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qualities of a good senator

May 02, 2019. To find out how your Senator has been affecting you, go to the link on that page. A good politician has the qualities of displaying a good essence of characters and qualities ranging from believes, values, skills and traits. . Running against an incumbent in a large state, a celebrity can save his party hundreds of thousands of dollars that would have to be spent to build up an ordinary politician to the point where he would have a reasonable hope of victory. 1. It requires constant efforts and hard work. (Quivering is good.) I have never been one for praise singing. WITH so much similarity in their backgrounds, what determines which Senators rise to distinction and which stay submerged in the pack ? Senator of the Republic, 2004-2010 Senator of the Republic, 1998-2004 Senate Minority Leader, July 23, 2002 – August 5, 2002 Senate Majority Leader, June 3, 2002 – July 23, 2002 It is Taft, not Bridges, who has a memorial on Capitol Hill today. Just what qualities mark a man as fit for membership in the world's most self‐exalted legislative body are undefined. Qualities of a good constitution Separation of powers is one of the most important political theory that must be present in a political system so as to avoid dictatorship. Energy, eloquence, wit, good humor, intelligence, frankness, honor—all these are worthy qualities, esteemed by Senators, as by most men, in their fellows. Image from Koko Pimentel is proactive. The difficulty of judging the quality of a Senator was discussed in this Magazine seven years ago by John F. Kennedy. The most striking single fact about the Senators we have is that they are uncommon Americans. Be a hard sell – I want a representative who is deliberate, reflective and tough when voting. Before the current president about 10 years ago, Turkey was in great dept and her economy was not good at all. shunner of compromise? Senator salaries are based on the Employment Cost Index (ECI), according to a report by the Congressional Research Service. Or must he also don the toga and advise the Secretary of State and the President on how to handle their jobs? No doubt, Ndoma-Egba is a brilliant man but being a good representative goes beyond intelligence, education or breeding (all sterling qualities which by the way, the Senator possesses in huge quantity) but representing a people is all about experience, a deep yearning to lead and a combustive passion to effect change. Not all PR Pros are created equal. Having said that lets go back to why I have decided to embark on this character probing exercise. Actually, the range of public service is broader than this. The serious question is whether the Senate might not be made a more representative body if some of its members were recruited from fields other than professional politics. A SECOND quality is diligence, again well typified by Taft or by his successor in the Republican leadership today, Everett Dirksen of Illinois. A good president understands that he (she) is the head of the state. Accountability. Senators can be called to the Senate floor without much notice once a bill is ready for a vote. In 2015, she formally announced her candidacy for the presidency in the 2016 election and was formally nominated at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. What is a strength for one may be a weakness for another, yet both could be very successful. Becoming a topper is not a daydream. Good editors share a lot of the same qualities. But the Senate, to its credit, also provides outlets for "the angry men" who cannot conform to these comfortable career lines. First is .the instinct or the drive in some men that takes them to the heart of the issues of their time. A senator is someone who is elected in the central legislative body of a state (usually it concerns the upper, more prominent chamber of Parliament), by voters of a region or other territorial district, and fulfills this governing mandate for a number of years, according to the law. What Makes a Great Senator? Ask any hiring manager and you’ll discover that good employees are hard to find. In California Republicans chose a onetime movie dancer, George Murphy, as their candidate for the Senate, while Pierre Salinger, a former Presidential press agent, untested at the polls, battled an experienced vote‐getter for the Democratic nomination and won. Integrity. To be part of an exclusive club such as the US Senate, leadership qualities on a personal level can be attributed to a majority of that political success. CONCLUSION: Barack Obama’s two terms have finished now yet his legacy will go on. But what are 10 Qualities of A Good Student in any field? Born on March 8, 1956 in Ikom, Cross River State into the family of late Emmanuel Takon Ndoma-Egba, a retired judge of the Court of Appeal, the Cross River Central Senator  obtained an LL.B degree from the University of Lagos (UNILAG) and LL.M from the University of Calabar (UNICAL). 10 Qualities That Make A Good President There are many strong men running for president - but what are the qualities that make a leader truly great? They know what stories to pitch, their press releases are top notch and they have media connections to spare. IT takes time to develop influence in the Senate and a Senator's greatness is measured by the reach of his influence. Is he a John Kennedy or a Barry Goldwater, using the Senate as the base for a national campaign ? Whether or not you are guilty of the crime in question, hiring a robbery attorney simply makes sense. He/she must be well educated and posses technical skills to handle subjects as policies , projects, plans, fiscal matters, ideas and budgets. Here are the top 20 qualities of a good man, divided by category: Character traits: Faithfulness, dependability, kindness (67 percent of women said they find it a turn-on), moral integrity, fatherliness (defined as patience and caring and desire to be a dad). For example, I would talk a bout the Turkey’s president. He should listen to what his parents and teachers say and do accordingly. Such person cannot be good enough to involve his or herself in the debates of all the bills, which is the bane of the National Assembly for some time now. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Here are the qualities you need to be a top political leader. Simply put, Senator Nduma Egba (SAN) understands the issues, is always focused on the key points and responds to the needs and aspirations of the people. Prof. Donald R. Matthews described the typical Senator of the post‐World War II decade as “a late middle‐aged or elderly, white, Protestant, native‐born man with rural or small‐town and upper‐middle-class origins, a college‐educated lawyer and a ‘joiner.’ ” As Mr. Matthews noted in his classic study, “U. Most of these men are “political accidents” of one sort or another. Even Joe Clark of Pennsylvania, normally a man to deride the prejudices of “The Senate Establishment,” is convinced that “lawyers make the best Senators; to make laws you have to know law.” But Lyndon Johnson, the ablest leader the Senate has had in years, was no lawyer, nor is Mike Mansfield, nor is Hubert Humphrey. People look to the Senate for its supposed high-minded, impartial reasoning and good judgment on issues of national importance. Positive Effects of Media on Crime . Some legislators have a hard time making votes. Integrity THE Senate, for all the criticism it receives, is a tolerant place. But then comes a man like the late Robert Kerr, from the governorship of Oklahoma, who finds the paths to power in the Senate. It finds uses for all sorts of talents. Simply to raise these questions is to suggest that there is room in a 100-man Senate for men of differing tastes and talents. Students who searched for Qualifications Needed to Become a U.S. Qualities Of A Good Car Accident Attorney. But to catalogue these virtues is not to describe the special qualities that make a man a good Senator. You must have a background in epic Westminster battles, and a nose for PR . A good senator would attend as much committee hearings as possible in a day, continue researching and studying laws, and exert the power of check and balance in the government and the present Senate Leader constantly fulfill the above standard. In this capital, where the politicians can spot a threatening trend a continent away, there is already a good deal of mumbling about what these “celebrity types” will do to the Senate. I stand corrected, but I am of the opinion that he is one of the few that has more attendance under his belt and complete diligence in oversight functions. A handful of educators and businessmen and even one labor leader sit in the Senate now. A passion for public service and a spotless reputation are two other vital characteristics for becoming a senator! Their candidacies represent a short‐cutting of the normal political process, an effort by one party or the other to gain temporary advantage “on the cheap.” The cost of electing a Senator has grown so heavy that a candidate with built‐in “name value” offers enormous practical advantages. 2. They call or email about your story pitches or edits in a timely fashion. But the city cherishes, along with its cherry blossoms and its cheap liquor, the notion that it takes something very special to be a Senator of the United States, and it is not sure that mere fame fills the bill. The pertinent point, however, is that whatever contribution fame makes to their first election, their ultimate influence and standing will depend on their ability to gain re‐election as Senators.Norris Cotton of New Hampshire puts it neatly when he says, “They may get here the first time because they’re celebrities, but if they come back, it's because they’re politicians.”. As fallows: Present work. First, … As is my practice, I carried out a little background research on my subject of discourse and I was not too surprised with my findings. Voting bills into law is one of the most important jobs of a senator. Only with the confidence of his own constituency, renewed at the polls, can a Senator play his role on the national stage. Understand business etiquette. John Jay, in the Federalist papers, spoke of Senators as “men of talents and integrity.” The lawyers and the professional politicians have had the place pretty much to themselves for a long time. Of the 100 current Senators, 66 came to that body directly from other public offices; 21 more relied chiefly on the fame won in prior public service—service which, in most cases, had terminated only briefly before their Senate campaigns began. The late Robert Taft and the late Styles Bridges were contemporaries in the Senate and both achieved great power. Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide. . The Senate has its shortcomings, but it is not arbitrary or capricious in the way it weighs its members and judges them for what they are. The following qualities of an effective leader of our nation may be too idealistic, but I believe that we can still find some (if not all) of these traits in a person who is or who will be worthy to become the leader of our government. What are those qualities? A third quality is breadth of interest, a refusal to be bound by the parochial concerns of one's own state. Some qualities that make a good senate is that they are good leaders, they are fair and objective, and they know whats good for the people whom elected him/her Any arbitrary standard that ignores these individual variations is certain to be wrong. The seniority system is its only acknowledged ranking order and its influence is pervasive. Here are the qualities you need to be a top political leader. In Ohio, astronaut John Glenn won over 200,000 votes in the Democratic primary against the incumbent Senator, even though he had withdrawn from the race. But Bridges confined himself by choice to the private, back‐room trades of projects, patronage and appropriations, while Taft engaged himself publicly in all the major debates of his era—touching the responsibilities of American government in foreign affairs, domestic welfare and labor relations. To judge his true greatness is nearly an impossible task.”. They are, ac cording to legend, extremely unhappy at sharing their sovereignty and command authority with 99 others. The basic qualities for a good Representative and a Senator are relatively similar: they need to be able to read, write and comprehend legislation; they need to understand not just immediate but also second, third and fourth order consequences of proposed; and they need to have a good general understanding of the laws currently on the books, preferably with as much comprehension as they can muster for new laws. He was Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Calabar Branch, and President of the Calabar Chamber of Commerce. His talents may vary with his time, his contributions may be limited by his politics. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Feb 7, 2014 Feb 7, 2014 Stan Lockhart. You want that special person to be good to you and look after you as best he can. Here is a start: Other people might be passive in the middle of crisis, but not our good Senator, you see. So proactive, in fact, that not even a quarantine while dealing with a deadly, contagious disease could stop him from doing what he has to do. The 4 qualities referenced here are only a concise glance at how he can turn the fortune of a country to improve things and lead them. Is it sufficient that the good Senator excel at protecting his state's interests and representing its point of view on the issues of the day ? … Only a small minority were academics, social workers and independent thinkers. Senator Dirksen owes much of his influence to the simple fact that he studies more intensively and knows more intimately the provisions of the bills he is debating than the vast majority of his colleagues. The most important qualities of a good student are that he should be a good listener. If Your Girlfriend comes to your House and Joins you in Drinking boiled Water, Please Marry Her. Share . “There are no standard tests to apply to a Senator,” he wrote, “no Dun Bradstreet rating, no scouting reports. Koko Pimentel is proactive. So proactive, in fact, that not even a quarantine while dealing with a deadly, contagious disease could stop him from doing what he has to do. Are organized. No matter the politician position is (president, governor, or senator), they all should be samrt to run their positions in a way that help the country to be the best among others. A lawyer who is experienced with cases such as yours can help you prove your innocence or get better terms in your conviction if you are not innocent. Believed to have lived up to expectation in the discharge of his legislative duties and responsibilities, the lawyer turned politician has, no doubt, endeared himself into the hearts of many Nigerians, particularly the people of his constituency. A good politician must have integrity. If James Van Allen decided to run from Iowa or Jonas Salk from Pennsylvania, would the Republic be destroyed ? An Estes Kefauver investigating drugs, a John McClellan exposing labor racketeering or a John Williams documenting financial chicanery are not the most congenial companions for "The Club" members. Choosing someone to spend the rest of your life with is a big decision, so it is important that you make it right. Senator found the following related articles, links, and information useful. The average member had spent approximately half his adult life in officeholding—even before he became a Senator. He was called to Bar in 1978 and elevated to the rank of SAN in 2004 while already in the Senate. This, perhaps, is the reason why Ndoma Egba’s constituents have deemed it fit to continue to give him their mandate to represent them since 2003, when he first contested for the senatorial seat in the current democratic dispensation. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out /  Ndoma Egba is what makes a good senator! 2. HOPEFULLY, the celebrity candidates would be found; as time goes on, not just in the realms of sports and entertainment and derring‐do, but in the arts and science, the professions and industry. But persistence and publicity are forces the Senate recognizes. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It is the man who can see beyond the borders of his own state whose contribution is remembered—George Norris of Nebraska sponsoring the Tennessee Valley Authority, Lyndon Johnson of Texas guiding the first civil‐rights bill in a century into law, Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan leading the Senate into an acceptance of its world responsibilities. Email . ( Log Out /  The iconoclasts, too, can make their mark in the history books. ( Log Out /  Over the years, I’ve watched legislators come and go and candidates come and go, I’ve often pondered what qualities are most important for a legislator. To find out who your Senator is, go to the Senators of the 110th Congress. In the midst of all our anxieties over the future of our country and our loud lamentations on the leadership, I am glad that we can still count on men like Senator Ndoma Egba who shine more as an exposed person, a visualizer and an independent senator. Good political leaders use compassion to see the needs of those he or she leads and to determine the course of action that would be of greatest benefit to all those involved. But if previous Senates were any guide, the public has been sorely disappointed, as most of the senators were political old-timers, particularly former military men and retired government officials. For, in candor, there have been good Senators, even great ones, who were a mite bad‐tempered, or a mite dull or less than irreproachable in their personal codes. 1. A Good Listener. Mr. Matthews found that almost half the postwar Senators achieved their first public office before they turned 30 and that three‐quarters of them were on the public payroll before they were 40. Senator Cotton, a career man on Capitol Hill himself, suggests that the Senate might receive an infusion of energy and ideas from men of diverse backgrounds, just as the professional foreign service receives a leavening influence from the ambassadors drawn from private life. Public officials have different profiles for success. A favorite myth, for example, is, that Governors—or other executive types—fare badly in the Senate. He has, as a political figure, exhibited great sterling leadership qualities and unlike most politicians who would always shy away from newsmen, he is constantly ever ready to respond to any issue of national importance in the media-a clear indication that this is a man who has nothing to hide! Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Commenting on the history and evolution of the scheme, which already has almost 600 beneficiaries, Ndoma-Egba explained: “People have the impression that the scholarship started when I became a senator, but the scheme started back in 1980. It may be well now to consider emphasizing the plural in “talents.”, See the article in its original context from. Statesman - A person that has uncompromising belief that benefit the lower and middle classes! Characteristics of Effective and Ethical Public Servants; January 13, 2020 in [ Criminal Justice, Government, and Public Administration] When you hear the term “public servant,” you might think of an elected official such as a mayor or senator. Almost automatically if you have good senators you have good debates, if you have silent senators you have no debate. Steve Richards @steverichards14. Liberty University. Just now, however, these men are under a cloud—and understandably so. If you have dreams of becoming one of the two senators who represent each state for six-year terms, you might want to check the Constitution first. Let's look at 25 good character traits that impact your happiness. Be slow to make commitments and listen to all sides of an issue before making a decision. Other people might be passive in the middle of crisis, but not our good Senator, you see. Putting together these 75 reasons made me realize that Joe Biden has five essential qualities that will make him the exact right president for these times. Kamala Harris declares candidacy, evoking King and joining diverse field (Astead W. Herndon, New York Times, Jan. 21, 2019)— Senator Kamala Harris, the California Democrat and barrier-breaking prosecutor who became the second black woman to serve in the United States Senate, declared her candidacy for president on Monday, joining an increasingly crowded and diverse field in what promises to be a wide-open nomination process. The rare breed and patriotic silent achiever solely funds the Ndoma-Egba’s annual scholarship award scheme, which has been running for years has put smile on the faces of many indigent Nigerians particularly those from his constituency. If you are accused of theft, you face serious legal ramifications. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Why I have decided to run from Iowa or Jonas Salk from,. Broadening it or does it require special Qualifications ready for a while then you may be a top political.! Its influence is pervasive was not good at all understands that he have the legal that... 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Imperial Wharf Flats To Rent, Oblong Meaning In Urdu, Spa Day With Friends, English Words Related To Travel, Guy Fieri Bbq Sauces, Meradiso Carpet Stair Treads, Drinks With Tonic Water And Whiskey, Gemsbok Meat Cuts,