethren, the High Elves, endure. The debauchery lasted for a whole month, and culminated in a massive hunt during which a thousand slaves were let loose into the forests and the Dark Elves chased them down over the following weeks. Grandson to Caledor Dragontamer, Imrik had none of his forefather's magical skills, but was a deadly warrior and brilliant general. His rule is absolute, for he is the very embodiment of all the Druchii and so long as he lives, the High Elves will never know true peace. Druchii love raiding, pillaging, enslaving and killing the lesser races but especially their hated kin. It was Morathi who turned consternation into opportunity. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Too great were the perils for Morathi to venture there herself, and so she commanded a great tower to be built in the north of Naggaroth, from which she could personally look upon the energy of the gods.[1k]. Here they frequently put on reenactments of the Dark Elves greatest battles. Note: Zonde Gorestorm is the only current female clan leader. Every Black Ark returned to the Sea of Malice and an army the likes of which had not been seen for five centuries prepared for invasion. Though his despair at Astarielle's death never abated, Aenarion took a new wife, to bear him a son and heir. [1c], Indeed, some of the more capable barbarians can even be wielded as weapons in their own right, manipulated by threats, trinkets and empty promises into assailing the shores of hated Ulthuan or else wreaking havoc upon the high seas. They live for their own survival. 114, Advanced Race Guide pg. His Dragon, Nightfang, went berserk and the Dark Elves were scattered by the Dragon's rampage. It was at this time that Aenarion met with the first of the Dragontamers, the powerful mage Caledor. The Dark Elves, or the Druchii as they account themselves, are not the only Elven race to walk the world. All of these cities are evil places, steeped in death and agony. Besieged, the desperate defenders held out, praying to the gods for salvation. Some parts of Montset go deep enough into the depths of Terra that Dwarven expeditions sometimes encounter Dark Elf patrols, or Merchant caravans. Urian cut down a score of High Elves, seeking out Prince Tyrion, who in turn claimed dozens of Dark Elf lives with his runeblade, Sunfang. Much like the shadows they were banished to, Dark Elves key trait is their shadowy black skin tone. Invigorated by the purity of Asuryan, Aenarion waged his war with ever greater zeal. The results of these clandestine attacks proved to be far greater than Malekith had ever hoped. Tethlis accepted this command with grim enthusiasm and from the various gate garrisons he mustered the most deadly veterans into a single army with which he would cast the Dark Elves back into the sea.[1k]. The Witch King had left the siege to his lieutenants, and the Dark Elves fled before the fury of Tethlis' attack. For all the strength of the Naggarothi host, such was the cunning artifice of the defences and the resolution of the High Elves that Malekith's army could make no headway and the siege ground on for many years.[1k]. In this race, however, the power of the Dark Gods has taken a subtle form. The snapping jaws of Sulekh smashed Caledor's sword from his hand and cast the Phoenix King to the ground amongst the bodies of his loyal warriors. Ability Score Increase. The shifting inner energies of Chaos swelled with power, straining and boiling as they built up like a tide. She lavished lustful attentions on the tribesmen and gave them jewellry and slaves. Comprised of any caste except for the casteless. However, ever since J.R.R. In truth it is the Upworlder community who deal with them most. Few races, other than the Orks, have any real reason to visit or trade with Meerdistrin and it's inhabitants. While it is not impossible that a Dark Elf would worship other deities, it is extremely unlikely they would do so within Meerdistrin proper. The Dark Elves, like their Elven cousins, have extremely long memories. West of Har Ganeth, the tribes gathered under the shadow of the Black Pillar -- a towering shrine to the Chaos Gods carved from obsidian and studded with the skulls of sacrifices. He wandered through its ice-trapped streets, between colossal buildings that hurt the eyes to look upon. Princes caught in the grip of the cults began to mutter that Bel Shanaar was weak, and an usurper of the Phoenix Throne.[1k]. Malekith's disciples took up his body and fought their way clear, leaving most of Ulthuan's princes slain in the shrine.[1k]. Where the armies of the Witch King advanced, the warriors of Caledor fell back, only to outflank the soldiers of Nagarythe and strike back from unexpected quarters.[1k]. The arenas, gardens, and places of worship in the third district are open to all but the casteless. To the east, a group of Dark Elves founded the city of Clar Karond, linked to Naggarond and Hag Graef by underground tunnels. Many Elves became indolent and selfish, indulging their heightened senses with ceremonies dedicated to exotic, forbidden gods. Over the course of centuries, many realms experienced both the cold embrace and the wicked betrayal of Dark Elf diplomacy. Many half-dark elves and interracial couples find peace in a settlement outside of Raiden. To the outside world, the Dark Elves are a harsh reminder that even those who have everything can be lured by the promise of more. The Dark Elves were originally Elves who began to shirk their communal duties, instead pursuing self empowerment. Unbeknownst to the other kingdoms of Ulthuan, Nagarythe's armies marched, now bolstered by the depraved cultists and practitioners of Dark Magic they had once opposed. Some of these mages had been tempted by the power of dark sorcery and subverted to the cause of Nagarythe. The Dark Elves of Naggaroth, always seeking to distance themselves from their former brethren in Ulthuan, have developed their own language, called Druhir. Under the cover of night, the raiders unleashed a storm upon the city. Owing to this sense of accomplishment simply by surviving, Dark Elves are haughty and prideful even by Elven standards. Sustained by the roaring magic of the broken gate, the Daemons roamed at will, slaughtering countless mortal creatures and defiling the lands. As the Dark Elves pushed further into the mountains, they found a network of half-flooded caverns and tunnels that stretched the length of the mountain chain. Ghrond, the North Tower, this citadel was called, and here Morathi founded the Convent of Sorceresses. While they do not police the Outer Ring on behalf of the Dark Elves, they do police their own. Unlike Morathi, who kept the innermost secrets of the Cauldrons for herself, the Hag Queens' revivification was only temporary. In Tiranoc and Ellyrion, agents of the pleasure cults had infiltrated and influenced the families of the ruling princes. They are the primary occupant of the outer ring. With her dark oracles to aid her, the paths of the future were laid out before Morathi like an insane map, and with this knowledge she charted the course of destiny for her son. Season by season, the dreams inflicted upon Morvael became darker and ever more disturbing, turning the Phoenix King into a nervous, gibbering wreck. They had a presence amongst the Houses when House T'sal still stood. Being a magic user in Dark Elf society is a protected profession, and causes a degree of suspicion and mistrust among other individuals in Dark Elf society. The mountains trembled and the seas bucked and heaved as dark and light waged a mystical battle for control of the swirling power at the heart of Ulthuan.[1k]. [1k], The construction of the northern watchtowers was completed, and not too soon, for Chaos warbands began to gather in the Chaos Wastes and foray into the lands of Naggaroth. For his part, Malekith knew his armies were broken, their fighting spirit spent upon a thousand fields of battle, and the Dark Elves returned to Naggaroth to rebuild their strength.[1k]. Remnants of the many pleasurecults from Ulthuan continued to hold sway over the Dark Elves, but one sect in particular rose to dominate all others. Their orders were simple: take the Inner Kingdoms or die at the hands of the Witch King and his torturers.[1k]. On the second occasion, Malekith drove his warriors onward in a vicious pursuit, dogging the steps of Tethlis all the way to the Griffon Gate.[1k]. So great was his reputation that Bel Shanaar appointed Malekith to be his ambassador to the High King of the Dwarfs, Snorri Whitebeard.[1k]. The Dark Elves have stories of the Treekin going back to when they were still Elves. The Elves were defenceless against this surprise onslaught, untouched as they were by the depravities of war, their queen a figure of peace and healing.[1k]. With a final shriek of agony, Malekith hurled himself back from the burning judgement of Asuryan and his charred body lay smoking upon the ground. He promised rule of the south coast of the Sea of Malice to the rulers of Hag Graef. Show off your style with artwork and trending designs from independent artists across the world. [1k], But not for him would those bitter conflicts be forgotten, for Malekith was now so steeped in Dark Magic he did not age, and his people were forever reminded of their duty to their lord and the wrongs that had been done to them. [3m], Slave revolts are rare, harshly suppressed, and due to the brutality of the Dark Elves, usually only the "new stock" have the will to participate in any revolt. Slaves in the shipyards at Clar Karond laboured through bleak winter days and nights, building immense ships of timber and iron to carry the army of Northmen -- the Marauders were terrified of the Black Arks, and were too clumsy to sail upon the backs of Sea Dragons and Helldrakes. To ensure that the Phoenix King did not claim the Godslayer, Malekith led an attack that swept across the northern isles of Ulthuan -- the Shadowlands that remained of Nagarythe, what little had been spared by the tidal waves. Only one of his disciples, Urathion of Ullar, saw the madness of Malekith's ploy and escaped Nagarythe to bring word to Caledor of what the Witch King planned. The Order of Nightfall is a cult of Shadow Walkers hailing from Meerdistrin. Malekith's bloody recriminations were short-lived as Tethlis launched his inevitable counterattack. While Ulthuan burned, the Witch King demanded that the Everqueen be found, or that her body be brought to him as proof of her death. The Witch King was unimpressed by the ragtag army of Tiranoc charioteers, Ellyrian cavalry, Sapherian mages and the weary militia regiments. Warrior Caste - This caste includes Gladiators, Guards, and Soldiers. With the aid of her only son, Nurekh, Anetbra went on to found a powerful dynasty that has members in positions of power throughout Dark Elf society. [1k], Guided by Morathi's counsel, Malekith accepted this new city. The goal for most casteless involves joining a caste, and some Dark Elves will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. Advised by Morathi, Malekith poured support into the many cults and sects that the Dark Elves participated in, openly supporting High Priests and High Priestesses like Hellebron, Aegethir and Kherathi. The Destruction of House T'sal - This reenactment portrays the destruction of the treacherous House T'sal, who tried to kill the Mother Superior. Andrew R. Aug 9, 2017 @ 6:27pm I would love to see a LP or walkthrough of this game You Tube. This almost always leads to infighting amongst the Ork clans until the offending clan either has suffered enough punishment, or pays sufficient tribute to stave the other clans off. Century by century, generation by generation, the hidden sects flourished; a dark canker at the heart of Ulthuan that remained unseen by those who reigned.[1k]. They are typically specialized to a caste, and angle to rise to the rank of Minor House. Merchant Caste - This caste can technically encompass any caste, even the casteless, as merchants have varying levels of success within Dark Elf society. Instead it is their standing in society. Misshapen Chaos Spawn and bloated beasts of Chaos ran and scuttled alongside them, while in the skies above winged creatures with iron skins and the heads of snakes soared amongst the unnatural storm clouds. They jut up against each other, but there is a sizable guard contingent from the House Superior. Driven by the urge to gather ever greater power, Dark Elf ship captains and glory-hungry princes set out across the oceans seeking plunder and adventure. With a defiant shout, Caledor snatched up Mirialith -- the Spear of Midnight Fire -- from the dead hand of Finudel, and cast it into Sulekh's open maw. The war at sea swung back and forth as much as the war on land, but after two hundred years of naval battles, the High Elves were gaining the upper hand. The Outer Ring does not enjoy the formal protection of Meerdistrin's walls. This centuries-long infiltration reached fruition when Girathon, one of Malekith's most trusted agents, acquired the position of chancellor to the Phoenix King. Portfolio by HUNTERDARKELF | CGPortfolio: Build your online digital art portfolio. This group is ruled by a succession of priestess-queens devoted to death magic. Barred from participating in the Grand Fray. For centuries the Lizardmen have launched retaliatory attacks against Naggaroth in attempts to retrieve their treasures, and the enmity between the two races remains particularly bloody.[1k]. The Orks have done well trading with those in the Outer Ring, and learning from them. Yet for all her foresight and cunning, Morathi could not locate all of the strands of fate that would lead to ultimate victory over Ulthuan.[1k]. Malekith now turned his gaze from Ulthuan, and set his sights on the wider world. The largest known gathering of Upworlders is a Dark Elf community based in and around Blacksands. They have access to their own mines, forges, shops, armories, and various buildings all to house soldiers, craftsman, arcanists, and clergy. There was betrayal all across Ulthuan. The Empire, for a time, had guarded its shores well, but division and civil war had split the people of Sigmar. The dark forests to the south and east, and the forbidding mountains to the west, held many fell beasts and hundreds of Naggarothi were devoured in the night as they made camps in the wilderness.[1k]. Fighting Fantasy [ edit ] In the Fighting Fantasy gamebook role-playing series, dark elves are much like their Dungeons & Dragons counterparts. The High Elves' offensive was utterly unexpected, and a column of glittering knights charged from Griffon Gate and Dragon riders soared overhead. May whatever God have mercy on the bastards that have been unlucky enough to be enslaved by them. The Dark Elves still see some of themselves in their Elven cousins, but they do not harbor any ill will for what may have happened during the Age of Strife or leading up to the Great Calamity. What they could not have known was that Barlow had made his way into the hearts of Humanity, and through his servants in the Eld Family he sought to steal some of the longevity gifted to Amil's Elves, and grant it to his creations. At sea, the burgeoning High Elf fleet grew bolder and reinforcements and supplies from Naggarond were often intercepted, further weakening Malekith's grip.[1k]. Under his reign the arts rose in prominence, and under the cover of this the cults created by Malekith expanded swiftly and struck without warning. Fuelled by Daemonic pacts, their magic was the stronger and the shields of the Phoenix King's mages began to crumble. Battered and bloody, Aenarion refused to yield to his wounds and fought on as the incantations of the mages grew in power.[1k]. Several fortresses fell within the first month and isolated garrisons were slaughtered or taken captive. The Black Ark that had once been Malekith's own fortress beached itself upon the stony shore, fusing with the slate and iron-rich rocks of the foothills bordering the water. From Hag Graef, the Dark Elves ventured into the Black Spine Mountains. The city was named Hag Graef, the Dark Crag. In Naggaroth, the survivors of the war drifted back to their homes, quiet and chastened by defeat. Bitter winter snows and winds swathed Nagarythe and Tethlis' army was forced to retreat to the gates and would be unable to launch their campaign until the following spring. Cities were washed away and tens of thousands of Elves perished. The stubbornness of the Dwarfs played its part also, and within three years, Ulthuan and the Dwarfs were at war with each other. His bodyguard of White Lions was small, but they fought to the last Elf to defend their king, whose own blade accounted for half a dozen of his attackers. He is the son of Aenarion, greatest of the Elven heroes, and all Elves believe that greatness and destiny lies deep within his very blood and his very soul. Their natural grace steeled with the discipline of Aenarion, the armies of Ulthuan grew in power year by year. Each Major House is responsible for securing the gate to the fourth district that is closest to their estate. Malekith believed that the quality of his troops and the power of his Sorceresses would eventually prove too much for the garrison, and that it would be only a matter of time before the fortress fell to the army of the Witch King.[1k]. In the ravaged lands of Nagarythe, in the north of Ulthuan, Aenarion set his capital and established his kingdom. There are some factions who still blame the manipulations of the Eld family on humans as a whole. She has been defiant of Morathi ever since, but ultimately it is Morathi who controls the fate of the Hag Queens, not Hellebron.[1k]. When news reached Malekith of this development, he scorned these new troops, dubbing them cowardly bakers and farmers. The routes that the Merchant Houses use to navigate the tunnels leading to and from Meerdistrin are considered extremely vital information and are shared and coordinated among Merchants and House Superior even if they have competing interests. The Wood Elves listened politely for a time, then bade the Dark Elves leave, and never return.[1k]. When Malekith discovered that his mother was the chief architect of the cults, he renounced her and ordered that she be imprisoned upon her capture, along with thousands of her misguided disciples. When Caledor and his mages began their complex ritual to disperse the magical energy that sustained the Daemons, Aenarion had no choice but to protect them. Previously they fought each other. For this reason the Dark Elves are continually attempting to train and breed stronger warriors, more talented mages, and smarter craftsman. Malekith channelled ungodly energies to bring down fire and ruin upon his foes, whilst wrestling with the counterspells of Teclis. Yet from the blood and slaughter emerged the greatest Elf hero to have ever walked the world: Aenarion. Caught up with their petty schemes, each of the ruling families eventually fell under the sway of Malekith, and only through the Witch King's patronage could they resist the ambitions of their opponents. For thirty years Malekith probed and assaulted the outposts in the mountains, but Caledor's armies were well organised and disciplined and every attack was beaten back after vicious fighting. While Imrik ascended to the Phoenix Throne and rallied the armies of the other Elven kingdoms, the rulers of Nagarythe acted to forestall their foes. The Dark Elf Houses that participated in the Settlers War are as follows: Escae Izron, and by extension House Izron, occupied the inner ring of Meerdistrin as the first Mother Superior following the conclusion of the Settlers War. As the Dark Elves extended their terrifying raids to the remotest regions of the world, the augurs of Ghrond began to see stark changes within the Realm of Chaos. It was an accursed weapon and the moment Aenarion drew it from the altar he doomed both himself and his line.[1k]. Dark Elf society can be summed as pretty much fucked up. All the while, they began to spread their poisonous beliefs, and the ancient Ulthuani cults of pleasure began to grow again. House Superior - The current Mother Superior's House. When the impish, bat-winged creature arrived in the camp of Malekith, the Witch King revealed his masterstroke. Distant Amil 's grace they remain nearly identical to their Black gods as they account themselves, masters! The power of Chaos. 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